Image of Soquili:

Describe your soq's personality/interests:
Ayita has a complex about his appearance and has had one for as long as he can remember. He comes from a family of beauties and he's always considered himself the ugly duckling of the group. Ayita has also been turned down multiple times by beautiful mares and that's left a scar on his personality.
When he's not obsessing over the fact that he finds himself ugly, he tends to be a very chivalrous type of male. He enjoys courting mares and showing them how he'd spoil them rotten if they were his mate by bringing them little gifts. Ayita can be a bit hardheaded in pursuit of a female he finds he has a connection with, doing almost anything to curry their favor.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?
He would like someone who finds him beautiful, even if he's not the cream of the crop. He'll need someone who's as hardheaded as he is when it comes to pursuing a goal. OR Ayita needs someone who has a low self-esteem that he can show how beautiful she really is. Whoever he settles with must have at least some sort of manners, as he finds them highly important.
I would like to see him with someone who will stick around and show him he's worth something. I'm open for any breed other than kalona or skinwalkers.
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: I'd prefer a lifemate or a fling with the option of becoming a full-blown mate.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM me or contact me via messenger (AIM - saintofrevenge, MSN -, Yahoo - saintofrevenge).