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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:05 am
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Out of all his weakness his family was the biggest. Samuel loathed the way he was trembling like a coward, but he couldn't help it. To him, his family's bigotry felt as though it was nearly on par with the Westboro Baptist Church. They were good people, very loving but also terribly headstrong on traditional marriage and keeping the Davis name alive for generations to come. Samuel took another deep breath, nodding quietly as Micha agreed to leave. He hated to have him leave, but what else was he supposed to do? He didn't want to play the twenty questions game of who Micha was, how they met, so on and so forth. He also didn't need the stress of hearing his brother badmouth Micha. Stepping back as Micha climbed off the bed he closed his eyes as he was kissed. Samuel kissed back, wanting to just hold him there a bit longer though knocking they didn't have the time. Nodding again as Micha spoke he watched him slip out of the room. Samuel sank back onto the bed, his head drooping between his knees. He ran a hand through his hair, soon hearing the distant beeping of the alarm informing him of a door being opened and closed. With Micha now gone his buzzing mind went back to its previous state of worrying. Just what did he want anyways? Sadly for him he didn't have to wait too much longer. He was pulled from his thoughts by the loud ringing of the door. Pulling himself together as best he could Samuel heaved off the bed and headed downstairs.

It was dark and nearing Midnight by the time his brothers decided it was time to hit the road. A part of him had been surprised to see both of them on his doorstep earlier that afternoon. He hadn't the foggiest why they were there. They hardly ever paid him visits unless there was an emergency or they were forced. Thankfully they were there for neither reason. Instead what started off as a business proposition for the three of them to work together slowly turned into three brothers simply catching up. Despite the relaxed atmosphere that didn't stop Samuel from being on edge and he was aware that both his brothers noticed. They didn't ask, but the unspoken concern lingered. The whole time they spoke Samuel thought of Micha; he wondered if he made it home okay. Did his brothers see him? He wanted to text him so badly but he didn't want to be asked who he was talking to or have his phone snatched so they could read his text messages.

The hours passed slowly and it was hard to keep focus. His anxiety attack had decided to calm down nearly two hours after his brothers' arrival. But the effects of it had left him drained. He chatted along as best he could with the two. Though he mostly just listened to them carry on the conversation. He was too preoccupied with worrying about Micha and what sort effects the attack would leave on his body for the next few days to come. The last time he'd had one it left him feeling terrible. His body ached, he was nauseous, and he had almost no energy to go about his day. Add in a migraine and that was about how Samuel feeling right now. He waited impatiently for the hours to pass and entertaining his family.

When the were ready to leave, Samuel followed them to the door. He followed them out to their car which was parked just outside in the circular drive. Talking for a few more minutes he wished them well and to give his love to their parents. Watching them go Samuel made his way back inside. Locking the door and setting the alarm. Sighing, he leaned against the door. What a day. he thought. He wondered if Micha was even still up. For normal people it was getting pretty late. But to people like Samuel and Micha on normal work days, the night was just beginning. Pushing away from the door, he decided he didn't care. He promised Micha that he'd call or text him later. Well it was certainly later.

Heading up the stairs to his bedroom Samuel flopped onto his bed and picked up his phone. He scrolled through to see if he had any missed calls or calls. There were a few, but nothing too important. He scrolled down to Micha's name and tapped the little envelope icon. You up? was the first message he sent. Samuel didn't bother waiting for a reply before he started typing out his next message. There was too much he wanted to say. Did you make it home okay? I'm so sorry about my outburst earlier and making you leave like that and that I'm texting so late. But it turned out both my brothers came over. They wouldn't shut up and only just left a few minutes ago.....I'm really sorry about all this. Samuel contemplated a few minutes before sending the over-apologetic text. But that was all he could say about his behavior for earlier. Had his fatigue not been so great he'd love to just drive over to Micha's place this very minute. He wanted to see him. He didn't want Micha to see him in his terrible state though. It would only make him feel worse than he already did.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:57 pm
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                                                          " Micha didn't blame Samuel for the way he reacted. He could only accept even though he didn't have to like it. Micha knew Samuel had a reputation to uphold. He left Samuel's house heading , heading away from it. Micha walked down the street still wearing Samuel's clothes. He knew he probably looking out of place in the area. Micha couldn't help but look himself over a little. He didn't care as he ran a hand through his hair. Micha hadn't bothered to grab his clothes, all he had were his keys, wallet and phone on him at least. He continued walking down the street making his way toward the subway. Micha knew he was still a few miles from his studio and didn't feel like walking the whole way.

