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Sandbox Style Wolf roleplaying. 

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:32 pm
Meena looked up at him with eyes that showed pain and sorry. SHe whined and flinched. she wanted to tell him she was sorry again but the pain was to much. She could barly breath with out it hurting she felt sharp preasure in her side and move her tail.  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:19 am
Neira walked to the edge of the water, drinking deeply and relaxing at the sound of the water flowing past and the cool liquid flowed down her parched throat. The smells of the forest were becoming all the more familiar to her as she made by without her eyes. She'd felt only fear at first, but after being this way for a few weeks, she'd become quite used to seeing with her feet and other senses. Her ears cocked back and she lifted her head. She thought she could hear voices and the faint scent of burning tinder carried on the breeze. Her tail raised in alarm as she crossed more scents that was somehow familiar. She recognized the one scent as Meena, the other as two wolves she'd never met, but there was another wolf there who she knew, but didn't.

A male voice rose in panic as she trotted up the riverbank, seeking the source of the noise frantically. Her sharper senses told her to keep close to the banks, the smoke drifted from someplace downstream. Neira suddenly stopped in her tracks, crystal blue eyes widening in realization.

Eiwen held Meena close to him, carful not to press against her. It seemed that her ribs were more than bruised, there must be something broken. Trying not to further distress her he stroaked her cheek and whispered to her. 'It'll be okay, I'll find a way to help you, I promise....' A lone tear escape and rolled don his cheek, landing with a soft splash on her fur.

The brute's emerald eyes darted upwards as he saw a movement off to his right. At first he thought it might be Hero com,ing back, but his gaze froze upon the white wolf as she stood on the riverbank. The female's coloring was as if someone had taken his own pelt and inverted the colors. It was his sister, Neira.

Neira's sightless eyes quavered as she felt his attentionm shift her way. It had been years since their last, fearful meeting. She could remember being torn away from her mother's side and looked back only to see her brother flung away in another direction by their father. Her mother stood firmly, bristling at the circle of angry packmates. Neira's memories were interrupted as she heard her brother sob.

She walked softly up to him. He was in his Changed form, and she could tell the wolf he was clutching to him was Meena. The other female was breathing shallowly and shivering. Neira Changed in front of them, ignoring the presence of the strangers. She bent over the wolf and felt her side with gentle fingers. The female whined pitifully. Both her brother and Meena were extremely wet and smelled of river mud, so it was not difficult to discern what had befallen them.

Neira looked up, her blank eyes searching space to see her brother's face, but she couldn't remember it. Tears welled up in her eyes as the loneliness pressed in on her again. She reached out a trembling hand and placed it on his shoulder. He had a sling on and she could feel him wince under her touch. She closed her eyes as she felt his feelings ebbing into her conscious thought. Their link had been so feeble in their youth, but now she could share in his same feelings even.

Eiwen winced as his sister's hand came to rest on his injured arm. He stared into those fathomless blue eyes he remembered so well, but cringed as he felt their emptiness. She was blind, the reality of it felt like a cold stab to the heart. He couldn't believe that at one point he'd actually wanted to harm her simply for sharing the same pain he'd carried since birth. Eiwen tore his gaze away from her searching face.

Meena's shuddering breaths were so feeble in his arms he wasn't sure how much longer she'd be able to hold on. There was little he could do to help her, but his sister should know what could be done. 'Neira... Neira, will you help her?'

The femme laid her hand against Meena's fur and took note of her pulse. She had only a few minutes. 'Lay her on her uninjured side and keep her warm, keep her awake. I will go find the proper herbs and makeshift dressings. She has....' she laid her fingers along the female's side and counted the fractures as she ran her fingers along her side. 'Three broken ribs which are pressing against her lungs, that is why she is having trouble breathing. Keep her comfortable, I will return with haste.'

Neira shifted back into her wolf form and leapt into the undergowth.

Eiwen stared after her then flipped Meena over gently so that she rested on her left side, then draped the jacket over her again. His eyes were aprehensive and filled with worry, but behind it was a slowly blossoming sense of hope, relief, and something more that was unexplainable but felt just as uplifting.

