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PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:42 pm
1792: Nevar forget. That's the act that made it a crime to not own a gun... for 120 years.

Why do these types of things have to expire???
Blame Teddy Roosevelt. He passed the Militia Act of 1903 (fittingly named the d**k Act), which overwrote it entirely and replaced the active civilian militia with the National Guard. The militia still exists as it did then, but it's no longer a requirement to own a current-issue weapon.  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:54 pm
uryu ishida

Use it well, Freak.

but... but.... I HATE PDFs!!!!!!
Cut it down to gunfacts.info, they might have an HTML or text version. I have no problems with PDFs, my Adobe is up to date, I have 3gigs of ram, and I'm using the newest (stable) firefox.  

uryu ishida


PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:05 pm
I finally go it to load, and have been reading for 2 hours straight and now I can't focus. For me reading for this long is usually by force unless I am reading an action novel...  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:50 pm
Will anyone respond to this confused
Here's a thought; a challenge if you will. Me and another man. On "go", I'll draw an empty gun from a belt holster and click it in the air, the other man will draw a cell phone and dial 733 (which is 911 flipped horizontally on the keypad). If the video camera records the click before the END button is pressed on the phone, I win. I've just shot him dead before he could warn the cops. I think I could do it. How useful is a cop that's ignorant of your situation? Slightly more useful than the EMT who's ignorant of your situation. At least a cop can clean up afterward.

Here's a thought. Me against you.
Unbuttoned fast-draw holsters.
We bad mouth each other until one makes the other one very angry.

Fastest to the draw is first to find out that neither gun is loaded.

Take away the bullets - stop the killing.

The USA has three times the murder rate of France.

I would but really... I don't want to.




PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:18 pm
Got it, Ober.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:36 pm
Thanks, I made one comment. I just didn't feel like typing whole paragraphs.  



PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:08 pm
More money would have to be invested for the manpower and it would be a gradual process, but any effort made to monitor packing, loading, unloading, and/or unpacking would help.

You're suggesting, though, that everyone owns at least one gun, when most people are not going to do that. Like I said before, in some areas, it's the culture and a hobby. In other's... I mean, I have never even seen a gun range. In many areas where crime rate is low, it's even strange to have possession of a gun.

The difference between steak knives, pillows, steel-toed boots, cars, and guns is that, although damage can be done with virtually anything, a gun was designed as a tool to kill. Many parents also choose not to inform their children of weapons in the house, and a curious child can cause a lot of damage.

The regulations couldn't do much to the crime rates. Think about it this way: If you were a illeagal weapons dealer and you were importing firearms, would you go to another country to buy the weapons allready availible in the US? No, you would try to import weapons that are illeagal such as automatics because of their superior firepower. I could go to a country such as Taiwan and purchase AK47s for as low as 250 U.S.D. a piece and sell them in the states for under $700. Then once I have bought those firearms to bring back and illeagaly sell on the black market. Would you (A) you a privately owned boat that can be unloaded at a beach house. OR (B) on a commercial vessel that is subject to searches? That manpower and money (easily tens of millions if not hundreds) would best be spent elsewhere for jobs such as border patrol, law enforcement, paying off the national debt, ... etc not chasing down an almost non existant problem.

Automatic firearms should be the least of our worries. Automatic firearms were only used 1% of homicides in drug ridden Miami in 1980 (this was SIX YEARS BEFORE the production of automatic firearms for the civilian market was banned in 1986). None of the over 2,220 firearms recovered by Mineapolis police in 1987-1989 were automatic. Of Detroits seized firearms in 1991 to 1992 only 0.7% of them were automatics.

Claiming that a guns are tools MADE to kill is like claiming that over 60% of US citizens don't know how to use a screw driver or a hammer. If guns WERE made to kill then shouldn't the disclaimer in the owners manual of all firearms that says "ALLWAYS KEEP THE MUZZLE POINTED IN A SAFE DIRECTION" changed to "ALLWAYS KEEP THE MUZZLE POINTED IN THE DIRECTION OF OTHERS"? ... didn't think so, over 60% of the population owns a firearm and yet over 60% of the population doesn't go out to the gun range to shoot people, they go to the gun range to sight their rifles for the hunting season, practice for up comming shooting competions, or just to relax and blow off a little steam without hurting anyone.