                                                          After a quick ride on the subway, he managed to make it to his studio. At least it was an off day however he was still kind of annoyed that he was sent away but he knew he should get used to it. Micha walked up the steps to clear his hear instead of taking the elevator. He pulled his keys from his pocket as he got to his door. Micha unlocked the door then made his way inside. He shut the door behind himself, locking it as well. Micha flicked on a light but he didn't bother turning on all the lights. He could see in the dark if he needed to after all he was used to his surroundings. Micha wandered toward his small kitchen area and started to prepare himself some coffee.

                                                          While his coffee brewed, he walked toward his desk. He turned his computer on while he waited. Micha pulled open his top drawer and grabbed out his pack of cigarettes. He hadn't smoked in a few days but at the moment he needed one. Micha wasn't a chain smoker more of a social smoker, however when he was stressed he smoked like chimney sometimes. He walked toward a window as he opened it. Micha grabbed the lighter from his pack of cigarettes as he fished out a cigarette as well. He slipped the cigarette between his lip then lit the end of it. Micha inhaled the smoke as he stood there letting it burn his lungs. He leaned against the window as he stood there. Micha slipped his hand up and pulled the cigarette from his lips, letting the smoke billow out from his lips.

                                                          After a few hours, he had managed to go through an entire pot of coffee plus half a pack of cigarettes. Micha had gone through all his emails looking over his new client list and making appointments for the next few weeks. He finished with that and moved onto doodling on sheets of paper that were scattered on his desk. To put it plainly, he was bored and had nothing better to do. Micha had turned on music while he sat there. He had lost track of time and barely realized that it was dark outside. While he sat there, he suddenly felt his phone buzzing on the desk. Micha glanced toward it curiously. He sighed a little knowing it was most likely Samuel. Micha was happy to finally hear from him but worried at the same time.

                                                          He grabbed his phone and opened Samuel's text. Micha smiled a little reading the first text. Of course, he would be up. After all it was still early, and he was hyped on coffee. Yes, I'm still awake. He sent back as he waited for another text. Micha shifted in his seat a little trying to relax. As he finally received the next text, Micha looked it over. He didn't blame Samuel what happened earlier so everything between them was alright. Micha was merely worried just as Samuel was. I didn't go home I just went to my studio...It's fine to text me..I was still awake...Don't worry about earlier...There's nothing to be sorry for. He texted back as he sat there. Micha stood up as he walked away from his desk. He made his way into the back of the studio and up the stairs. Micha lay down on the bed, he wasn't tired but merely just needed a change of position since he had been siting up all day. He held onto his phone as he lay there waiting for Samuel to text him back.

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:05 am
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Worried was an understatement. Samuel was currently sitting somewhere between scared to death and nearing his next panic attack. He had no idea if Micha was going to talk to him. He didn't blame him if he didn't want to talk, after all he did blatantly kick him out of his house. But it was for Micha's own good, he was protecting him......right? No of course he was. Samuel knew would have happened if Micha had stuck around. His brothers would want to know everything from where Micha was born and what his social standing was to how he came to know Samuel and if he realized just what sort of person Samuel was. What it truly meant to even linger in his presence. He shuddered at the thought. As much as he loathed it, they were family and four generation of staying a strong, proud family name had gone to their head just like every other socialite in New York. Letting out a heavy sigh, he realized how bad he wanted to smoke. It had been hours since his last cigarette and with the wait of his stress finally dawning on him he knew he needed on. Rolling on to his stomach Samuel crawled across the bed to reach into the nightstand. To his dismay all he found was an empty carton and one of his many lighters. Cursing beneath his breath he remembered leaving another pack downstairs.

Just as Samuel was about to heave himself once again off the bed, he felt his phone vibrating against the bed. Turning to pick it he was relieved as he saw Micha's name flash across the screen. Opening the new text he smiled as he read it. Micha was up, he was also okay. He'd been worrying all night if he'd made it home. Better yet even how he managed to make it back. Samuel didn't live far from the club or from Micha, but on foot it was far enough. Another text interrupted his train of thought. Reading through twice he bit his bottom lip as a twinge of guilt filled his chest. Of course Micha wouldn't blame him. But that didn't stop him from feeling guilty. He didn't like having to make Micha leave like that, especially when things between them had been going so well. He wanted to see him, wanted to see him and hear his voice and kiss his lips. He wanted to make it up to him for being too much of chicken s**t and forcing him to go. It wasn't right and it wasn't fair.

