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PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 3:17 am
"No one else does." Tyrion said pouting. "I'm hoping to get you to the same height. Tell me in six months if it works. Or maybe less time." He batted his eyes at her loving the bantering.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:46 pm
Arisa rolled her eyes. "Six months is a very long time. I might just get sick of you at that point." she responded in turn.

Meanwhile, the commotion in the camp had quieted down and Kendall was just sitting still in his cage, head down as he stared at his hands. He wasn't paying attention to the guards, his mind was still on Kyria. Had she gotten away safely? Was she alright? . . . He could still feel the lingering touch of her lips against his. He should have told her . . . "I love you too . . . Kyria." he whispered under his breath, the words holding the weight of regret. He should have said them when she could hear. He could only hope that she somehow knew.

A cleared throat caused him to look up rather disinterestedly. The captain of the guard was standing in front of his cage. "You wouldn't happen to have any info as to how the fire started and to how the young miss has gone missing would you?" he asked, clearly willing to give the supposed traitor to the crown several second chances to redeem himself.

"Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." Kendall responded, leaning back against the bars, his head tilted upwards. "I am already a prisoner, why would I wish the same for her? Besides, His Majesty would only use her powers to further this pointless war. Perhaps if he had spent more resources searching for his lost son, there would never have been a war to begin with. Her and her sister would not need to be separated and hunted like animals." He was rambling now, but he didn't care. No one listened to him anyways.  


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:59 am
Tyrion smirked at her. "I doubt it." He quipped back.

Kyria woke in a strange place. The walls were ice, Where was she?

"I wondered when you'd wake up." An old female voice cooed.

Kyria startled and moved away from the voice. The floor was ice too. . . Where the hell was she?!

"Calm dear heart, you're safe for now." The old woman said coming into view. "They'll not find you here. . ." She looked ancient. As if a simple breeze would turn her to dust. "You must go back to him. It's your destiny. . .Just like it's your sisters to find you. Stay with him and your sister will find you. Peace will reign."

"Who are you?" Kyria asked starting to shiver a bit. "Where am I?"

The woman chuckled. "I am Liza. I was born on the Winter Solstice. Long time ago. I'm not long for this world." She gave a little cough. "You will wake in that ditch again. All healed. But you must find him. Free him."

"How?!" Kyria cried. "I've no army, no back up! No one! I barely made it out on my own the first time!"

"You already have everything you need." The woman said. "Listen to the music."

"Well that's just maddening the unhelpful." Kyria snipped.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:16 am
Arisa laughed. "Well I doubt your doubting good sir!" she laughed out.

The captain of the guard searched a moment before finding a stump to sit on. "You have a strange manner of speech for a thief and a vagabond. And for one of your profession you seem oddly concerned with the affairs of the state. One would think you would have joined the militia of one city or another in an attempt to help matters as you clearly have an idea of something you want to change, yet you instead work against the state, hiding all features . . ." he trailed off before shaking his head and blinking.

"If I could change the system from within I would. But I can't so I do what I can from without. Even if it, laughably, gets me labeled as a traitor. I'm probably one of the only people doing what is right for the people of this kingdom." Kendall scoffed, still with his gaze upwards. Something about the sky just comforted him. He supposed he hadn't taken much time to just look at it in a while.

The captain of the guard frowned and stood up. "Something is wrong here. Protocol has clearly been neglected. Remove your mask and give me your name." he ordered, his tone of voice all business with a hint of suspicion. He was normally a strict follower of protocol. How had this passed his sight for so long?!

Kendall blinked and slowly tilted his head down to look at the guard captain with more than a small amount of incredulity. Did he hear correctly? Impossible . . . the spell . . . "What?" he asked, his voice barely able to croak out the word.  


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:32 am
Tyrion smirked more. "Keep that talk going. You'll fall for me." He quipped. "Just you wait~"

"No need to be rude." The woman snapped back.

"Then start making more sense, preferably more helpful and less vague. It's time wasting to be vague." Kyria replied with deep sarcasm. "How do I help him?!"

The old woman sighed and rubbed her temples. "How much more plain can I get? You need only listen to the music. Let it guide you as it always has."

"The music is silent." Kyria replied distressed. "I can't hear it."

"You will. . .When you're on the right path." The woman purred. "Keep this necklace on you at all times. No one can see you when you have this on, unless you want them to see you."

Kyria nodded and put the necklace on. "Now," The old woman continued. "Lay down and close your eyes, when you awaken, you'll be where you once were."

