Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:37 pm
Coralia Cert | Uncert Vital statisticsFull name: Coralia Nickname(s): Cora Gender: Mare Breed: Flutter Physical Characteristics: Short, dainty but wiry mare with long multicolored hair. Romantic Status: Heterosexual, single ~~~ FamilyFather: N/A Mother: N/A Full-blood siblings: -Twin brother CorwinLifemate: N/A Children: N/A ~~~
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:38 pm
Coralia's Story Theirs was a life story like many others', at least in the general sense. They had been born to a loving pair of flutter parents who had left a life in a large colony of flutters for a more peaceful life of independence. As their father had told them as they grew older, their parents had been happy enough in the flutter herd. They had occupied a large meadow, and there were more then two dozen flutters to share it. However, small differences and disagreements between members of the herd had started to crack the peaceful smoothness of the herd, and grudges and petty bickerings had begun to make their presence known. The twins' parents had not been part of the discord, but their lives were as much affected by the results as anyone's. After much discussion, they had decided to leave the herd and strike out on their own.
It hadn't been too long after separating from the herd that the twins had made their appearance. It had been an exciting time for the family as the parents adapted to a simpler, more nomadic lifestyle with two small foals in tow. For the most part, it had been an exciting time for the children; being on the move meant they constantly got to see and do new things.
However, travel had also had negative consequences; not having a stable home meant they often found themselves at the mercy of the weather. Sometimes, they had to travel long past the point of exhaustion in order to spend the night in a safe location, or to find enough food for the whole family. Even in their small forms with accordingly small stomachs, finding enough food was a priority. And sometimes, they had to be creative when it came to food.
This culinary uncertainty had borne tragically unforeseen fruit when the twins were still foals. A swarm of locusts had blown through the area, eating everything green in their path. Desperate to find food, the family had turned to things they'd never before considered eating, like algae and mushrooms. Having no experience or knowledge to guide her in her choices, their mother inadvertently ate toxic mushrooms and passed away in great pain. Their father had tried to spare the twins as much as he could, but their strong family bonds kept them at her side until she died. The sight was seared in their minds from that moment on.
Though at the time there was nothing he would have liked better than to curl up and die beside his mate, their father knew he had a duty to his children to carry on. Trying to compartmentalize his grief as much as possible, he conducted the funeral ritual and then rededicated himself to finding food and safety for the little family. Though it was rough, the three managed to pull through and in time, made it to a healthy territory that had been left unscathed by the locusts. They regained lost weight and lost strength, but none of the family forgot the consequences. Together, Corwin and Coralia swore that they would never again let things get that desperate. They would keep each other safe as well as their father could, and keep him safe in the bargain. Losing their mother had been unthinkable, and in spite of their father's best efforts, they could not help to see the strain the whole experience had left on him. As the twins continued to grow and blossom, their father seemed to remain as he had been before. It was as though he had taken on a half-life; that they were looking at a facade of their father, rather than the stallion they used to know who had been so full of life.
Still, he continued to strive for a happy home life for his children. They started to spend more time in each place, giving the twins opportunities to meet and play with other children. He was encouraged by this sociability, and gave them free rein to play once he had vetted whatever children were in question. Privately, he rejoiced in the new opportunities; for his children, the chance to make friends; for himself, the chance to have time to himself to freely indulge himself in his grief. Some Soquili move on after the loss of a mate, but the twins' father was not one of them. When left alone, he would spend hours alone, deep in his memories.
It was when the twins were adolescents that the second blow fell. They had been out playing with some new friends of theirs, another pair of siblings, when they were suddenly and abruptly come upon by their friends' mother. The mare was deeply agitated to the point of panic, insistent that all of the young Soquili come with her immediately, away from the open meadow to a 'safe place.' She wouldn't give any explanation, nor would the second mare who soon joined her. Speed and stealth were stressed, and it wasn't until they reached the 'safe place', a large hollow high up in a rotted tree, that they finally told the youths what the reason was for the urgency.
All of the young Soquili had heard tales of the terrifying beasts, but they had always taken on a mythical quality. The idea that the shapeshifting monsters were real had seemed far-fetched, beyond belief. Even now, there was an inclination to be skeptical on the part of the youths. But the raw terror on the faces of the older Soquili gradually began to force the truth upon them. It was only after this reality of the situation began to sink in that the twins became aware of an additional element in the looks being sent their direction: pity. Only then did they realize who was NOT present in the safety of the tree...
