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Wild Creature

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:03 pm

Repost -- I made some changes.

Soquili Name: Witseidutsei
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Describe your soq's personality/interests: Witseidutsei is, first and foremost, the Angeni of Flight. She is a member of the proud herd of Balrog and Stormwild -- but as she has difficulty with commitment and prefers to go where the wind takes her, she can be found all over the Kawani lands. There is nothing in the world which brings her more joy than the wind fluttering through her feathers as she soars through the sky; to take that ability away from her would destroy her. She has long since abandoned her human form in favour of her soquili body, preferring the superior strength and flight abilities it offers as opposed to that of a fragile two-legger.

She lives her life with a passion that borders on recklessness; Witseidutsei does not think that fear should stop one from trying to live their life. How could one call hiding in the shadows really living? She would rather die than be stifled by fears -- which is not to say that she is never afraid, but that when she comes face to face with something she fears she does her best to conquer it.

Witseidutsei believes that those without wings are below her, but even soquili who do have wings are ranked in her views, looking down on weak, fragile flutter wings and the twisted evil of kalonas. She views other angeni as her only equals, with wind soquili a close second -- however, she is not outright cruel to those who were not blessed with wings, and is only strongly opposed to those with evil souls. Superiority complex? Definitely. She feels more pity than dislike of soquili without wings, for what poor soul could truly be happy without the gift of flight?

What is your soq looking for in a mate? Witseidutsei wants a strong, solid stallion with feathered wings. She would fully expect her mate to join Stormwild and Balrog's herd if they aren't a member already, as she is a member herself, although I'd be happy to make an exception for plot purposes. She would get along best with a soquili who sees the blessing of wings as much of a gift as she does. A weak and/or timid stallion who does not stand up for himself would not be a good match for her; she needs someone with confidence. She will also not breed purely out of duty to strengthen her species -- if she doesn't like the stallion, then it won't work out.

She would never fall for any soquili that doesn't have wings. She values the power of an angeni's flight above that of a normal wind, but would willingly mate with a regular wind if she found him suitable. No mixbreeds with non-winds or non-angeni -- must be pure wind, pure angeni, or a mix of the two (that is to say an angeni without head or feet wings is fine). But any features of a non-wind/angeni are out (horns, demon tails, etc). The stallion's family line must be of only pure winds and/or pure angeni, or any mix of the two. Sorry to be so picky but -- it's just the way Witseidutsei is. She will want to know.

OOCly, obviously I hold the same standards Witseidutsei does in the looks of her mate; angeni, wind, or a mix of the two, but no mix with any other breed. No alicons, no kalona/winds, no kirin/angeni, etc. You get the idea. Same goes with the stallion's entire family line (obviously if your stallion is a 1st edition you don't need to worry about that, but ICly Witseidutsei would still want a strong wind/angeni family line for your stallion's made up family). Edited mane and tail are a must. NO clothing or modern items (like iPods, headphones, etc) whatsoever; accessories are absolutely fine. I'd highly prefer a Native American theme if they do have accessories, such as feathers and beads or other natural decorations. I'd also prefer natural colours, but this is not a must.

Breeding slots left: 3/3. I am willing to work out plot with stallions interested in lifemateing but with only 2 breedings left.
Fling or Lifemate?: Lifemate.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM.
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: Honestly -- I don't have many ideas in the ways of plot for her, but I would really love one. I don't expect the stallion's owner to come up with everything, of course; I enjoy discussing and coming up with plot ideas with people. This won't be an auto-accept breeding or anything -- I would like to RP the couple together first, see how they get along, etc. I expect a build up into a relationship, especially for a lifemate. If they don't click, Witseidutsei won't breed with them. I won't write off the couple just after one RP, though -- she can be difficult to get along with just because she is so outspoken and at times bluntly honest.
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Lifemate.
If chosen fling lifemate is this rp plot or background plot?: Both, but RP is a must. Just a warning that I'm a slow RPer, though.

CC Master List only for now, but my RPed soquili always take highest priority for breedings.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:25 pm

Soquili Name: Calamity
Image of Soquili: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Calamity was born and raised in the heavens. She's never been to the earth before, and thus, never had much use for her spirit form. From birth she's always been plagued by tragedy and misfortune. Those around her always end up hurt, and things just never seem to go right.

She was told by an elder to go to Earth, and seek a cure, hesitant about this Calamity fell to Earth, on her way, breaking one of her wings. She's been found by someone that would heal her... And she found find her first companion to travel with on Earth.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? A horse that will over look the misfortune, and grow together with her.

