Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 1:20 am
Er, Thamin, how can someone else post your pair if you're not allowed to post pairs that you don't own.. only Antigra or you would be able to. n-n;
Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 1:51 am
You dont have to own both soquili in the pair. An example:
I have a pair I would like to enter, Harlequin owned by myself, and Oba owned by Naysha Aysha. If I see Nay's name on the list with a different pair with one of her soquili I dont know if she posted the pair or if the a different person owning the partner of another of her soquili has posted, lets say Zira and Ves (name shortened). I have to go through and see if Nay posted the pair (zira and ves)or Avid_RPer posted the pair before I can post my pair (Quin and Oba). If Nay posted zin and ves, I can post quin and oba, If Avid_RPer posted, I cant.
As you can see looking for the name in the list of entrants, unless you are entering a pair where both soquili are your own, is useless.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 8:53 pm
Maybe this is just me and perhaps people are going to get mad at me about it, but I don't think people should be able to breed two of their own soquili via breeding raffle. Bribe or what ever , but their are enough pairs out there with people trying and trying with out people going hmm I have two soquili without mates I'm going to breed them. Yes they have to give away two, but in the mean time people whom have been rping and trying raffle after raffle are still on plot lag because of having to wait for a breeding.
And you can always ask the person Thamin.
For me I have preplanned breed posting. Right now Zira and Ves come first, then the couples Shigure and Spice and Oba and Harlequin are supposed to be switching out.
For the most part I post for Zira and Ves, Libra post Shigure and Spice, so most of the time until Zira and Ves get their breeding you will have to inform me that you wish to post our pair so I know to let Libra know to hold off for that raffle.
I agree when saying this makes everything more complicated then it should be, but its easy enough to figure out.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:27 pm
I personally disagree, Naysha. I know a lot of people who are uncomfortable entering a breeding raffle with someone else in general, or someone they don't know in specific. Some of them have had bad experiences with how the families are handled in the past, but the bottom line is that for whatever reason they have, they've got as much right by themselves to enter a pair as any two people do. After all, it is not as though they can keep more than one basket. Isn't it essentially the same thing?
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:28 pm
Speaking as a person that has couples on my own-- why should /i/ be denied the 'right' to enter my soquili into a breeding raffle? i don't rp, but why does it matter? rp is a perk. not a requirement. it defeats the point of that just because i decide two of mah poh-nays are compatible. i must disagree /severely/ because yeah, it'd affect me personally. me deciding to pick another person's soq or another one of my own as a breeding partner means little to me.
same. difference.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:29 pm
QFE with astra. Some of us just want more Soquili, and don't really care about the rest of it.
It's not a crime, I don't see why people just randomly entering for a chance at baskets should be penalized.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:29 pm
Plus, I'm not sure when Soquili became RP-required, which is sort of what you're insinuating, for breedings? So you've been RPing a couple- awesome! Most raffles have a list JUST for RP'd Soqs, which are usually smaller than the non-RP'd, and thus, you have a greater chance of winning, which is a perk of RPing. I think people should be allowed to do what they want with their Soquilis- including breeding them together, if they so choose. Plots can still be worked out with yourself, especially is it involves children, which the owner can give away to other people.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:35 pm
Naysha Aysha Maybe this is just me and perhaps people are going to get mad at me about it, but I don't think people should be able to breed two of their own soquili via breeding raffle. Bribe or what ever , but their are enough pairs out there with people trying and trying with out people going hmm I have two soquili without mates I'm going to breed them. Yes they have to give away two, but in the mean time people whom have been rping and trying raffle after raffle are still on plot lag because of having to wait for a breeding. I strongly disagree with this for several reasons. - I see no reason why who owns a pet should affect whether or not a pet can be entered in a raffle (other than the stipulations of going over the two-entries-per-raffle and two-wins-per-month rule). - About the roleplay point, the shop is not always geared to people who roleplay. Breedings do not come with an RP requirement. Also, some people who enter with two of their own Soquili do role play and do have plots for them. - As for the "plot lag" point, this ties in with the previous point, the pairs that try and try but have "plot lag" and have different owners have the same chance of winning as those with the same owner. There are other reasons as well, most of which have been stated before me.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:43 pm
Alright, so I really don't have as a strong back up as a lot of other people in the thread, but i thought I'd come in and give my two cents.
