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Sandbox Style Wolf roleplaying. 

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Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:28 pm
He allowed her to move from his arms but sighed inwardly. All good things must come to an end sooner or later. Nevertheless, it was a nice moment and he was happy that they got to have time alone with each other for once in such a long time. He watched her walk over the the edge of the rock, maybe they'd have more, maybe not. But it didn't really matter, as long as he was by her.

She was his.

Of course, she had never said that her heart belonged to him. But Hero was sort of possessive kind of brute and didn't like to let things go that he thought was his go so easily. He continued to watch her and he listened to her question and looked up at the sky. He had just got back from swimming, but the sky was clearing up and it was getting a bit warmer so why not? Plus, if it kept Arkanna here, with him, he'd possibly do anything. He stood up fully slowly and reached his arms to the sky, stretching, releasing the aching in his muscles. Lowering his arms he rolled his shoulders, shook his head and cracked his neck. Walking over the edge he looked at her and smirked, "Sure, why not? You do know how to swim right? I don't feel like saving a life."

He jumped down next to her and waited for her reply to his tease and looked about. He heard voices and stopped, looking that way. His golden eyes narrowed some, and he walked quietly that way, it wasn't too far from where Arkanna and him were standing at. He turned into his large wolf form soundlessly and looked at Arkanna, "Hear that? I'm going to go check it out." He then entered the undergrowth, and stopped by the bush line and got to catch the glimpse of a pup falling to the ground. His cool golden eyes didn't flash with sympathy, nor worry, if the pup was going to travel around by itself it would learn how to be strong eventually.

Or die trying.

It brought memories from when he was a pup and he frowned. He watched a winged fea come over and shelter the pup. Hero stood up, feeling that since they were so young, he might as well help them out. But now he was frustrated, walking in when he was spending time with Arkanna.

Trouble. Trouble. Trouble.

Stepping out of the bushes he looked at the fea, "The water is less than 200 feet. You better get him there before something fatal happens." His voice was deep, and cool and certainly not the tone he was just using with Arkanna. He waited for a response and shook his large body, wondering on how long this would exactly take.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:17 pm
Vera's head shot up when she heard something large passing through the bushes and was met with a pair of golden eyes.
The large male was brief and his words held no emotion. Evidently they were not so welcome here as they had been at the lake. Her ears pressed against her head in worry at how much larger the brute was compared to her and also at the fact that he'd said 'fatal'... Zef didn't look that bad, did he?
Her wings shifted restlessly, then Vera slowly stood, keeping herself between the male and her rather defenseless little brother. Hackles raised, she tried to remain calm, but she was sure the male would smell her fear if her eyes hadn't already given her away. She blinked and then gingerly gripped Zefal's scruff with her teeth. He was too big for her to carry him, but she managed to get him to his feet, albeit rather wobbly.

Zefal struggled with his tired legs, but stayed upright. It felt like gravity wanted to mash him into the ground. His eyes fluttered open and then froze, staring. The sight of the big male woke him up instantly; he didn't like surprises at all. "Who's that?" Zefal hissed to his sister, but her eyes were fixed on the other wolf, so she probably didn't know him either...

"Shhh..." She nudged him in the ribs, turning him in the direction the wolf had motioned. "He says the river's this way, now move!" Her eyes briefly left the stranger as she pushed her brother into the bushes, but, stubborn as always, he stopped after just a few feet and waited for her, not wanting to leave by himself.
Her fur was still bristling with the surge of adreneline that sent every one of her senses on alert and made her wings spread defensively, almost vibrating even.
"And who would you be?" her red eyes blazed at him and a low growl rose in her chest.

