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Skilled Hellraiser

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:20 pm

Soquili Name: Akino
Image of Soquili: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests:
Akino is an arrogant jerk who cares for only himself. He constantly worries about how he appears and looks for mares that meet his high standards for what he believes is beautiful. He feels that he needs to be the center of attention and he loves to flirt with mares if he is bored.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? A mare that meets his standards as what is beautiful. A mare that will compliment him well. She will have to be willing to accept that he might flirt with other mares.
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Either
How do you want others to contact you?: PM or Plot Thread
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?:
Check out my plot thread
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Start as a fling and could end up as a lifemating.
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: RP plot
PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:52 pm

Soquili Name: Lutra
Image of Soquili: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Mature, he tends to watch, and doesn't talk to much. He spends a lot of time alone, walking the path of the two legger village that leads out through the forest and mountains at night. He knows it like the back of his hand and could walk it blind folded. His green lantern gives ease to those that are lost, and guides them home.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? A mature mare that is just a fleeting moment
** Natural drafts preferred
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: FLING
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: -
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: FLING
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: Plot most likely

* RP not required but plotting is, but I will be VERY picky.



Wealthy Lover

PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:17 am

Reposting; after RPing her, I realized that her personality is different from when I was first planning this out. >.>;

Soquili Name: Pia'Paka
Image of Soquili:
User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests:
Pia'Paka was abandoned as a basket, but found and raised by a herd who basically used her as their maid. While they were never physically violent towards her, they used harsh words whenever she messed up and practically ignored her unless they needed her to do something for them. Even then, she gets bossed around without a single 'please' or 'thank you'. One day, for some reason, they left her behind in the night and she woke up, free but lost, confused and utterly frightened.

For a mare who grew up in such an environment, she is patient, understanding, forgiving... For the most part. Deep inside, however, she has a wall built around a very cold heart. She prefers to keep her distance emotionally, never daring to form any sort of emotional attachment to anyone in case they abandon her - accidentally or purposely - like her herd and parents did. It is a fear she cannot shake and is thus openly "coldly polite" towards everyone. To nicer you are to her, the more wary she'll be... She would rather be alone than to trust someone and then have them break her heart yet again.

What is your soq looking for in a mate?
Lifemate: A noble stallion willing to help "fix/heal" her, I can see her warming up to him and really falling in love with him after some time. She's a kind, gentle mare at heart... You just have to break down the walls around her heart first. She'll be a good and loyal mate to anyone who is patient enough to try, although it won't be easy!

Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Lifemate only
How do you want others to contact you?: PM, or AIM me if you have my AIM~
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: Read above.
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Lifemate
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: I would like to plot out their first meeting, but as a rule of thumb for all my Soqs, they must be RP-qualified, no matter how long it takes! :<
PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:22 pm

With more information and co-ownership agreement

Soquili Name: Astral
Image of Soquili:User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests:She is a child at heart, after being brought up in a very close family. She loves the stories her father Ayden tells, and although there are three more baskets on the way she will always be his little girl (well her and her sister). Being very close to all her family is protective of them, and would do anything to try and keep them out of harms way. She sees everything as fairytale, finding the wonder and amusement in everything.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Someone who could be my knight in shining armor. To protect me from those evils and be a father to our children!
OOC: I love a stallion with spots or stripes!
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Fling (Co-ownership agreement)
How do you want others to contact you?: PM, please
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: Pretty much Astral and the stallion of choice can meet up, get to know each other, then part ways after the baskets are born. They can meet up later on when the baskets hatch and/or grow up.
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Fling plot
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: RP/Background Plot


Kawaii Wolf


Profitable Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:35 am

Soquili Name: Blake
Image of Soquili:
User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests:
Blake is a little odd and fun loving yet a very emotionally distant. Advice is something she can dish out like no other and is uncannily wise with her words however . . . that only works with other peoples problems. In her own life however If she cant handle a situation with a joke then she is-int quite sure how to handle and most of the time she just ends up running away be it literally or figuratively. She is also very honest an not afraid to tell you what she thinks no matter what.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?
scince her personality is so diverse i can honestly say anyone.
i like patterns in the coat like markings swirls, vines, tattooing, varrious desighns.
I like rich hues Golds, greens, Browns. Please no black Gray or eye rapeing Neon
Pink anything is a no go i detest pink . . .intensly.
edits would be awsome!!!
scarves, blankets, ribbons, beads cuffs ECT will earn you major brownie points.

Breeding slots left:
2: Open
3:Life Mate (only life Mate)
Fling or Lifemate?: Both Ideally i would like her 2 and 3rd slot to be for her life mate but i will take a fling on slot two if i must.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM me please!!!!
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?:
shes a mover sooo anything will do.
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Either
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: Either
PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:03 pm

Soquili Name: Ziggy
Image of Soquili: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Ziggy is loud n' proud. . He's a bit arrogant, and enjoys it. Given the chance, he can be a smooth talker, to get what he wants. Normally, it doesn't last long. His opposing behavior reins strong, and always gets the best of him. He can feed off the gullible and weak, or those that don't fight back. Mostly, he will always be right, and dish out whatever reasons he can to make you see his way.

He possesses a singing voice that may not be the best in the land, but he knows it's good. He takes pride in those that enjoy his song. His singing is the better part of him, and a chance to catch a glimpse of his true heart. A shining star for all to see.

What is your soq looking for in a mate? It's quite complicated. Ziggy is the type to search for a "wham-bam-thank-you-m'am" HOWEVER, it goes deeper than that. If there were a mare that could counter his opposing behavior, things might be more long term. He'd be flabbergasted by anyone that could put him in his place. Not saying they have to be mean about it. It would not be an easy task though. There would likely be a bit of bickering between the two.

