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Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:16 pm

Phail Ninja
THANK YOU so much Phail <333
/prostrates before the listmaking goddess ;w;

Sorry for the delay; I was busy most of the day due to family father's day plans and just finished a family movie night! I can hardly keep my eyes open so I'll roll (and then choose partners) first thing tomorrow.

If any colorists want to roll edit slots now, please go for it!
Strifeling generated a random number between 1 and 125 ... 14!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:17 am

Rolling for the mare from the 1st pair...

User Image

Mares Ticket List
    .... Page 1
  1. AstoriaFallen
  2. catmagick [has an Usdia]
  3. AislingJuno
  4. Mia Lovasz
  5. magnadearel
    Page 2
  6. Fea Line [has an Usdia]
  7. Epine de Rose [has a Skinwalker]
  8. Kaya Wolf Moon [has an Usdia]
  9. Antidia
  10. Faithofthefallen
  11. Teh Cheryl [has an Usdia & Seathi]
  12. Meepfur
    Page 3
  13. Nisshou H
  14. Caitlyn Hellstorm [has a Mer]
  15. Kivras
  16. Valkymie [has an Usdia]
  17. Capricorn Sunchai
  18. sage_the_vampirc_angel [has a Kelpi]
  19. Ebonrune [has a Skinwalker]
  20. pinchmonster
    Page 4
    one over three [Void]
  21. odet amo [has a Mer & Usdia]
  22. Revolutionary Roniel [has a Kelpi & Skinwalker]
  23. Thalea
  24. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko
  25. Chibi Hige [has an Usdia]
  26. ~Twilight...Angel~
  27. cursedandwandering [has a Kelpi & Seathi]
    Page 5
  28. Kara Asumie
  29. Divena [has an Usdia]
  30. Sabin Duvert [has an Angeni]
  31. CitrusCupcake
  32. Kamiki
  33. Fatal Irony [has a Skinwalker & Angeni]
    Page 6
  34. Kesmi [has an Usdia]
  35. Lita Rutherford [has a Mer]
  36. LydaLynn
  37. RockerWolfie1616
  38. Yayoi
  39. o-Elixir-o [has an Usdia]
  40. Poe-tae-toee [has an Usdia]
  41. Pollack
  42. ~Latonia de la Courtel~
  43. Lady Aria Starstone [has an Usdia]
    Page 7
  44. Tygress Dream
  45. hanging gallow [has a Kelpi]
  46. sesshiyasha
  47. Niyaru Delacroix
  48. Kyrieko
    Page 8
  49. Teigra
  50. GrnGriff [has a Skinwalker]
  51. Kyribird
  52. stormflower
  53. StrawberryRoseTea
  54. Dollfie
  55. Rhyleigh [has a Seathi, Mer & Usdia]
  56. FrostyPeaches
    Page 9
  57. Devil NightShade
  58. ATh e a r t [has an Usdia]
  59. Kyaishi
  60. Amirynth
  62. RadiantRose Midnight
  63. belloblossom
  64. tefla [has a Skinwalker]
    Page 10
  65. 8-Bit Mosh Pit [has a Seathi]
  66. Strawberri Stardust
  67. junglerunner
  68. Agneza
  69. ABVirus [has a Skinwalker & Seathi]
  70. Nyx Queen of Darkness [has an Usdia]
  71. Mameha Otome
  72. Lunarflowermaiden [has a Kelpi]
    Page 11
  73. .Tortured. .Pumpkin.
  74. Lunadriel
  75. Sawaki
  76. xxx Yuki Bear xxx [has an Usdia]
  77. Calixita [has an Usdia & Skinwalker]
  78. Twitchapher the 3rd [has a Mer & Nixie/Usdia]
    Page 12
  79. EDM Wolf [has a Kelpi]
  80. Rein_Carnation
  81. Kettyn
  82. nekolulu
  83. JetAlmeara [has an Usdia]
  84. She-Ra of Etheria [has an Usdia]
  85. FitzRoyal [has an Usdia]
  86. Pandora Talie [has an Usdia]
  87. Selalusia [has a Kelpi & Usdia]
  88. Syrius Lionwing [has a Kelpi]
    Page 13
  89. Uta
  90. Mythi Red Panda
  91. Mahogany Sunset [has an Usdia]
  92. Seruta
  93. Phail Ninja [has an Usdia]
  94. Infinities
  95. Celestial Requiem [has an Usdia]
    Page 14
  96. baby_gwing [has a Kelpi]
  97. techabyte
  98. Tiger_Kisa699
  99. LunaRei_SilverBlood [has a Skinwalker]
  100. Wasteland Wyvern
  101. Malikztiah Ankhere
  102. Koiasi [has an Usdia]
    Page 15
  103. Tara de Draiocht
  104. C o w b o y P e e p [has an Angeni & Usdia]
  105. [Mistress Morbid]
  106. Angelique DelaMort
  107. dolphingurl
  108. Painted Moose [has a Kelpi]
  109. SwordOfTheDarkOnes
  110. Alanna the Pirate Queen
    Page 16
  111. WishMage
  112. ~Masamune~ [has a Skinwalker & Kelpi]
  113. Rita Zyon [has a Nixie/Usdia]
  114. Ghouliboo
  115. IvoryRyu.20
  116. Miss Cherie [has an Usdia]
  117. Leez0rz
  118. Insane Butterfly [has an Usdia]
  119. spelldancer
    Page 17
  120. Tsunake
  121. Jackariah Beckett [has a Nixie/Usdia]
  122. xSakura Serenityx
  123. DeeJaye [has an Usdia & Seathi]
  124. Fuzzy-Gumdrop
  125. Tudora



