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Sandbox Style Wolf roleplaying. 

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Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:32 pm
He glanced at her hand, then back at her, not exactly happy that is was gone. But he knew why she took her hand from his cheek.

Stop screwing it up.

He took her hand in his own and held it, "Hmm, I missed you very much." He murmured, almost whispered. When her hand left his he blinked as she started to pull up on his tank, and he watched her astonished. He was about to tell her where they were and they weren't that bad for the wolves he got them from could never really get a good hold, but she released him and turned around, her back facing him.

He didn't like that so much.

He was about to turn her around but froze at her reason. His eyes fell to the ground, knowing that Arkanna and Seilene never liked their father. He saw her fists and looked at the back of her head, wanting to comfort her. Hesitantly reaching out, he wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her back to his chest. "What did he have to say...?" He whispered in her ear, curious but knowing it would make her feel better to talk about it if she wanted him. He wasn't going to push her.

If she was just going to feel worse but tell him anyways, he was going to feel like an a**.

She seemed smaller to him when she was against him, he knew he was a big guy, but never this big. He looked at the side of Arkanna's face, her eyes hidden by the curtain of her hair. He wanted... no, needed her to feel better. They just re-united, he wasn't going to screw this up even more. He was going to think a bit harder on his answers, but still be himself, not wanting her to think he was trying too hard. Gods, this was tough. He frowned at himself before returning his attention to Arkanna.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:06 pm
Arkanna let a small smile cross her face, but it disappeared as fast as it came. Blinking a couple times as she was pulled back to him, she relaxed and placed her hand over his. She turned slightly to see his face as she replied, "He wanted me to come back to the pack..." she mumbled knowing it would upset him. She turned his hand over and drew imaginary circles with her nail on his palm trying to think of something to say that would reassure him, "As you can see I said no.." The back of her head rested on his chest as she looked up at him wanting to see how he would react when he heard her response. She hoped it would make him crack a smile, but if he just said how he felt then she would be happy anyways. He always seemed to try hard to act calm around her which annoyed her cause she like to see his playful side. Waiting for his answer she went off into her memories about all the times they had at this waterfall.


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:31 pm
He inwardly sighed happily as she leaned back into him. Turning himself, and her around, his back faced the boulder she had recently been sitting on and leaned against it, allowing himself to get comfortable at the time being. He listened to her and stiffened at what she said, her father wanted her to go back?


Hearing her added comment he relaxed some. That made sense, she was here, right now, in his arms. He gave her a quick, but a genuine smile, "Gooood." He growled, happily, resting his chin on her shoulder. He let her trace the patterns on his hand and looked about the scene about them. Not knowing that she, herself was thinking of all the times they had here. There was so many, he couldn't keep count. Whether it was her and him alone, with Sora or Seilene or whoever tried to join in.

He thought about what he should say, but realized he should tell her about her sister. "Seilene is back." He mumured, "Along her buddy Phir. Suyuri came with them, but was not there when I met up with them." Some sadness was apparent in his voice, "Sora is also back from her journey. I still need to meet up with her though."


They are so cute.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:45 pm
Arkanna focused on her nail upon his palm, stopping and placing her palm on his when she heard his reply which made her grin toothily at him. When he adjusted himself against the wall, she turned slightly so she was still in his lap, but she was able to see him. Putting her legs under his one leg in front of her, she rested against his chest listening to his heart beat. Arkanna nodded as she listened to his news on the others, "At least they are safe and sound.." she mumbled, staring off into the waterfall as it roared in her ears, "I will have to see them again soon, but right now, I'm.." she paused closing her eyes, "I'm happy where I am at the moment." she whispered knowing that she actually said how she felt for once. She noted the weird feeling it brought and wondered how Hero was feeling from hearing what she had said. She couldn't help, but breath in his scent making her feel even more at home then usual, she smiled to herself hoping that she could stay like this for awhile.

