...A little about the soquili...
Gypsy is as goofy as they get. He is a big teddy bear who loves the company of others, even though he is a bit awkward when meeting other soquili. Usually, the stallion can be found in the mountains or flying around to find a breeze of some sort to keep him cool. Born and raised in the mountains, he is used to cooler temperatures and only makes the trek down the mountain he lives on when the weather permits or if he is so bored he would be willing to possibly over heat to see another face.
A bit quirky, Gypsy enjoys making music with whatever noises he can conjure up or whatever noises surround him. He loves traveling down the mountain on days when it is raining so that he can listen to the raindrops hitting the leaves and creating a song with the sound of the rain and the clap of thunder.
(more to come as he develops further in rp)