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Reply Breeding Thickets
Valentine's Day UNEDITED Mixer [Congrats Winners!] Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 14 15 16 17 18 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:53 pm

Username: Raving.Rabbids

Handsome Hunks

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure.
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Sure.

Unedited: YES.

Entry Code:
Atreyu (Raving.Rabbids)

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Pregnant stage (female/male seathi only): N/A

Co Ownership?: N.A
Teepees: N.A

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: Warhorse lines/ Roman noses

Throwbacks?: No thanks
---Link to previous Generations: N/A
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:06 pm

Okay colourists! You may now roll <3 These are all the lists - just control+F (or scroll through) to find the one that you need!

Remember - people can win 2 breedings slots per month, so if you roll someone DO NOT cross them off the list(s).

Phail Ninja

Open List (use this one to roll the first parent):
Open List
    Page 1
  1. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. [F]
  2. nekolulu [M]
  3. Teh Cheryl [F]
  4. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. [M]
  5. nekolulu [F]
  6. Summer Raaven [F]
  7. Phail Ninja [M]
  8. one over three [F]
  9. Teh Cheryl [M]
  10. Leez0rz [F]
  11. LunaRei_SilverBlood [F]

    Page 2
  12. mistalina13 [F]
  13. Sabin Duvert [F]
  14. mistalina13 [M]
  15. odet amo [F]
  16. Sabin Duvert [M]
  17. odet amo [M]
  18. ramenli [F]
  19. ramenli [M]
    Bardess Ookami [F] - has won 2 slots now

    Page 3
  20. Pollack [F]
  21. Pollack [M]
  22. PixelDeerest [F]
  23. PixelDeerest [M]
  24. Tiger_Kisa699 [F]
  25. SilverShieldwolf [F]
  26. SilverShieldwolf [M]
  27. Lunadriel [M]
  28. Mahogany Sunset [M]
  29. tefla [F]
  30. Lita Rutherford [F]
  31. Lita Rutherford [M]
  32. Lunadriel [F]
  33. 8-Bit Mosh Pit [F]

    Page 4
  34. tefla [M]
  35. Ririka [M]
  36. Ririka [F]
  37. Sawaki [F]
  38. She-Ra of Etheria [F]
  39. Cheyriddle4 [M]
  40. Sweenys_Revenge [M]
  41. She-Ra of Etheria [M]
  42. Chibi Hige [F]
  43. JetAlmeara [F]
  44. Kaya Wolf Moon [F]

    Page 5
  45. JetAlmeara [M]
  46. saedusk [M]
  47. saedusk [F]
  48. Rein_Carnation [F]
  49. dawns_aura [F]
  50. dawns_aura [M]
  51. Amirynth [M]
  52. Amirynth [F]
  53. Roarie Desu [M]
  54. Roarie Desu [F]

    Page 6
  55. Pandora Talie [F]
  56. Pandora Talie [M]
  57. Devil NightShade [M]
  58. stormflower [F]
  59. Devil NightShade [F]
  60. stormflower [M]
  61. Mewsings of An Angel [F]
  62. Mewsings of An Angel [M]
  63. Rita Zyon [F]
  64. dbz2010 [M]
  65. Mameha Otome [F]
  66. Mameha Otome [M]
  67. FitzRoyal [F]

    Page 7
  68. sage_the_vampirc_angel [F]
  69. AstoriaFallen [M]
  70. FitzRoyal [M]
  71. sage_the_vampirc_angel [M]
  72. Kyribird [F]
  73. Kyribird [M]
  74. Mindsend [F]
  75. Infinities [F]
  76. Infinities [M]
  77. Lady Aria Starstone [M]
  78. ~Twilight...Angel~ [M]

    Page 8
  81. LydaLynn [M]
  82. LydaLynn [F]
  83. AislingJuno [M]
  84. AislingJuno [F]
  85. CitrusCupcake [F]
    White Neko Chan [F] - this soq was rolled (only had one)
  86. Sweenys_Revenge [F]
  87. SwordOfTheDarkOnes [M]
  88. SwordOfTheDarkOnes [F]
  89. Lady Argentum Draconis [M]
  90. hanging gallow [M]
  91. Nerpin [M]

    Page 9
  92. Nerpin [F]
  93. Nisshou H [F]
  94. DeeJaye [F]
  95. Kamiki [F]
  96. Mindsend [M]
  97. belloblossom [F]
  98. Kamiki [M]
  99. Calixita [M]
  100. Agneza [F]
  101. Tigeria [M]
  102. Tigeria [F]

    Page 10
  103. one over three [M]
  104. Vesale [M]
  105. Rita Zyon [M]
  106. techabyte [F]
  107. techabyte [M]
  108. Kesmi [M]
  109. Tara de Draiocht [M]
  110. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki [F]
  111. Tara de Draiocht [F]
  112. Kyrieko [M]
  113. Kyrieko [F]
  114. Thalea [F]
  115. Revel1984 [F]

    Page 11
  116. Zee Oddwyn [M]
  117. dolphingurl [F]
  118. dolphingurl [M]
  119. ~Masamune~ [M]
  120. ~Masamune~ [F]
  121. Ruler of Everything [F]
  122. Kivras [M]
  123. Angelique DelaMort [F]
  124. Little Yellow Jacket [M]
  125. Angelique DelaMort [M]

    Page 12
  126. xSakura Serenityx [F]
  127. Rhyleigh [F]
  128. xSakura Serenityx [M]
  129. Ebonrune [F]
  130. S u r f for L o v e [F]
  131. S u r f for L o v e [M]
  132. Ebonrune [M]
  133. Niyaru Delacroix [F]
  134. spelldancer [M]
  135. o-Elixir-o [F]
  136. o-Elixir-o [M]
  137. I Lady Kiya I [M]
  138. I Lady Kiya I [F]

    Page 13
  139. FrostyPeaches [F]
  140. FrostyPeaches [M]
  141. Roniel Targaryen [F]
  142. Insane Butterfly [F]
  143. Insane Butterfly [M]
  144. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko [M]
  145. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko [F]
  146. Parasitic Candii [M]
  147. xxx Yuki Bear xxx [M]
  148. xxx Yuki Bear xxx [F]
    baby_gwing [M] - this soq was rolled (only had one)
  149. baby_gwing [F]
  150. Lunarflowermaiden [M]

    Page 14
  151. Lunarflowermaiden [F]
  152. Novablu [F]
  153. Novablu [M]
  154. GrnGriff [M]
  155. Kara Asumie [F]
  156. Kara Asumie [M]
  157. pippi18848 [F]
  158. Rhyleigh [M]
  159. Strifeling [F]
  160. Faithofthefallen [F]
  161. Cajmera [M]
  162. Nyx Queen of Darkness [F]
  163. Kettyn [F]

    Page 15
  164. Kettyn [M]
  165. Nyx Queen of Darkness [M]
  166. Bluedemonwolf [F]
  167. Bluedemonwolf [M]
  168. Painted Moose [F]
    Painted Moose [M] - this soq was rolled
  169. Meepfur [F]
  170. Nikkichomp [M]
  171. Nikkichomp [F]
  172. Yumitoko II [F]
  173. Yumitoko II [M]
  174. Fuzzy-Gumdrop [M]
  175. Raving.Rabbids [F]
  176. AstoriaFallen [F]
  177. Master Wild Mage [F]

    Page 16
  178. Raving.Rabbids [M]


If your first roll is a MALE FULL-SIZED Soquili and is NOT a kelpi, skinwalker or pure angeni/uni-angeni, use this list for your second roll:
Female Full-Sized
    Page 1
  1. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (has 2)
  2. Teh Cheryl (has 3)
  3. nekolulu (has 1)
  4. one over three (has 2)
    Leez0rz (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  5. LunaRei_SilverBlood (has 2)

