Soq's Name: Dreyden
Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Dreyden is very much his father's son. Going through life with a devil may care attitude considering just about everything, Drey very rarely considers the possible consequences of his actions or the turmoil left in his wake. He loves to cause trouble and will rile up situations simply for the rush. (And the fact that it usually makes him the center of attention.)
He's a shameless flirt, except when it comes to mated mares...He does have some standards after all, few though they may be. He likes shiny things and will try to make off with said shiny thing if no one's watching/keeping an eye on it....very possibly he'd make an attempt even if it is watched.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?: Just a fling. Maybe a mare with Kalona blood...or a full blooded kalona would be interesting. I'd consider almost anything that's on the darker side.
I'm looking for a sobering experience. An encounter to show him that maybe he should be a bit more cautious and not so completely reckless/crazy with how he goes through life...Even if he can't help it. Maybe he'll mature a teeeny little bit because of it. XD
How do you want others to contact you?: PM please
RP or non-RP?: Errr...Maybe? I'm horrible at keeping up with my rps. But at the very least, I'd like to talk something out to use in plot stuffs. I don't want it to be just wham-bam here come teh kiddies man. Oo
Flirt or serious relationship?: Flirt. Definately just flirt.