Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:50 pm
^^ Thank you Vance *hugs*
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:54 am
[X]Natty-Chan[X] No, I don't want the full clothes on him. The clothing reference picture is the only one I have of the necklace he has around his neck. Sorry, I misread! In that case, if his only edits are the accessories and fetlocks, I think that he'd go into the Minor category. No prob, everyone! I just also want to state, because I haven't made it clear before, that I'm not giving these price quotes just by whim. I'm going off of a list that staff is in the process of finalizing, that states what kind of edits go in which category. It's in the staff forum and not publicly viewable yet, but it is a standardized list!
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:55 am
Thanks Vance! <3 I didn't want to try for customs with only having enough for moderate edits and she turned out to be heavy xD
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:45 pm
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:37 pm
A question for Vance biggrin I saw you only do up to heavy edits and wanted to know if this was considered that or more. This is the character and here is a full length. Would he be heavy if I dropped everything on the legs and the pants and just did Kimono, hair, obi and necklace? Thanks!
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:20 pm
I recently saw the new edit prices, and I wanted to bring up a concern. For the 'commons' Aka, Seathi and Usdia. The min edits, are equal to the price of an adult Seathi. I think thats kind of ridiculous. Like, I understand universal pricing, and I see the benefits. But I feel like asking 100k for a couple hair clips in a seathi's mane is kind of... stretching it. Just because they are a lesser breed, I think they should have a lower edit rate. Editing for Usdia didn't come out all that long ago. Especially since you can only get moderate edits on it.
I just wanted to voice that. I hope it gets taken into consideration.
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:01 am
Hi there. I have just two general questions so I can just clear up some confusion I may have.
1. I am questing a soquili who's mane and tail length and style would look like this and I am also planning on just adding a necklace and perhaps a bracelet to her as well; but anyway. I have a feeling that perhaps I know the answer to my question but it's always nice to double check. For the hair edit, would that be considered minor or moderate?
2. Perhaps I have asked this question already though I am not sure if I did or not. For wings, say instead of the default wings I ask for spread out wings, ones that you can see the under feather. Would that be acceptable and would that fall into the consideration as being 'light edits' to wings?
Thanks for your help, it's much appreciated.
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:33 am
I decided to hop on the bandwagon and double check the edit level. Would this be minor, or would it be considered medium? The only edits are scattered fur clumps to give him a scruffy appearance. .:Edited Regular Soquili:.Colorist wanted: Any Name of horse: Quidel Owner: elfstar89 and kitsune_reflection Gender: Male Temper (one word for horse's personality): Badass Breed: Paint Description (eye color/hair color/hair style etc): Hex codes are included, but some colorist freedom is a-okay. Mostly just try and make him look like the plushie. :3 Coat: Pale cream (c2bcb0) with brown spots (2c251e). See ref pic. Hooves: If the fur above the hoof is brown, then dark gray (1c1c1c), but if the fur above the hoof is pale cream, then a pale dusty brown (8d8579). See ref pic. Mane: Cropped style, black (1b1b1b) with cream colored streak (858074). See ref pic. Tail: Cropped style, black (1b1b1b) with cream colored streak (858074). See ref pic. Eyes: Colorist choice (green?) Pose: All four legs down. Reference image(s): xWhich stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): Adult Default accessory color(s)?: No accessories please! Premade Tag Number: 8 Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag): Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag): Tag BG (if ordering custom tag): Hair/clothing edits: He should look a little scruffy. How scruffy is up to the colorist, just so long as he looks like the plushie. xd That being said, chin scruff is essential. Unless, of course, it looks terrible on the actual soq.
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:52 am
elvyrani> Yes, I think he'd be Heavy in that case! The guidelines for heavy edits allow for a large item of clothing so I think the kimono/obi would be fine.
Lunarei> That makes a ton of sense; I think that we just overlooked that point while unifying the prices. We aren't trying to rip you guys of your money. x] I sent a PM to some other staff members and hopefully we can fix it/make another category for commons soon.
FallenLeaves> Assuming that her hair is of medium length, not super long, she'd be a Minor! For the second question, are you asking about edits to Wind Soquili wings? If so, then we're not allowed to do it in Customs at the moment, sorry! =[ Only flutters can have edited wings since they come with the breed.
kitsune_reflection> Oh, he'd be a Minor definitely!
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:55 am
Awesome sauce! biggrin Thanks Vance~
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:27 pm
Question for Vance, my they are popular tonight. xD *Bricked* I'm thinking of getting a custom of a pet I have in another shop on the Cerynei lines, but she looks like This. Would it be alright to get her with antelope like horns, or would it be safer to just have then attached to the mask like in her image?
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:39 am
Hey Kesmi, It'd be better to leave them as part of the mask-- Cerynei antler edits should for the most part look similar to typical antlers, or it starts to slide into the mutant zone O=
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:52 pm
I ended up making her a reg with an antelope skull mask. ^^ Thanks for the answer though. ^^
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:19 pm
Okay, since im not too sure on what catagory mine fall under, I thought it'd be best to just ask. She only has hair edits and leg fluff, but I want the hair to be fairly long.
This is what I have in my form:
Quote: Mane and Tail: I want her to have longgggg choppy straight hair, with a chunky side fringe. Sort of like a bedhead style is great too. Feel free to change it up a little bit (like plaits or a bit pinned back for example) I don't mind. (: I would love for her to have long leg feathering too.
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:32 pm
This question is towards Vance, or any other colorist,
I was planning to get a cosplay done, but I am wondering if we're allowed to ask for a more furry soquili? Cosplay. I wanted to ask for the mane to look like the red fiery wolf, and the tail to look like the tail of the wolf. Also, I wanted the fetlocks to be edited as well kind of similar to his legs.
If all of this was allowed, what edit category would he fall under?