    Page 2
  6. mistalina13 (has 2)
  7. Sabin Duvert (has 3)
  8. odet amo (has 1)
  9. ramenli (has 1)
    Bardess Ookami (has 2) - has won 2 slots now

    Page 3
  10. Pollack (has 4)
  11. PixelDeerest (has 1)
  12. Tiger_Kisa699 (has 2)
  13. SilverShieldwolf (has 2)
  14. tefla (has 2)
  15. Lita Rutherford (has 2)
  16. Lunadriel (has 1)
  17. 8-Bit Mosh Pit (has 2)

    Page 4
  18. Ririka (has 2)
  19. Sawaki (has 2)
  20. She-Ra of Etheria (has 1)
  21. Chibi Hige (has 4)
  22. JetAlmeara (has 2)
  23. Kaya Wolf Moon (has 1)

    Page 5
  24. saedusk (has 1)
  25. dawns_aura (has 2)
  26. Amirynth (has 2)
  27. Roarie Desu (has 1)

    Page 6
  28. Pandora Talie (has 1)
  29. stormflower (has 2)
  30. Devil NightShade (has 2)
  31. Mewsings of An Angel (has 2)
  32. Rita Zyon (has 2)
  33. Mameha Otome (has 3)
  34. FitzRoyal (has 1)

    Page 7
  35. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 2)
  36. Kyribird (has 4)
  37. Mindsend (has 1)
  38. Infinities (has 3)
  39. LOLTERNATIVE (has 1)

    Page 8
  40. LydaLynn (has 3)
  41. AislingJuno (has 2)
  42. CitrusCupcake (has 4)
  43. Sweenys_Revenge (has 2)

    Page 9
  44. Nerpin (has 1)
  45. Nisshou H (has 1)
  46. Kamiki (has 3)
  47. belloblossom (has 2)
  48. Agneza (has 3)
  49. Tigeria (has 1)

    Page 10
  50. techabyte (has 1)
  51. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki (has 2)
  52. Tara de Draiocht (has 3)
  53. Kyrieko (has 1)
  54. Thalea (has 3)
  55. Revel1984 (has 2)

    Page 11
  56. dolphingurl (has 2)
  57. ~Masamune~ (has 2)
  58. Ruler of Everything (has 3)
  59. Angelique DelaMort (has 2)

    Page 12
  60. xSakura Serenityx (has 2)
  61. Ebonrune (has 1)
  62. S u r f for L o v e (has 1)
  63. Niyaru Delacroix (has 2)
  64. o-Elixir-o (has 2)
  65. I Lady Kiya I (has 1)

    Page 13
  66. FrostyPeaches (has 1)
  67. Roniel Targaryen (has 5)
  68. Insane Butterfly (has 3)
  69. xxx Yuki Bear xxx (has 2)
  70. baby_gwing (has 1)

    Page 14
  71. Lunarflowermaiden (has 2)
  72. Novablu (has 3)
  73. Kara Asumie (has 2)
  74. pippi18848 (has 5)
  75. Strifeling (has 1)
  76. Faithofthefallen (has 4)
  77. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 1)
  78. Kettyn (has 2)

    Page 15
  79. Bluedemonwolf (has 1)
  80. Painted Moose (has 2)
  81. Meepfur (has 5)
  82. Nikkichomp (has 1)
  83. Yumitoko II (has 2)
  84. Raving.Rabbids (has 3)
  85. AstoriaFallen (has 2)

    Page 16

If your first roll is a MALE ANGENI/UNI-ANGENI Soquili, use this list for your second roll:
Female Full-Sized Minus Skinwalkers
    Page 1
  1. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (has 2)
  2. Teh Cheryl (has 3)
  3. nekolulu (has 1)
  4. one over three (has 2)
    Leez0rz (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  5. LunaRei_SilverBlood (has 2)

    Page 2
  6. mistalina13 (has 2)
  7. Sabin Duvert (has 2)
  8. odet amo (has 1)
  9. ramenli (has 1)
    Bardess Ookami (has 2) - has won 2 slots now

    Page 3
  10. Pollack (has 4)
  11. PixelDeerest (has 1)
  12. Tiger_Kisa699 (has 2)
  13. SilverShieldwolf (has 2)
  14. tefla (has 2)
  15. Lita Rutherford (has 2)
  16. Lunadriel (has 1)
  17. 8-Bit Mosh Pit (has 2)

    Page 4
  18. Ririka (has 2)
  19. Sawaki (has 2)
  20. She-Ra of Etheria (has 1)
  21. Chibi Hige (has 4)
  22. JetAlmeara (has 2)
  23. Kaya Wolf Moon (has 1)

    Page 5
  24. saedusk (has 1)
  25. dawns_aura (has 2)
  26. Amirynth (has 2)
  27. Roarie Desu (has 1)

    Page 6
  28. Pandora Talie (has 1)
  29. stormflower (has 2)
  30. Devil NightShade (has 2)
  31. Mewsings of An Angel (has 2)
  32. Rita Zyon (has 2)
  33. Mameha Otome (has 3)
  34. FitzRoyal (has 1)

    Page 7
  35. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 2)
  36. Kyribird (has 4)
  37. Mindsend (has 1)
  38. Infinities (has 3)
  39. LOLTERNATIVE (has 1)

    Page 8
  40. LydaLynn (has 3)
  41. AislingJuno (has 2)
  42. CitrusCupcake (has 4)
  43. Sweenys_Revenge (has 2)

    Page 9
  44. Nerpin (has 1)
  45. Nisshou H (has 1)
  46. Kamiki (has 3)
  47. belloblossom (has 2)
  48. Agneza (has 3)
  49. Tigeria (has 1)

    Page 10
  50. techabyte (has 1)
  51. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki (has 2)
  52. Tara de Draiocht (has 3)
  53. Kyrieko (has 1)
  54. Thalea (has 2)
  55. Revel1984 (has 2)

    Page 11
  56. dolphingurl (has 2)
  57. ~Masamune~ (has 2)
  58. Ruler of Everything (has 3)
  59. Angelique DelaMort (has 2)

    Page 12
  60. xSakura Serenityx (has 2)
  61. Ebonrune (has 1)
  62. S u r f for L o v e (has 1)
  63. Niyaru Delacroix (has 2)
  64. o-Elixir-o (has 2)
  65. I Lady Kiya I (has 1)

    Page 13
  66. FrostyPeaches (has 1)
  67. Roniel Targaryen (has 5)
  68. Insane Butterfly (has 3)
  69. xxx Yuki Bear xxx (has 2)
  70. baby_gwing (has 1)

    Page 14
  71. Lunarflowermaiden (has 2)
  72. Novablu (has 3)
  73. Kara Asumie (has 2)
  74. pippi18848 (has 4)
  75. Strifeling (has 1)
  76. Faithofthefallen (has 4)
  77. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 1)
  78. Kettyn (has 2)

    Page 15
  79. Bluedemonwolf (has 1)
  80. Painted Moose (has 2)
  81. Meepfur (has 5)
  82. Nikkichomp (has 1)
  83. Yumitoko II (has 2)
  84. Raving.Rabbids (has 3)
  85. AstoriaFallen (has 2)

    Page 16

If your first roll is a MALE SKINWALKER Soquili, use this list for your second roll:
Female Full-Sized Minus Angeni
    Page 1
  1. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (has 2)
  2. Teh Cheryl (has 3)
  3. nekolulu (has 1)
  4. one over three (has 2)
    Leez0rz (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  5. LunaRei_SilverBlood (has 2)

    Page 2
  6. mistalina13 (has 2)
  7. Sabin Duvert (has 3)
  8. odet amo (has 1)
  9. ramenli (has 1)
    Bardess Ookami (has 2) - has won 2 slots now

