Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:41 pm
Contact Initiated...!ID: 489 Just curious on an update. Haven't seen Ny around, didn't know is there was some RL issues or what. Thanks! heart
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 4:06 pm
Fatal Irony Contact Initiated...!ID: 489 Just curious on an update. Haven't seen Ny around, didn't know is there was some RL issues or what. Thanks! heart Hello! I've sent the colorist a message; I will let you know when they get back to me, or in a week if they don't. Thank you!
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 10:04 pm
My owed work is overcooking!ID: 683 Are you open to easing the owed work: Yes (It's already unedited, so unsure how it can be made easier.)
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 10:07 pm
Contact Initiated...!ID: 017 I know Nerp was having computer troubles, but just wondering the status!
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:10 am
Teh Cheryl My owed work is overcooking!ID: 683 Are you open to easing the owed work: Yes (It's already unedited, so unsure how it can be made easier.) Teh Cheryl Contact Initiated...!ID: 017 I know Nerp was having computer troubles, but just wondering the status! Hello! I've sent both colorists a message; I will let you know when they get back to me, or in a week if they don't. Don't worry about easing the work for 683! This would only apply if there were edits and/or stages to the pet. Thank you!
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:04 am
Teh Cheryl My owed work is overcooking!ID: 683 Are you open to easing the owed work: Yes (It's already unedited, so unsure how it can be made easier.) Cheri got back to me! Your CYO will be put up for transfer; when a colorist picks it up, they will send you a PM to let you know. Thank you!
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:25 am
My owed work is overcooking!ID: 682 Are you open to easing the owed work: Its already unedited I'd rather Cheri not stress over more things in life right now so I'd like to transfer, please.
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:41 pm
Rein_Carnation My owed work is overcooking!ID: 682 Are you open to easing the owed work: Its already unedited I'd rather Cheri not stress over more things in life right now so I'd like to transfer, please. Your CYO will be put up for transfer; when a colorist picks it up, they will send you a PM to let you know. Thank you!
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:12 pm
Fatal Irony Contact Initiated...!ID: 489 Just curious on an update. Haven't seen Ny around, didn't know is there was some RL issues or what. Thanks! heart Hi Fatal! To follow up, I have not heard back from the colorist.
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 2:36 pm
My owed work is overcooking!ID: 489 Are you open to easing the owed work: Yes, open to adults-only (If multiple parties are involved, such as for twin customs or a breeding, please notify them and make sure they quote your transfer request stating they agree. If they quote Calixita, , I'll be able to respond ASAP.)
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:18 pm
Fatal Irony My owed work is overcooking!ID: 489 Are you open to easing the owed work: Yes, open to adults-only (If multiple parties are involved, such as for twin customs or a breeding, please notify them and make sure they quote your transfer request stating they agree. If they quote Calixita, , I'll be able to respond ASAP.) I agree to this request!
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 12:44 pm
My owed work is overcooking!ID: 486 & 487 Are you open to easing the owed work: No (If multiple parties are involved, such as for twin customs or a breeding, please notify them and make sure they quote your transfer request stating they agree. If they quote Calixita, , I'll be able to respond ASAP.)
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 5:02 pm
Hello! Your owed work will be put up for transfer; when a colorist picks it up, they will send a PM! Thank you!
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 9:09 am
Teh Cheryl Contact Initiated...!ID: 017 I know Nerp was having computer troubles, but just wondering the status! Hello! I have not heard back from the colorist. Hello! As a heads up, I will not be able to transfer the request until both parties involved have given permission; if one user is no longer active, you have the following options: If multiple parties are involved in requesting a transfer (for instance, a breeding where you need permission from both parent owners) and one or more are inactive, the active party may elect to make a decision without their input. To do so, The active party should try to contact inactive parties via PM (other channels, such as via IMs, DMs, quotes, Facebook, and so forth, are permissible so long as the active party, at minimum, sends the PM). If a month passes with no reply since the first time the active party sent a PM regarding the issue, use the following form. If it's a case of the inactive party being on Gaia but choosing not to reply for any reason, staff might make an attempt themselves; otherwise, if it's clear they're gone, we'll likely grant permission for the active party to make the call. [quote="Calixita"][/quote]
[size=18][color=mediumaquamarine][b]Requesting permission to transfer without the inactive party![/b][/color][/size] [b]ID:[/b] (state ID from list) [b]Inactive Party:[/b] (list all inactive users) [b]Screenshot:[/b] [img]show us a copy of the message, including: 1. proof that it pertains to the transfer request, and 2. the date[/img]
[b]Transfer Request:[/b] (link to the original transfer request if you posted one earlier. Otherwise, N/A and include the transfer request form below) You can also find this information on the front page if you need to find it again later. If you have any further questions, please let me know!
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 10:30 am
o-Elixir-o My owed work is overcooking!ID: 486 & 487 Are you open to easing the owed work: No (If multiple parties are involved, such as for twin customs or a breeding, please notify them and make sure they quote your transfer request stating they agree. If they quote Calixita, , I'll be able to respond ASAP.) Agreed