Picking up his phone he'd yet to reply. He needed to right something before too much time had passed. But now he was thinking too much, he was suddenly feeling more awake and a bit panicky. He needed to calm down. A drink, a smoke, something before he said something stupid. Taking his phone with him Samuel went back downstairs to the living room where he'd left his cigarettes. The room still smelled of his oldest brothers cigars and the hot wings they'd had for dinner. There was also a bag of chips still out and open, the sink in the kitchen behind the living room was full of dishes. He needed to clean up. The place looked terrible. But he also needed to reply to Micha. Without giving it too much thought Samuel decided to kill two birds with one stone. Pressing the side button on his phone he scrolled past the lock screen and was brought back to his messages with Micha. He tapped back to the home page, then contacts, and down to Micha's name, hitting call. Turning on the speaker he took a deep breath while listening to the droning call tone waiting for Micha to pick up. As he waited Samuel began to clear away the mess in the living room. He scowled, muttering about what pigs his siblings were. There were beer cans on the floor, racing forms on the table, crumbs everywhere, and the ashtray was flowing over with cigar and cigarette buds.

"C'mon pick up." he muttered to himself. Samuel grew more anxious with each ring. What was Micha doing anyway? Was he lying when he said that everything was okay? He knew it. Micha was mad at him. Strings of curses left his mouth as he threw his little tantrum. He felt like such an idiot and was a good two seconds from jumping into his car and heading over there. As the phone rang again Samuel busied himself with finding his pack of cigarettes. He knelt down to look under the couch only to find dust bunnies and more crumbs. Where were those damn cigarettes? Hearing his phone beep twice and then go into sleep mode he groaned. Was Micha so mad at him he didn't want to talk? Getting off the floor he padded across the room to his phone and bringing it to life. Again he felt a small bit of relief. Micha hadn't hung up on, his lack of cell signal had. He forgot how terrible this room was for doing really anything on his cell phone. If he was making a call, it was usually done with the land line in the kitchen.

Knowing he needed to get back to Micha soon, Samuel cleaned up as quickly as he could while simultaneously searching for his cigarettes. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't as quickly as he thought it was. The dishes could wait, he'd already made Micha wait fifteen minutes. If he delayed anymore he feared it would seem like he was just texting to save his own skin. Another five minutes later he found his cigarette stuffed between the cushions of a chair he hadn't even been sitting in. He didn't have time to question it. Feeling more agitated than he already was he went back up to his room, frantically pulling the lighter he found earlier from the night stand and slipping a cigarette between his lips. Flicking the flint wheel a few times before getting it to spark to life he inhaled deeply. "Oh right, Micha." he thought, having almost forgotten he needed to text back. Slowly letting the smoke billow out of his nose Samuel picked up his phone. He'd already let so much time pass and he was still feeling impulsive. I miss you. he typed, but not sending the text. He typed out three more text of similar context, hating how needy each one sounded. It was so pathetic he could cry. Missing Micha, bah. It hadn't even been twenty-four hours since he'd last seen him. Laying down again, he stared up at the ceiling while he continued smoking. Soon reaching the cigarette butt he reached over to stomp out the rest in the ashtray. Slowly releasing the smoke he closed his, allowing his mind to go blank and falling into a half-sleep like state. Micha was safe, they were okay, and he'd safely eluded being outed by his family once again. A large chunk of stress had subsided with just that one cigarette.

Opening his eyes again he saw that two hours had passed. He swore softly. "Now what?" he wondered. He wasn't sure if Micha would still be waiting up for his reply and he didn't want to risk accidentally waking him either. "Tomorrow." he decided. He'd text him tomorrow. Crawling beneath the covers Samuel placed his phone on the night stand. Rolling on to his side he curled in on himself and slowly drifted back to sleep. It was all he really could do to put an end to this odd day. He hoped that Micha wouldn't be mad at him come morning. If he was, he'd visit him personally and do whatever Micha wanted. But for now sleep was needed. Closing his eyes he was out in a matter of minutes.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:10 pm
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                                                          " Micha was glad that Samuel cared in his own way. He knew that most people would be hurt by what Samuel had done but he wasn’t. Micha was merely missing Samuel to say the least. He couldn’t help but want Samuel here beside him. Micha knew it was too much to ask and simply a selfish request. He sighed as he lay there. Micha held onto his phone waiting for another text. He knew it was late but he was waiting for Samuel to give him something to let him know he was okay. Micha could only imagine how Samuel but be reacting at the moment. He had never seen Samuel act like he did today and it was not something he wished to see again.