    Page 3
  10. Pollack (has 4)
  11. PixelDeerest (has 1)
  12. Tiger_Kisa699 (has 2)
  13. SilverShieldwolf (has 2)
  14. tefla (has 2)
  15. Lita Rutherford (has 2)
  16. Lunadriel (has 1)
  17. 8-Bit Mosh Pit (has 2)

    Page 4
  18. Ririka (has 2)
  19. Sawaki (has 2)
  20. She-Ra of Etheria (has 1)
  21. Chibi Hige (has 4)
  22. JetAlmeara (has 2)
  23. Kaya Wolf Moon (has 1)

    Page 5
  24. saedusk (has 1)
  25. dawns_aura (has 2)
  26. Amirynth (has 2)
  27. Roarie Desu (has 1)

    Page 6
  28. Pandora Talie (has 1)
  29. stormflower (has 2)
  30. Devil NightShade (has 2)
  31. Mewsings of An Angel (has 2)
  32. Rita Zyon (has 2)
  33. Mameha Otome (has 3)
  34. FitzRoyal (has 1)

    Page 7
  35. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 2)
  36. Kyribird (has 4)
  37. Mindsend (has 1)
  38. Infinities (has 3)
  39. LOLTERNATIVE (has 1)

    Page 8
  40. LydaLynn (has 3)
  41. AislingJuno (has 2)
  42. CitrusCupcake (has 4)
  43. Sweenys_Revenge (has 2)

    Page 9
  44. Nerpin (has 1)
  45. Nisshou H (has 1)
  46. Kamiki (has 3 - Kamiki's angeni is a cross and so can still breed with skinwalkers)
  47. belloblossom (has 2)
  48. Agneza (has 3)
  49. Tigeria (has 1)

    Page 10
  50. techabyte (has 1)
  51. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki (has 2)
  52. Tara de Draiocht (has 3)
  53. Kyrieko (has 1)
  54. Thalea (has 3)
  55. Revel1984 (has 2)

    Page 11
  56. dolphingurl (has 2)
  57. ~Masamune~ (has 2)
  58. Ruler of Everything (has 3)
  59. Angelique DelaMort (has 2)

    Page 12
  60. xSakura Serenityx (has 2)
  61. Ebonrune (has 1)
  62. S u r f for L o v e (has 1)
  63. Niyaru Delacroix (has 2)
  64. o-Elixir-o (has 2)
  65. I Lady Kiya I (has 1)

    Page 13
  66. FrostyPeaches (has 1)
  67. Roniel Targaryen (has 5)
  68. Insane Butterfly (has 3)
  69. xxx Yuki Bear xxx (has 2)
  70. baby_gwing (has 1)

    Page 14
  71. Lunarflowermaiden (has 2)
  72. Novablu (has 3)
  73. Kara Asumie (has 2)
  74. pippi18848 (has 5)
  75. Strifeling (has 1)
  76. Faithofthefallen (has 4)
  77. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 1)
  78. Kettyn (has 2)

    Page 15
  79. Bluedemonwolf (has 1)
  80. Painted Moose (has 2)
  81. Meepfur (has 5)
  82. Nikkichomp (has 1)
  83. Yumitoko II (has 2)
  84. Raving.Rabbids (has 3)
  85. AstoriaFallen (has 2)

    Page 16

If your first roll is a MALE KELPI, use this list for your second roll:
Female Full-Sized Plus Mers
    Page 1
  1. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (has 2)
  2. Teh Cheryl (has 3)
  3. nekolulu (has 1)
  4. one over three (has 3)
    Leez0rz (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  5. LunaRei_SilverBlood (has 2)

    Page 2
  6. mistalina13 (has 2)
  7. Sabin Duvert (has 3)
  8. odet amo (has 2)
  9. ramenli (has 2)
    Bardess Ookami (has 3) - has won 2 slots now

    Page 3
  10. Pollack (has 4)
  11. PixelDeerest (has 1)
  12. Tiger_Kisa699 (has 2)
  13. SilverShieldwolf (has 2)
  14. tefla (has 2)
  15. Lita Rutherford (has 3)
  16. Lunadriel (has 1)
  17. 8-Bit Mosh Pit (has 2)

    Page 4
  18. Ririka (has 2)
  19. Sawaki (has 2)
  20. She-Ra of Etheria (has 1)
  21. Chibi Hige (has 4)
  22. JetAlmeara (has 2)
  23. Kaya Wolf Moon (has 1)

    Page 5
  24. saedusk (has 1)
  25. Rein_Carnation (has 1)
  26. dawns_aura (has 2)
  27. Amirynth (has 2)
  28. Roarie Desu (has 1)

    Page 6
  29. Pandora Talie (has 1)
  30. stormflower (has 2)
  31. Devil NightShade (has 3)
  32. Mewsings of An Angel (has 2)
  33. Rita Zyon (has 2)
  34. Mameha Otome (has 3)
  35. FitzRoyal (has 1)

    Page 7
  36. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 2)
  37. Kyribird (has 4)
  38. Mindsend (has 1)
  39. Infinities (has 3)
  40. LOLTERNATIVE (has 1)

    Page 8
  41. LydaLynn (has 3)
  42. AislingJuno (has 2)
  43. CitrusCupcake (has 4)
  44. Sweenys_Revenge (has 2)
  45. SwordOfTheDarkOnes (has 1)

    Page 9
  46. Nerpin (has 1)
  47. Nisshou H (has 1)
  48. Kamiki (has 3)
  49. belloblossom (has 2)
  50. Agneza (has 3)
  51. Tigeria (has 1)

    Page 10
  52. techabyte (has 1)
  53. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki (has 2)
  54. Tara de Draiocht (has 3)
  55. Kyrieko (has 1)
  56. Thalea (has 3)
  57. Revel1984 (has 2)

    Page 11
  58. dolphingurl (has 2)
  59. ~Masamune~ (has 2)
  60. Ruler of Everything (has 3)
  61. Angelique DelaMort (has 2)

    Page 12
  62. xSakura Serenityx (has 2)
  63. Rhyleigh (has 1)
  64. Ebonrune (has 1)
  65. S u r f for L o v e (has 1)
  66. Niyaru Delacroix (has 2)
  67. o-Elixir-o (has 2)
  68. I Lady Kiya I (has 1)

    Page 13
  69. FrostyPeaches (has 1)
  70. Roniel Targaryen (has 5)
  71. Insane Butterfly (has 3)
  72. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko (has 1)
  73. xxx Yuki Bear xxx (has 2)
  74. baby_gwing (has 1)

    Page 14
  75. Lunarflowermaiden (has 2)
  76. Novablu (has 3)
  77. Kara Asumie (has 2)
  78. pippi18848 (has 5)
  79. Strifeling (has 1)
  80. Faithofthefallen (has 4)
  81. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 2)
  82. Kettyn (has 3)

    Page 15
  83. Bluedemonwolf (has 1)
  84. Painted Moose (has 2)
  85. Meepfur (has 5)
  86. Nikkichomp (has 1)
  87. Yumitoko II (has 2)
  88. Raving.Rabbids (has 3)
  89. AstoriaFallen (has 2)

    Page 16

If your first roll is a MALE MER, use this list for your second roll:
Female Mer Plus Kelpi
    Page 1
  1. one over three (has 1)

    Page 2
  2. Sabin Duvert (has 1)
  3. odet amo (has 1)
  4. ramenli (has 1)
    Bardess Ookami (has 1) - has won 2 slots now

    Page 3
  5. Pollack (has 2)
  6. Lita Rutherford (has 1)

    Page 4

    Page 5
  7. Rein_Carnation (has 1)

    Page 6
  8. Devil NightShade (has 1)
  9. Mameha Otome (has 1)

    Page 7
  10. Mindsend (has 1)

    Page 8
  11. SwordOfTheDarkOnes (has 1)

