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PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:32 pm
Since I've had a few questions about why I complain like I do, I'll give a little in sight. I complain about little things, because I want to forget some of the things I've experienced in life. It's a weird way of doing it, but for me it works, it shifts my attention away from some issues which can cause me to start crying and not stop until I sleep, and even then, I'll cry in my sleep, maybe even cry when I wake up.

I'm sorry that I complain so much... but it's my personal way of forgetting.

Its okay. Compaining is annoying, honestly, but if its your way of dealing, you'll have to deal with us getting annoyed, and we'll have to deal with ti being your way of getting rid of it. Basicly, we'll just all have to agree to disagree.

Fog and NG -- Honestly...take it to the PMs. I'm getting real sick of you two bickering here. stare
Then why not say something more polite? By comming out and being, frankly rude about it, you press the issue, and draw yourself in. It seems like the only mod thats nutreal, and dose a rsepectable job lately, of warning people, is Zanzibar. He also dosen't say things like "I'm getting real sick of you two bickering here." he simply puts that its not a place for fighting, ect, and so he remains neutral, there are no hard feelings, he's just doing his job. This, however, sounds threatening, like your saying 'if you two don't stop, i'll either jump into it or make you stop.' I suggest you try to keep how you feel about it personaly out, since it seems agressive. At least, thats how I read it.

Artemis Vulpes
I... am so compleatly confused about this whole NG, Fog and Kelly thing. confused

NG got together with this Kelly person, someone she likes and likes her back, this I got and was happy for her. But somehow Fog conversing with Kelly broke him and NG apart? Am I getting this right or is there more going on?
Its a long story, that isn't rational and dosen't make sence. neutral And no, you don't have it right. I think we should all just drop it, I've learned my lesson, and I won't be bringing any of my problems regaurding this, or anything even close to it, to the guild. It dosen't lead to anything but trouble. neutral


I concur, We're all a big family here. We shouldnt be fighting eachother, especially on sensitive topics such as personal problems. You can be truthful and kind at the same time. Note that when you place your problems up here, you have given people the chance to respond and are vulerable to truthful replies that may rub you the wrong

To be honest, I don't view the AFG as a family at all. I don't get along with most of the members, it seems, and yet people seem to assure me they do care. I don't think its true, for most of these people that say it. As for personal matters, I think it would be best if I kept things like this to myself, from now on. After all, no one here, aside from maybe Krissim, (And i'm not even sure how, or why, but she cuts threw my paranoia and my childishness like a hot knife threw butter.. sweatdrop ) I don't think anyone actualy is helping. In fact, if I paste my problems up here, its a good way of people getting to know my sensative subjects and using them against me when we have a small argument, or they don't like what i'm doing, etc. I hate to say it, but after really thinking about it, I don't trust that the majority of you wouldn't bring up a sensative subject if we ever faught, or argued, etc. I know that eventualy, past or future, for some,even present, we will fight, or argue, or etc. So why give the person im disagreeing with such power as to kick me in the a** with one of these subjects. Sorry, rambled, this was bigger then i'd expected.


I stayed up all night, its to hot to sleep, and i'm pacing constantly. I took some drugs, so i'll stay awake all day, and be able to do the things I need to do. I feel ill, and this morning i collapsed and i was rushed to the emergency room, only getting home just now. I feel awkward, aparently when i collapsed, i'd fallen on were i'd shattered a picture a few seconds erlier, and my whole fore arms are cut up pretty bad. I'm feeling weak, and sick from all the stress of late. I hate it that my relatives think im dieing, and i feel like I experted myself, trying to show i'm not, for nothing. I'm even starting to get upset about it too. What if it IS fatal? I was suposed to find out last thursday, but i haven't finished my antibiotics, and etc, so I can't do much. As for regards with Kelly, I won't be talking about him anymore. As with regards to fog, I won't be talking about him either.