They didn't know how long they were in the tree with their friends; all total, five young Soquili and four adults. To the twins, though, nothing existed outside of themselves and their own grief. Though they tried to draw consolation from the fact their father had had no opportunity to suffer like their mother, the fact remained that now he, like she, was gone. Still gangly adolescents, the twins were now orphans.
The other flutters were sympathetic and incredibly kind. They, along with another pair of parents with two young foals, lived in a herd which promptly opened up to the twins. Though orphans, they did not have to be alone.
The twins had been grateful for the kindness and warmth of their new herd. Losing their father, especially in such a violent way, had been a major blow for the youths who still all too well remembered the loss of their mother. In only a matter of years, they had gone from a close-knit and loving family of four to a fiercely tight family of two. Although the other parents in their new herd opened their lives to the twins and did their best to step into the role of parents for the still adolescent pair, they were held at a bit of an arm's length.
In grief, the twins drew even closer together than before. Neither would go anywhere without the other, nor would either consider allowing the other to go anywhere without them. They grazed together, played games together, hung out with friends together. In many ways, the two seemed to be one creature.
Yet in spite of their synchronicity, their individual characters were more sharply defined at this time than they'd ever been before.
Corwin had felt the weight of his role as the older sibling and the traditionally protective male. His priorities had become keeping his sister safe and happy, well-rounded, and content. More than anything, he wanted her to emerge from the shadows of loss and embrace life and love and happiness. It had been Corwin who embraced their joining the flutter herd, drawing happiness and peace for himself from the larger 'family' unit. Though their new herdmates could never replace their lost parents, Corwin was happy for the love they showed and the possibility of, in time, making new connections.
Coralia, on the other had, had wanted to leave the area immediately. Their father's death had made her draw fiercely close to her brother, and she wanted to be alone with him in their period of mourning. While she did her best to respect the other flutters for their kindness, she could never forget that two of them had been present to witness her father's death at the jaws of the skinwalker. Though there was nothing they could have done to prevent it, she could not help but feel bitter that they had been spared and not him. The wholeness of the herd's families sparked resentment in the small mare, and she was jealous of any attempts by the other Soquili to take on the role of 'family' with she and Corwin.
It had been Corwin's flat-out refusal to leave the herd that had led to them staying. In time, Coralia had managed to overcome some of her bitterness, but the closeness that Corwin had wished for never managed to materialize. Though she possessed natural charm and grace as well as beauty, Coralia held herself aloof from all Soquili except her brother. His well-being was the focus of her life, and it became a bit of a joke in the herd as brother and sister vied for the role of 'defender' to the other.
Time had seen the twins grow from their trying adolescence into flowers of flutter adulthood. Had either been inclined towards such a thing, romantic partners of either a permanent or fly-by-night nature could have been easy to come by, but the idea of romance was still a distant thing, far out in the future. As he grew, Corwin continued to focus on cultivating and honing his athletic skills, spending hours of every day running and tussling with like-minded members of the herd. With one exception, they were all young males, and a comical sight they no doubt would have made to any non-flutter observers! Unlike winds, with their strong feathers, the thin wings of a flutter were useless as weapons and had to be protected from tearing. Their wrestling matched were notable for the filmy flutter wings being folded back, well out of range of hooves and teeth.
Besides that, the flutter contingent tended to spend a lot of time in their small form, which ranged in size from hummingbird-sized to the size of a small raccoon. This made things harder for the smaller Soquili, but made any victories they achieved all the sweeter!
Naturally, Coralia was the one female exception in the 'males only' athletic club. Though the smallest of all, she was tenacious and swift in her movements, the fastest runner and sneakiest wrestler of the bunch. Her antics with the boys earned her no small amount of admiration, but she was quick and cold in delivering put downs to any stallion who she felt was too 'presumptuous.'
This life suited them well enough, and they were content with their lot. Well, Corwin was content, Coralia was resigned. But that was enough, and they had no plans to change things. Not until the first whispers of a great mobilization of Kalona came to the herd's attention...