Loup de la Soleil
Vice Captain

- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:17 am
(( OOC : Ooooh dear. ))
(( I'm baaaaack. X] ))
(( Hellahi's in human form, obviously. ))
(( Let's DO THIS. ))
(( ... ))
(( <3 ))

The mid-afternoon light poured through the opening in Hellahi's cave-chamber, and eventually roused him from his sleep. His eyes fluttered momentarily, then opened to meet the half-light of the cave. He paused, teetering between the world of dreams and reality, and yawned.
The dreary demon tensed as there was movement beside him. A female figure turning on her side, causing the thick fur blankets to brush against his skin. He blinked. His thoughts were still foggy with the langour of sleep, but it didn't take him long to recall the events of the previous night, and he visibly relaxed when he finally did so.
Ah. Yes... he thought, as he studied the bare back of the sleeping femme. Perhaps I pleased her so much, she thought to stay for more.
He traced the nail of his index finger softly, teasingly, along her spine, and grinned softly as she squirmed and mumbled in her sleep.
A raven's gleeful cry echoed throughout the halls of the cave, diverting Hellahi's attention. His eyes narrowed in thought. Had the filthy scavengers actually found something worth snatching?
Careful not to disturb the nameless femme next to him, Hellahi shrugged away the fur blankets and rolled out of their pallet. It took him a moment to find his skirt laying discarded on the rocky floor. He picked it up and quickly put it on. Surprisingly enough, the excessive chiming of the coin belt on its waistline hadn't woken the femme, though he hardly would've cared if it did.
The demon stepped outside, the dismal light outside oddly complementing his pale skin. Even when having just woken up, he appeared as regal and elegant as always.
The raven cried again, and Hellahi was lucky enough to see it leave its perch and fly eastward. He didn't hesitate to follow it though, unlike the raven, he was in no hurry to reach their destination. He drifted through the forest paths like a lonely apparition, his black hair and tail flowing beautifully behind him.
"Beautifully"... Ah, but to describe his beauty is, as the poets say, to paint a nightengale's song; it is a thing which cannot be done. He was three-and-twenty years of age at that time, though time never seemed to touch him, either way it flowed. If it is said his skin was like alabaster, his hair a black so true it gleamed pure obsidian where the light touched it, and his eyes a ruby that gemstones might envy, it is but the truth that is spoken; but this only hints at the beginning of beauty, a beauty so intense it inspired awe in the hearts of nature itself. It seemed the birds, even, had ceased their chirping, and loomed in the leaf-ridden winter trees to admire him. The chiming of his jewelry and skirt sent a haunting sort of music through the deathly silent air. The raven, too, ceased its calls, seemingly unwilling to disturb the pretty metallic harmony and thus spoil the presence of the demon below.
The air that morning was crisp and cold, and smelled delightfully of the struggle between the passing of autumn and the rushed arrival of winter. His breath danced in wispy white clouds every so often, and Hellahi found himself delighting in it. He enjoyed the bitter sting of the cold against his bare chest and arms, and savored the company of the looming white-and-gray sky.
As he walked, however, he soon caught the scent of blood on the wind. He faltered not in his step, but a small excitement welled up inside of him. It seemed every bit of him had been satisfied that morning, save for the empty pit of his stomach. The scent grew stronger, and his mouth watered in anticipation.
The raven flew past his vision, and he was quick to shift his eyes to follow it. It had just perched on a nearby tree. Beady black eyes glimmering with hunger, it looked to a figure near the riverbank, then back to Hellahi, and cried.
The demon grinned, very pleased indeed with his ebon-feathered friend. Laying amid the tall grass, yellow with the change of seasons, was a fairly sized doe. He kneeled beside the carcass which was, to his delight, still somewhat warm. At first Hellahi was somewhat puzzled toward the manner of her death, having found no wounds on her neck or rump. But, upon inspection (and it was a marvel he didn't see it before), he came to find that one of her forelegs had grown infected with fracture. The bone, split and frayed, poked out considerably from the skin on her leg. It had festered beyond redemption, and the infection must have finally taken her.
The raven, impatient as he was, dared not cry out to urge the demon to eat, for the hungered look in his eyes chilled him to silence.
And it chilled him even more when he realized the demon was naught to change into his animalistic form.
It was a hellish sight to behold.
Without a moment to lose, or an ounce of respect for the dead, the demon dug his clawed nails into the doe's torso. When at last her skin gave way, he thrust his entire hand inside her, and then the other, marveling again at the warmth of her blood. Blood squelched and spurted, spraying a few droplets upon his pale face (a lovely contrast, the pale of his skin and the scarlet of the fluid), that of which he took no note of. He had a mind only for his hands swimming inside the gifted corpse before him. With a chilling precision and purpose, he located both sides of her rib cage and took hold of them, brutally bending and breaking it open. The harsh sound of the splitting bones giving way to his entry pleased him greatly, for Hellahi was ever a sadistic being.
The doe's organs and breastbone hailed to the sun, a sight which made the looming raven shudder; whether it was out of fear or anticipation, even he knew not.
Hellahi tossed his head, flipping his silken hair over one shoulder, and bent over the bloody mess before him. What he pulled from the doe's body, the raven could not tell, and he continued to watch curiously. The demon brought up his fist, and the mess of blood and flesh therein, from the depths of the carcass to his luscious lips. He parted his jaws, an inhuman hiss escaping his throat, and closed them about the heap of gore in his hand, tugging primitively at the flesh with his teeth.
As Hellahi proceeded to eat, so the raven continued to watch. It was strange, indeed, seeing the humanlike demon tearing and gnashing at the doe's carcass. It was also a bit terrifying, how this beautiful, elegant, ethereal man could so quickly become this brutal, primitive, sadistic creature. The raven, in all, was mesmerized.
All he could do was watch, wait, and continue to repress his recurring shudders.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:20 pm
(( WELL, SHOOT. I hope you don't mind little o' me replying to this.))
(( Gossamer is meh new character, you can check her out if ya' want.<3))