In fact, I'm going to slowly pull myself out of the guild. Or rather, pull into just Kriss's RP thread, since its the only thing I really enjoy it seems. I don't think i'm right to be here. I fight with everyone, and with the repricution of alot of people don't seem to like me. I know it was taking a chance, but i'd rather be who i am, and say what i'm going to say, then change just for somone elses sake. Also, eventualy, i'm thinking i'll be pulling out of the furry fandom. I came in, looking for something I never did find, and in fact, found things I detested and made me angry. I'll be keeping anthro NG, but I don't think i'll be doing much with her. I would like to RP her, of course, but i'm not sure anymore. I don't find any ties left to furries, because the connection i was despretely hopping for never came.

Oh well, better luck next time....  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:51 pm
NG, you have every right to enjoy something. So what if you fight? We all do. But it is your choice at the end, we'll support you in your decision, whatever that may be. We may be furries, but we care for one another, even if another is just a furry fan.

I hope it isn't fatal, I do actually enjoy talking to you, and I've actually got upset about if it was or wasn't sweatdrop . If you need someone to talk and rant to, I can listen..... although if you need to currently, beware, I may fall asleep sweatdrop .

As for dealing with people getting annoyed, I'm fairly used to it.... I annoy my siblings all the time, although it's handy to have long legs to run!  


Angel Natavi

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:01 pm
ninja Y'all mind if I put my oppinion in?

NG, whatever makes you happy, as long as it doesn't harm anyone else, I say go for it. To hell with what people say about it not being proper and all that. (If they say that. If not, disreguard it.)

As for your oppinion about your rep, so what? In all walks of life you get people who can't deal with others being mean or in your case, blunt. (Ish.)

As for your arguments, well. We have had ours, but I still value your oppinion and your mind. (Okay, too mushy here. But you get the picture. Right?)  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:51 pm

Attention: all responses to my last post will be replied to here, im not going to keep making new posts. lazy. So if your looking for my response to what you say, look here.

Crenn - Yes, we fight, i fight with most of the people around here, it seems. I don't particularly care who it is, and useualy theres no grudge, i just stay mad for a while, and then suddenly all is forgiven and nothing happened. However, I find some of the members here don't fallow that policy, and thus, I'm not exactly loved. Also, you could support it or not, it wouldn't change my way. I don't feel like i'm an accepted member of this "big family." I never have.

I do hope it isn't fatal, that would be a damper.Thank you anyway for offering,but i'd rather not expose any of my personal life anymore, because what would stop you, or anyone, from using it against me? Nothing, really. Maybe morals. Maybe.

Natavi - I don't mind, everyone else has one about it. 3nodding
I dont care who thinks what. If I did I probably wouldn't be in most of the fights i'm in, because I tell it like i see it.

I think you saw that wrong, I wasn't concerned about my rep, as i don't give a flying ******** what anyone thinks about me. Its more that, I would:
A; not like to give ammo to people who I might fight with. Lets say i'm fighting with ...Crenn! (Sorry Crenn,you just happened to be in my head because i just responded to you. rofl ) If I told Crenn all my little miseries and my faults, and ect, and we got in a fight, he could use this information against me. I've been promised 'even when we do fight, i wont bring this or that up' and yet they do, so I have no will to trust them. As for the blunt thing, its simple really.

Why should I not state my opinion? Mine is just as important as yours, and everyone elses, just because you may not like, or agree with what I say, dosen't mean its less important. Also, why should I keep how I feel to myself. I find that Its stressing to bottle that up inside, and telling it as I see it, is alot less stressful. Another thing, is that I don't want somone thinking I like them falsely, because it hurts when you like somone, and they tolerate you, and are kind to you, generaly care, and then they tell you they don't really like you, and that your annoying, or something close.

We have? I don't remember having one, but that dosen't mean we havent, I just happen to havce forgotten. Thank you, thats appreciated. And yes, I get the picture.



PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:56 pm

I concur, We're all a big family here. We shouldnt be fighting eachother, especially on sensitive topics such as personal problems. You can be truthful and kind at the same time. Note that when you place your problems up here, you have given people the chance to respond and are vulerable to truthful replies that may rub you the wrong

To be honest, I don't view the AFG as a family at all. I don't get along with most of the members, it seems, and yet people seem to assure me they do care. I don't think its true, for most of these people that say it. As for personal matters, I think it would be best if I kept things like this to myself, from now on. After all, no one here, aside from maybe Krissim, (And i'm not even sure how, or why, but she cuts threw my paranoia and my childishness like a hot knife threw butter.. sweatdrop ) I don't think anyone actualy is helping. In fact, if I paste my problems up here, its a good way of people getting to know my sensative subjects and using them against me when we have a small argument, or they don't like what i'm doing, etc. I hate to say it, but after really thinking about it, I don't trust that the majority of you wouldn't bring up a sensative subject if we ever faught, or argued, etc. I know that eventualy, past or future, for some,even present, we will fight, or argue, or etc. So why give the person im disagreeing with such power as to kick me in the a** with one of these subjects. Sorry, rambled, this was bigger then i'd expected.

Hey, the bigger the better.
It saddened me to know you feel that way, NG (however much that phases you). But just because some of us can't find a way to get along with you doesnt mean we dont care for you. From what I've seen you say, not just here but through out the forum and even in the CoM rp, You're very negitive. Dont take that the wrong way, it just what I've calculated from observation. We're spending time trying to help you, NG, but your so defensive in your replies that we dont know what else to say besides what we see. From a lot of responses, i can say a fair ammount of us why hate to see you leave. So rest assured NG, when we say we care for you, we mean it. As far as aruments go and people using personal dilemas as leaverage to to win, I have to say this:
If it hurts you that much, then you have nobody to blame but yourself. You made the choice on your own to make that part of your life public knowing full that this could happen. In thus you're only enemy is yourself.
Turn the other cheek, however, you could just not argue at. If you find yourself debating and person recalls your personal problems to come out on top, end the argument and walk away knowing that, that person couldn't win on their own.
You can all ways come out the victor if you play your cards right.
NG, We care about you. We want you to be happy, but that cant happen if you keep you're guard up the way you do. My advice, whether you'll take it or not, is to dwell on our thoughts rather than comment them. Dwell on them, identify any truths you find in them (be it good or bad) and then alter or try to fix what you find uncomforting, sort of like an emotional/mental anti-virus program (really geeky, I know). We dont mean to be rash in what we say, NG. But, we dont want to lie or give you some candy coated half-truth bullshit either. We want you to be happy, safe and secure, NG. If we give you the striaght truth and you use it to correct the wrong, those feelings will follow in time.  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:53 pm
NG, there are some among us who do care for you.
Even I do, wether or not we talk at all. It has nothing to do with how close we are.

I'm not someone who likes seeing other people hurt, and even though I hate Bush for some of the things he's done, I wouldn't wish ill will on him or be happy to hear about it. I wish I could do something about your problems, like snap my fingers and cover you in bouncy ferrets and make eveyrthing better, but life doesn't work that way sadly. So the best I can do right now is be there if you need someone to listen to the problems, and maybe offer some advice; my bottle's open for anyone to stuff their problems in.

The AFG is a family, if a rather weird and sometimes disfunctional one.
Some of us don't get along, and some of us are much more distant to others, kinda like I don't know much of Natavi or you, even though I see you two here everyday. But no matter how distant, weird and untalkative we can get between eachother, we're still a family because you came and joined us, and save for the few cruel ones we might have, nobody wants to see you hurt or sick. Omega's probably closer to you than I am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to see you ill either.

I really hope things turn for the best with Kelly, that your illness isn' t fatal, and if Fog is that much of a pain to you, then just ignore him. There's not much more than that which can be done.

Life will go on and eventually end. Just make sure you enjoy what you can of it before it's a waste, even though your paranoia might scream and nag at you not to.

Sonya Khatsworth


PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:54 pm
Well i've been home from san diego a while, and i've been missing my geckos and my snake, Beeper. I try not to miss anon, as he was never ment to be my pet, and was to be a breeder i'd eventualy sell. I was eager to get back to working with my geckos, gaining their trust is hard, and im working slowly, patiantly on my little babies.