Precisely my point, a CURIOUS kid CAN do a whole lot of damage, this is why they need to be taught just how dangerous firearms can be and how to handle them propperly. ALL I am saying that a perent needs to tell them is, "If you ever find a gun (five rules of handeling) and let us know, ok? Guns can easily be used to kill someone (the abilities of a firearm)" THAT IS ALL! my friends little sister that I brought up earlier even treat AIRSOFT guns as if they were the real thing without even being told to. A curious kid will be looking around the hous for any miriad of things, so how the kid finds the firearm in the house is irrelivent. However, if the kid knows that it can be used to kill and that "Every firearm is loaded, so treat it as such" (basic rule: does not imply that the firearm IS IN FACT loaded, but is meant to install some fear: you never know if it is or isn't so treat as if it were). Also, only TWO percent of all unintetional injury deaths between the ages of 0-14 are because of firearms. In 2001 there were only 72 deaths by firearm accidents of children under the age of 15, were as over 2,100 children drowend in the same year. (Ban pools?)

Dispite how I may sound i DO NOT agree that everyone should have one if you have mental problems that inhibit you judgmental skills I agree that you shouldn't be alowed to have one, nor should anyone convicted of a violent crime because they have allready proven that they are a danger to scociety.

I don't know where you heard that low crime areas have few gun owners becuase that is actually quite the opposite, in places where crime rates are high there are usually very strict gun control measures in place. New York, Philidelphia, Detriot, California, and New Jersey all have high crime rates and very strict gun control. Were as in places where gun control is minimal crime rates are low, the FBI estimated 2.5 million crimes deterred by guns a year (FBI has a habit of underestimating things), this means is that for every ONE crime commited with a gun SIXTY FIVE are preveted. Only ONE percent of all firearms in the US will be used to commit a crime. this means that the other 99% were used for recreational purposes like the ones i previously mentioned.

I have something I would like you to read (Gun Facts 4.0) this man went through and thuroughly debunked most every anti-gun myths and showed how the ani-gun lobbies minipulated the statistics to show that guns were "bad". Its not as long as it looks, the pages are only about a paragraph each. Also, I have to give you some credit for keeping this a debate and not a flaming arguement.

And more precautions should be taken around other dangerous things like open pools, or when driving. But that has got little to do with gun control.

Anyway, the police must have some minor idea of the kinds of people who are dealing on the black market. I'm sure they make many arrests of such dealers (drugs, illegal weapons, even exotic animals). And if carrying of most if not all firearms were banned, there would probably be a higher demand for weapons less lethal than AKs. And on the file you sent me, it also states that many weapons that criminals get were stolen. Less weapons in regular households means less of them to steal.

I didn't say they are always used to kill, either. In most cases, they are used for recreation or protection. But it's most base use, the purpose for its invention and use long ago was for killing. Not even necessarily of humans. Like you said, they are often used for hunting... Which is still killing, often for no point at all besides "fun."

Not all parents are going to tell their kids what to do, or instruct them in safe usage. Just like parents will also not put a fence or something around a pool to keep their kid from drowning. Not all parents are responsible enough and there's no changing that.

If only previously convicted citizens (and the mentally ill) are the only ones not to have a gun, because they're already proven themselves a danger to society, that means that they are first given the opportunity to be a danger first. The thing is, I don't think owning a gun should be a right. The way things are now, it should be a privilege.

I live in California. Where I live, the crime rate is extremely low, as is the number of people owning a gun.

It brings up the fact that people get so freaked out about gun crime and try to ban guns while guns are only a very small issue and baning or regulating them does far more bad than good. But when a thousands of kids die because they drown or fall to their death we do nothing. If you look at gun control based on statistics you can clearly see that they only increase crime, so why are people so avid about banning them? The only plausible answer I can conjure up would be to enable absolute control of the governmet.

The problem with them having an IDEA of who is running illeagal trade operations is that, that's ALL they have, an IDEA you cant arrest some because of suspition.

Once again we turn towards the effect of the virtual outright ban of firearms in the UK, NOW one in three (33.3%) of criminals in the UK have guns and use them where as only 10% of violent crimes in the states are commited with guns. This clearly shows that criminals will get guns whether stolen or obtained illeagaly by other means. Once you remove the availibilty of guns in the country they will resort to either making their own, setting up "underground" gun shops, or importation of illeagal weapons. Now, you are FOUR times more likely to be mugged in London than in New York This ALL OUT bann method ONLY disarms the law abiding citizens who follow the law. NOW criminals don't have to worry about being shot and as said before the TWO MILLION FIVE-HUNDRED THOUSAND crimes a year or SIX-THOUSAND EIGHT-HUNDRED FOURTY-NINE crimes a day WILL NOW HAPPEN. This includes 550 RAPES; 1,100 MURDERS; and 5,200 OTHER VIOLENT CRIMES a DAY are prevented and in only 0.9% of these cases is the firearm fired this includes warning shots. You claim that you really want to reduce crime, and reduce the number of people killed a year by firearms? Then how can you possibly say you are FOR gun control?