                                                          As he lay there, Micha realized he wasn’t going to be getting a text anytime soon. He sighed a little as he lay there. At least Samuel knew he was fine, he supposed. Micha shifted as he got off the bed. His stomach growled as he lay there. He knew it was late and most places were closed. Micha couldn’t sit around anymore. He needed food then sleep. Micha wandered back down stairs as he walked toward his computer. He turned the music off letting silence fill his studio. Micha hated silence but he supposed it was natural. He grabbed his keys from his desk and walked toward the door. Micha clicked off the lights as he opened the door. He locked the door behind him before making his way down stairs.

                                                          Of the places left open, they were mostly clubs and small diners. Micha opted for a small diner down the street for food. He just needed a quick meal as long as he didn’t have to cook. Micha walked down the street heading toward the diner. It didn’t take long as he opened the door and slipped inside. A small sign next to the hostess desk alerted customers to seat themselves. He walked toward a booth in the corner as he took a seat. Micha grabbed the menu from the table and started to look it over. He already knew what he wanted to order but still it gave him chance to busy himself while he waited to be served.

                                                          Within minutes, Micha had already placed his order of a cheeseburger with fries and a coke. His waitress had come and gone taking his order and delivering his coke. Micha shifted in the seat pulling his phone from his pocket. He looked it over, still no text from Samuel. Micha wondered if Samuel had gone to sleep already after all it was late and he was probably tired after having to entertain his brothers. He wanted to text Samuel but he worried about bothering him. Micha simply just set his phone side on the table for now.

                                                          After eating his meal, Micha paid for it then returned to his studio. He didn’t bother turning on the lights when he entered. Micha locked the door behind him. He kicked his shoes off by the door as he made his way through his studio. Micha walked toward the back of the studio, making his way up the steps. He removed his phone and wallet from his pockets setting them beside him on the small table area beside the bed. Micha then went about undressing himself as he undid the belt, and then removed his pants. He set them aside before he pulled off the shift then set that aside as well. Micha moved toward the bed crawling onto it. He pulled back the covers and slipped beneath them. Micha sighed a little as he lay down. He hadn’t heard from Samuel but figured he might tomorrow. Micha closed his eyes as he started to doze off.

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:07 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Sleep did not come easy for Samuel. All night long he was haunted by memories both old and new. Some were more pleasant than others, but for the most they kept jolting him awake at the oddest times. Each time he awoke he thought of contacting Micha despite already deciding to contact him in the morning. He didn't want to disturb him, but he was lonely. Already he missed his warmth, the way their legs would tangle and the scratch of his stubble as Micha would lay in his arms. Breathing a heavy Samuel rolled over on to his stomach, dug an arm beneath the pillow and went back to sleep. Again it did not come easy. Visions of the conversation with his family flashed across his minds' eye, as did the look on Micha's face when he told him to leave. Even in his sleep he knew it was going to take much more than pretty words and a few texts to make up for that. Samuel slept for several more hours before waking up again. This time it was nearly eight in the morning. Feeling tired but not enough to sleep anymore he sat up. Without even thinking about it he grabbed his phone. No messages. He figured Micha as much, but that didn't stop him from feeling a bit saddened. He really messed up this time. Kicking back the covers Samuel headed into the bathroom to wash up. He didn't want to over-analyze with text messages as he did last night. He wanted a proper face-to-face conversation today if possible.

Turning on the water he striped down to nothing, tossing his clothes in the hamper. While waiting for the water to warm up Samuel busied himself with washing his face and brushing his teeth. He then stepped into the shower to wash. With nothing but his wandering thoughts to distract him he managed to make it out of the shower in less than fifteen minutes. He came back into his room, drying off as he walked into his closet. LED lights came to life overhead as he walked in. He dug through his drawers, picking his closets out at random. What he ended up with was a dark gray t-shirt, a long sleeved maroon flannel shirt, and a pair of dark jeans. He dried off and dressed quickly. Coming back out his mind was still alive and kicking. He wondered if Micha was up. Would it be okay for him to go over? Would Micha even be up? Shaking his head vigorously Samuel went about gathering his phone, wallet, and keys. He wasn't going to worry anymore. He just wanted to see him. Even if Micha slammed the door in face.

