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Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:31 am
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Looking at my Reflection
Sahar meets Utomo

Rumors and stories had reached young ears. After all, how could a cub not be interested in the unknown and the magical? Especially when the magical is something that a young cub truly believes he can posses? That's how dreamers are made after all. Those who believe so strongly in something, whether it be magical or mysertious or mundane, those dreamers wish to find it and will do what they will until they do. Now, Sahar himself isn't a dreamer...not yet at least. No his dreams are far from anything large and worthy of him being dubbed with such a title. After all, for a cub to want to see his Uncle really isn't something that hard to occur. Well...usually. Sahar's Uncle was a special case apparently, but still, the growing cub wanted to meet him. Especially since so many say that Sahar resembles Utomo so strongly.

With the sun warming the young cubs pelt and the grasses licking at his paws, Sahar trudged along his journey to find his Uncle. Apparently he wasn't far according to mother, so what better time than now to meet him? There was only one small problem. Without ever having met this lion, Sahar wouldn't be able to actually recognize him. The only thing that could possibly guide him is his sense of smell, and if Utomo's scent didn't have anything similar to his mother's, the cub could run right into the elder lion without even knowing.

Utomo had been lazily wandering the savannah for the last few days, always on the lookout for his brother and any available females. There was a lack of either, however; he could not find his sibling anywhere, nor any girls. This did not trouble him unduly. Through his visions, he knew he would be reunited with his sibling, and while the visions hadn't told him about any girls, he knew he could not be that unlucky for much longer. The male was a stunning, if somewhat lean specimen of his species, with a soft gray pelt, puffy white mane and tail, and enticing violet eyes.

He was moving through the thicker grasses, not watching near his paws, where little things like cubs might end up whacking into. After all, they were supposed to watch where they were going, right? Unfortunately, and unknowingly, the male was on a collision course with his little nephew.

A gentle breeze ruffled the cubs fur and carried with it the scent of many other creatures, none of whom were close enough to be dangerous though. No, the strongest scent that the cub picked up was that of the dry grass and dust that surrounded him. The young cub had no idea that such scents were hiding the imminent trouble in front of him.

Despite being careful where he stepped and allowing all his senses to guide him, Sahar was oblivious to the fact that his Uncle, the one had been looking for, was mere paw steps in front of him until it was far too late. Before the young cub could react to the close proximity of the lion's whose scent quickly dominated his sense, Sahar found himself tumbling head over heels as he half ran into and was half kicked by a much larger lion.

Landing, in a not so graceful position on his stomach with his limbs sprawled out around him, Sahar tried to get to his feet as quickly as possible. Looking in the direction from which he was kicked from, Sahar looked up to where he believed the lion's face would be. Glazed eyes stared unblinkingly as the poor cub tried to get himself righted after the unwanted tumble. "Who's there?" As much as Sahar pushed to be independent despite his handicap, running into a situation such as this with none of his family around to aid him was a bit frightening. After all, if things turned out bad, there was little he could do except run away in whatever direction his instincts told him to go and who knows where they may lead him.

The large male hissed, jerking his paw back immediately. Out on the savannah, if you stumbled into something you were not certain of, you got away from it immediately; for all Utomo knew, it could be a black mamba, the deadliest of Africa's snakes. He had no particularly quarrel with any of them, and he didn't want one, either, for stepping into or onto it. His brain kicks in slightly behind his reflexes, though; the thing he bumped into had fur, not scales, and the large lion's eyes scan the grasses, mildly curious. Lunch, perhaps?

But the voice that comes out of the grass is most definitely Leonine, and Utomo, despite some males, is not one to eat his own kind. He snorts, rolling his eyes. "Watch where you're going, kid," he says, still looking for said fluffball. Ah - there it is, a gray cub, who had tumbled head over heels, clearly no match for the male's paw. He snorts, half-smirking in wry bemusement. "An' I could very well ask you the same question, puffball."

With the sound of the lion's voice, obviously male, Sahar took an unconcious step back and adjusted his gaze now that he had something to better direct him. The last thing poor Sahar wanted to do was anger the male. Obviously he was much bigger and the sound of his voice suggested that he wasn't that pleased to have Sahar bump into him. The last thing the grey cub wanted was to create any anger because it was clearly obvious that should this unknown male turn hostile, Sahar was the one who was going to pay. "I...I am sorry. You just surprised me." Despite his adjustment in his direction of sight, Sahar wasn't really looking at Utomo. The cub had to judge to the best of his ability how tall the lion was but had certainly undershot his gaze by a few inches.