I'd prefer the long term plot option. There would be alot of plotting needed for them to work out their differences, but he'd only appreciate a mare with that kind of dedication. He's not a complete A-hole, and would soften up a bit in the long run.

They may end up hating each other before it gets to that point.

A gullible mare would just get her heart broke by him. He'd use her for his own needs, then vanish. Unless, the feeling for a fling was mutual. It might take the game out of it, but he wouldn't be opposed to a little action.

OR, the slim chance that it could backfire, and a headstrong mare use him for her needs. This would only fuel his game, and he'd likely leave a path of heartbreak in his wake, to even the score. Find mares, just to break their hearts as quickly as he can. Only to later be overwhelmed by the chaos he left, and he'll realize being used sucks. =p And no amount of using others makes him feel better for it!

Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Depends on the plot. Trying to plot towards lifemate would be amazing. Especially the work that it would take to put towards the pair. Doesn't mean it would work out, but would be fun to try.

How do you want others to contact you?: Pm or Aim: Alealunadriel
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: A good bit of plotting, background plotting, and/or rp is most important. Regardless of where it ends up. Heartbreak, arguing, or whatever. Not looking for babies so much as story! He is attracted to any pretty mare. The more dainty, the more he'd think he could just have his way. Any intimidating mare, he'd have no interest in. So if you've got Zena the Warrior Princess, he'd feel that she'd only see right through his motives.

(Disclaimer: His mother doesn't have an ounce of bad in her. As such, he does have a underlying conscience. He'd never date an evil mare, or seemingly evil.)

Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Depends on the plot, but I do WANT plotting. Doesn't have to be heavy plotting for fling or lifemate, but I don't want superficial plotting with the intent on babies.
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: *points above*



PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:19 am

Soquili Name: Vasu'Raj
Image of Soquili: User Image<-----Wait you say, that's not Vasu!! That's his dad, Hok'ee!
(Vasu)<----He's hiding behind his father, with his head hung down.
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Vasu'Raj is a big softy. He wears his heart not only on his sleeve, but presents it in doll-like fashion to any pretty face! Quick to swoon towards a mare, regardless of how long he's had their acquittance. This has got him NOwhere! He's had one mare after the next, that either tells him to bug off, or cuddles with him for a few short moments. None have stuck around.

He wants nothing more than to belong to someone.

Vasu also has foal-like urges, and still enjoys a good roll in the dirt. He thinks he's super ninja about it, and sneaks off to do so often. The fine sheet of dirt on his coat, is evident of what he's been up to. If you happen to catch him in the act, you'll see how youthful he can be. He thinks this is why he enjoys it so much, because he feels young and carefree. A mare could easily break him of this habit, if she didn't approve. He wouldn't say no to one.

Now...with all that being said, dad is taking over. o.o His dad won't stand for this anymore, and intends to play match maker. He intends to find a mare that can whip him into shape, and turn him into a real stallion. It does hurt him a little, to watch one of his sons get so love-struck with no success. Intervention is his idea of a cure. He'll of course expect a lifemate, to any mare that wants to sire his grandchildren. That, and the offer to join his herd would be given too. He's always looking to expand upon his family.

What is your soq looking for in a mate? Any pretty face, which is why dad is running the show now. A strong history of family is a big bonus in the eyes of Hok'ee. Otherwise, he will look for someone who's sweet and understanding of Vasu'Raj. That, or a mare with a little pompous side, like himself. One that understands the importance of a lifetime commitment to family, and looking good while doing so. If there was a mare that could wear the saddle in the relationship, he'd accept that too. Or a soft hearted lass, that needs someone to love as much as his son does.
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Lifemate
How do you want others to contact you?: Pm or Aim: Alealunadriel
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: A bit of almost comical plots between Hok'ee and a mare that's willing to be scrutinized lightly by a pompous old stallion. Think of him kind of like a recruitment officer, looking for someone to join his "army". This of course, could lead up to the mare meeting Vasu.
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Lifemate to Vasu'Raj, not the father. =p Just to clarify this berserk post!
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: Nu flingu.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:55 pm

User Image
Soquili Name: Andarta
Describe your soq's personality/interests:
A free spirit, she enjoys lively conversations and helping those that need helping. Andi enjoys being around others who are kind and caring, not those who are too prideful and evil.

What is your soq looking for in a mate?
Someone to love her and take her as she is. Someone with a lively personality and not afraid to take the reign's at times, so to speak. She is looking for someone that is good at conversation too.

(I don't want someone to clash with her coloring ^^; sorry. She is my first custom SO I may be a bit picky.)
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Lifemate
How do you want others to contact you?: PM.
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: Something fun and a comical meeting even. I am open to anything.
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Lifemate

Tara de Draiocht

Naughty Man-Lover

Candle Wick Ghost

Romantic Lunatic

11,600 Points
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  • Flatterer 200
PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:37 am

Soquili Name: Awan
Image of Soquili:
User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests:
Awan is usually quiet, preferring to be on his own but when company does come in to play, he has a bad habit of holding the sarcastic card, shooting out random comments but when he upsets someone, he will feel bad about it. He can't help his comments, since he isn't very social and half the time it's just reflex.

He is usually found in the forest collecting 'trophies' or sticking close to home.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?
Someone who will be able to bring him out of his shell, will get him to leave his home and wander for a while to see the world and what it can be. Preferably someone lively, or someone who is like him, socially awkward. It can be anything as long as they click. : ) Could even be a guy, I dunno test him. XD
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Depends, leaning more to lifemate... We'll see.
How do you want others to contact you?: Pm, or aim ( Cheekychobit ) - Don't be scared to add me!
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?:
Erm, we can figure this out together?
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Not sure just yet.
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: Generally wanting at least one casual rp to see if they will click or not.

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