Indomitable Seraph

Strifeling generated a random number between 1 and 113 ... 73!



Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:20 am

Rolling for the stallion of the second pair, and then I'll choose partners for these two, maybe a CC.

Rolled Twitch; Stallion:
User Image

Stallions Ticket List
    .... Page 1
  1. magnadearel [has a Mer & Usdia]
    Page 2
  2. catmagick [has an Usdia]
  3. AstoriaFallen [has a Kelpi]
  4. Fea Line
  5. Kaya Wolf Moon [has an Angeni]
  6. Teh Cheryl
  7. Valkymie
  8. Faithofthefallen [has a Skinwalker & Usdia]
  9. Caitlyn Hellstorm
    Page 3
  10. Nisshou H
  11. Meepfur
  12. Kivras
  13. sage_the_vampirc_angel [has a Kelpi]
  14. She-Ra of Etheria
  15. Capricorn Sunchai
  16. pinchmonster [has an Usdia]
    Page 4
  17. Thalea [has an Angeni]
  18. Chibi Hige [has an Usdia]
  19. Sabin Duvert [has an Usdia]
  20. odet amo [has a Seathi]
  21. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko [has a Nixie/Usdia]
  22. Divena [has a Mer & Usdia]
  23. Mindsend [has a Skinwalker & Usdia]
    Page 5
  24. ~Twilight...Angel~ [has a Mer]
  25. AislingJuno [has an Usdia]
  26. Kara Asumie
  27. Poe-tae-toee [has an Usdia]
  28. cursedandwandering [has a Seathi]
  29. RockerWolfie1616 [has an Usdia]
  30. Ryuukishin [has a Kelpi]
    Page 6
  31. Fatal Irony
  32. Kamiki [has a Kelpi]
  33. Lita Rutherford [has an Usdia]
  34. o-Elixir-o
    Page 7
  35. Pollack
  36. LydaLynn
  37. Lady Aria Starstone
  38. Zee Oddwyn [has a Kelpi]
  39. Kyribird
  40. sesshiyasha
  41. Kyrieko [has an Usdia]
  42. hanging gallow
  43. Tygress Dream [has a Mer & Kelpi]
    Page 8
  44. Niyaru Delacroix
  45. Teigra [has a Kelpi]
  47. GrnGriff
  48. StrawberryRoseTea
  49. Ryghann
  50. FrostyPeaches
    Page 9
  51. ramenli [has an Usdia & Kelpi]
  52. belloblossom
  53. Kyaishi
  54. RadiantRose Midnight
  55. Devil NightShade
  56. Amirynth
  57. ATh e a r t [has an Usdia]
    Page 10
  58. tefla [has a Skinwalker & Mer]
  59. ABVirus
  60. Agneza [has an Angeni]
  61. Draconian_Peacock [has a Kelpi]
  62. Mameha Otome [has a Mer]
  63. Nyx Queen of Darkness [has an Usdia]
  64. Lunarflowermaiden [has an Usdia & Kelpi]
    Page 11
  65. Lunadriel
  66. .Tortured. .Pumpkin.
  67. xxx Yuki Bear xxx [has an Usdia]
  68. Cheyriddle4 [has an Usdia]
  69. Sawaki [has a Skinwalker]
  70. Rita Zyon
  71. Calixita [has a Skinwalker]
  72. EDM Wolf [has an Angeni]
  73. Twitchapher the 3rd [has a Kelpi]
    Page 12
  74. JetAlmeara [has an Usdia]
  75. Kettyn [has a Skinwalker]
  76. Phail Ninja [has a Seathi & Usdia]
  77. FitzRoyal [has a Nixie/Usdia & Kelpi]
  78. Pandora Talie
    Page 13
  79. Selalusia
  80. Uta
  81. nekolulu
  82. Mahogany Sunset
  83. Syrius Lionwing
  84. Seruta [has a Mer]
  85. dolphingurl
  86. Infinities [has an Angeni]
    Page 14
  87. techabyte
  88. Celestial Requiem
  89. baby_gwing [has an Usdia]
  90. Wasteland Wyvern
  91. Malikztiah Ankhere [has a Kelpi]
  92. Tara de Draiocht
  93. Mewsings of An Angel [has a Mer & Nixie/Usdia]
  94. Mythi Red Panda
    Page 15
  95. [Mistress Morbid] [has a Skinwalker]
  96. Koiasi
  97. Painted Moose
  98. Angelique DelaMort [has a Skinwalker & Nixie/Usdia]
  99. Dollfie [has an Usdia]
  100. SwordOfTheDarkOnes
  101. Alanna the Pirate Queen [has an Usdia]
    Page 16
  102. WishMage [has an Usdia]
  103. ~Masamune~ [has a Seathi]
  104. IvoryRyu.20 [has a Skinwalker]
  105. Miss Cherie [has an Angeni]
  106. Leez0rz
  107. spelldancer [has an Usdia]
  108. Eternal Xantara [has a Kelpi]
    Page 17
  109. Tsunake
  110. Jackariah Beckett [has an Usdia]
  111. DeeJaye
  112. Tudora
  113. Fuzzy-Gumdrop [has an Angeni]
Strifeling generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 3!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:34 am