When the majority of the herd had declared their intent to stay where they were, relying on their old hiding places in the hollow trees to last out the passing by of the Kalona herd, he had been as surprised as his sister. Yes, the hollow trees were great hiding places and had served the flutter herd well in the past, but the height of the trees was no defense from Kalona, who unlike many of the herd's 'normal' predators were capable of flight. More importantly, the flutter herd had now established that the Kalona herd was of an unprecedented size, numbering hundred of individuals, if not more. One Kalona was unsettling enough, but could potentially be outwaited. A herd of this size had only to pass through the area on a whim and the flutters could easily be decimated, if not wiped out completely.
The arguments in favor of staying had been fervent, though. It had been pointed out that all signs indicated that while the Kalona herd was passing by closer than was comfortable, they did not appear to have any intention of heading through the flutters' meadow. The Kalona were moving swiftly and with purpose, so if the flutters took prompt refuge, they should be able to wait out the passing of the Kalona, as a precaution only.
The minority of the herd was against staying, and were vocal in their explanations as to why the whole herd should move. If they were to be detected in the hollows, they would be sitting ducks for the teeth of the Kalona; no flutter could outrun or outfly or outlast a Kalona on the hunt. Just because the main herd didn't seem to be extending this far didn't mean they couldn't change direction, or that a small group or two mightn't pass by. No, the best option was for the herd to leave, now, before the Kalona had any inkling they were there.
Coralia was one of the most vocal opponents of staying. More than any of the others, she was fearful of being boxed in and waiting for death. Even worse, she hated the idea of being boxed in and watching her brother die, and when it became obvious that the majority of the herd was staying, she had set about convincing Corwin why they needed to leave themselves.
It had been tough for Corwin. Though he was completely on the side of those in favor of leaving, it didn't feel right to him to just walk away from the herd that had been their family for so long. These Soquili had been kind to he and Coralia when they most needed it, and he couldn't stomach the idea of turning his back on them now. Even though his gut told him that staying was foolish, he couldn't leave them at a time like this.
'I told you so' was left unsaid, but the thought would linger for longer than any of the minority would care to remember. Indeed, there would be no 'I told you so,' because there was no one left for those in the right to mock. There could be no satisfaction in being right at such a cost.
Though the main body of the Kalona herd did prove true to course, traveling on far beyond the borders of the flutter herdland, one of the many ranging Kalona groups stumbled upon the flutters almost completely by accident. Though not hungry, the Kalona couldn't pass up the opportunity to inflict pain and death, particularly not against a race as delightfully vulnerable as flutters.
When the herd realized they had been found out, they were concerned, but tried not to panic. After all, they were in their small forms inside a large tree. Surely the tree would protect them, as it always had. But a partially hollow tree proved to be no match for determined young Kalona, who took breaching the flutter's hidey-hole as a game of sport.
The mood amidst the flutters when they realized they were trapped was the darkest that either Corwin or Coralia had ever felt, even when they watched their mother waste away and dealt with the aftermath of their father's death. Before, it had been grief; what they, and everyone else around them, felt was despair.
But they were determined to be no easy mark, as were their fellow athletes. When it became apparent that the tree would fall, they broke out themselves through the top of the tree, shifting from their small sizes to their full-sized forms to engage the Kalona and hopefully give the rest of the herd the opportunity to escape.
It had been a bloodbath.
Only four members of their flutter herd survived, from an initial group of nineteen. Coralia had managed to avoid detection in the chaos of the battle, and brought back a group of unicorns she'd spotted in the area. It was too late for most of the herd, but her brother and two of their friends managed to pull through. For a time, the four flutters stuck together, but eventually they split up; their friends had lost their entire families, and needed time to grieve.
Corwin and Coralia stuck together, traveling out of the battle scarred region in search of greener pastures. Corwin was still scarred from the fight, and Coralia worried that he carried deeper emotional and mental scars as well. He had always been the sensitive one, the introspective one. It had been Corwin who had wanted to stay with the flutter herd originally, and his wish to stand with the herd. She could only imagine how devastated he must be feeling at the loss of so many surrogate family members, and she raged internally against the knowledge that there was nothing more she could do.
