Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:00 pm
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:01 pm
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:01 pm
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:01 pm
Personality The youngest of the twins, Enyo has always had a strong sense of conviction and pride in her family’s duties. She knows that she comes from a long line of Speakers of the Abyss, her family having heard the growls and rumbles of the slumbering Deep One from early ages. It has always been their duty to supply the monster of the depths with a worthy sacrifice in order to appease its hunger. Enyo refuses to question her and her sister’s choice of the next sacrifice, and focuses purely on the fact that what they do is necessary, not only for the village, but for their lives as well. She strives to perform their task to perfection, to make their family proud and continue to appease the village elders. While she isn’t one to acknowledge it outwardly, Enyo knows, deep down, that there is always a threat looming; the threat not just from the creature of the abyss, but from the pressure their family and the elders place upon them to perform their task, lest the twins be the next offering to appease the beast lurking beneath them should they fail to make a selection that quells the hungry growls. Likes: Dislikes:
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:01 pm
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:01 pm
Character Goals Surfacing Doubts - Deino and her sister have always selected the next chosen of the deep. They have never wavered in their duties, never questioned their choices, never had doubts of their necessary task for the betterment of the village. However, this time around, they’ve made their choice early. The chosen one must reside in the sacred halls of the village, being groomed and their talents perfected so they truly become a golden sacrifice. During these times, Enyo and Deino take up residence within these halls as well, making certain all goes accordingly. One day, unwittingly perhaps, Deino ends up talking with the current chosen. Their conversation is short in the grand scheme of time but it is profound in its effects. The arrow of doubt has been fired, and it has landed squarely amidst her soul. She struggles to reconcile all that she thought she knew with all that she has yet to discover. Her eyes will gradually open to a new realm of understanding...one that may eventually lead to the destruction of all she holds dear. The Weight of Choosing - Enyo and Deino have been groomed to choose the next sacrifice since they first emerged from their shells. They have always been told to seek the best, the most worthy creature of sending into the abyss, and they have always followed through with their task without question. One year in which the twins must choose, Ker learns that, should the twins fail to select a sacrifice in time, Enyo and Deino will be the ones sent to the dark and bloody waters. With more pressure than ever to perform, Enyo pushes her sister and their familiars to select the sacrifice to preserve their own lives, but it seems that Deino is oddly unwilling to truly help in this year’s selection. Enyo notices the distance that her sister is putting towards the selection and confronts her. Their lives are worth more, greater than those of the ones they pick to send into the abyss. If they fail, there is no doubt that their family and the elders will elect them the next sacrifice; after all, they have been groomed for ultimate perfection in their duties. The Speakers of the Abyss - History is important. It is what gives life to the past and enlivens the future, and it is through history that one learns of past mistakes and strives not to recreate them. However, history serves another purpose. The passing of tradition from one generation to the next ensures that the knowledge of all those who have come before shall not be forgotten. That their struggles and plights will not be overlooked or ignored. Each generation is prone to its own troubles and triumphs, with these tales being added to the stories of the next. However, there are some tales which have transcended the realm of stories to become legend. Within these histories, heroes and villains are decided, their actions marked as certain and true. There are many such tales among the denizens of the deep. Yet none are so clear and dominant as the legend and history of the Speakers of the Abyss- a group of water-dwelling Seathi whom are fabled to share the bonds of blood with a dark entity, known as the Deep One. Deino and Enyo are heirs to this fabled clan. As young fillies, it is tradition for them to be taught the sordid history of their clan, so that they might come to understand what is to be expected of them. Their young minds, unified as one, will delve into the rituals set forth by the ancient ones. The grooming process will begin so that they will one day take on the mantle. Seekers of death, protectors of life, speakers of the abyss. The First of Many - The twins come from a long family line of those connected to the Deep One’s call. Generations of their family have selected the chosen of the Deep One, quieting its growls and keeping it on the edges of slumber and awakening. No one is prepared for the creature’s return to the world, it has been lurking in the depths of the ocean for longer than there is an account of. The twin’s family has kept the full force of the creature at bay by offering it sacrifices and keeping its constant hunger suppressed. Once they became of age to inherit the task of so many of their bloodline, the twins must make their first ever choice in the next chosen one to send to the Deep One and its ever hungering maw. It is a moment of celebration within their family, a moment of pride in those who have groomed the twins for this very moment within their lives, and a moment of joy and excitement for the two sisters. They have heard stories of their elders, of all the others like them that have made their first