1) I don't think people who enter both of there soquili should be able to keep a basket, let them enter, they just cant keep one.
2) I think Maybe RP and life mating (Or at least 3 months of life mating) can have more perks then perhaps a different raffle and a chance of more baskets, I'd personally like it to be more of a chance of people who have RP to win, instead of so-and-so who has wealth to win colorist choice because of said wealth, instead of the people who have few Soquili and must wait months to win a single raffle, whereas some individuals win almost on a monthly basis.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:47 pm
Why shouldn't they be able to keep a basket? That makes no sense. They paid the same amount for their Soquili as everyone else, and the same or double the price for the breedings as everyone else. So why not let them keep a basket?
RP already gives you stats, and the possibility of becoming an Elder. I mean, come on. How many roleplay benefits does a shop with no RP requirement have to have before people are satisfied?
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:49 pm
[CNP]Ails von Helson 2) I think Maybe RP and life mating (Or at least 3 months of life mating) can have more perks then perhaps a different raffle and a chance of more baskets, I'd personally like it to be more of a chance of people who have RP to win, instead of so-and-so who has wealth to win colorist choice because of said wealth, instead of the people who have few Soquili and must wait months to win a single raffle, whereas some individuals win almost on a monthly basis.
I don't think they should have any perks at all beyond what they have right now. You can get stats for more baskets by RPing. Lifemating at all should not have ANY perks, because it's not required. Otherwise you will have people lifemating until they get said perk, and then break the lifemating.
Also, not all of us are GOOD at RPing horses. Not all of us have time. Not all of us care.
Why should we be diminished because of it? We already have a lower chance at 3 baskets because of it.
Also, it's already INCREDIBLY hard to land a breeding for us who don't have the time and inclination. I think I'm on month six with my pair, and it doesn't seem likely to happen soon.
So it's supposed to be even HARDER? How is that fair?
EDIT: And wtf does wealth have to do with it? Are you now trying to penalize people who have shelled out MILLIONS to have as many Soquili as they do? Jealous much?
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 9:20 pm
I... am so totally for people breeding their own Soqs together in raffles D:
I am an oddball and have done both scenerios. My Dia and Plague are both owned by me, they roleplay mainly (tho not always) just with one another, and they're only going to breed ONLY with one another. Despite the fact I've bribed both times they've bred, hearing a suggestion that I should have my couple banned from breeding raffles solely because I'm the sole owner of both of them is pretty absurd, especially considering I'm only going to be allowed to keep one basket, just as I would be if, say, someone else owned one of the parents in another breeding.
Even RP aside, I don't see how that could be a viable solution/suggestion, especially because there are many other factors that could come into play. What if the couple only RPed on AIM, for example, but nothing that was ever recorded in the RP subforum on the guild? That is RP, but not 'legitimate' RP to qualify them for the RP category.
Even Non-RP is suitable, because not everyone wants/is motivated to roleplay our a reason for their horses to become pregnant. Hell, I've had to go through that subforum for over 6 months now, and I can safely tell you that even some of the RPs that ARE made are poor excuses at trying to come up with a plot to justify a breeding.
Because dude, if we tried to focus/hone in on ZOMG RP GETS SO MUCH MORE... what's going to stop people from slapping together a few sentences in a thread in the subforum and calling it an RP? People do that anyways, and it entitles them into the RP category, so trying to seclude and rewards RP over Non-RP is just going to create a whole new mess of RPs that aren't even necessarily and are done just to fit requirements, JUST AS SOME PEOPLE ALREADY DO sad /broken record
In short (or not so short, rofl), it shouldn't matter if someone enters a pair they own both partners of, and RP should not be specifically pointed out to receive more perks. As Nessy pointed out, RP already does get more perks over Non-RP, stat wise (which could affect basket #!).