For her own part, Coralia was sad for the loss of their friends, but they were just that: friends. Her brother had survived; he was her family, the only one she cared about. And she was determined to stay with him, to protect him, to see him smile in the old way of his that stretched all the way to his eyebrows. Nothing else was important, compared to Corwin's happiness.
In time, the two made it to the Kawani lands. While hunting for a suitable home, they bumped into a half-Angeni stallion, Hayalet. Though Cora didn't really want to have another Soquili around, she decided that one was much less threatening than many; when Hayalet offered them the hospitality of his home, she couldn't think of any argument against! Currently, the twins are happily ensconced in the high mountains with Hayalet, where they mostly reside in his long mane. A little unorthodox, but it works!
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:38 pm
Coralia's Familiar ~~~
At this time, Cora has no familiar.
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:39 pm
Coralia's Roleplays~~~ RP Availability: Open for RP ~~~ RP Log 01. [PRP] Arrival (Coralia, Corwin, Hayalet) [ link] 02. [PRP] Siblings and Strangers (Coralia, Corwin, Yngvarr and Freya) [ link] 03. [PRP] Digging In Heels (Coralia and Altair) [ link] 04. [PRP] Nerves and Tempers (Coralia and Sahaqiel) [ link] 05. [PRP] What's this, Now? (Coralia and Nebby) [ link] 06. [PRP] Something Spiffy (Coralia and Lady Amarantha Cromwell) [ link] 07. [PRP] Rock and a Hard Place (Coralia, Fletcher, Thatcher) [ link]
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:41 pm
Corwin Cert | Uncert Vital statisticsFull name: Corwin Nickname(s): Cory Gender: Stallion Breed: Flutter Physical Characteristics: Slight, slender stallion with long multicolored hair and several scars. Romantic Status: Heterosexual, single ~~~ FamilyFather: N/A Mother: N/A Full-blood siblings: -Twin sister CoraliaLifemate: N/A Children: N/A ~~~
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:42 pm
Corwin's Story Theirs was a life story like many others', at least in the general sense. They had been born to a loving pair of flutter parents who had left a life in a large colony of flutters for a more peaceful life of independence. As their father had told them as they grew older, their parents had been happy enough in the flutter herd. They had occupied a large meadow, and there were more then two dozen flutters to share it. However, small differences and disagreements between members of the herd had started to crack the peaceful smoothness of the herd, and grudges and petty bickerings had begun to make their presence known. The twins' parents had not been part of the discord, but their lives were as much affected by the results as anyone's. After much discussion, they had decided to leave the herd and strike out on their own.
It hadn't been too long after separating from the herd that the twins had made their appearance. It had been an exciting time for the family as the parents adapted to a simpler, more nomadic lifestyle with two small foals in tow. For the most part, it had been an exciting time for the children; being on the move meant they constantly got to see and do new things.
However, travel had also had negative consequences; not having a stable home meant they often found themselves at the mercy of the weather. Sometimes, they had to travel long past the point of exhaustion in order to spend the night in a safe location, or to find enough food for the whole family. Even in their small forms with accordingly small stomachs, finding enough food was a priority. And sometimes, they had to be creative when it came to food.
This culinary uncertainty had borne tragically unforeseen fruit when the twins were still foals. A swarm of locusts had blown through the area, eating everything green in their path. Desperate to find food, the family had turned to things they'd never before considered eating, like algae and mushrooms. Having no experience or knowledge to guide her in her choices, their mother inadvertently ate toxic mushrooms and passed away in great pain. Their father had tried to spare the twins as much as he could, but their strong family bonds kept them at her side until she died. The sight was seared in their minds from that moment on.
Though at the time there was nothing he would have liked better than to curl up and die beside his mate, their father knew he had a duty to his children to carry on. Trying to compartmentalize his grief as much as possible, he conducted the funeral ritual and then rededicated himself to finding food and safety for the little family. Though it was rough, the three managed to pull through and in time, made it to a healthy territory that had been left unscathed by the locusts. They regained lost weight and lost strength, but none of the family forgot the consequences. Together, Corwin and Coralia swore that they would never again let things get that desperate. They would keep each other safe as well as their father could, and keep him safe in the bargain. Losing their mother had been unthinkable, and in spite of their father's best efforts, they could not help to see the strain the whole experience had left on him. As the twins continued to grow and blossom, their father seemed to remain as he had been before. It was as though he had taken on a half-life; that they were looking at a facade of their father, rather than the stallion they used to know who had been so full of life.