Loup de la Soleil
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:18 pm
Arkanna brushed a stray hair dtrand from her gace as she scoffed at Hero, "I'm not my sister thanks." she commented while looking at her surroundings trying to get use to where every thing was like it use to be. Noting several large spots, she finally noticed that Hero had walked off and away from her. Putting her arms on her hips she just stood there watching him for a moment, wondering slightly what had caught his attention off of her. It didn't take long before she picked up on the other wolves scent making her a little worried yet annoyed that someone else had his attention. Tilting her head slightly she waited for Hero to be finished, but finally decided to walk slowly to the edge of the water to get a small glance at the others.
Finally jumping over to him on her rusty red wolf form, she nudge his left back flank while eyeing the now seen wolves. She stayed quiet as she glanced from the one to the other trying to get a better sense of what was going on at the moment.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:58 pm
Hero heard movement behind him and he turned slightly to look at Arkanna. He backed up some, so he was standing next to her, and licked the side of her maw lovingly and apologetically. Then he watched the unknown femme once more. His golden eyes flashed with amusement, at her demand and her growl. He never threatened her did he? But he understood what she felt, how many times did he have to protect Tumorias from strange wolves?

A plenty.

He didn't know why, but he wanted to continue playing the game. Even though ninety-nine point nine percent of him wanted to go back to Arkanna and mind his own business. But it was a pup, why not offer his once in a lifetime friendliness to strangers show this one time? Of course, he was still a complete p***k, but at least he was not attacking or intimidating them. "You know," He growled, amused, "It is rude to ask one's name before offering yours." He stood closer to Arkanna and rubbed the side of his face against her shoulder unconsciously. He had never seen the wolves here, "And you can stop your growling." He slightly snapped, "Unless you're picking a real fight you are in no danger here." He emphasized real, knowing that he was known around the lands as one of the wolves that fought and was good at it. The many scars across his body showed that. He watched her, his golden eyes calculating, wondering on how long she'd exactly last in a fight with him.

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. But nevertheless, it was true, nobody would openly and just attack somebody here. He wouldn't even do that.

He watched the pup, his golden eyes emotionless once again. He was that small once, maybe even smaller. Remembering he was the runt of his litter. But he ended up being the one who survived. It taught him not to underestimate anybody. Then he looked up back at the winged femme, he might as well give her his name, it isn't like they'd probably ever meet again. "Hero," He growled, his deep voice rumbling, "I'm known as Hero." He then looked at Arkanna. He wouldn't introduce her, she probably didn't want to be introduced, and if she did, she would do it. He didn't want to make her probably any more uncomfortable than she probably was.


Nutella Mocha

Loup de la Soleil
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:15 pm
Zefal whined at Vera, curious now rather than scared and he stepped towards the big male. He tilted his head in curiosity and the world didn't tip so bad as it did last time. "I'm Zefal, and thank you sir..."

Vera's ears went back and she frowned at Hero. "Vera." She didn't say anything more, but put her wing in front of Zef, preventing him from wandering any closer to these relative strangers. She supposed since they were in pack boundaries that they could be trusted at least a bit. Hero seemed to be decent if he let that female be so close to him. Either way she was wary a she surveyed them.

"Hmph... you're so mean, Vee." Zefal was pouty and getting fed up with his sister's being all protective, but she was just plain rude right now. He didn't want his sister to get into a fight even though she wouldn't care. He stuck out his lower lip and ducked under her feathers. When he got past her, he barked at the female wolf. "What's your name, lady?" He put on his best puppy-dog face and wagged his tail.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:52 pm
Arkanna shook her head after Hero had licked her before she huffed switching her weight from one paw to the other. Having Hero rub against her felt weird after so long of being alone. Nipping at his nose she leaned against his side finally sitting down and wrapping her tail around her legs. Her tail hit the ground gently as she listened to the conversation picking up their names. She couldn't help, but think about what unique names they had compared to hers and the other wolves she had met. Spacing out her ears laid flat against her head until she returned from her thoughts to answer the question that found it's way towards her. Tilting her head slightly, she eyed the two wolves before she let a slight grin cross her face for a second, "....the name's Arkanna.." she answered in her low, calm voice trying to be nice. As she glanced from Vera to Zefal she seemed to furrow her brow trying to remember who he reminded her of while adding in, "It's nice to meet you..."
Wasn't there another pup who was around? she wondered, but shrugged off the thought for she never really was around young ones for long enough to learn anything. Being stared at by a pup made her feel uneasy causing her to stand up and lean on Hero once again. Her lack of knowledge or understanding for pups had always been extremely low so her attention to any pup was always short.