OOC: I'd also like someone that looks good with her if possible.
Prefer Angeni, but will consider others
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Either, depends on how they RP/ the plot
How do you want others to contact you?:PM
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: Someone that will over look the misfortune, and grow with her. Maybe help her see the good in life.
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: n/a
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?:n/a


HyperCandy Loli

PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:09 pm

Soquili Name: Paavai
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Describe your soq's personality/interests:

Pavie is much like a motherly figure, always accepting others even if they're evil looking or have traits different to the normal breeds of soquili. She will take anyone under her wing and make sure that everyone has a place to stay even if it is just for a little while. She is sweet and considerate, observant and quiet; only speaking when she feels it is needed.

Her attachment falls so far only with two-leggers. She loves to play with them and have their company, she also loves being around foals and anything really young because of scenes of neglect that she has come across in her life. Her lifes opinion revolves around the village and it's ways, almost robotic in a sense. she believes that who she is with will only be who her master decides her to be with because of the trade system and she has accepted and come to terms with that... That doesn't mean she is happy about it.

Living in the Kawani village, she feels it is her duty to protect it and anyone who lives there from danger and help if injuries may happen by healing with her horn.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?
For plots purposes; I want someone who can show her the ropes of what it is like to live free and in the wild, to understand her robotic nature and try to break her free of it, to live a life of how she wants to rather than following orders all the time. I'm open to different options, so run it by me and we'll talk.
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Lifemate
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?:
She is going to see something unmentionable within the village and through fear, she will leave for a little while. Whilst she is gathering courage and attacking her self over betrayal and questioning her loyalty, a stallion could find her and thus show her how to live a free life, trying to break through the robotic mare and persuade her to live where her heart takes her rather than do the bidding a two-legger wants.
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Lifemate
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: N/A
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:52 am

Soquili Name: Rebel
Image of Soquili: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: A wild child with a perchance for mischief, Rebel lives fully up to her name. She's a daredevil, a thrill-seeker, and doesn't know the meaning of the word 'no'. Living life to the fullest is the name of the game, and Rebel laughs in the name of danger. It's her greatest (joking) desire to tame a Skinwalker and leash one, though she would probably still lunge at the chance if it made itself known!

A total flirt, Rebel has no shame when it comes to fancying a male she finds attractive. Unlike her brothers, she refuses to sleep around--no way is she going to risk getting pregnant! Still, that doesn't stop her from openly making her interest known, and it's bonus points if she manages to embarrass a male.

She isn't one for getting angry or holding grudges; she can laugh off most things, and simply walk away if someone decides to get nasty. There's no sense in trying to have fun with people who are determined to be sticks-in-the-mud after all, and Rebel doesn't have time to waste!

What is your soq looking for in a mate? She isn't! Honestly, anyone attractive will be enough to get her to playfully flirt, but it's going to take more than that to get her to stick around.

I always thought it'd be interesting if Rebel accidentally found herself falling for someone. She'd be scared and not sure of what to do, at first, but then probably decide to just go for it. The worst that happens is that she breaks her own heart, right?

Breeding slots left: 3/3

Fling or Lifemate?: Not sure!

How do you want others to contact you?: PM or AIM~

What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: If it were a fling where she had fallen for stallion, but he left afterward, I think Rebel would find herself pretty heartbroken and struggling to raise the kids. If he stuck around and helped her raise the children, well, maybe it'd turn into something more romantic. Maybe they'd just go their separate ways afterward. Who knows? I'm up for discussion!

Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Not sure!

If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: It can be either, but I'd like at least a little bit of AIM RP if it's going to be background, just to make sure they fit.


Territorial Friend


PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:07 am

Soquili Name: Nalani
Image of Soquili: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: She's a sweet young lady with a generous heart who always strives to see the good in everyone, even if there's evidence to the contrary about someone she'll still try and see their good. This means she can be slightly easy to take advantage of - but she's not a complete pushover as on some occasions she will eventually work out what a person has been doing and they won't be able to fool her again. (she's kind of Jane from Pride & Prejudice)

She's been slightly sheltered in that she has pretty much stuck around her birthplace since she was grown, but has begun taking herself out on long leisurely walks to see the scenery. She likes the sound of birdsong and the scent of flowers, and will often get lost in listening to the former, or finding interesting flowers.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? ICly; She's not particularly looking, or doesn't know she is but would like to meet an equally personable stallion. She comes from a fairly large family (4 brothers & a sister) and although she doesn't think she's looking for anyone she knows in her heart that if she were to have a relationship it would be a loving one like her parents. Basically she wants her Soq equivalent of Mr.Bingley wink
OOCly - edits/no edits/race not a problem (except for evil or bad tempered, she'd never love anyone like that) - aesthetically pleasing colouring would be nice
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Lifemate, she would never fling
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: Going a little bit P&P with this (if possible as I think it would be fun XD). A possible plot would be for her to meet a dashing gentleman who has snobby friends/family who don't agree to the match (maybe because she's just a grounded or for whatever reasons) and they break up their budding relationship by trying to persuade the stallion that there's a better match for him, and that she doesn't like him in the same way.
Eventually, as with Jane, things are sorted out and they wind up getting together.