"I am Sahar." He paused a moment, unsure whether to ask his question. Hesitation caused the cub to stop for a few moments before he gained enough confidence, or rashness, depending on how one looked upon it, to utter the words. "Um...you wouldn't happen to know a lion by the name of Utomo, would you?" He tilted his head to the side slighty, ear positioned forward so as to catch the tiniest of sounds that the stranger may make.

The adult male lion actually takes a step back, mimicing Sahar, as he stares at the child. Good gods, it looks almost like him! With ... well, obvious differences; dark green eyes rather than violet. dark ears. Lighter face. No chest-marking. A flutter of panic wells up in his soul. This couldn't be ... isn't ... well, his, is it? But no, that was impossible, unless there are bits of his memory that he simply doesn't remember ... just no. Still, he can't help but feel very apprehensive, particularly when the kid knows his name. So surprised is he, he almost misses the name. Sahar?

"I am Utomo," he huffs, ears sliding back slightly, violet eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "Look here, kid, who are you?" And why the hell do you look so much like me? It was unsettling, to think that such a child could grow up to become such a large adult ...

But there are some major differences. This cub looks so innocent, so polite; it was nothing like Utomo remembered of his own past. He had been a sulking, angry child, drippingly scornful at the few adults he had known. Hodari had certainly tried to stay away from him; thought he was just plain weird, the violet-eyed seer child. Then again, he hadn't been Hodari's son.

The sound of a paw hitting the grass caught Sahar's attention causing his ears to twitch and his muscles tense, but the step was certainly one made...backwards? What was going on? Certainly this bigger male wasn't fearful of him, Sahar? No, there must be something else wrong.

Then, the reply to his spoken question. At that moment a well of excited energy filled the cub and he nearly exerted that welled up energy in an excited leap for his Uncle. Instead he grinned ear to ear and approach Utomo with a cub-like bounce to his step. "Uncle Utomo!"

He paused his movements though when his Uncle's question was thrown to the wind. Did his uncle not know about he and his siblings? Well, it made sense really. This was the first time they were meeting and his Uncle didn't really keep in touch according to his mother. So, holding back his want to just start railing question at Utomo, Sahar tried his best to answer his Uncle's simple question. "Well, I am you Nephew." The grin he sported grew even wider. "My mother, Kilua, spoke of you."

UNCLE Utomo? The male backpedals a few more pawsteps, flopping back onto his haunches and lifting one paw, as if he were not at all certain about the boy's sudden happy approach. His poor brain needs a few minutes to catch up. Gods, his brother or sister didn't have cubs?

He was sure Kilua was having a good time with a Utomo look-alike in her brood; their bond as siblings had never been strong. He had envied her for her position as 'favorite' of their mother's; in fact, she was the only cub their mother had liked. And she had been an arrogant b***h, besides. He was uncertain whether he should feel triumph that the cub looks so much like him, or disgust that she had children at all. "Oh," is what he weakly gives the child, still staring, and uncertain what his position should be on this issue. Something prompts him to suspiciously question, however: " ... and what did she say?"

The sound of more pawsteps and each one going further away from him before the obvious sound of something, or someone, obviously Utomo, sitting down. What was going on? Why was Utomo moving away? Was there something wrong? The sound of his Uncle's voice held the air of confusion and...fear? No, certainly not!

"Well...she talked about you and how the two of you never really got along, but what she really talks about, whenever you're brought up, is your weird ability. Well, she calls it weird but I don't think it is. Especially since..." He stopped and sat down, unseeing eyes just staring at Utomo. "Why did you move away from me? Did...did I do something wrong? Is there something around me?" At his last question, a hint of fear creeped into his voice as his ears swiveled to try and catch the sound of something that could be lurking in the grass around him.

Utomo was not put on this earth to deal with children; he doesn't know how to react to Sahar. The most he's ever had to deal with children ... well, he's never had to deal with them. Children usually didn't go wandering away from their mothers, but Kilua had been raised with Ciyari, probably the worst parent ever; no wonder Kilua let her own children wander off. The kid was going to be eaten by a crocodile one of these days if it kept up the way it did. At that, a very mild sliver of pity crept in.

