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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:12 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Silence seemed to be becoming their constant companion. Sometimes it was good, but lately it was getting to were he almost couldn't stand it. It poisoned his mind with unnecessary thoughts and dwell too long on things he'd thought he long settled. Smiling a bit as he caught the male glancing away shyly, he leaned back, in haling once more. Feeling the light tap, he glanced up, tempted to reach under the table and tug the male forward, but deciding against seconds later. Blowing the smoke out slowly, he listened as the other spoke, giving a small shrug. Internally though he was rather surprised the male asked such a thing, as though he were reading his mind.

"In the words of my parents, it simply wasn't profitable. In today's world, the only music that seems to be profitable is trash. No one cares about classical unless it's used in something like movies, television, or video games. I can agree to a point, but that's not really my reason." he replied, taking a moments pause to take one last puff on his cigarette before stomping it out. "I like my music, don't get me wrong, but I can't stand the music industry. The business world isn't much better, if anything they're about on par with one another. But the music world I grew up with is just something I find very detestable; the music competitions, recitals, preparing for solos. After graduating high school, I sort of just gave up on playing the violin. Though I'd been playing since I was a small child, it just wasn't as fun as it used to be. And as time has gone by I simply decided if I was going to play the violin, it would be on my own time. Not someone else's where I would have to worry about bleeding and blistered fingers, constant headaches from the stress, and bending over papers all day just to write one new song. As for my club, you can blame my brothers for that. We're very competitive with one another and pretty impulsive at times. I got the club not long after I graduated college. I thought the building had a unique design and it would be a shame to see it torn down or turned into just another convenient store. Anyways, there's a bit of a rumor around the Hampton small business owners, something about nothing having lasted for over five years. Well of course my brothers would eventually find out about said rumor and one night we're just sitting around catching, and it was decided if I could keep the club alive for more than five years, I get half of each of their inheritance. But if my club dies, then I owe them my inheritance, my home here in the Hamptons, and my antique car collection.
"Of course like I said, we're pretty competitive, so for the past three years I've been doing all I can to keep my club alive and along the way I've also built up two others; one in Brooklyn, the other in lower Manhattan. I've also helped grow two small business chains, and have been thinking of starting up a hotel as well. Business maybe stressful, but it's a more enjoyable than the stress I know from music. Also, I'd rather not come to hate music. If I lose my businesses, it's not that big of a deal to me. But to lose something I've held dear since as long as I can remember, I'd just rather not see that happen."

Samuel smiled a bit as he rambled on. He wasn't intending to give such a long answer, but it was the shortest way he knew how to explain it. As he'd said music was special to him. He was one of those people that would rather cherish the things he loved rather than find the quickest way possible to make a few bucks off of it. Otherwise, what would be the point?

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:49 pm
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                                                          "Micha was doing his best to come up with things to talk about. He knew he wasn't the best conversationalist. Micha watched Samuel as he simply shrugged at his question. He wondered if Samuel was going to answer his question. Micha found the question was senseable enough. He listened as Samuel started speaking. Micha understood Samuel's parent's ideas however wasn't it Samuel's life to do what he wanted. He continued to listen to Samuel to speak understanding his views on how if he had turned to becoming a professional it could lead to a stressful lifestyle where music was simply no longer fun. Micha continued to listen as Samuel brought up the competetion between his brothers and him. He found it amusing in a way however he simply wasn't the competetive type and would never bet his things like Samuel had. MIcha didn't mind that Samuel rambled after all he enjoyed listening to him talk especially when Samuel seemed to become passionate about something. He smiled lightly, "I can understand wanting to play music simply for the pleasure and not because someone has to...It would become stressful to play music especially in the music world today... Micha spoke agreeing with Samuel's beliefs on music. He shifted as he relaxed his arms as he leaned against the table, "So tell me though...do you enjoy being a bartender among other things that you do in the club?" Micha asked curiously as he watched Samuel. "