The fea watched the dead doe, her blue and white eyes flickering back and forth the opening to make sure that the doe sha had stalked was hers. She was about to step out but the soft music of chimes came to her ears and she stopped short. With her ears flicking up she raised her head and listened to the beautiful music. It seemed it would send chills down your spine for it was eerie and it silenced you intstantly. This fea was not a normal wolf and she enjoyed how the music flowed through her whole body, and coursed through her tainted veins.
Her eyes flickered up as they fell on the person responsible for the music and the disruption to her meal. Her eyes only widened in awe as they peered at the beautiful creature in front of her. Grace was about him as he walked into the clearing and looked at her meal. She could tell by first glance that he was no ordinary demon either, he gut told her that. Maybe, they were alike? No, he seemed more sinister demon than she was though, the poor fea had no clue what or who she was. Her eyes flashed as she returned her gaze back to the beautiful man, watching him look at the doe she had been stalking. Her hackles rose, was he going to eat her meal? Her eyes flashed with anger, as she felt her stomach knot and twist in protest of not having food in weeks.
Her anger was washed away as the male tore at the doe. The sight was gruesome and she was amazed that such a graceful thing turned into such a merciless creature. Most would run at the scene, others might have became sick, others would be so disgusted at this now vile creature.... this fea wasn't most. Her eyes turned demonic and hungry at the sight of blood and the precious food that the doe had. It was like the male was mocking her, showing how delicious the doe was, and how she couldn't have any. She felt a growl rise in her throat, she would usually go attack whoever stole her meal but, she couldn't see herself attacking the man. He was too memorizing and it seemed he would have her teared apart in seconds but, she couldn't go off and chase another deer, she was too attracted towards the blood spill infront of her.
Her eyes flashed demonicly as she stood to her full height, her tail flicking back and forth and rubbing against the bushes but, she made no sound. Swallowing the growing saliva in her mouth the fea took a step forward and showed herself.
The raccoon like wolf walked a little ways away from the feeding demon, her eyes flashing hungrly as she eyed the doe and the feeding male. Her paws were silent as she stepped upon the earth, her claws making small scratch marks in the dirt. She looked up and noiced the shuddering raven and her lips curled up to a toothy wicked smile, so, even other creatures were afraid of this demon? She didn't know what to feel like, different or special? She did not fear this demon at all... was it because her lust for the blood and the meat of the doe was too great? She had no clue, maybe her questions would be answered.
Peering back at the demon her eyes flashed hungrily, saliva building up once more as more than the tips of her long fangs were shown. Stopping in mid-step a hungry growl finally escaped her mouth, she knew she had disrupted the scene, the mood a long time ago and its felt like a sin that she did so but the fea did not care.
Gossamer was hungry and she was going to try to get a peice of that doe.

