✖ Halldora is intense and fierce, with a temper to match. She’s as untameable as the mountains they live in and twice as loyal. Her devotion to her queen, her sister, is commendable. Her skill in hunting is unparalleled. (In her own mind anyway.) She can often be found standing close guard over her sister queen, or conferring with her high priestess sister. She seems to be an almost perfect balance between the two. She’s just as comfortable with wild humor and boisterous outbursts (though her’s are not nearly as loud.) with her sister Yrsa; as she is capable of enjoying long silences or times of prayer with Saga. Her time spent with her family is truly her favorite time, and though she would lay down her life for any member of the tribe; her sisters are something special to her.
[NAME]:Lady Halldora Snaeblood [MEANING]:Thor's rock [GENDER]:(Do they view themselves as another gender?)Female
[TEMPER]:Fierce [PERSONALITY]:She is intense and fierce, with a temper to match. She’s as untameable as the mountains they live in and twice as loyal. Her devotion to her queen, her sister, is commendable. Her skill in hunting is unparalleled. (In her own mind anyway.) She can often be found standing close guard over her sister queen, or conferring with her high priestess sister. She seems to be an almost perfect balance between the two. She’s just as comfortable with wild humor and boisterous outbursts (though her’s are not nearly as loud.) with her sister Yrsa; as she is capable of enjoying long silences or times of prayer with Saga. Her time spent with her family is truly her favorite time, and though she would lay down her life for any member of the tribe; her sisters are something special to her.
[ROLE]:I'm thinking Huskarl. LEAD THE WARBAND
Finding Winter Wing - In her travels I want her to pick up an injured raven/crow, hawk, owl, or condor. I clearly haven't decided which one yet. Anyway I want her to find him and heal him up. This will become her hunting partner, her familiar, her eyes in the sky, and her truest friend.
That one is mine. - During one of her raids I want her to happen upon a mare, so lovely and fair, she falls head over heels for her. Thus taking her hostage and making her a slave. This will be her thrall, whom she will do her best to treat right and make adore her. Showering her in love, care, gifts, and anything else she can think of to win her favor.
Do you love me? - A continuation of the above plot. Where she actually finally confronts the mare. It could go either way, either the mare returns the feelings and they work on trying to figure things out. Or she could deny Hall's feelings and it'll become this huge drama plot. I'm not sure which way I would prefer! XD
[PROMPT CHOICE #]:2 [RESPONSE]: The wind was chill, crisp, and filled the lungs with a sting. Fresh snow covered the ground, hiding many of the treacherous spots beneath its perfect surface. While the day had dawned rather clear, the clouds had long since overtaken the sky and blotted out the sun causing everything to be in shades of grey.
Her war-band hadn’t travelled far, they had picked up new recruits this season and her older veterans were snickering at the soft pawed babies. While a part of her couldn’t blame them, watching as they struggled with this or that. Another part of her couldn’t help but find them slightly darling. She had been like that once, they all had, bright eyed and ready to face the world.
The more seasons they got under their coats the better off they would be. For now it was amusing to watch them stumble about, like foals fresh from their mothers.
Halldora shook her head shifting her shoulders back slightly as she worked her way down the incline. It was a steep slope and dangerous, one that would prove perilous to those unfamiliar with the mountains.
Hall had just made it to the bottom when a rather manly screech gave her pause. She watched wide eyed as one of the rookies went tumbling down into a snow pit. The mare turned herself about and glanced at the rest of the band as they surrounded the pit. They were quite, no more jeers or jabs being spoken, it was a rule in this ladies band. When danger was afoot everything else was dropped.
“You’re alright.” Hall spoke softly, reassuringly as she worked her way towards the hole. The fact that Hall had paws made this excursion that much simpler; she gripped the earth easily as she slid down to grab a hold of the stallion that had fallen.
“Come on, up you go.” She mumbled against the bit of track in her mouth as she slowly worked the male back out of the hole.
“There, all better, see?” Her tone was cheerful and reassuring though the looks the stallion was receiving weren’t quite so. The others’ shook their heads and moved back into formation as Halldora nudged the male back in line before taking her spot at the front once more. There would likely be more blunders along the way but they weren’t so bad she decided, at least they listened fairly well.