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:13 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Samuel smiled a bit as the male understood his words. He knew Micha would get it, what with being a pianist himself. Though he wasn't sure how much he could relate. Since he'd never asked, he wasn't sure if the male had been through any of the prestigious music competitions or recitals like he may have. He wasn't saying that learning the piano in itself wasn't hard, he simply knew how by the time high school age came around, many of the people he'd shared those moments with, they were about as sick of their instruments as he was. He couldn't help but wonder at times how many of them gave up on playing as Samuel had and how many others continued on. Where they successful with the decisions they made and how did they feel about it looking back now? He wondered. He nodded again as Micha spoke. Today's world would definitely be hard for any classical performer. Most of the world had already moved on to more electronic instruments and applications. Even if you were allowed to play with these other things, how much would your part stand out. Would listeners even realize there was something like a violin or some other quieter traditional instrument in their music? He doubted it. As the male continued, Samuel smiled as the male asked about his playing bartender. "Yeah," he replied giving a single nod. "I didn't really care about the money, but bartending was something I did to pass the time back in college. I liked watching the bar tricks some of the upperclassmen knew how to do, so one day I asked them about it and before I knew it I had a job at the local bar. In my opinion it was definitely one of many highlights of those four years. Bartending can pretty fun, I like the rush when things get packed and it's just you and three other guys trying to tame a crowd of twenty or more, all ordering drinks at once." Reaching for another cigarette, Samuel lightly tapped the male as Micha had done to him just minutes earlier. "What about you? Any regrets about leaving Germany? Or choosing to be a photographer over a pianist?" Slipping the filter between his lips he cupped the tip, flicked the lighter a few times before catching a spark and inhaled deeply as the flame caught. Setting the lighter aside, he leaned back once more, noticing their waitress heading heir way with two pitchers in hand for refills.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:43 pm
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                                                          "Micha could understand a little however he couldn’t really relate to how Samuel grew up. He didn’t have training nor had he gone under recitals either. Micha had taught himself to play piano and it was simply for the fun of it not merely because his parents wanted him to learn it. He listened as Samuel answered his next question about bartending. The only thing he saw Samuel ever do was bartend and half the time he wasn’t sure if Samuel enjoyed it or not. Micha continued to listen as Samuel spoke. He understood a little about the idea of liking the rush of things. He watched as Samuel reached for another cigarette. Micha didn’t mind after all he could simply buy another pack later. He felt Samuel tap his foot as he had done earlier. Micha smiled lightly as he listened to Samuel question him as well. He had to admit he did miss Germany some days however he was glad he left otherwise he wouldn’t be who he was today. Micha shrugged lightly, ”Sometimes I miss Germany other days I don’t… As for being a photographer over a pianist, there are no regrets there. I enjoy what I do. Being a pianist is simply a hobby as with being a painter…Being a photographer is my life and profession. I couldn’t see myself not doing it. Sure some days I hate it but most days I love it.” He spoke happily as he smiled at Samuel. Micha meant every word of what he said. He had a love/hate relationship with being a photographer but he couldn’t see himself getting up one day and never doing it again."

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:23 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

The waitress approached as Micha seemed to contemplate his response and think about his next answer to Samuel's question. Filling both their glasses and informing them that their meals would be ready shortly. As she left he returned his attention back to the male. He was a bit curious why the male asked him about his bartending. Did he really seem that bored behind the counter? Well business had been rather slow lately, what with the end of summer and the bad economy. But he was by no means doing as horrible as other places around the city might be. Lifting his glass as the male spoke, he downed a few sips, washing away just some of the taste of ash and tar that forever stained his mouth thanks to his constant chain smoking. As he listened to the male speak, he found he could understand his words to a point. At least about his career choice. Music would always be his, and for his own pleasure. Who he chose to share that join with would be on his own terms and no one else. He'd never say it out loud, but he liked the males' passion as he spoke. Seeing such a happy expression he found really suited the male. The male really was wasted on a person like Samuel. "And what about whatever you wanna call our relation? Sure you wanna stick around without much chance of ever being my boyfriend?" he continued curiously. Samuel didn't mind what they had right now, but he wouldn't try and force the male to stay by his side either. Micha was as free to leave him whenever he pleased as any other man he'd ever dated. The only difference he was finding between them and Micha was that Micha was a lot more interesting. He enjoyed being with him, but not enough to put a title on him.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:20 pm
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                                                          "When the waitress filled up his glass, Micha thanked her before she walked away. He returned his attention toward Samuel. Micha’s stomach growled a little as he glanced toward the waitress who walked away. He knew she had said she would be bringing the food soon. Micha looked back toward Samuel as he shifted his glass away from him for now. He didn’t want to fill up on soda and not eat. As Samuel spoke, Micha was caught off guard by the sudden question. He stared at Samuel curiously as he brought up their relationship whatever it may be. Micha knew there wasn’t much of a chance of ever really having a relationship with Samuel but he had learned that when started speaking with Samuel. He had accepted it right then and there. Micha didn’t need anything more beyond what he had. He knew most people would call him crazy to only accept what he was given but it wasn’t like he was given a choice either. Micha relaxed back against his seat as he looked at Samuel before nodding, ”Yes. I don’t need or want anything more Samuel… I’m not asking for more either… I’m content with never being your boyfriend if that’s how you want things to be between us.” He spoke as he smiled lightly. In all truth, Micha was telling the truth when he spoke. He wouldn’t force Samuel to be his because he didn’t want that. Micha would stay simply until Samuel didn’t want him anymore."