    Page 9

    Page 10
  12. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki (has 1)

    Page 11
  13. Ruler of Everything (has 1)

    Page 12
  14. Rhyleigh (has 1)

    Page 13
  15. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko (has 1)
  16. baby_gwing (has 1)

    Page 14
  17. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 1)
  18. Kettyn (has 1)

    Page 15

    Page 16


If your first roll is a FEMALE FULL-SIZED Soquili and is NOT a kelpi, skinwalker or pure angeni/uni-angeni, use this list for your second roll:
Male Full-Sized
    Page 1
  1. nekolulu (has 1)
  2. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (has 3)
  3. Phail Ninja (has 2)
  4. Teh Cheryl (has 1)

    Page 2
    mistalina13 (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  5. Sabin Duvert (has 2)
  6. odet amo (has 1)
  7. ramenli (has 2)

    Page 3
  8. Pollack (has 1)
  9. PixelDeerest (has 1)
  10. SilverShieldwolf (has 1)
  11. Lunadriel (has 2)
  12. Mahogany Sunset (has 2)
  13. Lita Rutherford (has 1)

    Page 4
  14. tefla (has 1)
  15. Ririka (has 2)
  16. Cheyriddle4 (has 3)
  17. Sweenys_Revenge (has 1)
  18. She-Ra of Etheria (has 2)

    Page 5
  19. JetAlmeara (has 2)
  20. saedusk (has 2)
  21. dawns_aura (has 3)
  22. Amirynth (has 3)
  23. Roarie Desu (has 1)

    Page 6
  24. Pandora Talie (has 1)
  25. Devil NightShade (has 1)
  26. stormflower (has 2)
  27. Mewsings of An Angel (has 1)
  28. dbz2010 (has 1)
  29. Mameha Otome (has 1)

    Page 7
  30. AstoriaFallen (has 2)
  31. FitzRoyal (has 1)
  32. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 1)
  33. Kyribird (has 1)
  34. Infinities (has 2)
  35. Lady Aria Starstone (has 1)
  36. ~Twilight...Angel~ (has 2)
  37. LOLTERNATIVE (has 3)

    Page 8
  38. LydaLynn (has 1)
  39. AislingJuno (has 1)
  40. SwordOfTheDarkOnes (has 4)
  41. Lady Argentum Draconis (has 1)
  42. hanging gallow (has 3)
  43. Nerpin (has 2)

    Page 9
  44. Kamiki (has 1)
  45. Calixita (has 3)
  46. Tigeria (has 2)

    Page 10
  47. one over three (has 2)
  48. Vesale (has 1)
  49. Rita Zyon (has 2)
  50. techabyte (has 1)
  51. Kesmi (has 2)
  52. Tara de Draiocht (has 2)
  53. Kyrieko (has 3)

    Page 11
  54. Zee Oddwyn (has 2)
  55. dolphingurl (has 2)
  56. Kivras (has 1)
  57. Angelique DelaMort (has 2)

    Page 12
  58. S u r f for L o v e (has 2)
  59. Ebonrune (has 3)
  60. spelldancer (has 1)
  61. o-Elixir-o (has 3)
  62. I Lady Kiya I (has 4)

    Page 13
  63. FrostyPeaches (has 3)
  64. Insane Butterfly (has 1)
  65. Parasitic Candii (has 1)
  66. xxx Yuki Bear xxx (has 1)
  67. Lunarflowermaiden (has 1)

    Page 14
  68. Novablu (has 1)
  69. GrnGriff (has 4)
  70. Kara Asumie (has 2)
  71. Rhyleigh (has 1)
  72. Cajmera (has 3)

    Page 15
  73. Kettyn (has 2)
  74. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 2)
  75. Bluedemonwolf (has 2)
    Painted Moose (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  76. Nikkichomp (has 2)
  77. Yumitoko II (has 1)
  78. Fuzzy-Gumdrop (has 1)

    Page 16
  79. Raving.Rabbids (has 1)

If your first roll is a FEMALE ANGENI/UNI-ANGENI Soquili, use this list for your second roll:
Male Full-Sized Minus Skinwalkers
    Page 1
  1. nekolulu (has 1)
  2. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (has 3)
  3. Phail Ninja (has 2)
  4. Teh Cheryl (has 1)

    Page 2
    mistalina13 (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  5. Sabin Duvert (has 2)
  6. odet amo (has 1)
  7. ramenli (has 2)

    Page 3
  8. Pollack (has 1)
  9. PixelDeerest (has 1)
  10. SilverShieldwolf (has 1)
  11. Lunadriel (has 2)
  12. Mahogany Sunset (has 2)
  13. Lita Rutherford (has 1)

    Page 4
  14. tefla (has 1)
  15. Ririka (has 2)
  16. Cheyriddle4 (has 3)
  17. Sweenys_Revenge (has 1)
  18. She-Ra of Etheria (has 2)

    Page 5
  19. JetAlmeara (has 2)
  20. saedusk (has 2)
  21. dawns_aura (has 3)
  22. Amirynth (has 3)
  23. Roarie Desu (has 1)

    Page 6
  24. Pandora Talie (has 1)
  25. Devil NightShade (has 1)
  26. stormflower (has 2)
  27. Mewsings of An Angel (has 1)
  28. dbz2010 (has 1)
  29. Mameha Otome (has 1)

    Page 7
  30. AstoriaFallen (has 2)
  31. FitzRoyal (has 1)
  32. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 1)
  33. Kyribird (has 1)
  34. Infinities (has 2)
  35. Lady Aria Starstone (has 1)
  36. ~Twilight...Angel~ (has 2)
  37. LOLTERNATIVE (has 3)

    Page 8
  38. LydaLynn (has 1)
  39. AislingJuno (has 1)
  40. SwordOfTheDarkOnes (has 4)
  41. Lady Argentum Draconis (has 1)
  42. hanging gallow (has 3)
  43. Nerpin (has 2)

    Page 9
  44. Kamiki (has 1)
  45. Calixita (has 3)
  46. Tigeria (has 2)

    Page 10
  47. one over three (has 1)
  48. Vesale (has 1)
  49. Rita Zyon (has 2)
  50. techabyte (has 1)
  51. Kesmi (has 2)
  52. Tara de Draiocht (has 2)
  53. Kyrieko (has 3)

    Page 11
  54. Zee Oddwyn (has 2)
  55. dolphingurl (has 2)
  56. Kivras (has 1)
  57. Angelique DelaMort (has 1)

    Page 12
  58. S u r f for L o v e (has 2)
  59. Ebonrune (has 3)
  60. spelldancer (has 1)
  61. o-Elixir-o (has 3)
  62. I Lady Kiya I (has 4)

    Page 13
  63. FrostyPeaches (has 3)
  64. Insane Butterfly (has 1)
  65. Parasitic Candii (has 1)
  66. xxx Yuki Bear xxx (has 1)
  67. Lunarflowermaiden (has 1)

    Page 14
  68. Novablu (has 1)
  69. GrnGriff (has 4)
  70. Kara Asumie (has 2)
  71. Rhyleigh (has 1)
  72. Cajmera (has 3)

    Page 15
  73. Kettyn (has 2)
  74. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 2)
  75. Bluedemonwolf (has 2)
    Painted Moose (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  76. Nikkichomp (has 1)
  77. Yumitoko II (has 1)
  78. Fuzzy-Gumdrop (has 1)

    Page 16
  79. Raving.Rabbids (has 1)

If your first roll is a FEMALE SKINWALKER Soquili, use this list for your second roll:
Male Full-Sized Minus Angeni
    Page 1
  1. nekolulu (has 1)
  2. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (has 3)
  3. Phail Ninja (has 2)
  4. Teh Cheryl (has 1)