My two geckos, Sophie and No-Name are my beautiful little leopard geckos. I love them, but they don't have much people-handling under their tiny belts. I was eager to get back to handleing them. I try not to stress them, and with the position of the cage and where it is, its a very hard strain on my back and arm. Its also very hard not to move.

I've spent hours painstakingly feeding them, making sure each are getting enough crickets, enough water, and are generaly happy. Also, I've spent hours in a sitting on my knees position, bent over, with my hand in the cage until they finealy crawl slowly and tenatively over my hand. Progress! I work hard with them, and try my hardest to do what I can for them, and make them happy.

Yesterday, Mother called Sarah, whos keeping all my reptiles, save for my self-sufficiant bearded dragon, Draco. I was excited, eager to continue training them and someday getting them to sit on my shoulder or chest while I typed.

Then I got the bad news.

Male Leopard Geckos will not tollerate other males, and will fight,sometimes kill each other. I found out my little "sophie" was a boy, and now is missing his tail. This means that I need another cage, and another set up, with all the things the first one needed.

To be honest, we're tight on money right now, due to the hospital. So, of course, I'm left struck and upset. I know that if I want to have them both, that my mother will scrape up the money, but I'm not sure I should ask something like this.

Sarah asked me "Do you /want/ both of them?" which made me get the hint. Sarah could keep one, she already had a cage and everything for the gecko, plus some expirence.

I know what i'm going to do, but its still hard. Which gecko do I choose, and how can I possabley choose that one over the other? It dosen't seem fair, but neither dose asking my mother to ship out $50 for a new set up and cage. So I'm giving one to Sarah. I'm crushed, really. I'm still in shock, and teary-eyed. I feel like I let them down. When I bought them, I made a commitment to they're health. I knew very well there was a high chance they'd both be male, and so, I decided we'd keep them both if they were. However, I don't have the money, and I'm not comfortable asking. So now i'm departing with one of my beloved reptiles, because of myself. I feel that I've let them down, because I put them threw the stress of trying to gently show them it was okay to trust me, and now i'm abandoning one of them. Sure, I know that they'll be taken good care of, but its still painful. I'm off to go get Beeper, One of my geckos, and to say goodbye to the other. I'll reply to you guys later.

On a last note, My grandmother just told me to get rid of the majority of my collection. She says I should only have two cats, the ferret, and maybe Draco or Beeper. I know that they are expensive, but they're all I have right now. She wants me to get rid of three cats, three rats, a gecko, and either a snake or a beardie. She yelled at me how expensive they are, that I don't take care of them, and that its cruel to just leave them in they're cages. She suggested feeding the rats to beeper. For the record, all of my animals are healthy, they're cages are clean, and, the cage thing is simpley for the rats. They don't want to come out, i've taken them out, and they'd rather play in they're cage, i of course, give them all sorts of toys and treats, and they are happy. So I'm not sure what to do, i'm very angry at her, but shes trying to tell me she was joking. I'm not buying it.  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 3:52 pm
Relatives say some of the weirdest things, I know that for a fact. I can't really say much... but I would hate to lose any of my pets, but I'm not sure I would feel to lose a large amount of pets (I've lost my Dog, Bobby, due to a blood condition) so I can't really offer much... but I can say that I hope it was a joke... I'd hate to lose any pet, even if it was a pet snake (I have a fear of snakes..... xp ).  



PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:37 pm
Awr. Well aleast you know your other gecko will be happy and safe. You know that he's with somebody you know and who has experience in handling him. Thats probably the best option you could've made. Now someone else is happy, you dont have to go the uneasiness of asking for money, Both geckos are safe and now you can eat jelly toast. Nevermind that last one.