Still, he continued to strive for a happy home life for his children. They started to spend more time in each place, giving the twins opportunities to meet and play with other children. He was encouraged by this sociability, and gave them free rein to play once he had vetted whatever children were in question. Privately, he rejoiced in the new opportunities; for his children, the chance to make friends; for himself, the chance to have time to himself to freely indulge himself in his grief. Some Soquili move on after the loss of a mate, but the twins' father was not one of them. When left alone, he would spend hours alone, deep in his memories.
It was when the twins were adolescents that the second blow fell. They had been out playing with some new friends of theirs, another pair of siblings, when they were suddenly and abruptly come upon by their friends' mother. The mare was deeply agitated to the point of panic, insistent that all of the young Soquili come with her immediately, away from the open meadow to a 'safe place.' She wouldn't give any explanation, nor would the second mare who soon joined her. Speed and stealth were stressed, and it wasn't until they reached the 'safe place', a large hollow high up in a rotted tree, that they finally told the youths what the reason was for the urgency.
All of the young Soquili had heard tales of the terrifying beasts, but they had always taken on a mythical quality. The idea that the shapeshifting monsters were real had seemed far-fetched, beyond belief. Even now, there was an inclination to be skeptical on the part of the youths. But the raw terror on the faces of the older Soquili gradually began to force the truth upon them. It was only after this reality of the situation began to sink in that the twins became aware of an additional element in the looks being sent their direction: pity. Only then did they realize who was NOT present in the safety of the tree...
They didn't know how long they were in the tree with their friends; all total, five young Soquili and four adults. To the twins, though, nothing existed outside of themselves and their own grief. Though they tried to draw consolation from the fact their father had had no opportunity to suffer like their mother, the fact remained that now he, like she, was gone. Still gangly adolescents, the twins were now orphans.
The other flutters were sympathetic and incredibly kind. They, along with another pair of parents with two young foals, lived in a herd which promptly opened up to the twins. Though orphans, they did not have to be alone.
The twins had been grateful for the kindness and warmth of their new herd. Losing their father, especially in such a violent way, had been a major blow for the youths who still all too well remembered the loss of their mother. In only a matter of years, they had gone from a close-knit and loving family of four to a fiercely tight family of two. Although the other parents in their new herd opened their lives to the twins and did their best to step into the role of parents for the still adolescent pair, they were held at a bit of an arm's length.
In grief, the twins drew even closer together than before. Neither would go anywhere without the other, nor would either consider allowing the other to go anywhere without them. They grazed together, played games together, hung out with friends together. In many ways, the two seemed to be one creature.
Yet in spite of their synchronicity, their individual characters were more sharply defined at this time than they'd ever been before.
Corwin had felt the weight of his role as the older sibling and the traditionally protective male. His priorities had become keeping his sister safe and happy, well-rounded, and content. More than anything, he wanted her to emerge from the shadows of loss and embrace life and love and happiness. It had been Corwin who embraced their joining the flutter herd, drawing happiness and peace for himself from the larger 'family' unit. Though their new herdmates could never replace their lost parents, Corwin was happy for the love they showed and the possibility of, in time, making new connections.
Coralia, on the other had, had wanted to leave the area immediately. Their father's death had made her draw fiercely close to her brother, and she wanted to be alone with him in their period of mourning. While she did her best to respect the other flutters for their kindness, she could never forget that two of them had been present to witness her father's death at the jaws of the skinwalker. Though there was nothing they could have done to prevent it, she could not help but feel bitter that they had been spared and not him. The wholeness of the herd's families sparked resentment in the small mare, and she was jealous of any attempts by the other Soquili to take on the role of 'family' with she and Corwin.
It had been Corwin's flat-out refusal to leave the herd that had led to them staying. In time, Coralia had managed to overcome some of her bitterness, but the closeness that Corwin had wished for never managed to materialize. Though she possessed natural charm and grace as well as beauty, Coralia held herself aloof from all Soquili except her brother. His well-being was the focus of her life, and it became a bit of a joke in the herd as brother and sister vied for the role of 'defender' to the other.