As far as hunting goes: Yes, some poeple do hunt for the sport of the game, however they don't put the animal to waste. Hunters that hunt for the sport of it will sell the animals to butcher shops or slaughter houses to make a small profit, the butcher shops or slaughter houses cut the meat and sell them. Also the government uses hunting to help balance out the messed-up ecosystem that civilization has created. Enviomental specialists estimate the population of a species. Then based on the number of preditors, avalible resources the animal requires, and the projected number of hunter in the next season, they allow a hunter to kill x number of said animal to balance the ecosystem. Hunting is also a major source of National revinue wich acounts for BILLIONS of dollars a year.

We offer drivers education classes at schools even though automobile accidents are the #1 cause of death in the United States. So, why not have manditory gun saftey courses in schools? Regulating them has never worked, and the parents aren't teaching their kids how to propperly handle a firearm, so why not allow the schools to teach the kids?

"Anyone who sacrifices liberty for security desserves neither" - Benjamin Franklin. By removing the availibility of firearms to the citizens of the U.S. are completely against the very essence of what our founding fathers fought for. When firearms are outrightly banned the government has nothing to fear. What are you going to do when the government starts to remove other rights such as the freedom of speach, or the right to privacy (allready removed due to the Patriot Act), revolt? Ohh, wait thats right, you gave up your firearms to make you feel better. In the past few years America has been seeing alot of hostility by the citizens of other nations, in the middle east more so than anywhere else (wonder why?). so IF america was to be attacked by anyone it would happen soon than later, the people would have now way to defend themselves. The fighting forces we are having a hard time fighting are CIVILIANS. "You cannot invade mainland United States. There will be a rifle behind each blade of grass." - Admiral Yamamoto. Granted this attack on America is purely hypothetical, it is still a very real possiblity.

How do you know that the number of people owning guns in your county / district is low? Your dad obviously has one, so what makes you think others in the community don't have them as well? Remember over 60% of the population owns at least one firearm.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:06 am
Be an example to your men,
in your duty and in private life. Never spare yourself,
and let the troops see that you don't in your endurance
of fatigue and privation.



Always be tactful and well-mannered and teach your
subordinates to do the same. Avoid excessive
sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually
indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide.




PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:59 am
Be an example to your men,
in your duty and in private life. Never spare yourself,
and let the troops see that you don't in your endurance
of fatigue and privation.



Always be tactful and well-mannered and teach your
subordinates to do the same. Avoid excessive
sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually
indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide.
User Image  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:42 am
Be an example to your men,
in your duty and in private life. Never spare yourself,
and let the troops see that you don't in your endurance
of fatigue and privation.



Always be tactful and well-mannered and teach your
subordinates to do the same. Avoid excessive
sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually
indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide.
User Image

Grats you win the fail cup?




PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:32 pm
Be an example to your men,
in your duty and in private life. Never spare yourself,
and let the troops see that you don't in your endurance
of fatigue and privation.



Always be tactful and well-mannered and teach your
subordinates to do the same. Avoid excessive
sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually
indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide.
User Image

Grats you win the fail cup?
"You get this half, and I get this half..."  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:53 pm
Be an example to your men,
in your duty and in private life. Never spare yourself,
and let the troops see that you don't in your endurance
of fatigue and privation.



Always be tactful and well-mannered and teach your
subordinates to do the same. Avoid excessive
sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually
indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide.
User Image

Grats you win the fail cup?
"You get this half, and I get this half..."




PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:12 pm
Oh sweet Jebus.

^May not be as much of a noob but really those are some weird rifles.

Or is it the asshats that don't know about Bullpups or the action of the AK?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:23 am
223 GET  




PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:27 pm
Be an example to your men,
in your duty and in private life. Never spare yourself,
and let the troops see that you don't in your endurance
of fatigue and privation.

About a week ago my sister was watching Impact: Stories of Survival. The on screen guide said a cop was shot with "exploding bullets". Just before the commercial break they said something along the lines of a cop being shot with "cop killer" bullets, and then during the episode itself it said the cop was shot with hollow points and that the gun was a "fully automatic assault rifle".

On a side note the cop was shot in the head something like 6 times and actually survived! eek

Always be tactful and well-mannered and teach your
subordinates to do the same. Avoid excessive
sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually
indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide.
Gaia Gun Enthusiasts

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