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:34 pm
A chuckled escaped him when she nipped at his nose. He suddenly turned playful and was about to do something back but remembered that the other two were there. He straightened himself out again and then watched as the little pup approached him. So much like him when he was younger, but he wasn't as so foolish as to approach strange wolves, but he didn't hold it against the pup. His sister was careful enough for a whole army. "You're quite welcome." He then stayed quiet as Arkanna did her greetings. He felt something lean against him and he looked at Arkanna, noticing that her rusty form popped out against his dark body. He then looked back at the two other wolves. "When have you two stumbled across these lands?" He knew they were new, seeing how protective Vera was. He yawned some, his ears lowering, showing his was relaxed. They were no harm, so no reason to be tense. The wind picked up, and was glad that Arkanna was leaning onto him. He was still slightly damp and the wind would've chilled him, but her body heat was keeping him warm. He looked around for a moment, his ears flicking back and forth, listening to the sounds. He kept tabs on what was around them constantly.

{ My posts are getting small again! Dx }
PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:37 pm
Vera perceived the wind ruffling her feathers, but her whole attention was still focused between the two adult wolves. They were apparently close... She was slightly curious, but it was not in her nature to indulge her curiosity, that's what Zefal did and then she had to fetch him when he fell into trouble. Her ears twitched when Hero spoke again.

"We wandered here once there was no reason to stay in our old pack's deserted territory anymore." It was just a frozen stretch of tundra now, haunted by bad memories, they wouldn't be going back there ever if she could help it.

Zefal smiled more brightly when he saw how lovey-dovey they were getting, but his dry throat was starting to bug him now and he was feeling wobbly again. He wagged his tail slightly. "Could we go see the river now?" He turned and looked back at Vera, but she was still glaring at his new friends. He knew their names now and he didn't have any friends other than Selly and his sis, so they'd be his friends too. He grinned and his tail wagged with more ethusiasm.

Loup de la Soleil
Vice Captain

Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 3:51 pm
He listened to her story and then looked up to the sky, his golden eyes understanding. "That seems to be the reason with many wolves come here these days." He stared at the sky for a moment longer before hearing the young pup talk once more. The large brute looked down at the pup for a moment, his gaze calculating. "Well, if you listened to your sister, you would not be so thirsty." But he rolled his shoulders, as if shrugging, and stood up, shaking long coat. "It's this way you two."

He headed off in the western direction, taking the short trip to the cool water. If they were following or not, he didn't care, he was being nice, and if they didn't appreciate it well, that was their own fault. It was less than two-hundred feet before he reached the bubbling water, and he sat by it, waiting for the two younger wolves make their appearance. The black fur that covered Hero's body ruffled with the playful wind, it wasn't cool to him anymore, seeing that his body wasn't damp anymore. He looked back behind him, his golden eyes once more emotion-less. He watched the bush line for a moment before lowering his head himself and taking in his share of the water, the cool moisture running down his throat. He was surprised how thirsty he was himself. After taking his large quantity of water he looked back up, maw dripping, and watched the opposite bank of the river. He yawned, then laid down, keeping his head up, totally relaxed.

{ I don't know where Inte is, or if she is coming back anytime soon.. }
{ Shall we just continue, Ne? }
PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:33 pm
Zefal yipped happily and trotted after Hero, tail waggling behind him as he padded through the undergrowth. He could smell the river and hear its burbling waters just ahead and he broke into a run, splashing into the river as he skidded to a halt aftere the tree line. He hadn't expected it to be so close. Either way he started gulping down the cool liquid to soothe his parched throat and empty belly. He barked playfully and stuck his muzzle back into the water to gulp down more, his tail battering a bush that had grown out over the water.

Vera chuckled uncharacteristically at Hero's scolding to her little brother. Curious that they weren't alone in their reasons for wandering to this territory. It was still relatively untouched by man and still held the natural splendor that their old homeland had lost when the humans had come and burned the last of their forest away to rid their village of the wolves.

Vera began to pace nervously, but looked up and noticed Zef running after Hero through the forest. She whined and followed like the shepherd she was to her younger sibling.