Turning out the lights Samuel made his way downstairs. He didn't bother making coffee or making anything to eat. He didn't have an appetite anyway. Instead he decided to finish cleaning up the living room. Looking around he could honestly say that things looked even worse in the daylight than they did last night. Shaking his head he began picking up the bits of garbage he'd missed. He also went about dumping out the ashtray and washing dishes. By the time he finished cleaning it was nearing nine o'clock. He didn't want to waste anymore time. Wiping his hands on a dish rag Samuel quickly went to disarm and rearm the alarm so he could leave. He went out the garage door as per usual, locking up before choosing the black BMW to drive. Slipping into the driver's seat Samuel buckled up, opened the garage door and was soon pulling out. He didn't spend as much time obsessing over the mirrors or knobs. He was focused on what he was going to do and that was that. Pulling out of the garage Samuel whipped the car around, the garage door closing in his rear view mirror as he practically sped down the lengthy driveway. The iron gates opened at his fast approach and he hardly paused before pulling out into open traffic. The streets were pretty dead for this time of morning. Most had already left for the city while the lingering soccer moms were likely still at home prepping themselves before going out for the day. Lucky for him. On his way to Micha's place Samuel stopped off at the local Dunkin' Donuts. The line was short and when it was his turn he ordered two black coffee and a dozen glazed munchkins. Pulling up to the window Samuel paid for his order, taking it a few minutes later. Thanking the cashier, he gently set the items down on the passenger seat and headed back into traffic.

Samuel could only hope that Micha was still at his studio. The whole time driving he prayed that Micha was still there. It only took him about ten minutes from Dunkin Donuts to reach the studio but it took another five to find somewhere to park. Samuel parked halfway down the street. He unbuckled his seat belt, taking the food with him, and fed the meter enough to last him at least an hour. Marching back up to Micha's building he took a deep breath. "God please be here." he thought. Looking at the list of names outside the building he repeated Micha's room number a few times to himself before going in. There was no doorman to stop him when he entered, but he still felt a bit uneasy. Samuel took to the stairs and headed up. When he reached the right room he waited a moment to catch his breath before knocking on the door. He waited, glancing around nervously before knocking again. To keep himself from panicking he told himself that Micha wasn't mad at him. He was probably just sleeping. Though he'd only slept over a few times, he knew that Micha wasn't a morning person so maybe he didn't hear him. Samuel waited just a few minutes more before knocking a third time as well as ringing the doorbell.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:15 pm
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                                                          " If Micha said he wasn't upset, then he would be lying. He was in his own way upset. After all he had been thrown out of Samuel's house just when things between them were going good. He wished he could have stayed but he knew he would have liked said something or did something to ruin things between them if he did. Micha knew Samuel was merely protecting him from his brothers but just the fact that Samuel thought he needed protection, hurt a little. He knew that Samuel couldn't let their relationship really be public, it was more a private secret affair really. Micha couldn't help but hate the idea but he accepted it none the less as long as he got to call Samuel his in some way, he was happy with it.

                                                          As morning came, Micha was still sleeping. He hadn't bothered to text Samuel before he had gone to sleep. Micha figured Samuel would text him however if he didn't then he would text him when he woke. He continued to sleep as morning drifted from dawn to daylight. Micha shifted in his sleep as he barely dreamed. It was filled as darkness as he walked in an inky abyss. He let himself drown as he continued to sleep breathing softly, glad for the silence instead of the annoying traffic down below.

                                                          Micha let himself sleeping, he rolled over curling up pulling the blanket closer to his body. He was however suddenly woken up by the knocking on his door. It stirred him awake from his groggy state. Micha shifted in his sleep opening his eyes. He wasn't working today so he was surprised to hear someone knocking on his door. Micha moved as he pushed back the covers on his bed. He didn't bothered getting dressed as he walked down the stairs. Micha took his times and it seemed his visitor was impatient as the sound of the buzzing bell rang through the studio. He walked across the studio to unlock the door. Micha pulled opened the door and was surprised to see Samuel standing there. He took in Samuel as he stood before him. "Samuel... Micha spoke a little tiredly and yet cautiously as he stood before him. He wasn't sure yet how things would be between them since he left on rocky terms. Micha was happy to seem him however though, but wasn't sure how to act.