Nutella Mocha

- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 1:48 pm
(( OMG, CHI. ))
(( Wow, lovin' your new charry... Let's do this. 8D ))

It took Hellahi a long moment to discern the scent of the femme amidst the overwhemling scent of blood. The instant he did, he whipped his head around to face her with crazed ruby eyes. His body went completely rigid, and his claws dug deeper into the helping in his fist, causing a steady trickle of blood seeping between his fingers and traveling down the length of his forearm.
If Hellahi was ever phased enough to show visible discomfort, it was in this primitive animalistic state. He reacted just as any wolf would, and hunched deeper over his meal. He bared his teeth threateningly, showing hellishly sharp canines, and growled lowly in the back of his throat. If he was rigid before, he was so tense with ravenous hunger now that he trembled like a fly-pestered horse.
Again, seeing such savagery in such a beautiful being was enough to chill the strongest of bones.
The raven called, perhaps out of the extremity of his trepidation, and the noise tugged the brute's senses a fraction back toward humanity. He had sense enough now to react further, and reached out to her with his mind. Mercilessly, he sent his shadows violently probing the depths of her mind, licking and caressing intimately at her sanity, hungrily raping her senses...
...Had he not been so focused on protecting his meal and unnerving the femme beyond comprehension, he might have noticed the familiar demonic pull of her blood. Even now it sang softly to him, but he was far too immersed in himself to notice.
He held her gaze, and his pupils shrunk further until they were but tiny flecks within seas of blood.
He knew his mind-voice was different than his own; he knew it would echo painfully and maddeningly in her skull, as a pandemonic amplification of her own thoughts by tenfold. He knew what the insecurities of having another presence within one's mind must be like. He knew, and roiled in his sadism.
Then again, he knew not of whom he truly threatened.
Still, he sent out his voice.
You dare disturb me? Is your hunger so great, femme?
Had he been speaking, he'd have spit the last word. Hellahi had ever a contempt for females.

(( ... Well, that was crappy ... DX ))
PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:18 pm
(( Ahaha, thanks. :]<33 ))

A mix between a roar and a howl escaped the maw of the fea, feeling him go into her mind and past all her barriers. Her head felt like it was splitting in half and her body pulsed as for a quick second you saw her human form. For that quick second you saw a girl gripping her hair by her ears and staring at the ground, like if she was blocking a high or loud sound. Soon, that second was gone and her wolf form was visible once more.
She still stood on her four paws, her tail flicking back and forth angrily. She would not show this demon weakness, even if she wanted to huddle on the floor Gossamer lifted her head and bared her own long and demonic fangs even though they weren't as impressive as his.
Her demonic aura risen some and if one could see it all you saw was wispy black cloud like puffs circle around her as they rose from her feet, trying to heal her mental wounds and put up her barriers once more. She started to pace around again, trying to regain control of the spasms in her legs and body from the raping of her mind. He was strong and she took caution of this.
"I have every right to be here... you stole my meal." She hissed back into his head, controlling herself not to harm him in any way, if she made that mistake the demon might do even worse damage then he had already conflicted on her. Her blue and white eyes flashed and looked back at the raven, wishing she could reach it and tear it into peices, shw was so blood hungry at the moment.
Looking back at the demon Gossamer growled, looking into his beautiful ruby eyes, waiting and getting ready for his reply or anymore mental attacks.

((Dx I keep trying to match somewhat to your posts and I'm FAILING.))