I'm struggling to settle on a partner for the first couple, so I'll roll (in order posted, order of the list):


First pair:

User Image x User Image
Links to posts: Caitlyn Hellstorm, Teigra

Working on the second pair!

Edit: Second pair:
Andor (Twitchapher the 3rd) [rolled] x Xochitl Cuahtla (Thalea)

User Image x User Image

I'll do one CC, and then I'm all doen!



Indomitable Seraph

Strifeling generated a random number between 1 and 6 ... 3!



Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:26 pm

Rolling from a shortlist for my CC pair! I picked out some of my favorites that belonged to non-staff, allowed for both types of twists, and belonged to triwing newbies.

(Same method as before; listed in order posted)
  1. Naos Drekk (Kaya Wolf Moon)
  2. Opalescence (Yayoi)
  3. Star Sky (o-Elixir-o)
  4. Rifted Nereus (Tygress Dream)
  5. Shimmer Floret (Seruta)
  6. Sicarii Piraticus (Koiasi)

User Image
Strifeling generated a random number between 1 and 2 ... 1!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:28 pm

Rolling for the mare, same method:
  1. Ker Enyo
  2. Saoirse

Letting you two know that I'm set, so I think you're free to roll now. Thank you for waiting <3333



Indomitable Seraph



Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:33 pm

All done! Congrats winners! Thank you to those who entered (and thank you to Phail for handling the lists <3333)!

User Image x User Image
User Image x User Image
User Image x User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Caitlyn Hellstorm
Twitchapher the 3rd
hanging gallow
Malis Vitterfolk generated a random number between 1 and 29 ... 16!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 4:15 pm

Ignore this, the unedited list was not completed.

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

Malis Vitterfolk generated a random number between 1 and 16 ... 15!