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:14 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

He could see that his sudden question had caught the male off guard. Good. It was those types of reactions he was always watching for. Why? Because they were more honest. Those little hints of shock could tell him more about a person than the words coming straight from their mouths. Unlike a mouth, the body never lies. Replacing his glass to the table and slipping the cigarette between his lips, he calmly waited for an answer he wasn't even sure he would get. Samuel had asked the male this before, and it was getting to the point he wondered for whose benefit he was really asking for; Micha or his own? Watching as he spoke, he couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. "You really are a strange one, you know that." he replied, smiling a bit as well. "Out of all the people I've dated, you're by far the one to take this the most calmly. By now, most of those guys would have lost their s**t or called it quits. But not you....." pausing as he lost his train of thought, he slowly blow out more smoke. It was hard to tell if the male was a fool or perhaps his own line of relationships had been so ******** up he was past the point of caring about a current one. "And what I were to never make you mine? I just simply want to keep you by my side instead. Would you still be content with that?" he asked, leaning forward a bit and resting his left hand near his lips, fingers loosely grasping the cigarette.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:53 pm
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                                                          "Micha knew he wasn’t like most men. He knew others would most likely leave Samuel and never think of him again just because Samuel wouldn’t claim them as his own. Micha wasn’t like that. He didn’t care if Samuel never wanted a relationship between them. So far, he was content with what he had. Micha was never one for relationships anyways. He didn’t like the idea of being tied down. Micha smiled as Samuel spoke nodding lightly. He knew he was strange but then again it was to be expected if he was to accept Samuel for who he was. Micha laughed softly as Samuel spoke again. He didn’t see the need to lose it after all it wasn’t like Samuel was promising him the world and simply taking it away from him. Micha knew what he was getting into when he started whatever he had with Samuel. He listened as Samuel spoke again questioning him. Micha found that he still had no problem with it. ”Yes, I have no problem with it. If you simply want me to stay by your side I will. “ He spoke as he watched Samuel."

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:40 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Lowering his cigarette, he decided it was probably to leave his mental debates and trying to figure the male out alone. If he continued like this he was likely to only delusion himself or ask inappropriate question that really need no answer. Smiling to the males' response, he nodded, rather happy that the male was willing to stick with him like that. Picking up his dead phone, he turned it over in his palm and decided to go ahead and turn his phone back on now that his anger had subsided enough. The Samsung logo came to life along with now known green Android. After a few moments passed, he searched through apps and brought up Google Maps.He then turn the phone around and set it in front of the male. "Tell me about Germany. Where did you live? And if I'm ever there on business what are some sites I should see?" he asked, changing the subject, feeling like they've talked enough for one day about Samuel. He still wanted to know more about Micha, and what better way to get to know him than know about his home playground?

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:40 pm
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                                                          "As he sat there, Micha watched Samuel wondering if he was content with his answer even though Samuel had asked the question. He watched as Samuel lowered his cigarette as he soon nodded as he seemed content with his answer as Samuel smiled. Micha relaxed glad to know Samuel was content with his answer. He would stay by Samuel’s side until he was no longer wanted. Micha didn’t mind the idea of never being anything more than a simple companion in a way. He grabbed his glass taking a sip from it as he watched Samuel put his battery back into his phone. It seemed Samuel had lost his anger enough to put the battery back in. Micha sipped on his drink as he watched Samuel fiddle with his phone. He glanced at the phone as Samuel turned it around to him revealing a map of Germany. Micha smiled laughing softly as Samuel turned the conversation around on him. ”I lived in Berlin…It’s full of Architecture especially Cathedrals. There’s also Museumsinsel [Museum Island] which houses five different museums; the Altes [Old] Museum, the Neues [New] Museum which also houses the Egyptian Museum of Berlin, the Alte Nationalgalerie [Old National Gallery], the Bode Museum, and the Pergamon Museum. There’s also the Sony Center which has a mix of shops, restaurants, hotels, cinemas, art and film museums, and a few other things. Um… there’s the Berlin Zoological Garden and the Kaufhaus des Westens [Department Store of the West] which is basically Germany’s version of a mall that has eight floors.” He spoke listening off a few things he knew and had been to when he was younger. Micha enjoyed adventuring through the city especially looking at the architecture."