    Page 2
    mistalina13 (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  5. Sabin Duvert (has 2)
  6. odet amo (has 1)
  7. ramenli (has 2)

    Page 3
  8. Pollack (has 1)
  9. PixelDeerest (has 1)
  10. SilverShieldwolf (has 1)
  11. Lunadriel (has 2)
  12. Mahogany Sunset (has 2)
  13. Lita Rutherford (has 1)

    Page 4
  14. tefla (has 1)
  15. Ririka (has 2)
  16. Cheyriddle4 (has 3)
  17. Sweenys_Revenge (has 1)
  18. She-Ra of Etheria (has 2)

    Page 5
  19. JetAlmeara (has 2)
  20. saedusk (has 2)
  21. dawns_aura (has 3)
  22. Amirynth (has 2)
  23. Roarie Desu (has 1)

    Page 6
  24. Pandora Talie (has 1)
  25. Devil NightShade (has 1)
  26. stormflower (has 2)
  27. Mewsings of An Angel (has 1)
  28. dbz2010 (has 1)
  29. Mameha Otome (has 1)

    Page 7
  30. AstoriaFallen (has 2)
  31. FitzRoyal (has 1)
  32. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 1)
  33. Kyribird (has 1)
  34. Infinities (has 1)
  35. Lady Aria Starstone (has 1)
  36. ~Twilight...Angel~ (has 2)
  37. LOLTERNATIVE (has 3)

    Page 8
  38. LydaLynn (has 1)
  39. AislingJuno (has 1)
  40. SwordOfTheDarkOnes (has 4)
  41. Lady Argentum Draconis (has 1)
  42. hanging gallow (has 3)
  43. Nerpin (has 2)

    Page 9
  44. Kamiki (has 1)
  45. Calixita (has 3)
  46. Tigeria (has 2)

    Page 10
  47. one over three (has 2)
  48. Vesale (has 1)
  49. Rita Zyon (has 2)
  50. techabyte (has 1)
  51. Kesmi (has 2)
  52. Tara de Draiocht (has 2)
  53. Kyrieko (has 3)

    Page 11
  54. Zee Oddwyn (has 2)
  55. dolphingurl (has 2)
  56. Kivras (has 1)
  57. Angelique DelaMort (has 2)

    Page 12
  58. S u r f for L o v e (has 2)
  59. Ebonrune (has 3 - Ebonrune's uniangeni doesn't have a double set of wings and so can still breed with skinwalkers)
  60. spelldancer (has 1)
  61. o-Elixir-o (has 3)
  62. I Lady Kiya I (has 4)

    Page 13
  63. FrostyPeaches (has 3)
  64. Insane Butterfly (has 1)
  65. Parasitic Candii (has 1)
  66. xxx Yuki Bear xxx (has 1)
  67. Lunarflowermaiden (has 1)

    Page 14
  68. Novablu (has 1)
  69. GrnGriff (has 4)
  70. Kara Asumie (has 2)
  71. Rhyleigh (has 1)
  72. Cajmera (has 3)

    Page 15
  73. Kettyn (has 2 - angeni is not pure and so can breed with skinwalkers)
  74. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 2)
  75. Bluedemonwolf (has 2)
    Painted Moose (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  76. Nikkichomp (has 2)
  77. Yumitoko II (has 1)
  78. Fuzzy-Gumdrop (has 1)

    Page 16
  79. Raving.Rabbids (has 1)

If your first roll is a FEMALE KELPI Soquili, use this list for your second roll:
Male Full-Sized Plus Mers
    Page 1
  1. nekolulu (has 1)
  2. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (has 3)
  3. Phail Ninja (has 2)
  4. Teh Cheryl (has 1)

    Page 2
    mistalina13 (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  5. Sabin Duvert (has 2)
  6. odet amo (has 1)
  7. ramenli (has 2)

    Page 3
  8. Pollack (has 1)
  9. PixelDeerest (has 1)
  10. SilverShieldwolf (has 1)
  11. Lunadriel (has 2)
  12. Mahogany Sunset (has 2)
  13. Lita Rutherford (has 1)

    Page 4
  14. tefla (has 2)
  15. Ririka (has 3)
  16. Cheyriddle4 (has 3)
  17. Sweenys_Revenge (has 1)
  18. She-Ra of Etheria (has 2)

    Page 5
  19. JetAlmeara (has 2)
  20. saedusk (has 2)
  21. dawns_aura (has 3)
  22. Amirynth (has 3)
  23. Roarie Desu (has 1)

    Page 6
  24. Pandora Talie (has 1)
  25. Devil NightShade (has 1)
  26. stormflower (has 2)
  27. Mewsings of An Angel (has 2)
  28. dbz2010 (has 1)
  29. Mameha Otome (has 2)

    Page 7
  30. AstoriaFallen (has 2)
  31. FitzRoyal (has 2)
  32. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 1)
  33. Kyribird (has 1)
  34. Infinities (has 2)
  35. Lady Aria Starstone (has 1)
  36. ~Twilight...Angel~ (has 2)
  37. LOLTERNATIVE (has 3)

    Page 8
  38. LydaLynn (has 1)
  39. AislingJuno (has 2)
  40. SwordOfTheDarkOnes (has 4)
  41. Lady Argentum Draconis (has 1)
  42. hanging gallow (has 3)
  43. Nerpin (has 2)

    Page 9
  44. Kamiki (has 1)
  45. Calixita (has 4)
  46. Tigeria (has 2)

    Page 10
  47. one over three (has 2)
  48. Vesale (has 1)
  49. Rita Zyon (has 2)
  50. techabyte (has 1)
  51. Kesmi (has 2)
  52. Tara de Draiocht (has 2)
  53. Kyrieko (has 3)

    Page 11
  54. Zee Oddwyn (has 2)
  55. dolphingurl (has 2)
  56. Kivras (has 1)
  57. Angelique DelaMort (has 2)

    Page 12
  58. S u r f for L o v e (has 2)
  59. Ebonrune (has 3)
  60. spelldancer (has 1)
  61. o-Elixir-o (has 3)
  62. I Lady Kiya I (has 4)

    Page 13
  63. FrostyPeaches (has 3)
  64. Insane Butterfly (has 1)
  65. Parasitic Candii (has 1)
  66. xxx Yuki Bear xxx (has 2)
  67. Lunarflowermaiden (has 1)

    Page 14
  68. Novablu (has 1)
  69. GrnGriff (has 4)
  70. Kara Asumie (has 3)
  71. Rhyleigh (has 1)
  72. Cajmera (has 3)

    Page 15
  73. Kettyn (has 2)
  74. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 2)
  75. Bluedemonwolf (has 3)
    Painted Moose (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  76. Nikkichomp (has 2)
  77. Yumitoko II (has 1)
  78. Fuzzy-Gumdrop (has 1)

    Page 16
  79. Raving.Rabbids (has 1)

If your first roll is a FEMALE MER, use this list for your second roll:
Male Mer Plus Kelpi
    Page 1

    Page 2
  1. Sabin Duvert (has 1)
  2. ramenli (has 1)

    Page 3
  3. Lunadriel (has 1)

    Page 4
  4. tefla (has 1)
  5. Ririka (has 1)

    Page 5

    Page 6
  6. Mewsings of An Angel (has 1)
  7. Mameha Otome (has 1)

    Page 7
  8. FitzRoyal (has 2)

    Page 8
  9. AislingJuno (has 1)

    Page 9
  10. Calixita (has 1)

    Page 10

    Page 11

    Page 12
  11. Ebonrune (has 1)

    Page 13
  12. FrostyPeaches (has 1)
  13. xxx Yuki Bear xxx (has 1)
  14. Lunarflowermaiden (has 1)

    Page 14
  15. Kara Asumie (has 1)
  16. Rhyleigh (has 1)