"No. Just surprised me, okay, kid? I ain't seen my sister - your mom - " the word couldn't help coming out with a sneer - " ... in ages, and now you show up and tell me you're her kid. If you didn't look so much like me, I wouldn't believe it myself." And weird ability? His eyes narrow once again. The family's thrown another seer? And one that looks like Utomo? That's disturbingly ... ironic, and unsettling. Might as well stop scaring the kid, though. It wasn't it's fault, and it'd probably have a hell of a life to deal with anyway. He puts his paw back down, ears slowly moving forward as he surveys Sahar through cool eyes. "Get over 'ere so I can take a decent look at you. Who's your dad?"

Sahar cocked his head to the side as he listened carefully for any sort of movement from his uncle. Twitching his ears ever so slightly in an attempt to pick up more sound, Sahar could hear faint crackling of dried grass from where his Uncle was but nothing that signaled any large movement. It was times like these that Sahar cursed the Gods for making him blind. He wished so much to see what his Uncle looked like and compare them both. Mother had commented on numerous occasions how much they both resembled one another in both looks and talent. If only he could see for himself...

The sound of Utomo's voice broke Sahar out of a rare self pity for himself. With ears forward the cub listened intently to try and get a mental image of what his uncle might look like. His abilities weren't all that strong, not yet, but at times he'd be able to get flashes of what the world looked liked. It was those moments that gave him hope that maybe some day he'd be able to see, if not through his own mind but through this strange ability of his.

At Utomo's prompting, Sahar gaged where his Uncle's voice was and took a few confident steps in Utomo's direction before stopping, not completely sure how close he was to Utomo. "Father's name is Kamal." He grinned as he looked up where he believed Utomo's face would be.

There was something subtly wrong with the child's movements, Utomo noted as the boy stepped out into the light, out of the thicker grasses. Wait - good gods. The kid is blind. Where the hell was Kilua, anyway? A kid like this shouldn't be left to let roam on it's own. A very brief sort of pity flickers up in the male; unusual for him, who is so self-centered. But he's not a stone-heart, either, and the child's plight reminds him uncomfortably of his own past life, which he'd like to forget as best he can. Things always come back to you, though ... the thought flickers across his mind, and he scowls.

Kamal ... no, he didn't know any Kamal. He was surprised his sister had taken a mate, though ... well, a mate that she acknowledged. Getting pregnant by a no-name rogue he would have expected. But the boy actually sounds as if he knows this Kamal. Better than Utomo; he didn't even know his father's name.

"Huh," he remarks, still fairly weirded-out by the situation. "How many siblings you got?"

"I've got a brother and four sisters." He said with a smile. "They're all playing somewhere and Mum and Dad are probably sleeping." Sahar shifted his weight and sat back, 'looking' up at Utomo. "So why haven't you been around at all? I thought I'd have gotten to meet you sooner." He stared at Utomo with his filmed eyes for a moment before shrugging. "It doesn't matter I guess. -I- found -you-." He said playfully with a grin. "It was like a game of hide and seek!" He exclaimed with a laugh.

"So, mother tlaks about these abilities that you have. I have them too." He said proudly and stuck out his chest. "I just can't control them...not yet at least. I mean...I plan on controlling it one day...if it's controllable that is." He flattened his ears for a moment, unsure whether he just made sense or not before deciding to continue. "Is it controllable? Can you control your ability? Can you teach me? can you Uncle Utomo?"

Sweet gods. He's an uncle six times over. Four nieces, and two nephews ... urgh. He wonders, idly, if any of them are like Kayin. Probably none of them are like him in personality; he's not sure if that would be a good or bad thing. So Sahar probably snuck off, then. He relaxes, although he cannot say why this makes him feel better. Surely he doesn't care about his sister or her brats. No, that couldn't possibly be it.

