The droid is no more and got too close to the new droid.
Fred 250 Droid 195
The droid grapples with the girl and gives her an Indian burn for getting too close to it. Fred66 = 195 Droid = 195
Hoses the droid down so it seizes up.
Fred 195 Droid 85
Before the droid completely seizes, it grabs the girl in an inescapable bear hug. Fred66 = 195 Droid = 85
I didn't know you cared. Squeezes the life out of the droid.
Fred 195 Droid 85
The droid falls madly in love with the girl after the long embrace. It sells all of its property in the city and purchases a farm on the outskirts of the suburbs because it's finally ready to settle down. It asks the girl to marry it. Fred66 = 85 Droid = 85
The new droid sneaks up behind the woman as she gloats. It pulls out a plasma dagger and stabs her in the back. Esme Marie Cullen = 195 Droid = 250
Esme reaches behind her, grasps the dagger and gently wiggles it out. She clings the dagger by it’s tip into the droid’s circuits. She races toward the droid and yanks the dagger down through several processors.🗡 Esme=195 Droid=250-55-55=140
The girl is too good at close combat. The droid lays some exploding caltrops at her feet and searches for cover as it regroups. Esme Marie Cullen = 85 Droid = 140
Esme=85 Droid=140
Esme sweeps the back of the droid’s roller, causing it to fall. Esme=85 Droid=140-55=85
The droid fires a grappling hook into the girl's abdomen and begins to reel itself back up. Esme Marie Cullen = 30 Droid = 85
Esme jump kicks, sending the droid flying to crash in the corner of the room. Esme=30 Droid=85-55=30
Before the droid completely seizes, it grabs the girl in an inescapable bear hug. Fred66 = 195 Droid = 85
I didn't know you cared. Squeezes the life out of the droid.
Fred 195 Droid 85
The droid falls madly in love with the girl after the long embrace. It sells all of its property in the city and purchases a farm on the outskirts of the suburbs because it's finally ready to settle down. It asks the girl to marry it. Fred66 = 85 Droid = 85
Hmm....thinks about it.
Fred 85 Droid 30
The droid activates its last-ditch-effort device of offering the girl's family an impressive dowry to take the decision-making process out of her hands. Fred66 = Until DEATH do us part! Droid = 30
The new droid sneaks up behind the woman as she gloats. It pulls out a plasma dagger and stabs her in the back. Esme Marie Cullen = 195 Droid = 250
Esme reaches behind her, grasps the dagger and gently wiggles it out. She clings the dagger by it’s tip into the droid’s circuits. She races toward the droid and yanks the dagger down through several processors.🗡 Esme=195 Droid=250-55-55=140
The girl is too good at close combat. The droid lays some exploding caltrops at her feet and searches for cover as it regroups. Esme Marie Cullen = 85 Droid = 140
Esme=85 Droid=140
Esme sweeps the back of the droid’s roller, causing it to fall. Esme=85 Droid=140-55=85
The droid fires a grappling hook into the girl's abdomen and begins to reel itself back up. Esme Marie Cullen = 30 Droid = 85
Esme jump kicks, sending the droid flying to crash in the corner of the room. Esme=30 Droid=85-55=30
The droid activates its last-ditch-effort poisonous gas device. Esme Marie Cullen = You could have easily avoided this loss by discontinuing that whole inhaling and exhaling you meatbags keep doing. Droid = 30