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Apocalyptic Girl

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PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:53 am

Random Color Codes:
The will be used by Glamrock.
The will be used by Chaos.
The will be used by Scar.
The will be used by Meeki.
The will be used by Rhiana.
The will be used by Starcandy.
The will be used by Drizzt.
The will be used by Rötschreck.
The will be used by Spectre.
The will be used by Necro.
The will be used by Auron.
The will be used by Hellfire.
The will be used by Blossomforth.
The will be used by Saber.
The will be used by Antichrist.
The will be used by Angelique.
The will be used by River.
The will be used by Glitter Rock.
The will be used by Daemon.
The will be used by Damien.
The will be used by Anthone.
The will be used by ???.
Wrath uses Black.
Lord Soth uses Black.
Fury uses Black.
Succubus uses Black.
Reaper uses Black.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:05 am

Roleplays for May/June

Self Roleplays

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Apocalyptic Girl

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Apocalyptic Girl

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:24 am

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:55 am

Oh man, I suck. *is totally responsible for two inactive RPs*


Sparkly Vampire


Apocalyptic Girl

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:13 pm

Teepee updated. Yay.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:28 am

Saving it:

Reaper's Story
Gabriel was born to wonderful angeni parents, Raguel and Angel. However, something was always a little off with young Gabriel. He'd sneak off and harm animals, sometimes even killing them. As the angeni community is tight knit, it didn't go unnoticed and as Reaper was heading into adulthood, the elders knew that things would only get worse. Thus, they ordered Raguel and several other angeni stallions to kill Gabriel. Raguel was sworn to his duty. To break it would mean harm to Angel and himself as well as to their son. So he had no choice but to go through with the order. He did, however, run ahead to warn Angel of the plan and she ran off to search for her son. When she found him, she told him that he was in danger and needed to run away. She promised that she and Raguel would find him again one day.

Gabriel did run but it wasn't long before the group of angeni found him. What hurt the most was that his father was amongst them. Angel had not had time to explain that Raguel had no choice and would probably not harm him, so he felt betrayed. This caused a deep rage to come out of the young angeni and he had no problem killing the group. What he had not realized was that Raguel had taken out at least one of the other angeni before letting Gabriel defeat him as well. He did not put up a fight. He would not hurt his son.

Raguel was hurt and lay motionless on the ground. Gabriel thought he was dead and was torn with loss. He had not meant to kill his father in anger. He loved his parents very much and they had always accepted him even for his differences. This grief caused him to leave the heavenly lands and move to the land below. What he hadn't expected was that the angeni would bind together and pray to their gods to have Gabriel cursed. Soon after he reached the Earth, painful spikes shot out of his body. One set of his angeni wings broke off to rest upon the ground. A sign that he was no longer welcome to visit the world above. His beautiful tail took the form of a demons and spikes shot out of that as well. They caused him physical pain so strong that it rivaled even the emotional pain he was dealing with.

Naturally, this enraged him further. He was hurting in every way that was possible. All for what? For being 'different'? He had killed his own father just for a right to live? He decided then and there that he would live. He would live for his father and his mother so that their sacrifice would not be in vain. But he would not forgive. He gave up his angeni name and took on a new one. He became 'Reaper'. The new name fit him so well.

It wasn't long that he stumbled across an ebony mare traveling through the land. She fell victim to his anger in every way imaginable and then was left for dead. What he did not realize was that soon after, a unicorn by the name of Glamrock found the beaten and broken mare and healed her up. Furthermore, the mare had become pregnant with Reaper's foals, something he had not been ready for and did not want.

Rumors traveled fast in the land and Reaper found out about the three foals soon enough. He wanted them dead. He was not the parent type and they were born of a violent act. They were also cursed, much like he and that only angered him further. One had the demon tail and the others had the spikes. Reminders of his curse. Reminders of his punishment. Reminders of what he had experienced not long before. He grew to hate his own children and planned to kill them.