He snorts, faintly. "I'm a rogue, not some bloody pridal, kid. I live my own life." But at the mention of Sahar's unique 'abilities,' all other considerations go right out of his mind.He stiffens, ears falling back against his skull. The kid had them, too? But ... best to be sure. "What kind of 'abilities' would these be?" He querries, trying to keep the clear suspicion out of his voice.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:43 pm
Kinja RP (Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006)
Original link: X

(done on AIM)

Kimaria33: Hakan's dark body could clearly be seen as he moved through the golden grass that grew close by to his family's den. In fact his colour proved to be quite a hindrance when it came to sneaking and hunting. He had decided that perhaps stalking prey at night would be easier until he realised that his vision was greatly impaired by the lack of light.

The mouse he had been trying to pounce moved a short way ahead of him and as he readied himself for the kill he knew that this time he'd catch it.

With a small growl Hakan leapt, paws fixing and pinning the little mouse to the ground. It squirmed madly beneath his paw before fixing it's teeth into his vulnerable pad.

"Ouch!" He bristled and instantly raised his paw, staring in horror as the rodent hung there by it's teeth. Mice were...mean.

X Dramatic Ash X: Kinja had been lounging in the sun, enjoying the warmth it brough. It was somewhat odd that she still craved the heat of the desert and the only way she could warm herself up to such a degree to was to lounge within the full sun. It wasn't quite as warm but it was appeasing the old lioness. IT was about midday when her basking was distrubed by a rather dark form creeping through the golden vegetation. Rolling onto her stomach she watched with amusement as Hakan poorly disguised himself in an attempt to catch...well...catch something. She wasn't quite sure what it was he was stalking. Whatever it was the creature would surely be able to escape from her son. It wasn't long until she saw Hakan launch after his prey and a proclaim yelp of pain.

With a chuckle the lioness rose to her paws and shifted her way into the vegetation. "Hakan, I think the prey at the other end fo the plains owuld be able to see you dear." She smiled and lowered her head to grab the poor rodent by it's tail in her teeth before flinging it away. "Prey do fight back. They're not going to let you just eat them." She grinned.

Kimaria33: "It'd be much easier if they did." Hakan pouted, wrinkling his nose as he stared up at his mother with eyes that matched her own shade almost perfectly. "I wish I had a pelt more like yours mother, it's still bright but black stands out against the gold so much more." He gave a sigh and flicked the tresses of his small mane out of his face. "I want to hunt so I can catch food for you and the others but at this rate I'll never get anywhere." He sighed, his ears drooping as he stared at the ground in a rather dismal fashion. Life just wasn't fair, that's all he had learned so far.

X Dramatic Ash X: Kinja smiled. "You just need to learn how to hunt. After that you'll be fine." Oh yes, there was a trick to it. IF she could hide herself among the sands then surely she could teach her dark pelted son how to hide within the grass which was much more forgiving. "Come along. Let's go find some prey worthy of being hunted." She turned and moved through the grass, all senses on high alert as she searched for something her son would find easier to take down. A small gazelle or antelope would be perfect and thankfully they were the easier of th eprey to locate.

It didn't take Kinja long to catch the scent of a herd and soon the mother and son sat a fair distance away in short grass. Their prescence was far enough away to not bother the the gazelle but they were close enough to be able to dive into the tall grasses without being noticed.
"Now. The whole point of stalking is to remain low. MAke sure your hind end doesn't wave like a banner. That is always a dead give away. Your stomach should barely be off the ground."

Kimaria33: They were going on a hunt? His very first hunt? Hakan found it difficult to hide his excitement but managed to give a small nod before following at his mother's flank. He had always admired his mother's strength but never had he seen her truly hunt. Today was the day when he got to watch the huntress at work and he was sure it would be an experience worth remembering. If he was to help support his family he had to be able to catch prey, for he was not one of the types to sit back and let others catch his food if he was quite able to. He was small now, yes, but he was eager to learn and that had to count for something.

Then when she began her explanation he fixed his eyes upon her with a look that showed he was concentrating. "Right okay, low to the ground. Got it." He crouched a little lower as if in preparation.

X Dramatic Ash X: Kinja smiled. "Good. Now the hardest thing for you to learn will be patience." She winked at him. "You will get nothing by rushing forward throught he grass. You must carefully plan each step and move through the grass slowly. This will make sure that you draw the smallest amount of attention to yourself. The faster you move the more the grass moves." She padded over to the grass. "Watch me once then we will seek out another herd for you to attempt a hunt on."