Time had seen the twins grow from their trying adolescence into flowers of flutter adulthood. Had either been inclined towards such a thing, romantic partners of either a permanent or fly-by-night nature could have been easy to come by, but the idea of romance was still a distant thing, far out in the future. As he grew, Corwin continued to focus on cultivating and honing his athletic skills, spending hours of every day running and tussling with like-minded members of the herd. With one exception, they were all young males, and a comical sight they no doubt would have made to any non-flutter observers! Unlike winds, with their strong feathers, the thin wings of a flutter were useless as weapons and had to be protected from tearing. Their wrestling matched were notable for the filmy flutter wings being folded back, well out of range of hooves and teeth.
Besides that, the flutter contingent tended to spend a lot of time in their small form, which ranged in size from hummingbird-sized to the size of a small raccoon. This made things harder for the smaller Soquili, but made any victories they achieved all the sweeter!
Naturally, Coralia was the one female exception in the 'males only' athletic club. Though the smallest of all, she was tenacious and swift in her movements, the fastest runner and sneakiest wrestler of the bunch. Her antics with the boys earned her no small amount of admiration, but she was quick and cold in delivering put downs to any stallion who she felt was too 'presumptuous.'
This life suited them well enough, and they were content with their lot. Well, Corwin was content, Coralia was resigned. But that was enough, and they had no plans to change things. Not until the first whispers of a great mobilization of Kalona came to the herd's attention...
When the majority of the herd had declared their intent to stay where they were, relying on their old hiding places in the hollow trees to last out the passing by of the Kalona herd, he had been as surprised as his sister. Yes, the hollow trees were great hiding places and had served the flutter herd well in the past, but the height of the trees was no defense from Kalona, who unlike many of the herd's 'normal' predators were capable of flight. More importantly, the flutter herd had now established that the Kalona herd was of an unprecedented size, numbering hundred of individuals, if not more. One Kalona was unsettling enough, but could potentially be outwaited. A herd of this size had only to pass through the area on a whim and the flutters could easily be decimated, if not wiped out completely.
The arguments in favor of staying had been fervent, though. It had been pointed out that all signs indicated that while the Kalona herd was passing by closer than was comfortable, they did not appear to have any intention of heading through the flutters' meadow. The Kalona were moving swiftly and with purpose, so if the flutters took prompt refuge, they should be able to wait out the passing of the Kalona, as a precaution only.
The minority of the herd was against staying, and were vocal in their explanations as to why the whole herd should move. If they were to be detected in the hollows, they would be sitting ducks for the teeth of the Kalona; no flutter could outrun or outfly or outlast a Kalona on the hunt. Just because the main herd didn't seem to be extending this far didn't mean they couldn't change direction, or that a small group or two mightn't pass by. No, the best option was for the herd to leave, now, before the Kalona had any inkling they were there.
Coralia was one of the most vocal opponents of staying. More than any of the others, she was fearful of being boxed in and waiting for death. Even worse, she hated the idea of being boxed in and watching her brother die, and when it became obvious that the majority of the herd was staying, she had set about convincing Corwin why they needed to leave themselves.
It had been tough for Corwin. Though he was completely on the side of those in favor of leaving, it didn't feel right to him to just walk away from the herd that had been their family for so long. These Soquili had been kind to he and Coralia when they most needed it, and he couldn't stomach the idea of turning his back on them now. Even though his gut told him that staying was foolish, he couldn't leave them at a time like this.
'I told you so' was left unsaid, but the thought would linger for longer than any of the minority would care to remember. Indeed, there would be no 'I told you so,' because there was no one left for those in the right to mock. There could be no satisfaction in being right at such a cost.
Though the main body of the Kalona herd did prove true to course, traveling on far beyond the borders of the flutter herdland, one of the many ranging Kalona groups stumbled upon the flutters almost completely by accident. Though not hungry, the Kalona couldn't pass up the opportunity to inflict pain and death, particularly not against a race as delightfully vulnerable as flutters.
When the herd realized they had been found out, they were concerned, but tried not to panic. After all, they were in their small forms inside a large tree. Surely the tree would protect them, as it always had. But a partially hollow tree proved to be no match for determined young Kalona, who took breaching the flutter's hidey-hole as a game of sport.
