Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:15 am
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:16 am
Name: Ungwe Nique
Meaning: Spider's Web of Snow
Nickname: Nic
Gender: Male
Found: January 23, 2013
Breed: Unicorn-Hippogryph
Song: Winter Snow Song
Temper: Frigid
Mate: N/A
Eye Color: Teal
Feather Color: Silver to a frosty deep ice blue.
Coat: Frosty blue
RP Color: Teal
Uncert: <3
Likes: Spiders, snow, bats
Dislikes: Walkers (Pure and Skin)
Obtained from: malhith Halloween 2012 CYO CC
Ungwe Nique’s Thoughts:
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:17 am
Ungwe Nique is as cold as the frosty snow covered mountains of his homeland; his heart a frozen muscle that he believes will only hinder him in interpersonal relationships. As years passed, the stallion has added layers of ice to the one organ that would allow him to feel, to love. He did this because he knew he could not handle the pain of another heartbreak when someone he loved abandoning him again. He has many internal and emotional scars; friends are a bitter word to the stallion, he does not allow anyone to become close enough to even be considered a friend. His only true friend is the stuffed bat that rests upon his rump, it is his precious treasure.
In his frigidness, Ungwe appears to be aloof and uninterested in the lives of others; he cannot get himself to care for they will only betray him in the end. He is haughty in his attitude and has illusions of grandeur, and at times he is able to convince himself that he had accomplished great feats in his life. Of all the great exploits of his lies, he works alone, for he believes forming attachments to any living creature is a useless task to Ungwe and considers himself to be above friends.
Deep down, lying dormant beneath his frosty exterior, is a stallion who is desperately alone and looking for a friend, for someone to love him and melt his frozen tundra of a heart. This stallion wants to have companionship and conversations with other living creatures. All these secrets are only known by one, and the stuffed bat cannot and will not tell, the best keeper of secrets.
Born into a loving family in the Frosted Spider Herd, Ungwe Nique lived a joyous foalhood. He had the love and admiration from both his parents, the leaders of the herd, and the bests of friends. He had it all, but he became greedy and wanted more. Why only have love and admiration, when one could have fame as well? There was a giant spider that was both respected and feared by the herd, she was almost like a Goddess to those in the herd; Ungwe thought that if he would be able to destroy this great terrible Spider Goddess he would be godlike in his own standing within the herd. In the middle of the night the foal snuck away from the protection of the herd and entered the territory of the Spider Queen Neferet. A short battle commenced and Ungwe came out the winner. His mother found him standing over the body and witnessed the doom of the herd. The spiders were the only creatures powerful enough to keep the pack of skin walkers from killing off the Frosted Spider Herd, now that the truce between the spiders and the herd had been broken due to the death of one of their young; the Frosted Spider Herd no longer had allies, but enemies at their borders. Ungwe’s mother took the young foal into the woods as snow flurries began to white out the world. She left him there in the middle of the blizzard, labeling him bad luck and banishing him from the herd. Alone and helpless, the colt wandered the snow covered landscape, with dreams of spiders and betrayal filling his mind.
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:18 am
 High in the Frosty Mountains there roamed a herd, The Frosted Spiders they were known by for their coloration and the strange Spider Web markings upon their ice colored bodies. The land of the herd was protected by a high cliff face on one side and a large forest inhabited by Spiders larger than two grown stallions standing together. The spiders were creatures of the mountain, had been breed there and had multiplied in numbers over the years; it is believed that they are Gods from heaven, come to roam the earth and keep the balance. Others believe that they are the product of genetic manipulation by the humans. To the herd of the Frosted Spiders, the soquili see the Great Spiders as a lovely but terrible force. The beasts on eight legs are the herd’s only protection from a band of Purewalkers who would love nothing more than to destroy the lives of those who get in their way.
For years the Frosted Spiders and the Great Spiders have lived in peace due to an agreement that was determined fifty years ago, that the Frosted Spiders would not hunt or gather food within the forest, the domain of the Great Spiders. As it was, should anyone break this agreement, then nothing but death would follow.
Born into the Nique family, the leaders of the Frosted Spiders, Unqwe was a foal who was given everything that he wished. That he was spoiled would be putting it lightly. But even though he could have all the love and acceptance in the world, he wanted to have more. Greed took its negative hold upon the foal, whispering false truths, saying that he could be great; he could be the one that the herd looks up too, not his father. Little Unqwe devised a plan, he would kill one of the great spiders and the herd would no longer need to share its food with those beasts. He did not know of the vow that the herd and the spiders took fifty years before.
In the middle of a cloudless night, Unqwe Nique left the herd to go in search of the Queen of the Spiders, Neferet. It was well know that she hunted at night and the foal was going to use that fact to his advantage. As he wandered he came across the biggest and most spectacular spider’s web he has ever seen. It was stung up across the path, using two large oaks as the base or posts of the spider’s detailed net. With a smile the foal walked up to the sticky substance, he even allowed himself to become entangled in the trap. Ungwe thrashed when the sticky substance wrapped around his ice colored body, causing the web to entrap him even more, the first wave of panic washed over him, he was no longer the hunter if he could not move to kill his prey.
The trees creaked as an enormous weight scaled across them; a soft hiss filled the night and a black shape lowered itself down behind the web. Ungwe’s heart was pounding in his chest, budump, budump. It felt as if it would explode from his tiny little body. Nevadia, the daughter of Neferet, walked gracefully on her eight legs to place herself in front of the tiny foal, her black eyes glittering with the reflections of the stars. She was magnificent, a true goddess. As she was about to eject poison to paralyze her prey, Ungwe attacked with his horn convinced that the majestic beast before him was the Queen, his blow hit the giant spider in the eye. A loud wailing screech shattered the night, black blood oozed from the wounded eye as Nevadia came back to deliver a death blow, but the foal was waiting. As she rose up to attack, Ungwe positioned his head so that when the spider came down, the horn would pierce her heart.