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 10:37 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Smiling behind his glass as h rose it to take another sip from it, Samuel listened as the male informed him that he was from Berlin. He'd been there a few times in his travels, but most of them were just in passing or he was only there for maybe a night or two. Nothing really long enough to go around and play tourist. Though it was a place he had made note of wanting to visit one of these days when he stopped caring enough about his businesses and took a vacation. He smiled as he male listed off various places he ought to visit, making notes of each and every one of them. All of them sounded rather interesting and worth checking out. "And what about the language barrier? I'm not exactly fluent in any other besides Russian. I know that some of the other European countries I've been to had English translations on things like road and other small things for foreigners, but not all of them. Is Germany any different or should I consider hiring you on as my translator instead?" he continued. Though now that he thought about it, taking the male along might now be such a bad idea. It would be easier to just grab Micha than search the city for a local tour guide.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:30 pm
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                                                          "Micha wasn’t sure if Samuel had ever been to Germany or not. He knew Samuel had traveled a lot it seemed. Micha finished listing off random places he knew as he grabbed his drink taking a sip from it. He watched as Samuel smiled as he seemed interested. Micha knew that Germany would be a lot different especially if one actually looked around. It was full of old buildings and a lot of bad history. Micha glanced at Samuel as he spoke again. He couldn’t help but laugh as Samuel spoke. Micha pulled the straw from his lips as he set his glass aside. ”It depends on where you go in Berlin. In some places some of the signs are in English but also French. However if you ever need help depending on where you go, if you are in west Berlin people there speak French and those in west Berlin speak Russian, although most people in Berlin wherever you go speak English since it’s mandatory to learn in school.” He spoke as he smiled at Samuel. Micha had learned English in school when he was younger because he had to. However sometimes he switched languages from either German to Russian if he was extremely annoyed."

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 6:27 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Samuel was well aware of Germany's bad history. But that didn't mean he had to let it stop him from wanting to know more about the country and the males' experiences while he was there. In today's world were it seemed a new war was starting almost every decade, he couldn't allow things like history or a bad reputation from wanting to experience and learn new things. If he did he would be no better than any other judgmental idiot. He smiled, nodded and listened as the male informed him of yet another language barrier. He really needed to learn another language. Something more common than Russian that wasn't Mandarin, Spanish, or French. Though he knew those to be three of the most known languages of the world, they just held no personal interest to him.

As they continued to talk, their waitress returned once more, this time barring a tray filled with both their meals and a fresh basket of rolls. Plates their meals in front of them both, and placing the basket between them, the waitress smiled down at them both, asking if they were in need of anything more. When Samuel shook his head no, he turned to the male in question, smiling to the woman politely after Micha gave a reply and she left them alone. Turning his attention to his plate, Samuel's stomach gave a loud growl. He reached across the table to stomp out his cigarette and rearrange a few things to accommodate his being a clumsy left.

With his breakfast was long gone and between driving all morning and walking around, he was definitely in need of a meal. Samuel picked up his fork and soon dug into his food. After getting in a few bites, he looked up towards the male once more. "So aside from Germany, France, and now America. Have you lived anywhere else? Living conditions aside, where did you like living the most?" Samuel asked, picking up his drink to take a sip and continued to eat as he waited for the male to reply.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:37 pm
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                                                          "As there waitress returned, Micha was glad to see her. His stomach was growling now as he was getting hungry. Micha had eaten a roll but he couldn’t sustain himself on just rolls. He watched as the waitress put their food down along with some more rolls. Micha smiled lightly at the sight of his food. He thanked as she set it down. Micha shook his head as she asked if he needed anything else. There was already ketchup on the table so he was content. He grabbed the ketchup and poured some onto his plate before setting it aside. Micha grabbed a fry as he munched on it. He glanced at Samuel as he watched him rearrange his things before him. Micha found it amusing none the less but he continued to eat as he munched on his fries. He eventually grabbed his burger and started eating it. After a while, Micha eventually heard Samuel speak again. He listened as Samuel spoke and nodded his head a little, ”I’ve been to England before as well as Russia but nowhere else. Though I’d have to say I prefer France over anywhere else. “ Micha spoke answering Samuel’s question before going back to eating. "

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 3:44 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

He could feel the males' eyes upon him as he rearranged things to make it easier on himself. He couldn't help it, though he knew how to use his right hand, he had always been primarily left handed and liked to keep it that way. After moving his things around, he dug into his veggies, picking a few from each little bowl before shoving it into his mouth, though this time around trying to be so much of a pig as he was at their last meal. Peering up through messy bangs and long eyelashes, he glanced at the male as he spoke again, nodding in response while he chewed his food. Samuel had been to both places, but it had been awhile since he visited either of them. Most of his business traveling consisted of going to places within the United States, France, Canada, and maybe somewhere in South America where he had a few interested clients. But as for Asia and Europe, the times he went there were usually on his own time. Samuel remained quiet for a few minutes, allowing them both to get a few good bites into their meals. He knew the male to be about as hungry as he was and didn't want to see what kind of anger might flare up if he were to interrupt him whilst he was eating. He didn't know about Micha, but Samuel wasn't really one to carry on big conversations when he ate. Not unless it was like business meal or he was with his brothers. After clearing away a good portion of his food, he reached for a napkin in the center of the table to wipe his mouth, once again ready to try and break the silence growing between them.

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