selection of sacrifice. Now it is their turn to shine and make their selection. There are nervous jitters between them, excitement, and even the hidden beginnings of some semblance of doubt in their duties. Discord - The sisters seem to be at odds. They have always acted as if of one mind, the yin to the other’s yang, but with Deino’s apparent wavering in their duties, and Enyo constantly pushing her sister to perform them, they’ve hit a very serious block in their sisterhood. They butt heads and argue, all while the grumbling from the Deep One grows ever louder, more noticeable, even by those unattuned to its clamour. Enyo and Deino have been picking lackluster candidates for a while now, and the village elders begin to sense that the Deep One’s growing frustration is due to the poor quality sacrifices it has received as of late. The two, so sucked into their own discord, hardly notice the change of the Deep One’s slumber, and have been putting off their appointed task for too long. The beast in the abyss hungers, and the elders demand they choose the next sacrifice from the village, lest their family do it for them. The twins would make a lovely meal, after all. Blood Tide - The twins have failed. All of their training, grooming, and hunting has all been for naught. Their constant bickering of late seeming to summon the Deep One from below. In fear of the beast, and having given the twins one final chance to succeed, the elders have decided that two sacrifices must be the answer. Deino’s and Enyo’s lives have become forfeit in lieu of their failures. Elders and family alike hold them responsible for the beast’s anger. They seek them out during a time when the twins would least expect them, swiftly subduing them and ushering them to the sacred halls. Frightened and uncertain, the twins hope to reason with their family, to plead with them to allow one more chance. One more opportunity to make things right. No doubts to hinder them from fulfilling their duties. Their pleas fall on deaf ears, however. The rituals must be upheld and a Blood Tide must occur. The beast must not awaken. They are told that they should take comfort in that they will save the village one final time, and that their sacrifices would see the Deep One slumber for an eternity longer. This does nothing to quell the twins’ fears. No, instead fueling them to a fevered pitch. A mixture of emotions rage within either sister as they struggle to comprehend the tidal wave fate has dealt them. Deino knows the blame and responsibility lies with her. She was the one who lost course and drew her sister into it. Now both must pay with their lives. If only they could make the family see reason, or if Deino could simply save her sister from their new fate. All seems lost. Remember though, that when everything is at its darkest, the smallest of lights can shine the brightest...and help has more than one form. All That We See or Seem - The twins have been and gone through a lot… They were groomed for greatness, meant to be the saviors of their people through their sacred duties, and then they failed, were turned on by their family and the elders of their village, and their bond remains broken, even after their escape from their doom. The two have been through thick and thin with one another, every moment of their lives spent together, and yet the bond that they shared may never be repaired. Enyo feels as if her entire life has been thrown away all because of her sister’s unwillingness to perform their duties, and Deino is steadfast in her conviction of how wrong they were to send someone off to their death. Who were they to pass judgement on others and how could Enyo be so blind to the cruelty they were imposing on others? Their familiars push them to repair the bond broken by their doubt in one another. Together, Ker and Thanatos reveal Enyo’s and Deino’s true feelings about one another, their deepest thoughts, their biggest fears, their greatest concerns for the future. They have the world open to them now, with the constant looming weight of choosing no longer resting on their shoulders, and they need to be able to experience it to the fullest...and together. Voices From the Deep - After having settled down into their new life, away from their village, the twins catch word that something has happened in the depths of the ocean, something horrible, and to their former home. The twins debate whether they should return to the village that turned on them, for words can often be just that, words. They are finally happy in their new life, closer than ever before, so there is little reason to return. After some time mulling the decision over, Enyo and Deino decide to go back to the deep where their village resides. The water near their village is red and murky, shrouding their former home from them, and the smell of iron is rich as they venture near the edge of the clouded waters. The two fear that the worst has happened, that the Deep One has consumed their family, friends, and the other aquatics that dwelled in their village. After passing through the thick of the blood cloud they find their former village completely destroyed. There is no sign of life anywhere around them, and the sounds of the Deep One are minimal, no longer the great growl that it had been before they were tossed out. The Deep One is sated until another time and the twins decide that they will continue to keep an eye on the slumbering monster, waiting for signs of its awakening once more.
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:01 pm
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:01 pm
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:01 pm
Graphic To Denote a break
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:01 pm
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:01 pm
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:02 pm
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:02 pm
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:02 pm
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:02 pm
Graphic To Denote a break