She slipped into the grass an immediatly lowered her body to the ground. Carefully and precisely she slipped through the ocean of waving gold pausing only when an ear flicked in her direction. Slowly she crept through the grass and after what would seem like an eternity to the unexperienced the lioness gathered her paws and muscles under her, picked out the perfect source and launched forward. She dashed across the shortened grass as the antelope went scurrying away. Her chosen source of prey staggered behind it's mother allowing ht elioness close enough to trip it up and have it fall to the ground. Instead of delivering the killing blow though Kinja sat upon the ground, catching her breath, and watched as the youngling got up and dashed after it's mother.

Kimaria33: Hakan fidgeted as he waited the strike that seemed to take forever to come but when it happened he was not dissapointed. His pride in his mother increased tenfold and as she let the prey loose he ran over to her, tail waving high and ears perked forwards. "That was amazing mother!" He called, bouncing lightly and oving to brush up against her forelegs. "One day I'm going to be just as good as you!" He nodded firmly and puffed out his broadening chest. "Then I can take care of you for a change." He paused and looked about him, sniffing at the air which was filled with the smells of antelope. Just the smell of the prey animals was enough to start his stomach rumbling and he was eager to continue. "Do the herds around 'ere move around a lot?" He asked, "or do they tend to stay in one place?" He figured he might as well learn as much as possible whilst he had the chance.

X Dramatic Ash X: Kinja chuckled. "You'll make me feel like an old lioness if you start beinging -me- food." She noted a small piece of Hakan's growing mane out of place and ran her tongue over it to settle the stray mane. At his question she looked in the direction which the herd had ran. "The herds move according to their food source. If the grass is dead then they will travel to a place where it is not and when the rains come they will travel back to their usual grazing grounds. It'll take you awhile to understand their travel patterns but you'll learn. For now, just use your senses to help you find them."

After catching her breath, which was taking more and more time with each passing hunt, Kinja rose. "Now, the next hunt is yours. I will help you but you will be doing most of the work. So, that means you have to find a herd."

Kimaria33: "Oh you're not old mother! You could never be old!" He beamed and let a gentle purr emit from his throat as Kinja brushed back the stray wisps of mane. "You are the best and strongest lioness that I know!" Hakan was naive in the sense of death, for though he knew one could die in a fight or in an accident he knew not of the death brought on by simple old age. He could not even imagine a life without his mother around and had avoided such thoughts ever since he could comprehend them.

As his mother rose he did the same and taking note of her words felt a small hint of nervousness capture him. "I'll try my best." He said and after gazing around him picked a direction he thought would be good.

On his little visit to see Kizuka he had noted seeing fresh tracks of antelope in the dust and though he was unsure of the exact location he was sure that they would leave some sort of clue behind.

It was not long before the first clue made it's appearance. For in the soft ground that edged a small waterhole were the hoof prints of the animal he searched for. "Tracks over 'ere!" He chirped, bouncing excitedly as he turned his head to see if any were in sight. "Perhaps they strayed onto prideland borders." He mumbled in annoyance, "unless they headed over there." He pointed his paw in the direction he spoke of - where a few trees grew up from the parched ground. "What do you think, mother?" He asked, tippign his head up to gaze at her.

X Dramatic Ash X: "Well if they strayed into pirdeland borders then we will not be able to hunt them. That is a prides land and we are not allowed to hunt within their lands. It is possible though that hte herd moved toward the trees. The sun is high and they are possibly seeking shade for their younger and older members."

Kimaria33: "Wouldn't want to go on their rubbishy land and hunt their stupid herds anyway." Hakan muttered, for since he'd been old enough to explore he'd gained a fearsome dislike of the Pridelands and all that dwelled within the borders. "Those Pridelanders aren't even proper lions. Filled with lazy lay-abouts and even murderers...or so I've 'eard." He huffed and began to pad slowly towards the trees. "Why do we stay here anyway mother? Wouldn't you prefer to travel?" He often found it strange that they had dwelled so long on Prideland borders and yet at the same time he was glad of it. Living in a somewhat settled place had given him the chance to meet others - and though he often felt the need to bully them he had made a couple of friends.