Of course it could just be a case of getting to know one another and then falling for each other but I kind of like the first idea XD But of course plot bunnies are welcomed wink
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: lifemate - RP wanted!
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: n/a
PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:33 pm

Soquili Name: Thosi Pandryl
Image of Soquili: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Thosi is very confident. Some might call her arrogant. She's not exactly full of herself, or self centered, but she's not the sort to share the spot light. She's a leader, not a follower... in her own mind. She's always right, even when she's wrong, and if you dare disagree with her then you've got quite the argument on your hand. She's not exactly violent, but she's not above getting into a fight if it means defending the fact that she's right. Not the easiest Soq to get along with, unless you're smart enough to agree with her.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Thosi would never settle with anyone who wasn't worthy of her. She needs someone who can go toe to toe with her without being intimidated. At the same time, she requires someone who knows when it's time to back down.
Breeding slots left: 2/3 (One promised to Gishoni (Syaoran-Puu))
Fling or Lifemate?: Fling, though it could turn lifemate for the right guy
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: I'm up for anything. She needs a challenge, someone to spark off of.
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: However it turns out.
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: Preferred RP


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:08 am

Soquili Name: Starlet
Image of Soquili: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Starlet was born to Forte and Liberty with a sister Runa. Though just after coming from their baskets, Starlet and Runa would be separated for a very long time. Liberty took her sister to his teepee, but then he had to go in search for the missing foal from his herd again... While he was gone... Starlet watched her mother's memories fade... Finally when she was old enough Starlet was left in charge of her mother, keeping her at the teepee when she had an episode...

Over time, Starlet grew from her playful happy foal to a concerned and bitter daughter. She never understood why her father left, and was bitter that her sister who never came to see their ill mother was off living the dream life.

Meeting a stallion named Mecho, Starlet went on a trip, her father was coming home, and she wanted to be far away. This trip ended up being very good for her, and she came to terms with everything in her life, and started to become her happy self again. And journeyed back home. Only to find that her father and sister left forever. Her mother though, had fully recovered from whatever it was that was making her ill. And Starlet was left alone.

What is your soq looking for in a mate? They have to click right, I'd prefer a stallion that was more reserved, strong and silent, to balance out her excitement, and happiness. She had been head over heals in love, when the stallion in her life from foal hood left.
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: lifemate
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: See above
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: lifemate
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: n/a

** I'd prefer a Regular Soq, though I know most people aren't willing to give up breedings, and you wouldn't have too. If the pairing clicks well enough for wanting family then I will find her a surrogate (And said stallion could as well also ooc breedings are fine.)
PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 7:24 pm

Soquili Name: Xaivary
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Describe your soq's personality/interests:
Xaivary's never really had a family of her own, and tends to watch others interact from afar. She vaguely remembers having a mother, and a brother, but never a father. From what she was able to piece together her father either never knew, or never cared, that she and her brother existed. Her mother disappeared when she was still very young, though mostly able to feed herself. Her brother went off looking for her and never came back.

The small herd in the area were very suspicious and closed minded about outsiders, and stupidly superstitious, and so felt that since she was old enough to manage without assistance in anything other than protection, but to young to really send off with a clear conscience, Xaivary became something akin to a misbehaving pet that no one really wanted around but didn't want to get rid of, either. When she was a little older she realized that she didn't have to stay there any more than they seemed to want her, and left.

Rather than growing bitter or angry as one might expect, Xaivary remained fairly easy-going and friendly, if... distant. Emotional distress between friends and family are a pretty foreign subject for her, and worries about looks and who's a good catch or other things one might expect a young mare to be concerned with never cross her mind. She's open to conversing and interacting with others to a degree, though she's most comfortable around the innocence of foals. She's even a bit more inclined to approach others for conversation or curiosity's sake after being out in the world and finding that the behavior she grew up around is not necessarily the norm. Still, if there's more than one or two Soquili around, particularly if she's not familiar with one or more of them, she'll probably vacate the area as quickly as possible.

She might like watching others interact with each other as friends and family, but when she gets dragged into the middle of it she becomes uncomfortable. It doesn't really feel to her like she belongs there, invited or not.

Xaivary hardly ever seems to take things very seriously, and between a bad case of wanderlust and a penchant for mischief some might label her a trouble-maker. She has a good heart, though, and in spite of any teasing or pranks she would not intentionally bring harm to another. She's not one to pick fights, but she will fight if it's necessary to protect herself or someone else that she wants to protect. And if she's protecting another, she won't back down even in the face of a skinwalker or a kalona.