Kyria returned to laying down and closed her eyes praying, when she woke, she'd remember what to do.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:03 am
Arisa sighed and looked over at him. "Tyrion . . ." she started, but then movement from the nearby bushes stopped her words. Several Karican guards appeared from where they had been observing the two and two guards went to restrain Tyrion while two others grabbed Arisa, causing her to cry out in shock and fear.

The leader of this small squad grinned. "This is a great day for Karica. Prince Tyrion of Permandra and the other twin who can unlock the future." he gloated, pleased that his small group of only five guards had found such a prize.

Arisa then gasped as she realized what the leader had said. "Other twin?! What have you done with my sister?!" she shouted, quite upset at this point in time.

"You heard me. Remove your mask and state your name. I suggest you are quick about it, or you will not like the consequences." the Captain said, his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Kendall blinked and stared at the Captain for a couple of seconds before he stood up as best as the cage would allow. A shaking hand reached up to his head. Dare he hope that this could work? He grabbed the mask. Had the spell . . . the curse . . . been lifted? How? Pendragon had mentioned that if he helped Kyria, he would be freed from the spell . . . was it true? Had that kiss, done in panic that he would never get the chance to kiss her if he didn't act right then . . . had that been the key?

His arm fell, mask in hand and the Captain of the guard gasped as features that had not been seen by anyone remotely connected to the palace in ten long years were revealed. "I am Prince Kendall, heir to the throne of Karica." he announced in a rather loud, almost joyous voice. "I was unable to reveal myself while my father blamed Permandra for the crime of my disappearance. A crime of which they are blameless. Thanks to Kyria, the woman who has been hunted for having a gift, I am freed from my curse and can return to the throne. This war must end. Now . . . let me out of this cage and send word to my father." he ordered, a rather manic smile on his face.

It was unnerving to see such a crazed look in the lost prince's eye, but the Captain of the guard jumped to obey, and after some fumbling with the keys, did indeed let Kendall out of his cage, and ordered for proper clothes to be brought for the prince and for a messenger to send word to the king that his son had been found.  


Hopeless Romantic

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:07 am
Tyrion fought the men best he could. "Arisa!" He cried lurching out for her only to be yanked back into place. "Let me go!" His eyes glared at the guards. "Now!"

Kyria woke, at the bottom of a ditch, out of sight from the road she'd been walking on. Ah~ Her head hurt. Like a hang over. She sat up holding her head feeling the cold metal on her breast bone and smiled. "Good. . .Now I can find him." She mumbled and limped up to the road heading back in the direction she thought she'd come.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:47 am
The leader of the squad just laughed. "Your pretty sister was captured with a thug only a few hours ago. The king will reward our platoon when we return with such valuable prizes!" he gloated before turning to Tyrion. "As for you, you think we'll let such a valuable prisoner of war go?! You took our prince, it's only fair we take one in return." he taunted. "Now we can finally know where you're hiding him. I just hope I'm one of the people assigned to get the information out of you." he said, smirking in a rather nasty way.

Arisa gasped at the implications before she started struggling, trying to get away. But it was no use as both she and Tyrion had their hands tied behind their backs before they were being led to the main camp. Arisa was trying very hard not to cry. As it was, she stared down at the ground, her lips pursed tightly together, shoulder's slumped. Her entire posture was despondent and without hope. After all, she had escaped captivity from one set of royals only to be captured by the guards of another. She'd never return home. And though she would likely be reunited with her sister, it would be in captivity and all their parents had dreaded upon the discovery of the twin's powers would come true.

Kendall changed into clothes more befitting a noble. "Captain, now that there is no need to use powers to see into the future, I trust the hunt for the twins will be called off immediately."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Though I do wish to find Kyria once more. She helped me when no one else could, and I must thank her for her service." he said, careful to keep his words and tone in proper decorum. "As it is Karica that is in the wrong for starting this war, I want a messenger of peace sent to Permandra. He will ask what they want for reparation for the horrid accusation. If it is within our bounds to pay it, Karica will do so." he added, noting that one guardsman had taken up a pad and pencil and was jotting down notes of what he was saying.

"It will be done sir. Once we have your father's blessing of course."

Kendall sighed. "Of course." he muttered, a bit put out. He wanted the war to end as soon as possible. There had been enough bad blood caused between the two kingdoms because of it as it was. He wished to rectify that as quickly as he could, but then again, he wasn't the king yet. "I am sure my father will agree to this once he sees that I am returned to him." he said, his confidant tone returning.