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 4:18 pm

Ignore this, the unedited list was not completed.
Malis Vitterfolk generated a random number between 1 and 125 ... 106!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 5:21 pm

Trying again from the full list: Mares

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

Malis Vitterfolk generated a random number between 1 and 125 ... 115!

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 5:22 pm

One more time: Mares

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: (If you say yes, it's possible you -- and other viewers -- will be able to see the adult stages ahead of time. Say no if you'd prefer they be kept a surprise.)
Twins okay?: Yes identical and possible fraternal works
Triplets okay?: Yes identical and possible fraternal works

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Ponyname (owners)
Link to waiting to be certed thread – http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24190595&page=13
pregnant stage (female only): I have one already I want one

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: don’t have one

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid: don’t need to worry about this

Throwbacks?: (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding if breed throwbacks are rolled. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. For gen 2+, the only throwbacks possible are those from the ancestors, i.e. no mystery or random traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.) -no
---Link to previous Generations: (none 1rst generation)


Are you willing to risk getting summer-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: sure why not

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?:nope


Are you willing to risk getting Prehistoric-inspired traits?: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: no
Malis Vitterfolk generated a random number between 1 and 113 ... 1!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 5:40 pm

And now the lucky stallion...

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

Malis Vitterfolk generated a random number between 1 and 113 ... 48!

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 5:43 pm

We need a full-size non aquatic stallion...

Username: StrawberryRoseTea

Handsome Hunks



Are you willing to risk getting Prehistoric-inspired traits?: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: No


Are you willing to risk getting summer-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: No

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Eldrin Bright-Tail (StrawberryRoseTea)

User Image
UNCERT Cert Request
pregnant stage (female only): No

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: teepee

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: None

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: N/A
Malis Vitterfolk generated a random number between 1 and 8 ... 8!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:17 pm

Because I did roll Magnadearel I'm gonna snag them for half a CC pair...

Username: magnadearel

Lovely Ladies

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Aspasia (magnadearel)

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid | Markings
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: link

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: n/a

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:1st gen


Are you willing to risk getting Prehistoric-inspired traits?: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: n/a

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Hipelagan (magnadearel)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: link

Same Breed Variants: yes
---Templates to Avoid: n/a

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:1st gen


Are you willing to risk getting Prehistoric-inspired traits?: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: n/a

Lucky stallions?

1: Caitlyn Hellstorm
2: Kaya Wolf Moon
3: Sesshiyasha
4: Tygress Dream
5: Twitchapher the 3rd
6: JetAlmeara
7: Pandora Talie
8: Syrius Lionwing

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:25 pm

Pair one: Roll
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: (If you say yes, it's possible you -- and other viewers -- will be able to see the adult stages ahead of time. Say no if you'd prefer they be kept a surprise.)
Twins okay?: Yes identical and possible fraternal works
Triplets okay?: Yes identical and possible fraternal works

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Ponyname (owners)
Link to waiting to be certed thread – http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24190595&page=13
pregnant stage (female only): I have one already I want one

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: don’t have one

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid: don’t need to worry about this

Throwbacks?: (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding if breed throwbacks are rolled. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. For gen 2+, the only throwbacks possible are those from the ancestors, i.e. no mystery or random traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.) -no
---Link to previous Generations: (none 1rst generation)


Are you willing to risk getting summer-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: sure why not

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?:nope


Are you willing to risk getting Prehistoric-inspired traits?: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: no

Username: StrawberryRoseTea

Handsome Hunks



Are you willing to risk getting Prehistoric-inspired traits?: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: No


Are you willing to risk getting summer-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: No

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Eldrin Bright-Tail (StrawberryRoseTea)

User Image
UNCERT Cert Request
pregnant stage (female only): No

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: teepee

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: None

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

Pair two: CC
Username: magnadearel

Lovely Ladies

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Aspasia (magnadearel)

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid | Markings
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: link

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: n/a

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:1st gen


Are you willing to risk getting Prehistoric-inspired traits?: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: n/a

Syrius Lionwing
Username: Syrius Lionwing

Handsome Hunks


Are you willing to risk getting Prehistoric-inspired traits?: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: none


Are you willing to risk getting summer-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: none

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: sure

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Grizzik (Syrius Lionwing)

User Image

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=20817141

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid: none
Breeding Thickets

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