    Page 15
  17. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 1)
  18. Bluedemonwolf (has 2)
    Painted Moose (has 1) - this soq was rolled

    Page 16


If your first roll is a MALE USDIA and is NOT a nixie, use this list for your second roll:
Female Usdia
    Page 1
  1. Summer Raaven (has 1)
  2. Leez0rz (has 1)
  3. LunaRei_SilverBlood (has 1)

    Page 2
  4. mistalina13 (has 1)
    Bardess Ookami (has 1) - has won 2 slots now

    Page 3

    Page 4
  5. She-Ra of Etheria (has 1)
  6. Chibi Hige (has 1)

    Page 5
  7. saedusk (has 2)

    Page 6
  8. Pandora Talie (has 1)
    Mewsings of An Angel (has 1) - this soq was rolled

    Page 7
  9. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 1)

    Page 8
  10. LydaLynn (has 1)
    White Neko Chan (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  11. Sweenys_Revenge (has 2)

    Page 9

    Page 10

    Page 11

    Page 12
    Ebonrune (has 1) - this soq was rolled

    Page 13
    Insane Butterfly (has 1) - this soq was rolled

    Page 14
  12. Lunarflowermaiden (has 1)
  13. Strifeling (has 1)
  14. Faithofthefallen (has 4)
  15. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 1)

    Page 15
  16. Bluedemonwolf (has 1)
  17. Master Wild Mage (has 1)

    Page 16

If your first roll is a MALE NIXIE, use this list for your second roll:
Female Usdia Plus Seathi
    Page 1
  1. Summer Raaven (has 1)
  2. Leez0rz (has 1)
  3. LunaRei_SilverBlood (has 1)

    Page 2
  4. mistalina13 (has 1)
    Bardess Ookami (has 1) - has won 2 slots now

    Page 3
  5. tefla (has 1)
  6. 8-Bit Mosh Pit (has 1)

    Page 4
  7. She-Ra of Etheria (has 1)
  8. Chibi Hige (has 1)

    Page 5
  9. saedusk (has 2)
  10. Roarie Desu (has 2)

    Page 6
  11. Pandora Talie (has 1)
    Mewsings of An Angel (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  12. Rita Zyon (has 1)

    Page 7
  13. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 1)

    Page 8
  14. LydaLynn (has 1)
    White Neko Chan (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  15. Sweenys_Revenge (has 2)

    Page 9
  16. DeeJaye (has 2)

    Page 10
  17. Kyrieko (has 1)

    Page 11

    Page 12
  18. Rhyleigh (has 1)
    Ebonrune (has 1) - this soq was rolled

    Page 13
    Insane Butterfly (has 1) - this soq was rolled

    Page 14
  19. Lunarflowermaiden (has 1)
  20. Strifeling (has 1)
  21. Faithofthefallen (has 4)
  22. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 1)

    Page 15
  23. Bluedemonwolf (has 1)
  24. Painted Moose (has 1)
  25. Master Wild Mage (has 1)

    Page 16

If your first roll is a MALE SEATHI, use this list for your second roll:
Female Seathi Plus Nixies
    Page 1

    Page 2

    Page 3
  1. tefla (has 1)
  2. 8-Bit Mosh Pit (has 1)

    Page 4

    Page 5
  3. saedusk (has 1)

    Page 6
  4. Rita Zyon (has 1)

    Page 7

    Page 8

    Page 9
  5. DeeJaye (has 2)

    Page 10
  6. Kyrieko (has 1)

    Page 11

    Page 12
  7. Rhyleigh (has 1)

    Page 13

    Page 14

    Page 15
  8. Painted Moose (has 1)

    Page 16


If your first roll is a FEMALE USDIA and is NOT a nixie, use this list for your second roll:
Male Usdia
    Page 1
  1. Phail Ninja (has 2)

    Page 2
  2. mistalina13 (has 1)
  3. ramenli (has 1)

    Page 3
  4. SilverShieldwolf (has 1)
    Lunadriel (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  5. Lita Rutherford (has 1)

    Page 4
  6. Cheyriddle4 (has 1)
  7. She-Ra of Etheria (has 1)

    Page 5
    Roarie Desu (has 1) - this soq was rolled

    Page 6
  8. Pandora Talie (has 1)
  9. Devil NightShade (has 1)

    Page 7
    FitzRoyal (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  10. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 1)

    Page 8
  11. AislingJuno (has 1)
  12. hanging gallow (has 1)

    Page 9
  13. Calixita (has 1)

    Page 10
  14. techabyte (has 1)

    Page 11
  15. Kivras (has 1)
  16. Little Yellow Jacket (has 2)
  17. Angelique DelaMort (has 1)

    Page 12
  18. xSakura Serenityx (has 1)

    Page 13
  19. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko (has 1)
    baby_gwing (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  20. Lunarflowermaiden (has 1)

    Page 14

    Page 15

    Page 16

If your first roll is a FEMALE NIXIE, use this list for your second roll:
Male Usdia Plus Seathi
    Page 1
  1. Phail Ninja (has 2)

    Page 2
  2. mistalina13 (has 1)
  3. odet amo (has 2)
  4. ramenli (has 1)

    Page 3
  5. SilverShieldwolf (has 2)
    Lunadriel (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  6. Lita Rutherford (has 1)

    Page 4
  7. Cheyriddle4 (has 1)
  8. She-Ra of Etheria (has 1)

    Page 5
    Roarie Desu (has 1) - this soq was rolled

    Page 6
  9. Pandora Talie (has 1)
  10. Devil NightShade (has 1)

    Page 7
    FitzRoyal (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  11. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 1)

    Page 8
  12. AislingJuno (has 1)
  13. hanging gallow (has 1)

    Page 9
  14. Mindsend (has 1)
  15. Kamiki (has 1)
  16. Calixita (has 1)

    Page 10
  17. techabyte (has 2)

    Page 11
  18. ~Masamune~ (has 1)
  19. Kivras (has 1)
  20. Little Yellow Jacket (has 2)
  21. Angelique DelaMort (has 1)

    Page 12
  22. xSakura Serenityx (has 1)

    Page 13
  23. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko (has 1)
    baby_gwing (has 1) - this soq was rolled
  24. Lunarflowermaiden (has 1)

    Page 14
  25. GrnGriff (has 1)

    Page 15

    Page 16

If your first roll is a FEMALE SEATHI, use this list for your second roll:
Male Seathi Plus Nixies
    Page 1

    Page 2
  1. odet amo (has 2)
  2. ramenli (has 1)

    Page 3
  3. SilverShieldwolf (has 1)

    Page 4

    Page 5

    Page 6

    Page 7
    FitzRoyal (has 1) - this soq was rolled

    Page 8
  4. hanging gallow (has 1)

    Page 9
  5. Mindsend (has 1)
  6. Kamiki (has 1)
  7. Calixita (has 1)

    Page 10
  8. techabyte (has 1)

    Page 11
  9. ~Masamune~ (has 1)
  10. Angelique DelaMort (has 1)

    Page 12
  11. xSakura Serenityx (has 1)

    Page 13
  12. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko (has 1)

    Page 14
  13. GrnGriff (has 1)

    Page 15

    Page 16

Phail Ninja
Vice Captain

Man-Hungry Sex Symbol

FitzRoyal generated a random number between 1 and 182 ... 114!


Distinct Regular

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:09 pm

First Roll for me: I'm doing 1 rolled Breeding :3

Parent 1: Nefarious (Kyrieko)
User Image

Parent 2:
FitzRoyal generated a random number between 1 and 87 ... 20!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:14 pm

Next roll from the Female Full-Sized List

Parent 1: Nefarious (Kyrieko)
User Image

Parent 2: Itzel (Ririka)
User Image


Distinct Regular

Wandered generated a random number between 1 and 182 ... 62!