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:42 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Standing there impatiently it was hard to keep his wandering thoughts at bay. The longer Samuel waited the more he wondered if Micha was even here. Sure he'd told him that he practically lived in his studio, but it wasn't exactly his home. Hell, if this was the case then he really was screwed since he hadn't the foggiest where Micha's home even was. He'd yet to see it let alone been given an address. Waiting a few more minutes Samuel was about to turn around and leave. There was no point in him standing there like an idiot and disturbing the neighbors if Micha wasn't home. But suddenly he heard the audible click of locks and the door opened. Samuel took in Micha's appearance just as Micha took in his. Just as he thought earlier, Micha had indeed been sleeping. And from the longs of it no very well either. He smiled shyly as the male spoke his name. "Hey..." he replied awkward. "Mind if I..........I brought coffee and donuts." He held the items up in a peace offering gesture. Here it was now or never. If Micha let him in he could apologize, grovel if he had to. But if things took a turn for the worse there was always the option of just going home and hoping he'd cool off after a few days.

As he waited Samuel tried not to stare at Micha's half-naked form. Instead he stared awkwardly down at his shoes while mentally rehearsing and criticizing his own apology. "Micha, I'm really sorry my family's mentally is stuck in another century.....no that won't do. Micha I didn't mean to throw you out, but you don't have siblings like mine so it's hard...no, no that won't do. Micha.....I love you but I can't formally see you because my family will condemn us both to Hell. God no." Samuel didn't know how to explain his over reaction. He really did want to protect him from his families cruelties. He didn't throw him out to be mean, but what was he supposed to do? Go have him hide in one of the spare bedrooms? The library? What if his brothers had spent the night? Then Micha would have had to hide even longer and there'd be no telling when he would have been able to let him come out. At least by having him go home by himself Micha didn't have to hide or end up starving on his behalf. It seemed cruel, but it was for the best.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:10 pm
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                                                          " As he looked Samuel over, he took his in shy appearance. He relaxed as Samuel spoke. Micha smiled as Samuel spoke holding out his peace offering of coffee and donuts. He knew that he had eaten last night but breakfast was the most important meal of the day. Micha shifted aside to let Samuel come in. He knew that his own appearance was probably distracting. Micha grinned lightly watching as Samuel kept his attention down on his shoes. "Sure come in." He spoke holding the door open more for Samuel to come in.

                                                          Once Samuel came in, Micha shut the door behind him and locked it. He was glad to see Samuel after all things hadn't gone well last night. Being thrown out wasn't something that was normal. He had opted to leave instead of stay knowing what the outcome would be. Micha wasn't mad at Samuel if that's was Samuel was worried about. He was just glad Samuel was here most of all. Micha hated to think Samuel would be bothered to not want to see him.

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:51 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Samuel could feel Micha mocking him as he kept his gaze down. Perhaps if he had the decency to put on some pants he wouldn't be feeling as shy as he was. While his thoughts got carried away on their own accord he was pulled away from them by the invitation to come in. Quickly he thanked Micha. Stepping past the male, he left his shoes by the door and came into the living room-like area they'd sat in last time he was over. Sitting down on the couch pulled set the coffee and donut bag down on the table. "I wasn't too sure about how you take your coffee so I got two dark roast. Hope that's alright.....there's a few creamer and half & half pack if you need some." Pulling one of the coffees free of the holder he handed it off to Micha. He then pulled the other one free for himself. He took a cautious sip then glanced toward Micha. Setting the drink down he turn to give his full attention. "I'm sorry." he said simply and honestly. "I have no excuse for my actions yesterday. I was only doing what I thought was best and ended up worrying you for nothing." Samuel waited for Micha's response. He didn't think he'd be thrown out at this point. What would be the point of having just let him in otherwise? But still he waited in suspense. He sat on the edge of the couch, picking back up his coffee and taking another sip. Even if Micha didn't want to hear his apology he was giving him anyone. He messed up. He got scared that they...he had been seen; and he was going to be shipped off to some gay conversion clinic or something of the like. The thought coming out was a nightmare for Samuel. It was a burden he'd likely carry the rest of his days or until someone outed him. Until then he needed to be careful, Micha too. He didn't want him getting hurt because of something Samuel could have prevented.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:13 am
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                                                          " Micha hardly cared if he was naked or not. It was his place of business and his second home. He could walk around naked if he wanted to, and it was Samuel's fault for waking him without calling first. Micha didn't mind however that Samuel woke him. He welcomed them company especially after last night. Micha wanted things to simply return to the way they were before last nights mishap. He wanted to forget it and put it behind them.