He nearly succeeded with his daughter soon after she was an adult. He had attacked her both on land and in flight, nearly causing her to crash to her death. If not for a Nightmare and a Unicorn, he would have succeeded. His next goal was Ezriel but after getting a look of him as an adult, Reaper had other plans. He wanted to recruit Ezriel. A son to help him on his path for destruction. Ezriel declined which only pushed Reaper further away from his family.

If not for the mare, Nimue, Reaper would not have found peace, if only for a short time. He learned to care for another through her. He was less angry around her. She brought a quietness to him that he could not explain. The best thing of all, he felt like Gabriel around her. She was the first in these lands that he let use the name he was born with and it was not long before he was falling in love. To his surprise, Nimue had growing feelings for his own son, Ezriel. This angered Reaper and he challenged his own son to rights over Nimue and won. Nimue was his, or so he thought.

It was around this time that Angel had come down to find her son. She had lived in the heavens above for too long. With Raguel dead and her son gone, she was simply wasting away. She would never love again, she knew, but she could at least reunite with the son she lost. Despite the fear of pissing off her angeni brethren, she went awol. She went to the area that she heard her son was living and transformed into her human form. She sat upon a rock in a clearing and sang a sone she used to sing her son when he was young. It wasn't long before Reaper came to visit her and while she was shocked at his new appearance, she did not show it. She simply used her human hands to groom his hair. When that was done, she transformed back and she explained to him that he was not to blame for Raguel's death.

Reaper wasn't convinced but was warming up to his mother's presence all the same. It wasn't long after that he found out that Nimue was going to have their foals. They had planned this for some time and he was excited that it was finally coming to pass. Three foals were born to them but the original idea of having 'little warriors' did not come. Instead, it seemed like each foal had inherited a part of Nimue's own madness. The son he had dreamed of seemed to have been born without any emotional at all, not even a love for his own father. These realizations hurt Reaper but he would learn to deal with them as he had learn to deal with every obstacle that had come in his life.

It wasn't long after their birth that Reaper was visited unexpectedly by his own father. At first, he thought it was a ghost coming to speak to him. It was such a touching scene between Reaper and his father. Reaper learned that Raguel had lived through the fight but was punished for his 'betrayal' of the angeni. He was tortured for the entire time that Reaper had been in the mortal world. Raguel was covered in scars from the experience as well. Though Reaper was angry that this took place, he was relieved that he had not killed his father after all. Raguel did not blame him for any of it either! He was happy to be reunited with Angel and his son. For the first time since he had been forced out of his home, Reaper was starting to feel happy.

It didn't last long. He had returned home one day after taking his son (whom he had named Gabriel in honor of his lineage) hunting, when he learned that Nimue had left him. Though it hurt him, he held on to the hope that she would come come. He concentrated on trying to raise Gabriel since Nimue had taken the girls with her. The only thing he succeeded at was teaching Gabriel how to hunt and fight. He seemed interested in that a great deal but as far as emotions went, it seemed like his son was as hallow inside as a log.

Soon after the foals had grown up, Reaper learned that Nimue had reunited with his son, Ezriel. Not only that, but she was pregnant with Ezriel's foals. This hurt Reaper deeply. It was bad enough losing the mare he loved, but to lose her to his son? To know his son was intimate with her? To know that his son was having her foals as well? That his grandkids would have his old love as their mother? It was too much to bear and once more, he became a recluse. He had failed earning Nimue's love. He had failed getting his own son to love him. He had failed with his first set of foals as well. For every positive that seemed to happen in his life, two negatives soon followed.

Raguel and Angel had foals of their own which was something Reaper had to come to terms with as well. Though he was jealous at first, especially of his brother, Raziel, he had come to find happiness at the prospect of having a little brother and sister. He was also happy for his own parents. He believed that they deserved the happiness that had been robbed from them for so long.

