Woot, the coloured pic! :3
Oh and I'm back everyfur ^^
Welcie backers Doomie! <^^> *pounces and huggles, not realizing the tip of his tail is still just faintly pink*
And woot! That piccie is so awesome. XD *nuzzles*Hehe thanks. But now here's something actually done by one of the other guys featured in my comics.
surprised !
The pic I drew :
And the 3D model made by Prevost, who is coincidencially the same guy who builds the bot in the comic in the first place... yeah, the guy with the screwdriver in the pic (the bot my design though XP) :
When he showed me that, I was like... OMG.
eek It's pretty funny though, as I
was aiming to actually do the 3D models for the characters myself in a few years when I get into 3D animation studies, but this was a pleasant surprise nonetheless =3
Worst is, he even asked me if I could draw a effing huge mechwarrior and scan it for him so he could have a challenge when he's done with doing the model for Lloyd the Bot o__0;;