As far as what your grandmother said, Im with you NG. If all your animals are well kept and happy then there's not reason to let them go. They're more than your buddies and they make you happy, why give that away [And feed your rats to your snake!? What the ********!?].
Mother and I had a despute about my cat, who i love dearly, and how she sheds too much and is "getting expensive". Well, needless to say we still have her and she's not going anywhere. I never get that though people always say "This is getting too expensive" when they never did anything to change the amount of money they were spending on it. Example: Pet food. Say they pay thirty dollars for a bag of pet food [Thats like a put on top of you car, use a small tractor to move around bag of food btw]. Few years go by price has changed "man this is getting expensive..." THEY PRICE NEVER CHANGED! They just hate seeing thirty dollar go into the cash register. Moral of the story, Money sucks.  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:49 pm
The gecko I got home is sick. Sarah has been feeding and taking care of him, but he's looking worse and worse. He's skin and bones, but he's eaten, i can see the crix in his stomache. He's bloody, and I think one of his legs is broken. I don't think hes going to make it threw the night.  


Angel Natavi

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:01 pm
Yeah. It was a long while ago. Something about you calling someone something or other and me defending them. Meh. I am glad you get it, cause you wouldn't really be you if you were all moapy and sad and stuffs. xd  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:04 pm
SOrry about you gecko NG  


Krissim Klaw

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:17 pm
NG- Sorry about the gekos. I didn't even know two males wouldn't get along since it always seems like they are caged all together in the petstores. Hope the little one makes it.

(Oh, and sorry about the rp. I meant to post but I've been really scatter brained lately. Let's face it, I make a sucky rp leader.)

I was going to respond to a bunch of other things stated in this thread but I just don't have the energy. I have recently found out I'm crammed for time. I don't know how I managed to get myself over worked during summer but surprise I did. As many of you know, I opened a little auction in the art section. I was thinking well I'm not doing anything else so why not do a little auction. Of course, the next thing I know it is auto-bought by three wonderfull members. Was never planning on having that, but still three pictures still no big deal. To top it off, I finally started a painting commission for Rainy that I was dieing to do for her since she first mentioned it. about 5 months ago. Still, One painting and three smaller pieces that's not so bad.

Of course, then I suddenly find out that I am in deed going to do something this summer. My dad decided he is going to drive my up to visit a friend. We are probably going to leave on the 24th. So now, I'm like wtf I got four art pieces to do and there is no way I can finish them all before vacation. But I hate holding an art auction and then blowing off the people for ever before finally producing the work. I like to be at least semi timely. God, I did nothing for the last three months and the second I accept new commissions life sticks its freaken arse in my eye and takes a crap. T.-

To add to the stress, I finally have to admit I have a slight mantis problem. (NG I so understand where you coming from with the issue of not being able to keep both your gekos). I never meant to have two mantises. In fact from the very begining I adimently said I want one and only one. Ever since the first time I've kept them and ended up with two, I decided two is one mantis too many. You can't house them together or have them out together. Heck, they don't even like looking at eachother for long periods of time.

I like spending a lot of time with my mantis kin folk, and two always seems like I'm splitting my time up to much. I don't feel like I give either of them enough attention. Instead of taking them out for a couple hours a day they have to rotate every other day. The biggest problem however is that I will soon be going back up to college. I am not allowed to have anything but fish in my dorm room. Thus, if I am caught with my bugs we are so toast. It is stressful and hard to get away with one mantis but having two.

I've been trying to not think about it, but my soon to be trip has pushed it in the forefront. I have to take my mantises with me because I don't have anyone to take care of them. This is not normally a problem because I love traveling with my mantises it is easy and sooooooooooo much fun. I even have a special cage that I have a costum cover for so it looks like a purse. Thus, if we stop at a store or something while driving up, I can take my mantis in without any problems versus it dieing in an over heated car. There isn't any problems untill you throw a secound mantis into the picture. I don't have the equipment to travel with two mantises nor the arm power. It really sucks. Really, really sucks.

I don't know what to do. Redrum started out as just one of a few mantises I was going to keep as backups just in case something happend with Siren while he was a baby. THey are so delicate before they have their first few sheddings. They can easily have a fatal problem that you won't even know till the first few weeks when you mantis suddenly dies. Thus, I always keep a couple of babies to make sure that I will end up with at least one surviving healthy one. Unfortunatlly, I didn't late Redrum go when I should have, and now I'm attached to both of them. I don't know what to do.  
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