It was then that there was a bit of a commotion. "Captain!" a voice called. Both Kendall and the Captain turned to look. What the prince saw nearly made his blood boil with rage. At first, he thought Kyria had been captured once more and he was enraged to see her looking so sad, but very quickly he realized that this was not the girl with whom he had been travelling. But one who looked so similar could only be her sister . . .

"What is the meaning of this Lieutenant?" the Captain of the guard asked, his tone stern.

"Captain, I have just captured two valuable pieces that could win us the war!" the Lieutenant responded, clearly not seeing or recognizing Kendall standing slightly behind the Captain. "Here is the other future seeing twin! And with her was travelling a prince of Permandra! He must surely know where they have taken our prince!" he all but crowed.

The captain of the guard raised an eyebrow. "If you would use your eyes Lieutenant, you would see our prince has already been found." he stated simply.

Kendall stepped forward. "I want you to go tend to the horses. And set up tents for our guests. Give them every comfort we can provide to make up for the treatment you have given them." he said, his voice rather cold. He then turned to the four guards who were holding Arisa and Tyrion, all of them, along with their leader, gaping like fishes at the sight of the long-lost prince. "Untie them at once." he ordered and waited a second before snapping. "Do as I command!" to get them moving into action. They scurried quickly to do their own things, the Lieutenant slinking away to do as he was ordered, rather disappointed that his catch clearly wasn't of any value now.

Kendall approached Kyria's twin who still looked so despondent. Gently, he grabbed her chin and tilted her head up so that she could look him in the eyes. "May I have your name miss?" he asked, his voice kind and his tone polite.

"Arisa . . ." came the mumbled, rather lifeless reply.

"Arisa. I have travelled with your sister. I ask you to please spend the night at this camp. You and your companion both." Kendall said, giving a respectful nod at Tyrion. "If you wish to leave in the morning, you may and we will supply you with whatever we can spare. But I ask that you stay. For Kyria helped me when I thought I could not be helped. I would see you two reunited if I could." he said, dropping his hand from her chin.

Arisa stared. What was this? She was very confused. "You would reunite me with my sister . . ." she mumbled, her voice still rather lifeless. "And what would you intend then mi'lord?" she asked, her hopelessness quite clear in her entire being.

Kendall just smiled kindly. "I intend to offer your sister a position which she may accept or decline as she pleases. As for you, you will be free to come and go as you please. I would see the hunt for the two of you brought to an end. I would see the war with Permandra brought to a peaceful resolution. There is but one thing I wish to know of the future and your sister holds the answer without her gift. Karica will pose no threat to you or her any longer." he said, his tone soft with the ring of truth.

Arisa could hardly believe her ears. Hope entered her gaze, her stature straightened. "If what you say is true . . . I cannot thank you enough." she whispered. Freedom. Being reunited with her sister in freedom . . . with no more fear of being hunted. It was more than she could have dreamed.

Kendall grinned. "Are the two of you hungry? The guards returned from hunting a while back, I am sure some food has been prepared by now." he said, leading the both of them to the dining tent.

The captain of the guard stayed outside to discuss this development with the guards who had returned as well as to plan a course of action for carrying out the prince's orders and how to find Kyria once more.

((I figure now would be a good time for Kyria to come in, while Kendall, Tyrion, and Arisa would be in the dining tent. Sorry for moving Tyrion around a bit, I just figure it'd be easier for confusion to ensue if they were out of sight when Kyria showed up. XD))  


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:14 pm
Once freed, Tyrion stuck in a close orbit to Arisa. His eyes looking over the guards assessing the quickest way to get her out of danger and back in the direction of her home.

He was not expecting the prince, nor his declaration of freedom. Arisa was free. And wherever she went, he'd follow her. This prince knew the sister. . .A tiny smile went on Tyrion's lips. He kept a hand on Arisa's shoulder in protection. He'd given her his word he'd take care of her. "We'll find her." He whispered in her ear. "Thank you, M'Lord." He said to Kendall. "We are."

Kyria had found the camp again. But she was itchy, and swollen. She'd tripped and tumbled down a hill right into a thicket of poison ivy. Aside from the constant scratching, she was also covered in mud and twigs and leaves. Dear god she was a mess. But, no one could see her, she went right passed several gangs of bandits and not one saw her. Yay!

