- Meet the Mare of the Road Less Traveled -
Name: Damia
[X] [X]Nickname: NoneObtained: Breeding
Kind: Regular/Spirited
Gender: Female
Stages: Basket /
Foal Likes: Getting things her way, having control
Dislikes: Change, things not going according to plan
Parents: Albert x
MeruSiblings: Merashik,
SyuveilMate: NoneChildren: NoneTemper: Stubborn
Familiar: Lazuli
Personality: Think of a mule, and times it by ten, and then you will have Damia. She may be extremely loyal, and a very good friend, but she can also be the biggest bone head you've ever crossed. There are issues that Damia will just not budge on, and she will plant her hooves on the ground, proverbially cross her arms, and will not budge, even if the a herd of group of skin walkers is bearing down on her. No matter if you are her best friend or rival. Though she can get over his stubborn streak a bit easier with friends. It has gotten her into more trouble, more will still come until she learns to budge a bit more. Damia also likes things the way they are, and they can stay that way forever, and she'll be happy. She doesn't take change very well at all, and will try to revert back to old ways if she can manage, and if she can get away with it. Growing up is alright as that is a natural change that happens in everyone. But if you try to introduce her to a new thing, she will most likely ignore it or protest against it, or if you show her a new way, she will most likely do it the old way until forced into the change long enough, that it becomes normal. This can cause friction when working with others that are ever-changing as they would be constantly be arguing about which way is right.
She also has a bit of a head on her currently, that she is a bit better then the normal person, because of who her father is. Though he has tried to explain to her that they are not better, she still has airs, and has taken off on her own journey because her family 'just doesn't understand'. Though, there is a plot idea with a kolana that will pop that bubble and send her back down to earth.