                                                          As Samuel came into the living area, Micha shifted following him. He ran a hand through his hair as he walked toward his futon. Micha took a seat on the opposite end. He glanced toward Samuel as he spoke about the coffee. Micha nodded as he thanked Samuel as he took the coffee from him. He took the top off as he grabbed some creamer and half and half adding both of them to his coffee. Micha took a few sips from his coffee as he sat there. He could feel Samuel's eyes on him as he sat there. Micha continued to drink his coffee waiting for Samuel to speak first.

                                                          Hearing Samuel finally speak. it caused Micha to relax a little. He shifted as he leaned back against the futon as he looked toward Samuel. Micha pulled the coffee from his hips as he held onto it with two hands in his lap. He smiled a little, "I know Samuel...I don't blame you for anything...I know you were only trying to protect me from your brothers." Micha spoke shifting as he turned to face Samuel. He had no plans of throwing Samuel out unless things turned bad between them which he didn't see as possibly occurring.

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:21 am
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

He was well aware this was basically Micha's second home. But he hadn't been expecting to see so much of Micha this early in the morning. It was tempting to stare, but he kept his eyes where they needed to be and his hands to himself. He didn't consider himself off the hook just yet. After voicing his apology he waited timidly. He didn't know what exactly to expect. His mind was going ninety to nothing and coming up with just about everything scenario possible. The smile he received provided a bit of comfort and he listened intently as Micha spoke. Smiling a back at Micha he nodded quietly. It was a similar response to what he was given in the text last night, yet somehow being able to hear it himself and see the look on Micha's face as he said it Samuel felt more relieved. Grabbing the bag of donuts he then leaned back against the futon he took another sip of his coffee. First offering some to Micha he then took a few for himself. "Oh yeah, I'm also sorry for not texting you back last night. I accidentally fell asleep before getting back to you....sorry" he said, changing the subject. Samuel wanted to ask if Micha had waited long for him to reply. But the fact that he was still asleep when he'd arrived told him that he probably had. He glanced to Micha, hoping that he could pick on conversation. He didn't want to spend all his time apologizing profusely about things that couldn't be helped. And he highly doubted Micha wanted to sit and listen to him repeat himself like a broken record when he'd already forgiven him.

Moving the donuts aside Samuel dared himself to sit closer to Micha. He didn't care that he was starch naked. He wanted to close their distance. He wanted to kiss him and be close like they were before. If they kept being shy and staying at arms length that would never happen. Someone had to make a move. He'd already come over on his own, so why not try to close the gap he'd created? Shifting his coffee to his left hand, Samuel held out his right palm up. He glanced over at Micha, hoping that he would take it. Had he not been holding a cup of scalding coffee, he would have just snatched it up like he usually did. But since he was, he waited patiently.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:05 pm
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                                                          " Micha knew that things go could wrong if he let them. He didn’t want things to get bad between them however. Micha knew his words were simply a response to his text last night. His words didn’t change nor did his feelings. He forgave Samuel after all he knew it wasn’t Samuel’s fault for his brothers coming over, even though it was Samuel’s fault for being sent away. Nothing could have been done there; they both knew it was the best decision. As he smiled, Micha watched as Samuel smiled as well causing them both to relax. He held onto his coffee as he watched Samuel grab the bag of donuts. Micha took a few out as he munched on them as he sat there. He was glad to the coffee and donuts after all it meant he didn’t have to go searching for something to eat later. Micha listened as Samuel spoke, and nodded a little at his words. He smiled a little, ”I figured as much…It’s okay…I went out afterwards anyways to get something to eat then I came back and fell asleep myself.” Micha spoke as he munched on his donuts and sipped his coffee.

                                                          As he sat there, Micha took notice of Samuel shifting closer. He knew that he was naked but hardly cared to move to get dressed. Micha found that his being naked never stopped them from doing anything before. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Samuel shifted his coffee to his other hand. Micha had finished with his donuts so all he held onto now was his own coffee. He watched as Samuel held up his hand. Micha turned his hand as he looked Samuel and his hand over. He shifted as he moving to set his coffee down. Micha slipped his hand up as he took Samuel’s and laced their fingers together. He relaxed as he pulled Samuel’s hand down resting it between them. Micha shifted moving closer toward Samuel, ”So tell me…How was last night with your surprise visit with your brothers?” He asked smiling trying to make conversation. Micha was curious to hear how things went with his brothers as well, wanting to know if things were bad or good.

