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Seasonal Shapeshifter

36,475 Points
  • Simple Romantic 50
  • Doting Romantic 100
  • Lavishing Romantic 250
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:39 pm

Blue_Sparkle27 has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

magnadearel has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Natelie has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Niyaru Delacroix has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Kaya Wolf Moon has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

catmagick has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Wasteland Wyvern has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

XxXPandamoniumXxX has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Lady Argentum Draconis has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Fayt_of_Redemption has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Fea Line has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

IvoryRyu.20 has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Mameha Otome has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Melomar has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Mewsings of An Angel has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Mia Lovasz has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

purrrplekitty has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Rein_Carnation has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Summer Raaven has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Tara de Draiocht has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:40 pm

Ellanoire has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100 000


Sugary Nymph


High-functioning Counselor

17,450 Points
  • Megathread 100
  • Alchemy Level 3 100
  • Tycoon 200
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:07 pm

SylverStar has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100,000
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:11 pm

Fayt_of_Redemption has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 600,000


Loyal Shapeshifter

44,390 Points
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
  • Luminary Melee Champion 200
  • Winged 100


Interstellar Moonwalker

15,915 Points
  • Stellar Lieutenant 200
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • Spirit of the Smackdown! 100
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:27 pm

StarshineAngel01 has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 9:24 pm

Updated to here.

-- Calixita




Questionable Explorer

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 9:42 pm

Moxxiie has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent:100,000
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 11:14 pm

Snowbelle Thundara has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 300,000,000,000

Snowbelle Thundara

Moonlight Hunter

23,990 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Hunter 50
  • Jolly Roger 50


PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 11:57 pm

Please remember to send a trade to Soquili-Activities when you post your orders. You don't need to repost.

Thank you!

-- Calixita

IvoryRyu.20 has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 20 million

Candle Wick Ghost has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Melomar has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Fatel Irony has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Rein Carnation has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

IvoryRyu.20 has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 20 million

Kaya Wolf Moon has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Stormflower has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Artymus has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Catmagick has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Blue_Sparkle27 has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

IvoryRyu.20 has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 20 million

Fea Line has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Snowbelle Thundara has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Erina Nobara has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Summer Raaven has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Inari Miko has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

o~Elixir~o has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

IvoryRyu.20 has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 20 million

Techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Whoan has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Shi Berry has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Wasteland Wyvern has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Kivras has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

SwordOfTheDarkOnes has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Jackariah Beckett has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Sesshiyasha has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Ririka has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Cheyriddle4 has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

IvoryRyu.20 has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 20 million

Tefla has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Mia Lovesz has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Nyx Queen of Darkness has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

NekoFayre has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Moxxiie has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Tara de Draoicht has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Lunadriel has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

IvoryRyu.20 has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 20 million

Lunar Mirgael has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Niyura Delacroix has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Revel1984 has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

.Tortured. .Pumpkin. has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

[Mistress Morbid] has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

StarshineAngel01 has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Dea and #Teddy# has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

AisliingJuno has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

IvoryRyu.20 has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 80 million

Eborune has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Caitlyn hailstorm has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

Chi Honda has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

keantha has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

strawberry stardust has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

radiantrose midnight has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

lunarflowermaiden has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

ProphetofProfit has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 10 million

IvoryRyu.20 has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 180 million

Total: 860 million
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 1:37 am

muffled_undertone has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 500,000 plat


Kawaii Shoujo


Loyal Shapeshifter

44,390 Points
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
  • Luminary Melee Champion 200
  • Winged 100
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 1:51 am

Fayt_of_Redemption has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 600,000
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 3:16 am

whoan has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 2000

magnadearel has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

-MoomoolatteCha- has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

Cheyriddle4 has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

Jackariah Beckett has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

whoan has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 2000

IvoryRyu.20 has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

Sesshiyasha has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

Summer Raaven has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

whoan has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 2000

Total: 14000


Sparkly Waffles


Inquisitive Gawker

10,000 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Gender Swap 100
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 6:08 am

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

Lunadriel has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

Cheyriddle4 has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

Lee0rz has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

muffled_undertone has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

Andranis has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

Moxxiie has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

IvoryRyu.20 has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

FrostyPeaches has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

ToraHiroba has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

Lunarflowermaiden has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

Keantha has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

Koiasi has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

Dea and #Teddy# has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

sesshiyasha has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

Nyx Queen of Darkness has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

Whoan has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

Ririka has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

XxXPandamoniumXxX has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1,000

techabyte has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 4,000

[ Total Sent: 40,000 ]
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 7:32 am

Candle Wick Ghost has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 50,000

Candle Wick Ghost

Romantic Lunatic

11,600 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Flatterer 200

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,575 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:00 am

~Latonia de la Courtel~ has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 25,000

DarkenWoodWolf has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 25,000

Nyx Queen of Darkness has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 25,000

Silver Metallic Dragon has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 25,000

Auzzie_Kat alt has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 25,000

FANTASY_ROCKS13 has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 25,000

Total: 150,000

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