In short, Xai is loyal to a fault to those who win her over, and a class-clown hiding deep emotional pains behind joker antics and mostly indifferent behavior... even from herself.

That all said, she is not uncomfortable with who she is and tries to be. And her favorite things are running, her trinkets, the sticks of sugar-cane and occassional bit of booze she "borrows" from the Kawani traders on occassion, and her handful of good buddies.

What is your soq looking for in a mate?
'm all for interesting color combinations, so looks, breed, or edits really don't matter to me, possibly even less to her. I am mostly concerned that they be able to put up with her quirky humor, love of wandering, and penchant for good natured mischief. She is highly unlikely to change her ways more than marginally for anyone, so if they can't deal with a scruffy tomboy that likes to travel, best not to apply. No one evil, but as long as the stallion isn't too much of a stuffy personality I'd be willing to at least introduce them and see what happened..

She may or may not play around with a stallion offering some equally playful flirting in her direction, but she rarely takes anyone flirting with her at all seriously. And if they're only after a night-time romp they will be shot down, probably quite rudely. She might be willing to enter a "friends-with-benefits" situation even if there's not an outright romantic interest, but she has to know and be comfortable with a stallion before she'd even think about it. So far nothing of the sort has occured.

This must be a lifemate thing. She would not take a fling well, even if the stallion were prepared to help raise the foals before leaving. Her own family, or lack there-of, and seeing what similar situations have done to others have made this the one area in particular that she really is touchy about. If a stallion were to pull a love and leave on her, she would hunt him down and kick his tail five ways from Sunday.

Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Lifemate is a must.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM, please.
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: Initially it would probably be a friendship thing. If he happened to want to travel with her that would be a plus... she's really not used to that. Whether he was flirting with her the whole time or not when she figured out his interests were actually genuine she'd probably be a little weirded out... she's used to being "one of the guys" and not really viewed as desirable like the more feminine mares. She wouldn't likely admit any deeper affection than friendship of her own accord because of that fact... she would simply assume there was no reciprocation of such feelings until proven otherwise.

I will also warn that I am kind of a slow RPer depending on how RL is going, and also that I am not promising anything until at least initial meeting RPs are done and I see who, if anyone, really seems to be clicking for her.
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: LIFEMATE
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: n/a

Haisyn Fierra

Dangerous Gekko

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Enduring Werewolf

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:45 am

Soquili Name: Racardo
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Describe your soq's personality/interests:
He is a very cunning creature, who enjoyed making plans and schemes before watching them unfold. He has developed into a rather brave adult but as a child he found himself scared more often and would often run away from 'danger' at the last moment. Racardo loves his family dearly and is especially close to his two brothers -he is the eldest of the three. He can be REALLY stubborn, but a very caring stallion who would love and cherish his mate as he was brought up to always repect others, especially family.

Since he left home to go off exploring Racardo has become more flirty and playful, especially around mares though he has been known to tease males too. He is carefree most of the time, but still enjoys plotting and scheming just on a different scale from when he was a child.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?
Someone who can tame his inner beast... XD make him focus all his fliration and attention on one special mare.
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Lifemate only (family tradition).
How do you want others to contact you?: PM please
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: I want to discuss some possible plots with you... ideas??
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Lifemate
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: I would LOVE some RPed stuff, but I do not mind plotting stuff also.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:49 am

Soquili Name: Blood-Queen Lana'thel
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Describe your soq's personality/interests:
Lana'thel is a commander by nature, she dislikes taking orders from anyone but enjoys punishing those who dare to try and control her. As far as Lana'thel is concerned her beauty, cunning and backstabbing are much stronger than the brute strength of most of her opponants, she will do anything to win.

Lana'thel believes that life is like a battle, you just need to have the advantage and take no rubbish from anyone else. Two things she does with ease. She is currently amuzed by a Demon who longs to strength his family line, flattered she is considering his offer.... the mother of a Demon... a new pawn for her to play.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?
Someone that can stand up to her... but bend enough to let her feel like she has her own way every now and then.

Evil/Mean/Terrifying would be best.
Edited mane and tail would be great at the very least.
Breeding slots left: 3/3 (though she is currently in the CC with Kas)
Fling or Lifemate?: Fling
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: Please note that this will be for her second breeding... right now she is aiding Kas with his mission to make perfect demon children, Lana'thel is agreeing because she is hoping to have two more minons for her army.

So.... ideas??
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Fling (2nd Breeding)
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: Both please... I REALLY want RP for her, which is why I am posting this so early.


Enduring Werewolf

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