Headless Hunter

33,090 Points
  • Falling For You 25
  • Melodic Hunter 500
  • Wandering Head-First 500
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:26 pm

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Wandered generated a random number between 1 and 24 ... 23!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:30 pm

Breeding 1; Parent 1
User Image

Breeding 1; Parent 2
User Image


Headless Hunter

33,090 Points
  • Falling For You 25
  • Melodic Hunter 500
  • Wandering Head-First 500
Wandered generated a random number between 1 and 182 ... 87!


Headless Hunter

33,090 Points
  • Falling For You 25
  • Melodic Hunter 500
  • Wandering Head-First 500
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:34 pm

User Image
Wandered generated a random number between 1 and 24 ... 12!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:37 pm

Breeding 2; Parent 1
User Image

Breeding 2; Parent 2
User Image


Headless Hunter

33,090 Points
  • Falling For You 25
  • Melodic Hunter 500
  • Wandering Head-First 500
Wandered generated a random number between 1 and 182 ... 54!


Headless Hunter

33,090 Points
  • Falling For You 25
  • Melodic Hunter 500
  • Wandering Head-First 500
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:41 pm

User Image
(half cc)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:59 pm

Breeding 3; Parent 1
User Image

Breeding 3; Parent 2
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.


Headless Hunter

33,090 Points
  • Falling For You 25
  • Melodic Hunter 500
  • Wandering Head-First 500
Grifferie generated a random number between 1 and 182 ... 180!


Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:57 pm

Time for my rolls.

Breeding one, Parent one: #180 AstoriaFallen [F]
>> Gonna roll the boy before I pick the lady.

Open List (use this one to roll the first parent):
Open List
    Page 1
  1. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. [F]
  2. nekolulu [M]
  3. Teh Cheryl [F]
  4. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. [M]
  5. nekolulu [F]
  6. Summer Raaven [F]
  7. Phail Ninja [M]
  8. one over three [F]
  9. Teh Cheryl [M]
  10. Leez0rz [F]
  11. LunaRei_SilverBlood [F]

    Page 2
  12. mistalina13 [F]
  13. Sabin Duvert [F]
  14. mistalina13 [M]
  15. odet amo [F]
  16. Sabin Duvert [M]
  17. odet amo [M]
  18. ramenli [F]
  19. ramenli [M]
  20. Bardess Ookami [F]

    Page 3
  21. Pollack [F]
  22. Pollack [M]
  23. PixelDeerest [F]
  24. PixelDeerest [M]
  25. Tiger_Kisa699 [F]
  26. SilverShieldwolf [F]
  27. SilverShieldwolf [M]
  28. Lunadriel [M]
  29. Mahogany Sunset [M]
  30. tefla [F]
  31. Lita Rutherford [F]
  32. Lita Rutherford [M]
  33. Lunadriel [F]
  34. 8-Bit Mosh Pit [F]

    Page 4
  35. tefla [M]
  36. Ririka [M]
  37. Ririka [F]
  38. Sawaki [F]
  39. She-Ra of Etheria [F]
  40. Cheyriddle4 [M]
  41. Sweenys_Revenge [M]
  42. She-Ra of Etheria [M]
  43. Chibi Hige [F]
  44. JetAlmeara [F]
  45. Kaya Wolf Moon [F]

    Page 5
  46. JetAlmeara [M]
  47. saedusk [M]
  48. saedusk [F]
  49. Rein_Carnation [F]
  50. dawns_aura [F]
  51. dawns_aura [M]
  52. Amirynth [M]
  53. Amirynth [F]
  54. Roarie Desu [M]
  55. Roarie Desu [F]

    Page 6
  56. Pandora Talie [F]
  57. Pandora Talie [M]
  58. Devil NightShade [M]
  59. stormflower [F]
  60. Devil NightShade [F]
  61. stormflower [M]
  62. Mewsings of An Angel [F]
  63. Mewsings of An Angel [M]
  64. Rita Zyon [F]
  65. dbz2010 [M]
  66. Mameha Otome [F]
  67. Mameha Otome [M]
  68. FitzRoyal [F]

    Page 7
  69. sage_the_vampirc_angel [F]
  70. AstoriaFallen [M]
  71. FitzRoyal [M]
  72. sage_the_vampirc_angel [M]
  73. Kyribird [F]
  74. Kyribird [M]
  75. Mindsend [F]
  76. Infinities [F]
  77. Infinities [M]
  78. Lady Aria Starstone [M]
  79. ~Twilight...Angel~ [M]

    Page 8
  82. LydaLynn [M]
  83. LydaLynn [F]
  84. AislingJuno [M]
  85. AislingJuno [F]
  86. CitrusCupcake [F]
  87. White Neko Chan [F]
  88. Sweenys_Revenge [F]
  89. SwordOfTheDarkOnes [M]
  90. SwordOfTheDarkOnes [F]
  91. Lady Argentum Draconis [M]
  92. hanging gallow [M]
  93. Nerpin [M]

    Page 9
  94. Nerpin [F]
  95. Nisshou H [F]
  96. DeeJaye [F]
  97. Kamiki [F]
  98. Mindsend [M]
  99. belloblossom [F]
  100. Kamiki [M]
  101. Calixita [M]
  102. Agneza [F]
  103. Tigeria [M]
  104. Tigeria [F]

    Page 10
  105. one over three [M]
  106. Vesale [M]
  107. Rita Zyon [M]
  108. techabyte [F]
  109. techabyte [M]
  110. Kesmi [M]
  111. Tara de Draiocht [M]
  112. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki [F]
  113. Tara de Draiocht [F]
  114. Kyrieko [M]
  115. Kyrieko [F]
  116. Thalea [F]
  117. Revel1984 [F]

    Page 11
  118. Zee Oddwyn [M]
  119. dolphingurl [F]
  120. dolphingurl [M]
  121. ~Masamune~ [M]
  122. ~Masamune~ [F]
  123. Ruler of Everything [F]
  124. Kivras [M]
  125. Angelique DelaMort [F]
  126. Little Yellow Jacket [M]
  127. Angelique DelaMort [M]

    Page 12
  128. xSakura Serenityx [F]
  129. Rhyleigh [F]
  130. xSakura Serenityx [M]
  131. Ebonrune [F]
  132. S u r f for L o v e [F]
  133. S u r f for L o v e [M]
  134. Ebonrune [M]
  135. Niyaru Delacroix [F]
  136. spelldancer [M]
  137. o-Elixir-o [F]
  138. o-Elixir-o [M]
  139. I Lady Kiya I [M]
  140. I Lady Kiya I [F]

    Page 13
  141. FrostyPeaches [F]
  142. FrostyPeaches [M]
  143. Roniel Targaryen [F]
  144. Insane Butterfly [F]
  145. Insane Butterfly [M]
  146. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko [M]
  147. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko [F]
  148. Parasitic Candii [M]
  149. xxx Yuki Bear xxx [M]
  150. xxx Yuki Bear xxx [F]
  151. baby_gwing [M]
  152. baby_gwing [F]
  153. Lunarflowermaiden [M]

    Page 14
  154. Lunarflowermaiden [F]
  155. Novablu [F]
  156. Novablu [M]
  157. GrnGriff [M]
  158. Kara Asumie [F]
  159. Kara Asumie [M]
  160. pippi18848 [F]
  161. Rhyleigh [M]
  162. Strifeling [F]
  163. Faithofthefallen [F]
  164. Cajmera [M]
  165. Nyx Queen of Darkness [F]
  166. Kettyn [F]

    Page 15
  167. Kettyn [M]
  168. Nyx Queen of Darkness [M]
  169. Bluedemonwolf [F]
  170. Bluedemonwolf [M]
  171. Painted Moose [F]
  172. Painted Moose [M]
  173. Meepfur [F]
  174. Nikkichomp [M]
  175. Nikkichomp [F]
  176. Yumitoko II [F]
  177. Yumitoko II [M]
  178. Fuzzy-Gumdrop [M]
  179. Raving.Rabbids [F]
  180. AstoriaFallen [F]
  181. Master Wild Mage [F]