The mood amidst the flutters when they realized they were trapped was the darkest that either Corwin or Coralia had ever felt, even when they watched their mother waste away and dealt with the aftermath of their father's death. Before, it had been grief; what they, and everyone else around them, felt was despair.
But they were determined to be no easy mark, as were their fellow athletes. When it became apparent that the tree would fall, they broke out themselves through the top of the tree, shifting from their small sizes to their full-sized forms to engage the Kalona and hopefully give the rest of the herd the opportunity to escape.
It had been a bloodbath.
Only four members of their flutter herd survived, from an initial group of nineteen. Coralia had managed to avoid detection in the chaos of the battle, and brought back a group of unicorns she'd spotted in the area. It was too late for most of the herd, but Corwin and two of their friends managed to pull through. It had been close with Corwin; when a unicorn had reached him, he'd been badly wounded and was hanging on the edge of death; the healing stopped the bleeding, but nothing could be done about the scars.
For a time, the four flutters stuck together, but eventually they split up; their friends had lost their entire families, and needed time to grieve. Corwin understood their desire for solitude, but losing them was like losing the last link to their former life. On this one point, he knew he grieved alone. Cora was sad to see them go, but she had never understood the draw of the herd to Corwin and couldn't understand the depths of his loss now.
Corwin and Coralia stuck together, traveling out of the battle scarred region in search of greener pastures. Corwin was still physically scarred from the fight, but more than that he couldn't seem to wipe the horrors of the battle from his mind. Each time he closed his eyes, he saw the glazed, staring eyes of another dead friend; there were many nights when he couldn't fall asleep, or woke in the small hours of the morning, screaming. He had always been the sensitive one, the introspective one. It had been Corwin who had wanted to stay with the flutter herd originally, and his wish to stand with the herd. Coralia did her best, but she was on the outside, looking in. He knew she mourned their friends, but she had never felt the connection with the flutter herd he had. For Cora, the two of them were family, period. As long as they had each other, they were fine. For Corwin, although his sister was the most important person in his life, she couldn't be the only one.
It had become almost painful, Cora's attempts to cheer him. It was as though they were caught up in a viscious cycle; he tried to appear cheery so she didn't feel bad, but she saw through his act and felt worse that he was worried about HER.
In time, the two made it to the Kawani lands. While hunting for a suitable home, they bumped into a half-Angeni stallion, Hayalet. Though Cora didn't want to fall in with another Soquili, Corwin was delighted at the prospect of some company as they settled into the new region. Currently, the twins are happily ensconced in the high mountains with Hayalet, where they mostly reside in his long mane. A little unorthodox, but it works!
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:43 pm
Corwin's Familiar ~~~
At this time, Corwin has no familiar.
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:44 pm
Corwin's Roleplays~~~ RP Availability: Open for RP ~~~ RP Log 01. [PRP] Arrival (Corwin, Coralia, Hayalet) [ link] 02. [PRP] Siblings and Strangers (Coralia, Corwin, Yngvarr and Freya) [ link] 03. [PRP] Breaking Away (Corwin and Caleigh) [ link] 04. [PRP] Monochromatic (Corwin and Selenas) [ link] 05. [PRP] Summer Blooms (Corwin and Tiahana) [ link] 06. [PRP] The Sun and the Wind (Corwin and Misae) [ link]
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:25 am
Sullivan Cert | Uncert Vital statisticsFull name: Sullivan Nickname(s): Sully Gender: Stallion Breed: Regular Physical Characteristics: Romantic Status: Heterosexual, single ~~~ FamilyFather: EmmettMother: AmoenaFull-blood siblings: Sisters Dita, Jocelyn, and Iona; brothers Westley and RangerLifemate: N/A Children: N/A ~~~
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:22 pm
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:23 pm
Sullivan's Familiar ~~~
At this time, Sullivan has no familiar.
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:23 pm
Sullivan's Roleplays~~~ RP Availability: Open for RP ~~~ RP Log 01. [PRP] Shaking Off the Dust (Sullivan) [ link] 02. [PRP] Wow, it Looks Like You GLOW! (Sullivan and Tsumetai) [ link] 03. [PRP] Magic in the Forest (Sullivan and Arioso Canto) [ link]