And duuuude, I seriously take offense to the 'win colorist choice because of said wealth' comment, Ails. I'd like to think the few times a pair of mine's been entered in a CC raffle, it's because, God forbid, I was able to come up with an attractive looking pair that *GASP* the Colorist would actually want/feel motivated to color. I am certainly not the 'richest' Gaian out there, but I've been very blessed... and am still very wtf @ why that would even have anything to do with making CC. It's a 12k breeding fee either way? D:
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:59 pm
[CNP]Ails von Helson I think Maybe RP and life mating (Or at least 3 months of life mating) can have more perks then perhaps a different raffle and a chance of more baskets, I'd personally like it to be more of a chance of people who have RP to win, instead of so-and-so who has wealth to win colorist choice because of said wealth, instead of the people who have few Soquili and must wait months to win a single raffle, whereas some individuals win almost on a monthly basis. Soquili raffle depends entirely on luck. D: It's not as if people with a whole lot of soquili have a greater chance of winning since everyone is entitled to enter only two pairs a month and the winners are determined by raffles. In referral to your 'months' comment, It's not only ppl w/ few soquili who have to wait MONTHS. Alot of couples have had to wait months to win regardless of how many the owner ownss. People w/ few soquili and people w/ a lot of soquili have the same chances of winning in the end. D: I have to say that some do get luckier than others, and while it may SEEM like these individuals win on an almost-monthly basis, that isn't quite true. :/
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:16 am
[CNP]Ails von Helson I'd personally like it to be more of a chance of people who have RP to win, instead of so-and-so who has wealth to win colorist choice because of said wealth, instead of the people who have few Soquili and must wait months to win a single raffle, whereas some individuals win almost on a monthly basis.
And since I didn't respond to this delightful little bit of spite before, I'd like to cover it now.
The wealth to win? As Saiyukii, Cuter, and Nessariah point out, it has nothing to do with wealth. Wealth? Excuse me? No. It is not wealth that determines these things but the roll of a die, or the preference of a colorist who maybe- just maybe- has had her eye on a particular breeding for awhile. Heaven forbid they have the ability to color some breedings that they'd actually like to do. You, ma'am, might do with taking a step back and realizing that roleplay does not make a breeding more valid.
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 9:13 am
I don't think that there's actually a liklihood that the proposed rule about not being able to breed two of your own soquili together will come about, but I also wanted to add my two cents against that one.
All of the reasons already stated are very good ones - adding to that the fact that that scenario you're guarenteed that at least one basket is going to be given away to someone. Unlike when you have two people breeding their soquili together, usually (and there's nothing wrong with that) each person keeps a basket, and maybe they'll co-own it with someone. Sometimes they give one away - awesome - but when one person breeds two of their own soquili, they are only able to keep one basket, so one has to be given out. I think it's a good thing!
It can be tricky sometimes to set up a breeding with another person - maybe you don't know them and are nervous about approaching them - or they have other breeding plans. Sometimes some self-breeding with two of your own soquili is just plain simpler and fun <3.
And just because someone owns both of their own soquili doesn't mean that they don't do their own RP'ng/plotting with themselves. I personally do solo RPs all the time with kind of "updates" as far as what's going on with soquili that I own, furthering their plots, etc. Sometimes it's romantic. It's silly to say that two soquili wouldn't be able to breed because OOCly the same person owns both of them.
And I also have nothing against at all people who are into Soquili for collection/aestetic purposes. Same reason sites like Pony Island, etc are popular - I think it's fascinating seeing breeding combinations. And unlike sites like that - here each soquili is hand-colored and you can have chances at blendings of races, edits, etc. It's addictive XD <3.
One other unrelated suggestion - just throwing out here:
What would people think about colorists being allowed one breeding trade with another colorist once a month or two, but not entering raffles? I think that could be a win-win situation for both colorists (getting a guarenteed breeding if they're caught up with another colorist with the shop every so often) and increasing chances for non-colorists in raffles?