(I know~ X3 )


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:02 pm
He re-opened his eyes and watched her trace her nail across his rough and calloused palm, and when she laid hers against his, he shifted his hands slightly and intertwined their fingers. When he had re-adjusted himself, Arkanna followed suit, and adjusted herself to her liking. To make it easier on her, he released her for a moment, and when she was content on where she was, his arm was back around her and his hand back on hers. Hearing her comment he couldn't help but smile, then lay his nose and mouth on her head, breathing her unique scent as well. "Mmm, me too." He whispered, opening his eyes and peering out at the falls.

He released her waist and soon started to trace patterns himself on her back. Hell, if he was in total bliss when he was play fighting with Seilene only a couple of days ago, he ******** died and went to heaven.

So to say.

Even though the moment was peaceful, he wanted to make light conversation with her. Wanted to hear her voice and remarks. "Did you go anywhere else on your travels? Meet anybody new?" He asked softly, looking down at her.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:19 pm
Arkanna shivered slightly as Hero started tracing patterns on her back. She kept her eyes closed as she felt him move, listening to what he was asking she sighed, "I didn't meet anyone new... just people from the past." She stated softly, "Although I did see Jin and Kaoru..you know that man that dressed like a girl? I spent a couple days watching them train and Kaoru talked me into coming back here." She paused, looking up at him, "I was going to spend a couple more days running around to see news sights, but after all his talks of the past times we had here..I could resist and headed traight here..." She noted to herself that she had left out some details here and there, but she didn't want him to become upset for it would ruin the moment they were having. She decided to tell him all the minor details later when things were a little more crazy with the others and he wasn't in such a nice mood as he was at the moment. Returning her gaze to the waterfall, she thought of some of the different things she had done on her travels...other then arguing with that brute she had been calling father.
Man did he make her fur stand up. Everything he did, she hated with a passion. Shaking her head she slightly buried her face in his chest as her arms rested across his leg in front of her. She laced her fingers together and just sat there in his arms, feeling the different patterns he drew upon her back.


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:39 pm
He felt her shiver and smiled some in triumph, he had no idea at all why, but being the one making her do that made him happy. Listening to her he thought about the names she had said. He remembered the group of siblings, he didn't get close to them, and he believed he wasn't on good terms with the one named Jin. He must have done something to Arkanna or challenge him or something. He didn't give them a second thought when they disappeared so he wasn't too concerned. "Oh, the ho-" He stopped himself and scowled, don't ruin it by being a a*****e. "Oh, him. Yeah, I remember him." Though he didn't care for the man he held some feelings for him. He was the reason Arkanna was back.

Of course, in the back of his head with second thoughts he wasn't too happy it was another man that convinced Arkanna to come back, but that couldn't be helped.

Feeling her burrow her head into his chest he smiled, and continued to run his fingers across her back. Making imaginary and confusing patterns. "I stayed here." He murmured, "I actually thought about leaving myself for some type of adventured after Sora left me without a word one day." For good. He said to himself, not saying that part. It was true, he did think of leaving without returning, going off to explore and grow and get stronger, like he did when he was a pup. He was answering his own questions, even though she didn't ask about himself, but he wanted to keep the conversation going, and wanted Arkanna to know what he was up too. "I met a young demon with Sora several months. She is a loner though. Never met up with her again so far. There was also this older wolf, almost blind, she was a b***h though, I didn't stay for too long. Not to mention the young males that picked fights with me, but I didn't learn their names."

He regretted his last sentence after he said it, but he couldn't help it. His cocky and proud self wouldn't swallow and forget the fact that he had won all of those fights and he had to flaunt it. But he hoped that she caught the fact that he didn't start those fights.

He just finished them.

