Soq's Name: Selene
Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Selene is a quiet lady. When she was younger she was very vivacious, vain, and love-starved. She learned the error of her ways though (in regards to the vain), and has turned more introspective... and love-starved.
In terms of activities, she is up for anything really- her days are spent keeping the soquili that live by her two-legger's tent under control and playing with her grandchildren, and trying to build a deeper relationship with her daughter. She has wandered off a few times, thinking to find her son, but she has stopped because she is afraid, having not seen him since he was a foal. Her son Faust (adopted) is currently on a crazy-path to 'try and become a kalona'... She's not exactly mired in that plot as she hasn't seen him since he ran away from her.
She is not afraid of any specific races- much time was spent with Calamity in her youth, and though she has a healthy respect for them, she doesn't fear them. She's never come across a skinwalker, but if she did, she would flee as soon as they threatened to harm her. She's heard the stories. Until threats come, she is warm to almost everyone, regardless of race.
She has a love of honeysuckle. It's her favorite flower, and she gets very excited about them.
Selene is small, due to her flutter blood, but very hardy. She has a
very minimal healing talent, that weakens her a lot to use.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?: Selene has had her fling, a stallion she callously tossed aside once she had used him. She regrets it now. She's also deathly afraid of being that fling to someone else. She would want someone who was as much a friend as lover, someone silly to pull her out and make her realize she is more than a 'grandmother' and 'organizer', that romance can still exist. He would need to not mind that she already had children, and get along good with her family. She'd love a mate she could fly with, and share the wonders of the sky.
Out of character, he'd have to look good with her, of course.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
smile RP or non-RP?: If you are willing to work out a solid backstory with me, non-rp would be acceptable. I'd rather like rp, but I am very slow.
smile Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious preferred; Flirt would be accepted as long as the two would part as friends, and Selene would get to see the children. She wouldn't be able to take another bad relationship.