The new droid begins its audition by hitting a high note which attempts to rupture the girl's eardrums. Esme Marie Cullen = 195 Droid = 250
Esme=195 Droid=250
The droid picks up an electric guitar and begins a hardcore jam session, sending a barrage of Heavy Metal madness into the girl's very soul. Esme Marie Cullen = 195 Droid = 250
WHOA! Even too intense for the droid! Esme Marie Cullen = 85 Droid = 250
The droid ignites a lightsaber and tries to defend itself. Fred66 = 195 Droid = 195
Attacks using my lightsaber.
Fred 195 Droid 85
The droid backs away from the lightsaber duel and pulls out a blaster to continue the fight from a safer distance. Fred66 = 85 Droid = 85
Sandbags the droid.
Fred 85 Droid 30
The droid fires its blaster at the sand until it turns into glass. It breaks the glass at the girl's feet, creating a safety hazard. Fred66 = 30 Droid = 30
Throws the glass at the droid.
Fred 30 Droid 30
Droid is defeated and hit the new droid too. biggrin
The new droid begins its audition by hitting a high note which attempts to rupture the girl's eardrums. Esme Marie Cullen = 195 Droid = 250
Esme=195 Droid=250
The droid picks up an electric guitar and begins a hardcore jam session, sending a barrage of Heavy Metal madness into the girl's very soul. Esme Marie Cullen = 195 Droid = 250
WHOA! Even too intense for the droid! Esme Marie Cullen = 85 Droid = 250
Esme pours motor oil over the droid’s amplifier and tips it onto it’s side when it starts sparking. Next, Esme removes it’s weapons, from both appendages. Esme=85 Droid=250-55-55-55=85
Queentintin=250 Droid= 250 lets get the light sabers out!
The droid wasn't quick enough, but it tries to recover. It lobs a thermal detonator toward the girl and begins pulling out its lightsaber. Queentintin = 80 Droid = 165
The new droid begins its audition by hitting a high note which attempts to rupture the girl's eardrums. Esme Marie Cullen = 195 Droid = 250
Esme=195 Droid=250
The droid picks up an electric guitar and begins a hardcore jam session, sending a barrage of Heavy Metal madness into the girl's very soul. Esme Marie Cullen = 195 Droid = 250
WHOA! Even too intense for the droid! Esme Marie Cullen = 85 Droid = 250
Esme pours motor oil over the droid’s amplifier and tips it onto it’s side when it starts sparking. Next, Esme removes it’s weapons, from both appendages. Esme=85 Droid=250-55-55-55=85
The droid hooks up to the Training Room's bluetooth speaker system and begins its audio barrage anew. Esme Marie Cullen = 30 Droid = 85
Queentintin=250 Droid= 250 lets get the light sabers out!
The droid wasn't quick enough, but it tries to recover. It lobs a thermal detonator toward the girl and begins pulling out its lightsaber. Queentintin = 80 Droid = 165
oo you got me there! lets see if the masked winter dancer could retaliate!
Queentintin=250 Droid= 250 lets get the light sabers out!
The droid wasn't quick enough, but it tries to recover. It lobs a thermal detonator toward the girl and begins pulling out its lightsaber. Queentintin = 80 Droid = 165
oo you got me there! lets see if the masked winter dancer could retaliate!
The droid turns a flamethrower on the masked Winter dancer to see if she'll melt. Queentintin = Your new nickname is Puddles! blaugh Droid = 165