He knew it was a unattractive trait, he hated when females flaunted what they did and had. But he did it himself. He looked away from her and bit his cheek, looking at the falls. Hoping slightly she wasn't mad. "Besides that, I swam and did the usual. Nothing too exciting." He rolled his shoulders slightly, shrugging.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:05 pm
"Your an idiot." She thought listening to him, but she withheld the comment seeing as though keeping him out of fights was nearly impossible to do. She sighed loudly as she listened happy that he was sharing with her which wasn't often that he did for he seemed to like not talking about the past things he had done. Arkanna smiled a moment as she comment, "Well if you didn't start anything to bad then you did good." She thought she sounded muffled so she moved her head out of his chest looking up at him, he seemed stronger then he use to be in the sense that he didn't go off and just pick a fight with anyone and everyone, but now used some rational thought behind his actions. She reached up and patted his cheek gently, "I'm proud of you.." she cooed softly with a small hint of teasing behind the comment. Arkanna shivered again as he touched a sensitive spot on her back and returned her hadn to her lap. She thought for a moment on something he said and lightly asked, "Aren't most older wolves bitches? And just who is this loner fea? Should I have some worries behind that one?" she joked about the last part to see what he would do.


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:27 pm
He growled softly when she patted his cheek and praised him teasingly. "Hmm," He murmured and looked away for a moment. Hearing her questions he thought them over for a moment. "Hmm, not really, the elders in my pack were... nice? This one was just bad, and stubborn as uh... me?" He shrugged, not really knowing how to describe the older wolf. But the problem was, he just really didn't care, so he really didn't remember her. "She was interesting though, I'll give her that. I believe her name was...." He thought about it as he peered at the sky, his eyes moving and looking at different things, showing his was lost in his thoughts. "Vieka! There we go." He murmured. Then he thought about that answer. "Sora was with me when I met the loner. Her name was..." He furrowed his brows in thought. "I don't think she even told us her name." He shrugged again. "Clearly a demon, Sora could tell, and I knew there was something about her. Though she didn't give us much information about her, I could tell that she had no clue who or what she was."

He really didn't give the loner any sympathy, he would leave that to Sora or anybody else that wanted to try and make friends with her. She didn't seem to want to talk to them or tell them about her and Hero understood that completely. Really none of his friends knew his past, and he wasn't making any moves on telling them anyways. He may of loved them, in his own little special way, but it wasn't really any of their business.

He heard the second part of her question and thought about it, "Hmm, it just depends on what you are exactly worried about." He watched her for a moment, then decided to answer it truthfully, he really didn't feel like having her pull away from him because he was teasing back. "No... you don't need to worry about her, only Sora took a big interest in her."
PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:14 pm
Arkanna let out a small laugh hearing his answers. She inspected her hands as she commented, "Well nice to know that I don't have to worry about you going off with anyone." She skipped over his reply to elders being nice for she didn't want to talk about the ones she had always delt with in the past. Thinking she needed to say something she just randomly added in something, "Veika...that's an interesting name...wonder where she's from.." Completing her inspection of her hands, she placed one on Hero's knee and the other in her lap. Leaning back so she was able to look at his face easier, she reached up and ran her hand through his hair, "You haven't changed much in appearence have you?" she grinned noting that his hair was soft and smooth, wondering if his was better to play with the her sisters. Furrowing her eyebrows she thought about it for a moment , shaking her head and deciding that she would find it out later when they were all back together.

(Meh...mom's yelling to get off...so when I return I shall post better! XD )


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:04 am
He rolled his eyes at her comment. Running off with somebody? That was just silly. He shrugged at her, "No idea." He replied simply. He felt her hand run through his hair and Hero looked at Arkanna. He raised a brow at her comment, "Did you want me to change?" Then he looked away, "I'm not one who worries about looks too much. My hair might have gotten longer, but that is all I can think of what changed in my looks." He stopped tracing patterns in her back and put it back by his side, started to hit is knuckles against the side of the rock softly.

He looked back at her, she had changed some in looks. Her hair looked lighter and was longer. She wore different clothes, she looked a bit taller? He didn't know, looks never really bothered him so he didn't really judge Arkanna looks back in the past. But nevertheless, she was a good-looking wolf. Waiting for her answer Hero looked back up at the sky, still hitting his knuckles against the rock.


