...A little about the soquili...
Before his arrival to the Kawani lands, Deamon was the head knight to a powerful queen. He was her right hand guard and would give his life for her if she requested. His life revolved around his queen and serving her and the herd he helped control. This bond of trust was broken, however when Deamon's unikalona sister tricked him into stabbing the queen in the back. This selfish act lead to the fall and destruction of the herd. Deamon and his sister were then cursed with a permanent marking on their front hooves: a blood stain. The blood stain is a constant reminder to the stallion of his deceitful act that lead to his fall and brings him great heartache when he thinks of his queen.
Due to his dark past, Deamon is constantly physically and metaphorically looking over his shoulder. He fears that one day someone from the herd will hunt him down and murder him or another individual will end up stabbing him in the back. In this new land, the stallion trusts no one and often times avoids the presence of other soquili.
Deamon is constantly fighting with inner demons. After his fall and the fall of the herd, the stallion believes that darkness is slowly corrupting who he was. (he somewhat believes that the black, shadow-like marking symbolizes this inner turmoil) He believes that his sister has somehow corrupted his mind and that without warning he might strike again.