    Page 16
  182. Raving.Rabbids [M]

Grifferie generated a random number between 1 and 81 ... 77!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 5:03 pm

Breeding one, parent two:

Male Full-Sized
    Page 1
  1. nekolulu (has 1)
  2. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (has 3)
  3. Phail Ninja (has 2)
  4. Teh Cheryl (has 1)

    Page 2
  5. mistalina13 (has 1)
  6. Sabin Duvert (has 2)
  7. odet amo (has 1)
  8. ramenli (has 2)

    Page 3
  9. Pollack (has 1)
  10. PixelDeerest (has 1)
  11. SilverShieldwolf (has 1)
  12. Lunadriel (has 2)
  13. Mahogany Sunset (has 2)
  14. Lita Rutherford (has 1)

    Page 4
  15. tefla (has 1)
  16. Ririka (has 2)
  17. Cheyriddle4 (has 3)
  18. Sweenys_Revenge (has 1)
  19. She-Ra of Etheria (has 2)

    Page 5
  20. JetAlmeara (has 2)
  21. saedusk (has 2)
  22. dawns_aura (has 3)
  23. Amirynth (has 3)
  24. Roarie Desu (has 1)

    Page 6
  25. Pandora Talie (has 1)
  26. Devil NightShade (has 1)
  27. stormflower (has 2)
  28. Mewsings of An Angel (has 1)
  29. dbz2010 (has 1)
  30. Mameha Otome (has 1)

    Page 7
  31. AstoriaFallen (has 2)
  32. FitzRoyal (has 1)
  33. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 1)
  34. Kyribird (has 1)
  35. Infinities (has 2)
  36. Lady Aria Starstone (has 1)
  37. ~Twilight...Angel~ (has 2)
  38. LOLTERNATIVE (has 3)

    Page 8
  39. LydaLynn (has 1)
  40. AislingJuno (has 1)
  41. SwordOfTheDarkOnes (has 4)
  42. Lady Argentum Draconis (has 1)
  43. hanging gallow (has 3)
  44. Nerpin (has 2)

    Page 9
  45. Kamiki (has 1)
  46. Calixita (has 3)
  47. Tigeria (has 2)

    Page 10
  48. one over three (has 2)
  49. Vesale (has 1)
  50. Rita Zyon (has 2)
  51. techabyte (has 1)
  52. Kesmi (has 2)
  53. Tara de Draiocht (has 2)
  54. Kyrieko (has 3)

    Page 11
  55. Zee Oddwyn (has 2)
  56. dolphingurl (has 2)
  57. Kivras (has 1)
  58. Angelique DelaMort (has 2)

    Page 12
  59. S u r f for L o v e (has 2)
  60. Ebonrune (has 3)
  61. spelldancer (has 1)
  62. o-Elixir-o (has 3)
  63. I Lady Kiya I (has 4)

    Page 13
  64. FrostyPeaches (has 3)
  65. Insane Butterfly (has 1)
  66. Parasitic Candii (has 1)
  67. xxx Yuki Bear xxx (has 1)
  68. Lunarflowermaiden (has 1)

    Page 14
  69. Novablu (has 1)
  70. GrnGriff (has 4)
  71. Kara Asumie (has 2)
  72. Rhyleigh (has 1)
  73. Cajmera (has 3)

    Page 15
  74. Kettyn (has 2)
  75. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 2)
  76. Bluedemonwolf (has 2)
  77. Painted Moose (has 1)
  78. Nikkichomp (has 2)
  79. Yumitoko II (has 1)
  80. Fuzzy-Gumdrop (has 1)

    Page 16
  81. Raving.Rabbids (has 1)


Deus Sherry


Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 5:08 pm

Breeding one: Amadahy (AstoriaFallen) x Ryouma (Painted Moose)
User Image
User Image
Grifferie generated a random number between 1 and 182 ... 10!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 5:09 pm

rolling first parent for breeding two~

Breeding two, parent one: Millicent (Leez0rz)
User Image


Deus Sherry

Grifferie generated a random number between 1 and 81 ... 2!


Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 5:15 pm

and teh boy~
Male Full-Sized
    Page 1
  1. nekolulu (has 1)
  2. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (has 3)
  3. Phail Ninja (has 2)
  4. Teh Cheryl (has 1)

    Page 2
  5. mistalina13 (has 1)
  6. Sabin Duvert (has 2)
  7. odet amo (has 1)
  8. ramenli (has 2)

    Page 3
  9. Pollack (has 1)
  10. PixelDeerest (has 1)
  11. SilverShieldwolf (has 1)
  12. Lunadriel (has 2)
  13. Mahogany Sunset (has 2)
  14. Lita Rutherford (has 1)

    Page 4
  15. tefla (has 1)
  16. Ririka (has 2)
  17. Cheyriddle4 (has 3)
  18. Sweenys_Revenge (has 1)
  19. She-Ra of Etheria (has 2)

    Page 5
  20. JetAlmeara (has 2)
  21. saedusk (has 2)
  22. dawns_aura (has 3)
  23. Amirynth (has 3)
  24. Roarie Desu (has 1)

    Page 6
  25. Pandora Talie (has 1)
  26. Devil NightShade (has 1)
  27. stormflower (has 2)
  28. Mewsings of An Angel (has 1)
  29. dbz2010 (has 1)
  30. Mameha Otome (has 1)

    Page 7
  31. AstoriaFallen (has 2)
  32. FitzRoyal (has 1)
  33. sage_the_vampirc_angel (has 1)
  34. Kyribird (has 1)
  35. Infinities (has 2)
  36. Lady Aria Starstone (has 1)
  37. ~Twilight...Angel~ (has 2)
  38. LOLTERNATIVE (has 3)

    Page 8
  39. LydaLynn (has 1)
  40. AislingJuno (has 1)
  41. SwordOfTheDarkOnes (has 4)
  42. Lady Argentum Draconis (has 1)
  43. hanging gallow (has 3)
  44. Nerpin (has 2)

    Page 9
  45. Kamiki (has 1)
  46. Calixita (has 3)
  47. Tigeria (has 2)

    Page 10
  48. one over three (has 2)
  49. Vesale (has 1)
  50. Rita Zyon (has 2)
  51. techabyte (has 1)
  52. Kesmi (has 2)
  53. Tara de Draiocht (has 2)
  54. Kyrieko (has 3)

    Page 11
  55. Zee Oddwyn (has 2)
  56. dolphingurl (has 2)
  57. Kivras (has 1)
  58. Angelique DelaMort (has 2)

    Page 12
  59. S u r f for L o v e (has 2)
  60. Ebonrune (has 3)
  61. spelldancer (has 1)
  62. o-Elixir-o (has 3)
  63. I Lady Kiya I (has 4)

    Page 13
  64. FrostyPeaches (has 3)
  65. Insane Butterfly (has 1)
  66. Parasitic Candii (has 1)
  67. xxx Yuki Bear xxx (has 1)
  68. Lunarflowermaiden (has 1)

    Page 14
  69. Novablu (has 1)
  70. GrnGriff (has 4)
  71. Kara Asumie (has 2)
  72. Rhyleigh (has 1)
  73. Cajmera (has 3)

    Page 15
  74. Kettyn (has 2)
  75. Nyx Queen of Darkness (has 2)
  76. Bluedemonwolf (has 2)
  77. Painted Moose (has 1)
  78. Nikkichomp (has 2)
  79. Yumitoko II (has 1)
  80. Fuzzy-Gumdrop (has 1)

    Page 16
  81. Raving.Rabbids (has 1)
Breeding Thickets

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