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:27 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Though he was sorry for making Micha wait last night he was a bit relieved that the male eventually gave up and took care of himself instead. Thanks to his family coming over their dinner plans had been basically ruined. He'd yet to ask if Micha wanted to come over tonight and try again. Mostly he just wanted to see that they were okay and get back on stable ground before inviting him over again. Shifting closer Samuel didn't really care if Micha was clothed or naked. He just wanted to hold his hand and like a begging dog that's exactly what he did. Hand out, palm up he waited to see if Micha would take it. He smiled as the male moved closer to him as well, taking Samuel's hand and intertwining their fingers. Glancing back up as he was asked about his family he sighed.

"A big waste of time in my opinion." he started. From there Samuel explained how initially the two had come over with a business proposition. Something they'd come up with while having drinks the other night after dinner. He wasn't at all surprised that he hadn't been invited to said dinner and didn't question it either. Baby brother was always the last to know about anything. He then explained that the two wanted to start something new and exciting. The idea was to open some sort of cross between a casino, hotel and an amusement/water park down in Atlantic City. Samuel knew business but he hadn't the foggiest about casino's or parks. Hotel he knew a bit of but not enough to open one. Their business discussions had gone on for nearly three hours before someone ended up changing the subject. "After that it was just a lot of random catching up. Like how their wives were, what the kids were up to, mom still nagging that I haven't settled down and I'm still playing with, in her words, that silly little club." Samuel sighed and took another sip of his coffee. "In all it was......six? no, seven hours of my life that I'm never getting back." Samuel spared Micha the details of how messy his house had gotten and that it now reeked of Cuban cigars mixed with Samuel's own favorite brand of cigarettes. He hoped since he left the A/C on max the place might air out some while he was gone. Though he was a smoker himself, he hated the smell it left behind.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:12 pm
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                                                          " The idea of trying again would be something of interest to Micha after all they had lost out on the night before. He still had the day off and he doubted Samuel was working either, so he figured it would be worth aother try however if he was kicked out of Samuel's house again then there would be hell to pay the second time. Micha held onto Samuel's hand as he relaxed beside him. He laughed softly as Samuel started speaking. Micha wasn't surprised that it was a waste of time. He could only assue that it had been after all.

                                                          Micha listened as Samue continued to speak about his brothers proposition. He knew Samuel was great at business however he wasn't so sure about the idea of a casio, hotel, and amusement/water park. Micha barely knew business himself however, his own was simple but just barely. He laughed softly as Samuel mentioned his mothers nagging of him setting down not at all surprised. It was only normal after all. Micha shifted a little, "Well I'm glad it was only a few hours instead of days." He spoke moving closer toward Samuel. Micha leaned closer toward Samuel as he moved to kiss his neck. "Besides now I can finally have you all to my self again." He spoke teasing Samuel as he kissed Samuel's neck nipping on it lightly as he kissed him.

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:54 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

He paid no mind as Micha laughed him. He wouldn't be at all surprised if to Micha his talking sounding more like complaining. In a way it was. He certainly wasn't keen on his brothers' idea. After all, his eldest brother Oliver only went after sure business such as Hospitals, law offices, and jail bonding. Where as his second eldest preferred investing in things like stadiums and theaters. Out of the trio none of them knew the first thing about running such a place. Even with their combined knowledge of law, business, and money management he failed to see how they could even get such a place off the ground. And why Atlantic City of all places? Wouldn't Vegas or Florida be more ideal? He thought so. But what did he know. Baby brother was just starting out in the big bad world of business. The biggest thing he'd been in charge of thus far was last year's New York Fashion Week. As he soon finished speaking he felt Micha shift beside him. He beamed as the male spoke. "Thank God for that. I don't think I'd be able to stand them if they had." he replied. Samuel let Micha do as he pleased, soon feeling the brush of his lips on his neck. Leaning forward he set his half-empty cup on the table along with the bag of donuts.

He enjoyed the males teasing tone. He couldn't guarantee there wouldn't be a repeat of last night. But if he could help it he'd make sure to leave his room stocked with plenty of goodies and let Micha stay in his bedroom until they were gone. After feeling the soft n** at his neck, Samuel turned toward the male. His free hand caressing Micha's smooth skin. He was so very tempted to continue before remembering. Glancing at the nearest clock he mentally added how much time was left on the meter. Mm...wait," he said, gently pushing the male back. Unable to resist he pressed a light kiss to Micha's lips. "My car.....the meter.....let me go feed it real quick and I'll come right back." Pulling back from his lips, he was half ready to just let the meter expire while they fooled around. But at the same time he didn't need to add car tow to his list of bills he was currently ignoring.

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