Nutella Mocha

- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:04 pm
(( XDDD ))
(( Don't worry so much! ))
(( <3 ))

As she spoke, he again felt the tug of humanity. Slowly, but considerably, his wolfishness melted, though he hardly appeared any less menacing. Truly, he was a bit shocked to find that she could return his mind-speech with her own, but he had naught to show for it. He pondered this, and finally felt the unmistakable demonic bond between them.
At that, his lips curled, his bared teeth no longer threatening, but grinning.
A triumphant, malicious chuckle escaped past his teeth, and his shoulders shook with his mirth. He tilted his head slightly upward, looking down upon her in a dominant fashion.
His jaws parted ever so slightly.
He was clearly amused.
Stole it, did I? Well you certainly took your sweet time in defending it!
He laughed again, more heartily this time. He let his shadows writhe inside her mind for a few more agonizing moments, but let their teasing and probing quiet down with his laughter; he had no further interest in threatening the poor femme, only in degrading her.
"Aaah," he breathed, shaking his head and giving a few final chuckles. "Run along, girl. Surely you can catch yourself a mouse, if not find yourself another already-dead doe."
His jest was a cruel one, though the brute never really had a mind for any but himself, and guilt was a thing unknown to him.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:17 pm
Gossamer stood as he played with her mind again, squeezing her eyes shut as she dealt with the pain. When it had died down she raised her head up once more, flicking her ears forward. Looking at the man she took a few steps forward, her tail flicking about once more, rubbing against the the dirt and grasses of the clearing, her claws digging into the earth.
Her lips raised and she gave a wide toothy grin as she gave a chuckle, one not holding any humor.
"Buts its more satisfying when I try to get my meal back." She growled, it wasn't a threatining tone, her eyes flashing, licking her chops as she took another step though she was still a respectable distance away from the demon. Crouching to the ground as her belly touched the grasses, her eyes flashing with hunger as her tail swayed back and forth.

Nutella Mocha

- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:03 pm
Hellahi's grin faded into a grimace, and he arched a brow in slight disbelief.
This femme thought to challenge him?
Something echoed in the far depths of his mind, reminding him that she was no mere female, but it was so distant he scarce paid attention to it. Instead, he narrowed his eyes dangerously.
"Persistent little s**t, aren't you?"
His skirt was a fluid, shadowy pool of fabric around his crouched form, the fabric so soft and delicate that it didn't rustle in the least when he rose. His coin belt, however, sent his melodic song chiming through the still air once more. He towered over her, continuing to flaunt his sense of superiority by looking down upon her.
He flipped his flowing black hair quickly and dismissively, the mess of his earrings and bangles singing their metallic song.
His Song summoned the wind...
...and the wind bade the trees to send their shadows dancing with soft movement upon the ground.
The shadows seemed drawn to Hellahi, desperate for his warmth and his touch. A blackened void-like aura surrounded him, to which the shadows clung. Like piranhas to a floating corpse, the snake-like shadows enveloped him completely, shrouding his form entirely in darkness. They twisted and writhed and licked and shaped for mere moments, until they slithered down and dissipated back into the ground. What they left behind was a thin, veiling back mist, which was quickly swept away by the breeze to reveal Hellahi's now gruesome, wolfen form.
There was nothing that remotely hinted at the once beautiful, elegant man, save for the horns on the hound's head, the menacing ruby eyes, and his long, striped tail.
Not to mention the horrid aura of malice and sadism.
He was much taller than the wolfess before him but, then again, he wasn't quite a wolf himself. His body was longer than the typical wolf's, and his legs were much longer and leaner. His tail was nearly the same length as his body. He was emaciated, his spine and ribs protruding considerably, though somehow it failed to make him appear weak.
He arched his neck and hissed through his devilish grin, his tail flicking and twisting behind him in serpentine glee. Considerable amounts of bloodied drool seeped from the corners of his mouth and between his teeth. As the breeze stilled, the heavy stench of rotting flesh filled the air.
He stood dominantly and challengingly. The low growl in the back of his throat was static, like harsh canine laughter.
Excitement welled up inside his gut and, in particular, between his hindquarters; he hadn't expected breakfast to be this much fun.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:07 pm
(( WELL, since they are going to be fighting,I presume, my reply will be in the battle grounds.))
((-has to follow the rules-))
((SO. Expect my reply to be there... SOMETIME.))
(( xD; ))

Nutella Mocha

- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:20 pm
(( I suppose I should've expected this. XD ))
(( Goddamn it, Hellahi, IT WOULDN'T KILL YOU TO SHARE. ))
(( Ahaha. Haaa... ))
(( Alright, I'll watch out for ya. 8] ))
PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 5:57 pm
Meena transformed to a hume. "It hurts" she gasped. "Help Eiwen. Make it stop." she started to cry. She coffed. And wince at the pain. She screamed and passed out. Her breathes coming out more sharp.  