It was during this quiet and lonely stage that Reaper decided to try to make amends with his daughter, Meera. When he arrived to the location she was last seen in, he was shocked to find that she was in the process of being attacked by a Skinwalker. His daughter was minutes away from death. Wasting no time, Reaper landed on the ground and attacked the Skinwalker, drawing him further and further away from his surprised daughter. Meera, not knowing if Reaper was acting out of a fatherly instinct or a jealous rage because he wanted to kill her instead, dragged herself away to the nearby woods where she met the 'vampire' Unicorn, Louie. He healed her and she quickly moved away from the area. While worried slightly over her father, she couldn't be sure what his motives were.

Reaper's motives were in the right place for a change and though the battle dragged on, he eventually won, forcing the Skinwalker to flee in his wolf form. The fight left both of the stallions brutally battered and in need of healing. While Reaper went back into hiding to do just that, he ran into his little sister, Iofiel, and took the time to teach her some fighting techniques. She looked similar to him in appearance and he naturally felt a fondness for her though he also cared for his other sister and brother. Though he didn't realize it, his own family had been keeping him occupied and away from the depression he had felt at losing Nimue.

During this time, a romance bloomed between Meera and Louie and soon the two were expecting their own set of foals. Meera knew she could not stay with Louie because of their 'differences' and she was growing worried that one or all of the foals could come out like him, with a need for blood.

It is here that the story ends but more shall come, soon. wink


Apocalyptic Girl

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Apocalyptic Girl

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:49 am

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Welcome to the home of Meeki and her soquilis!

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Angel's stats
Strength: 24%
Courage: 25%
Speed: 29%
Intelligence: 28%
Luck: 31%
Stamina: 26%

User Image
Antichrist's Stats

User Image
Ariel's stats

User Image
Ariella's Stats
Strength: 6%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 8%
Intelligence: 5%
Luck: 7%
Stamina: 7%

User Image
Ashriel stats
Strength: 7%
Courage: 6%
Speed: 7%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 12%
Stamina: 7%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Bedlam's stats
Strength: 21%
Courage: 16%
Speed: 17%
Intelligence: 20%
Luck: 17%
Stamina: 21%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Caine's stats
Strength: 21%
Courage: 16%
Speed: 16%
Intelligence: 15%
Luck: 18%
Stamina: 21%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Chaos' Stats
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%

User Image
Damnation's Stats

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Fury's stats
Strength: 61%
Courage: 58%
Speed: 54%
Intelligence: 58%
Luck: 54%
Stamina: 54%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Gabriel's stats
Strength: 36%
Courage: 40%
Speed: 38%
Intelligence: 42%
Luck: 41%
Stamina: 42%

User Image
Glamrock's Stats
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Hades' stats
Strength: 22%
Courage: 22%
Speed: 14%
Intelligence: 19%
Luck: 16%
Stamina: 18%

User Image
Lord Soth:
Strength - 79%
Courage - 75%
Speed - 75%
Intelligence - 80%
Luck - 74%
Stamina - 85%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Meeki's Stats
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%

User Image
Murmur's stats
Strength: 8%
Courage: 7%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 10%

User Image
Reaper's stats
Strength: 100%
Courage: 94%
Speed: 95%
Intelligence: 98%
Luck: 100%
Stamina: 92%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Rhiana's Stats
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
River's stats
Strength: 72%
Courage: 67%
Speed: 69%
Intelligence: 68%
Luck: 67%
Stamina: 67%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Succubus' stats
Strength: 8%
Courage: 5%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 11%
Stamina: 9%

User Image
Wendigo's stats
Strength: 12%
Courage: 11%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 10%
Stamina: 5%

User Image
Wrath's Stats
1 Strength-77%
2 Courage-82%
3 Speed-79%
4 Intelligence-75%
5 Luck-78%
6 Stamina-74%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Wyrm's stats
Strength: 40%
Courage: 41%
Speed: 42%
Intelligence: 40%
Luck: 42%
Stamina: 40%

User Image

The Teepee
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
They all live by the forest!!

User Image

Pay no mind, going to tweak/fix
PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:48 am



Apocalyptic Girl

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