No problem.
sorry if I got Arkanna's looks wrong.
I'm going by what used to be her old reference pic and her present one now.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:43 pm
Arkanna shook her head, "I don't want you to change, I like you the way you are. Although.." she paused to pull on his shirt, "I wouldn't mind some different looks on you every once and awhile." she teased with a wink. Arkanna couldn't help but grin, but it faded when she felt his hand leave her back. She stopped running her hand through his hair and rested it in her lap with her other hand. Arkanna just let it be silent for a moment as she thought of how peaceful things seemed to be now then they did in the past. Arkanna heard a light tapping that made her curious, looking around she didn't find the source. Finally reaching behind her, she felt his hand and pulled it into her lap. Eventhough he was hitting his hand lightly, it still got to her. Arkanna placed her hand over his and put her fingers between his, making sure he couldn't do that anymore. Laying her head back onto his chest she closed her eyes and listened to the roar of the falls as she thought of something to say to him.

(That's fine ^^ I reposted her picture cause the place I was getting it from died >< so her picture is a little better~ Oh! and in the art corner I posted my deviantart page! There's a picture that I drew kinda lazily, but it's a rough draft line art for Hero and Arkanna <3 Oh and do you want to bring in more wolves? Since our posts are slowly getting smaller? ^^; )


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:34 pm
"Hmm.." He murmured, not really knowing how to take it. But he didn't have any other clothes. Maybe he could go to a human village out of the lands and get some more clothes. The clothes he was wearing now were getting a little old. He frowned, he would worry about that stuff later. Feeling her take his hand and hold it he intertwined his fingers with hers. He looked back at the sky and let the silence settle over them. He shook his head from left to right, cracking his neck. He then rubbed the arm that was around Arkanna against her back, soothing the itch that started up. He started to think of what they could do, he never sat around for this long.


Aww, I saw it.
Its cute~.
And sure go ahead,
I'll think of what character I might bring in.
Also, I'm sorry for the shortness.
Also, I'm going to bring Hero in the Lake section. Hope you don't mind~.
Ahaha, its Hero galore. lmaooo.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:03 pm
Arkanna listened to the sounds around them before finally getting up and stretching. She wasn't for sitting around a lot, but it was a nice moment to have with him. Looking down at him she smiled then walked to the edge of the rock, "Care to take a dip in the water?" she questioned with a slight grin spreading across her face. Sitting down she began to move down to the river and once she was at the bottom she glanced up at the ledge wating for Hero to either look over or jump down.

(sorry it's short..not much time today to reply ^^;; I will be back on tomorrow when I have the time..oh and I'll think of who to bring in to make the posts longer~ Probably Seilene)


Loup de la Soleil
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:15 pm
Vera picked her way around the thickening undergrowth, winding towards the sound of the rushing water. She was certain that Zefal would want a drink since she was parched as well. She shouldn't have set out on that exploring mission with him being so small, but at least he was used to being in his small body after having been in it so long. "How are you holding up back there?"

Zefal lifted his head; it felt so heavy. He whimpered then replied, "I'm tired sis, really, really tired... Can't we stop?" His wings were dragging on the ground and getting leaves caught in his tawny feathers. He sighed so heavily and then sat down, or rather flopped down, trying not to just fall over and sleep right there.

"Come on, it's just a bit further. The river's got to be just a few more hundred yards." Her face fell when his eyes came up to meet hers.

"Aww, c'mon! You said that two hours ago too! D-don't you think we might be going the wrong direction...?" He could hardly keep his eyes open and finally gave in when the earth felt like it wobbled under him and he fell over. He tried to open them again and failed.

Vera turned back and wrapped herself around him, sheltering her little brother with her wing. She was truely tired as well, but she just didn't feel safe anywhere in this pack's territory. It was ture that they'd met the alpha, or so she thought Seleinis was, but that didn't mean she trusted his wolves. Trust was something she never gave out freely.
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