Loup de la Soleil
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:57 pm
Neira sprinted clear of the trees and came to a rest next to the passed out she-wolf. She stuffed the numbing weed into her mouth and chewed it to a pasty consistency. She slid the disgusting tasting paste out with her tongue and spread it gently over the wolf's broken ribs. It was helpful that Meena had passed out rather than be awake and frightful. This way Niera could easily work around without the weak she-wolf injuring herself by moving. Once the messy, green stuff was all smeared over the fractures, Neira let the fae magick swell in her palm and trickle down her fingers. The chilling sensation flitted down her arm as the magicks flowed from her into the smaller wolf. There was an unsettling pop as the broken ribs snapped back into place and the magick began to knit the fractured bones back together. Neira winced, but kept her palms hovering over the wolf's side.

Eiwen stared on in wonder as the strange power flowed out of his sister. He'd never known that fae were capable of such feats. As her ribs began to reform he held her firmly to keep her from moving and breaking the feeble link between the two wolves. Eiwen looked up into his sister's face and saw her expression changing, her shoulders sagged and she began to look as if exhaustion was setting in. Her limbs began to shake and he thought he just might have an idea.

Neira lifted her head in surprise as she felt her brother place his one good hand on her shoulder. A warm pulse emanated from him and the tired feeling ebbed away. He was pumping his own magick into her, for even in his rattled state Eiwen had far more potential power than she. A smiled graced her lips before she spoke, 'thank you....'

Eiwen smiled back, but felt a little foolish because she couldn't see him anyhow. As Neira drew her hands away finally he could see that Meena was breathing easier and her crushed ribs appeared fully healed. 'It's all more thanks to you. I'm forever grateful that you found us when you did...'

'She will be fine now, I've mended her wounds and even her punctured lung if healing now. She needs plenty of rest as well. ...As for your arm, I could heal it if you wish, or else it will only be a matter of a few short weeks before you will be completely healed on your own. No scars nor bruises, that is the fae magicks at work. So it seems that you are fire? I was born of wind which is why I can use it to heal others, though not myself. ...I wish I could stay, but I have nothing I need to say to you as of yet... or rather, I cannot think of how to phrase my questions. I shall come find you again, but do not look for me...'

Eiwen watched as she slipped back into her wolf form. She smiled sadly before turning from him and walking away. He watched her until her white coat melded into the misty tree trunks of the forest.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:53 pm
Meena listened to the pop of her bones as they popped back in place, she listened to the wolves as they spoke. "Thank you. Mother wolf." she thought. A lone tear escaped her eye. "Mother" she whispered.  


Loup de la Soleil
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:40 am
Eiwen lifted Meena with his good arm and moved her closer to the fire, covering her carefully with the sash as a blanket. 'She's gone...' He stared in confused disbelief at the woods where his sister had disappeared. She wasn't at all what he'd expected and she was the one who'd found him even though he'd been the one searching for her. Why did she have such power over him? When the white she-wolf had touched him, he instantly knew what he wanted to say, but he sat there as if struck dumb and couldn't find the words to tell her.

As Meena stirred, Eiwen turned wolf again and lay next to her to share his warmth. Unfortunately it seemed she wouldn't be as fast at recovering from their spill into the river. He lay down with a sigh and wrapped his tail around her hind legs. He could already feel the tendons and bone fragments knitting themselves back together with fae magicks. He felt rather drained from sharing his power with Neira, but it was nothing a small nap wouldn't cure. Eiwen dozed softly as he waited for Meena to regain consciousness.
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