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6th Annual Art Contest: CLOSED FOR JUDGING Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:46 pm

Artist: Aniira
Names of Soquili in your entry: Yei Umeko and Grencia
Title of Entry: The Legacy of Us
Link of Entry: Link to DA page
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Color, best background/setting, best couple
Media Used: GIMP
Comments: Ok, so this was my biggest planned piece for this contest. I just want to say that these two Soquili are probably the most life-like and inspirational characters that I know in the shop, and I've always admired their relationship and their ability to thrive even through hard times. I wanted this to be a moment of peace and revelation for the two, perhaps when they've put the kids to sleep, and stand together to watch over their land, thinking, "We did it. Together." That's just what pops into my head. That this is their life, their success, and their legacy. =)
Number of submissions submitted so far: 6 I believe. :3
PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:03 pm

Artist: Darkmoon Dancer
Names of Soquili in your entry: Cethin
Title of Entry: Cethin, the Deathbringer
Link of Entry: Deathbringer
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Color, Scariest?! lol, I dunno
Media Used: GIMP & tablet
Comments: This was supposed to be one of my main pieces, but after having drawn this background and then gone back to try and draw a grungy, dirty graveyard instead... it just never turned out, and at this point, my muses really just aren't letting me draw that damp death ceremony that was supposed to be.
So here it is, with a lighter background. And it's pretty big, so I think it might even be wallpaper-worthy if so desired.
Number of submissions submitted so far: This is #7

Darkmoon Dancer

Shameless Ladykiller

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:13 pm

Artist: ATh e a r t
Names of Soquili in your entry: Angharad
Title of Entry: Sunset Run
Link of Entry: Here <3
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Color, Story, Background, Happiest?
Media Used: PSCS3
Comments: I thought I'd do a simple background since Angharad herself is quite complex when it comes to her accessories C:
Number of submissions submitted so far: 5
PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:10 pm

Artist: [+Katch+]
Names of Soquili in your entry: Haiku
Title of Entry: Cherry Blossom Fairy
Link of Entry: LINK
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Happiest, Cutest, Color
Media Used: Pencil + Photoshop
Comments: I wanted to try cute for once, lol, dunno how i did XD PINK, ohgawd~
Number of submissions submitted so far: 6


Kawaii Hunter


Romantic Genius

8,600 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:59 am

Artist: vollyballrocks91
Names of Soquili in your entry: Erynion and Vesper
Title of Entry: Twitterpated
Link of Entry: Couple
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Best Couple, Traditional, B&W
Media Used: Pencil and paper
Comments: Wanted to do a cute couple and these two are so beautiful and adorable <3
Number of submissions submitted so far: 6
PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:55 am

Artist: Darkmoon Dancer
Names of Soquili in your entry: Beelzebub, Sintharia
Title of Entry: Lurkers of the Swamp
Link of Entry: In the Shadows
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Color, Happiest? Meanest? Best buddy?
Media Used: GIMP & tablet
Comments: Was not expecting this to become such a big piece, but I am TOTALLY proud of this one!!!
Hope you guys like it as much as I do. Beelzebub in the shadows of his swamp, with a quick feature of a certain favored relative, and his daily companions.
Also wallpaper-sized if you download it! smile
Number of submissions submitted so far: This is #8

Darkmoon Dancer

Shameless Ladykiller


PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:32 am

Artist: Sayuri_Nitta
Names of Soquili in your entry: Witseidutsei
Title of Entry: Tree Angel
Link of Entry: X
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Trad, B&W
Media Used: pencils, post-scan psp7
Comments: I purposely went for a very rough, sketchy style, and I also only shaded her body and the sheet, I wanted her wings, hair and the branch to look stark
Number of submissions submitted so far: 15
PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:43 pm

Artist: Roniel Targaryen
Names of Soquili in your entry: Tiarnan, Astariel
Title of Entry: Closeness
Link of Entry: Here
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Best couple, best color, best setting
Media Used: photoshop, pen and paper
Comments: My sister loves Klimt so requested that I attempt to do Klimt ponies! This is the result! Note that the markings are not markings from the soqs... they are Klimtified!
Number of submissions submitted so far: 17

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon


PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:00 pm

Artist: Aniira
Names of Soquili in your entry: Kerberos
Title of Entry: In the Night...
Link of Entry: Link to DA page
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Meanest
Media Used: GIMP
Comments: Just a quick, lineless painting. =)
Number of submissions submitted so far: 7
PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:37 pm

Artist: Aniira
Names of Soquili in your entry: Te (forgot the rest of his name)
Title of Entry: Te as a Human
Link of Entry: xxxx
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Color
Media Used: GIMP
Comments: Another quicky. Not my best, but hope you like it.
Number of submissions submitted so far: 8



Rainbow Cat

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:19 pm

Artist: Mogami
Names of Soquili in your entry: Sakura
Title of Entry: Pretty in Pink 8D
Link of Entry: Here! >>> And it moves, too!
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Color?
Media Used: PS
Comments: Headshot #1! I wish I had time to do all the ones I wanted to. =]
Number of submissions submitted so far: 2
PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:27 pm

Artist: Tara de Draiocht
Names of Soquili in your entry: Marrow
Title of Entry: Go'a walkin' After Midnight
Link of Entry: here
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Chibi, multi-entry
Media Used: Paint
Comments: Such a handsome skelli-male! That and he loves sugar. I mean who doesn't love sugar? <3
Number of submissions submitted so far: 9

Tara de Draiocht

Naughty Man-Lover


PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:18 am

Artist: Sayuri_Nitta
Names of Soquili in your entry: Jezabelle
Title of Entry: I will drink you dry
Link of Entry: X
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Trad, colour
Media Used: pencils, ink pen, post-scan psp7
Comments: My printer is a bugger and changed the colour of her hair on the ref XD so it's more blue than it should be whee
Number of submissions submitted so far: 16
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:22 am

Artist: Sayuri_Nitta
Names of Soquili in your entry: Naniahiahi
Title of Entry: Playful Breeze
Link of Entry: X
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Trad, B&W
Media Used: pencil, post-scan psp7
Comments: I felt this one had enough motion to stay as just a pencil sketch
Number of submissions submitted so far: 17



PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:26 am

Artist: Sayuri_Nitta
Names of Soquili in your entry: Shania Leigh
Title of Entry: Big Wings, Little Wings
Link of Entry: X
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Trad, B&W
Media Used: pencil, post-scan psp7
Comments: Sketchies are my friend at the end of the contest XD
Number of submissions submitted so far: 18

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