She entered the camp without problems and looked around. The cage was empty. . .Did he escape? He didn't know. But then she hear more noises, sounds of orders being barked around. There was a very large tub of water near the fire so decided to quickly wash herself to get clean and soothe the itch of the ivy. It was funny when a soldier got stroppy because he thought someone had dumped dirt into the tub that was specifically for boiling some meat and veggies. "Kendall?" She called. "Are you here?" She only wanted him to see her, therefore people would only hear the voice but not the person. Like a ghost.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:34 pm
Kendall nodded, a small smile on his face. However, when they went to the dining tent, the best that was to be had was some bread that had been taken from the last town the guards were in. Kendall refused it, saying he'd wait until what they'd caught had been cooked to eat anything. He wouldn't take something the guards had basically stolen from the villagers of the last town. If he expected change, he supposed he should lead by example. However, he couldn't bring himself to ask Tyrion and Arisa to wait to eat as well.

Arisa, for her part, had taken one piece of bread and was currently nibbling on it rather thoughtfully. This day had been one of many unexpected twists. Her emotions were all jumbled up and she wasn't quite sure how to feel anymore. She supposed she was happy. Things were working out, for once. She smiled at Tyrion, thankful for his words of encouragement. Then she got an idea and she stood, turning to Kendall. "M'Lord?" she asked.

Kendall turned. "What is it?" he responded.

"M'Lord, in Permandra, my mother, I . . . I was separated from her rather abruptly. I have had no chance to contact her. I was wondering . . . is there any way I might send a letter to her?" she asked.

Kendall frowned. "That would be rather difficult as, until my father gives the go ahead for peace negotiations to commence, Karica and Permandra are still at war and to cross the border is . . . hazardous at best. But . . . write your letter. If there is a messenger willing to cross the border, I will send it." he said, smiling a bit.

Arisa curtsied a bit. "Thank you sir." she said softly, sitting back down. However, it was only to nearly jump out of her seat again at a voice she hadn't heard in a very long while.

Kendall had knocked his chair over when he heard her voice and jumped up. Without a word, he exited the tent, the captain of the guard rushing to meet him. "Your Highness, we heard her, but no one can find her!" he reported. The guards were rather in a tizzy, searching for Kyria, all of them wishing to be of help to their newly found prince.  


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:37 pm
Kyria watched as people rushed about to find the source of the voice. "Kendall." She called again. "Where are you? I can't see you." She wondered the camp before coming across the delightful smell of bread and smiled seeing a group of people outside a tent. One of them being Kendall. "Kendall!" She called eyes open bright. "Kendall over here!" She pulled off the necklace and stuffed it in her pocket.

Tyrion heard the voice and frowned. It sounded like Arisa's. But. . .It lacked a certain tone in it that he'd grown to be fond of.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:24 pm
Arisa got up as she heard the continued calls of her sister's voice and she pushed her way out of the tent as she heard Kyria call Kendall's attention to her.

Kendall turned and his eyes lit up as he saw Kyria, forgetting all decorum, he pushed aside anyone standing between himself and her, closing the distance rather quickly. "You silly girl, I told you to run." he scolded laughingly even as he held her close, hugging her tightly.

"Kyria . . ." Arisa said softly, eyes wide as she saw the reunion between Kendall and her sister. Then she smiled. "Kyria!" she called, waving her hand over her head to try and grab her sister's attention.  


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:36 pm
Kyria rushed to Kendall taking him into her arms and kissed him. "I did run." She said. "But then I thought the idea of leaving you behind to be stupid and came back for you. But I see you're throwing yourself around like normal. So now I have no need to be worried." She nuzzled him. She pulled away and looked over at her sister. "Arisa!" She cried breaking away and hugging her sister close. "Hi!" She cooed. "Are you okay?"  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:57 pm
Arisa smiled and hugged her sister back tightly. "Oh I've missed you so much." she said, tears of happiness spilling. "I was going to write a letter to Mother. It will be good to give her such good news." she said, pulling back to smile at her twin. "What's been going on with you?" she asked, wanting to know what had been going on with her sister while they were separated. "How is Father?"  


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:04 pm
Kyria's face dropped. "He. . . He's sick." She said. "Not bad sick. I've made sure he's been looked after while I was away. I'm hoping to see him soon, move him to somewhere better. . ." She frowned. "I'm glad mother is okay. I miss her so much. I've missed you so much." She noticed Tyrion and frowned. "Who are you?"

Tyrion gave a little bow. "I'm Tyrion, youngest son of the King of my lands. . .I made a mistake, and I have sworn myself to protect Arisa forever." He said to her.

Kyria blinked. "Sworn? Like. . .As a body guard?" She asked.

His face was unreadable. "If you wish to put a low label then yes a body guard."  
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