She stopped just before the trees ended and watched the pup play in the river. She sighed and walked carefully to the waters' edge, lapping up water conservatively. "I suppose I'll eventually have to get used to your sporadic puppy ways, but you should stop running off like that..."

Zefal raised his head and smiled at his sister then at Hero and trotted over to the male. The pup tilted his head as if he had a question and his ears perked up. "Is it nice here?" He blinked. "It'd make Vera happy if this pack was friendly and we didn't have to move again." He chased a minnow with his paw and then looked up again. "It'd make me happy too, but I just wish my sis could relax sometimes..." His ears drooped and a sad look crossed his features.

Loup de la Soleil
Vice Captain

Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:05 pm
The brute watched the interaction between the femme and the pup. She cared for him a lot, she was just so over protective it seemed to suffocate the young pup. They would get it together eventually, once they found land that they could live peacefully. He was sure that it would be this one but many wolves have left because they did not like it here. Hero's eyes landed on the pup as he appoarched him and started to ask questions. Hero thought about them for a moment. "These lands are full of nice wolves that would help take care of you guys." The brute looked around again, ears flickering back and forth. He looked at Vera, "Of course the pack accepts everyone. You guys can live here and not really have to be involved with the pack, there are plenty of loners here." He was giving her options, if anything the girl would have to meet up with Sora if she wanted clarification on things, even though Hero was considered a hunter of the pack, he never really got involved with it.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:24 pm
Zef smiled brightly and yipped at Vera. "You here that, sis? Can we stay, pleeeeeeeease?" He whined and his eyes grew big and puppy-like.

"Ugh, I guess that all sounds well and good. It seems rather empty right now though. I haven't heard any wolves howling since we stepped into your terrotory even. Is it so deserted?" Just then she heard a howl rising from the denser forest a few miles off. Her ears alert, she stood up and listened to the large male's call as it bounced off the landscape and echoed to them.

"Who's that?" Her red eyes narrowed as she glared at Hero. So far she'd encountered mostly males in this territory, not what she needed to contend with if it meant protecting her kid brother.

Zef lifted his muzzle and yip-howled back playfully. It was fun and he liked the sound it made when his voice rebounded on the trees and echoed back. "C'mon, Hero!" He giggled and yipped again.

Vera threw a stern glance at Zefal and her tail raised defensively.

Loup de la Soleil
Vice Captain

Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:46 pm
Hero chuckled softly at the small pups question but then heard Vera's comments and questions. He looked at her calmly. "Many wolves have left on some sort of adventure, I almost left myself." Hero looked away for a moment, taking in everything. "Sora, a very nice and one of the more popular pack members here has just come back herself, you ever need help, I say go to her." He looked back at them, "You'll know her from her crimson coloring." He shrugged, "My younger sister got back herself, and many of my other friends. I myself have no idea why it is so deserted these days, I rarely even see the Alpha now. I guess this could just be simply called a haven for any wolves now."

Hero seemed to sigh,

"I don't know much because even though considered a hunter of the pack I don't get involved with it. I just don't like... other wolves." Hero shrugged once more then heard the howl and the little pup trying to howl back. He tried to identify the howl but he could not. His golden eyes looked into her narrowed ones, "Like said, I'm not part of the pack. So many people have gone and went that I don't know names. Probably some loner trying to find company."

He looked once again back at little Zef and shook his head, but decided to play along. The big brute stood up and shook his body off, then stood next to the tiny pup, raising his large rectangle like maw to the sky and letting off a deep and lovely howl that echoed the skies above him.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:31 pm
Zefal's ears pricked up as he heard another howl, it sounded friendly and a little lonely so he leapt off towards it, barking happily. "See ya Hero, I wanna go see who that is!" He giggled and his tail wagged happily.

"--Wha?" Vera stumbled upright and bounded after her kid brother. "Thank you for the company and for showing us to the river!" She flashed one of her rare smiles and nipped at Zef's tail but he was faster and splashed up onto the bank and into the forest before she'd fully caught up again.

[[ Off to the forest! ^_^ ]]

Loup de la Soleil
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:33 pm
---(( Now entering... Raven, Hunter-James, and Lindsey.))---  
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