With one last cry, Nevadia, Daughter the Great and Terrible Spider Goddess perished at the hoofs of a small foal. Exuberant, the tiny foal, who was now free of the web, stood over the body of the spider. He was going to be praised! For never before had any dared destroy the monster and since the Queen was dead, the nest of spiders was leaderless. Soft hoof beats appeared behind him as the first snowflakes fell, interrupting his dance of glee.
“What have you done?” The voice belonged to his mother; it was filled with horror and anger.
“Look mama! I slayed the Spider Goddess! We can have the forest to hunt in and gather food; we don’t need to share with the Spiders anymore. And to make it even better, now all of the herd will know who I am! I am going to be a legend!” The foal was too happy to see that his mother was shaking in rage.
“Ungwe Nique! You have doomed us all! I could have validated this murder if the baby had attacked our village, but you did this for selfish reasons,” her eyes widened in surprised horror, “Oh no, this is Nevadia, Neferet’s daughter.” Her legs began to shake and it took all her energy not to crumble to the ground.
“Baby? Daughter?” Unque was clueless to why his mother was being so mean and even more confused to how this giant monster was a baby. He gulped; he had killed the Spider Queen’s daughter, not the Spider Queen. “Mama?” His voice sounded pitiful, he was unsure and scared for what was going to happen next.
Jadis Nique stared at her son, who she loved with all her heart, even though with his stupid act he had doomed the herd to death, she wanted to save her precious baby. He was just a foal after all, he still carried around the stuffed bat she had given him for his birthday, the creature went everywhere the clawed colt went. With a sad smile Jadis made up her mind, she would save her son from the fate of the herd; he would live.
“Come son.” She turned away from the dead spider and headed deeper into the woods, the snow falling thicker now. The clear night had transformed into the makings of a snow storm. After the pair had walked for a few hours and the path was no longer visible to the eye due to the flurry of snow, Jadis turned to her son, her heart breaking, but knowing it was for the best.
“Unqwe Nique, you are here by banished from the Frosted Spider Herd and never allowed to return. By killing Nevadia, you have broken a sacred vow of our people and must suffer the consequences. As leader of our herd, my word is law and must be obeyed. You will leave, never look back, never return and never be welcome within our ranks.”
The foal stared at his mother in terror, “Mama! Please tell me this is a joke.” Tears began to flow freely from his blue eyes, “Please Mama, I don’t want to leave you. Don’t make me go.”
Jadis set a steady stare at her son, when all she wanted was to comfort him, but she could not take back her words now, “This is not a joke. You are no longer my son; you are no longer of the Frosted Spider herd. Now leave, this is your last warning.” She turns around and vanishes into the blizzard, leaving her son to fend for himself and to live. Without looking back Jadis returns home, to the snow covered valley that will be her death bed.
Unqwe tries to chase after his mother but becomes lost and disoriented in the white; tears freeze upon his face as he wanders the woods, a shell of a colt.
The snow finally stopped falling and the colt came face to face with the Queen of the Spiders. Neferet turned her black eyes to her daughter’s killer; death would be a blessing to the colt, for he had lost everything. His herd was dead, slain by the Pure Walkers and some spiders who wanted retribution for their one dead and now he was nothing but a broken child. Sympathy filled the spider and she adopted him as her own son. Slowly the colt came back to himself under the watchful eye of Neferet and he soon realized that he could be happy again. But the happiness would not last for little Ungwe; during one snow filled night, the pure walkers who slaughtered the Frosted Spider Herd returned to slay the Great Spiders. Neferet protected her adopted son until she took her last breath, hiding him beneath her large bulk as the Walkers went on their killing spree. As blood soaked into the snow, the Walkers left the carnage behind to spread their doom elsewhere. Neferet shifted to allow Ungwe to escape, her time was running short. With the last of her energy she created a spider web necklace, she placed it upon Ungwe, letting the world know that she viewed him as her son and they should not forget it. The foal watched with tear filled eyes as his second mother died before him; alone and scared, the little colt wandered the snow covered land.
As he traveled alone, he could not bring his heart to care, in a short amount of time he had gone from a loving family to having nothing. He would encounter a few foals and they would play, but they would abandon him once they found out his story and soon, no one wanted to play with him. Slowly, with each passing day his heart began to collect layers of ice, until finally it was frozen through and Ungwe acted cold and heartless to those he encountered. His coldness did not extend to spiders; they were his saving grace, the only creatures that kept him from completely going insane. It was upon a cloudless day that Ungwe encountered the one spider who would become his other companion, this one living. Lying on top of the white packed snow was a blue tarantula; it was larger than normal and reminded the colt of the spiders he lived with for the short while. As he neared the blue spider, the eight legged creature scurried up the frosty colored colts legs to rest upon his spider web necklace and there he continued to stay.
Ungwe Nique grew up, almost hermit like, not talking to anyone besides the blue spider (who he named Helkelia) and his plush bat (Melda); his loneliness grew and the need to socialize cut through him like a sword. He hated the idea that he needed to rely on others to rid himself of the loneliness, but did not see any options. So he collected his meager belongings and set off on an adventure to the Kawanii Lands.
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:21 am

Mother: Jadis Nique {Deceased} Father: Hesin Nique {Deceased}
Children: None at the Moment
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:22 am

-- No Relationships at the Moment --
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:26 am
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:27 am
 *Will add where he is at on the map later*
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:28 am
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:29 am
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:25 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:08 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:09 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:10 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:11 pm