X Dramatic Ash X: Kinja's face fell as Hakan spoke of the pridelanders. "Hakan!" She scolded. "Do not speak of other lions in such a way. I though I raised you better." She scowled. "I have been in the pridelands. The liones there are just a respectable and noble as any othe rlion. I will not have you speaking poorly of them." No, she couldn't deal with her son putting down a pride that she had resided within and was quite proud to be a part of. "I am tired of traveling and truthfully, I doubt my tired body could take much more traveling." She smiled at him before sighing. "Now, get back to your tracking."

Kimaria33: He was startled and even slightly ashamed of himself as Kinja spoke of the Pridelanders. It sounded like she quite like them, but why? They had done nothing for her whilst she had been staying on the borders - not that he was aware of anyway. "Sorry mother." His ears drooped slightly but he continued along the ground without faltering. At her other comment though he found himself frowning a little and he raised his head to glance at her from the corners of his eyes. "You shouldn't say that. You're the stongest lioness ever!"

As they drew closer there was indeed a small herd of antelope that were gathered in the shade of a few of the largest trees. They stood with their heads bowed lazily and their eyes half-lidded - drowsy due to the hot sun. "There they are mother!" Hakan hissed with excitement. "Looks like they were smart enough not to go into the Pridelands."

X Dramatic Ash X: Kinja made a mental note to talk to her son about death and life. It was apparent he was not aware of the circle of life that happened all around him every day. Today would not be the best choice but she would certainly speak to him soon about such things.
At her sons exclamation she nodded her head. "Yes, now let's see what you learned. I'll follow behind you."

Kimaria33: Nodding sharply Hakan lowered himself so that his belly hovered just a couple of inches above the ground. His tail for now remained curled up around a hind leg so that it wouldn't rattle against the grass and give away his position. Luckily they had approached from behind and the majority of the antelope looked pretty much asleep as it was. Yet the little black lion had already decided that ifhe didn't manage to catch anything that the fact he had found a herd was an accomplishment enough. He'd make a mental note to keep an eye on tracks and other signs from now on so that he could try and get a good mental image of where the herds might be. Such things would come in handy later on.

As he drew closer he lowered himself until he was lying upon thedusty ground, eyes scanning the cluster of long-legged beasts. He had to pick one to chase first, right? Yet as he stared at them he couldn't help but find himself slightly overwhelmed. How did one know which was the right antelope to chase? He stayed in this position for a long time, simply observing and finally deciding upon the smallest one in the herd. He doubted he could tackle the larger ones just yet.

Now with his victim chosen he raised himself a little and crept forwards, making sure that his paws didn't make a sound. Yet apparently he was being careful enough. For when he was only a few meters away his paw snapped a twig that had fallen from the tree above.

The antelope raised their heads, eargs twitching and large liquid eyes scanning the grass. For a moment they saw nothing and then something moved. They saw the glint of black amongst gold and panic set in.

Despite the fact that Hakan knew it was possibly too late, he lapt forwards anyway, landing at the heels of his chosen antelope. The herd had begun to gallop away, clouds of dust rising up from their hooves as Hakan gave chase. Perhaps he would have managed to bring down the antelope if the dust hadn't gotten itno his eyes and ruined his vision, but even that was not enough to ease the dissapointment. He slowed to a halt, panting in the heat as he turned to see where his mother was. Oh well...hunts were often unsuccesful and this had been his first. There would be plenty more to come he was sure...

X Dramatic Ash X: Kinja hgad followed her son's movements step by step, well almost step by step. The cracking of the twig only caused her to flinch inwardly as she watched the antelope. If Haka just stood still then...nope...there he goes. She didn't both following as the antelope kicked up their heels and dashed away from the inexperienced lion. Kinja could see the dissapointment written on her son's face so she padded up to him and rubbed her head agianst his encouragingly. "You'll learn. That wasn't bad for your first time. You got quite close." She lowered herself onto her haunches. "Now, next time something like that happens your best chance at recovering the hunt would be just to drop to your stomach and lay there until the herd calms down and forgets about the noise. It can take awhile but it will work."

Kimaria33: "They'll just stand there?" Hakan questioned, tilting his head, "I figured they were too panicky to even consider it might just have been some random noise." He chuckled and buffeted the top of his head affectionately against his mother's shoulder. "This hunting business sure is difficult. I bet it takes a lot of practise to get as good as you are mother." He flicked the end of his tail and gazed back towards where the antelope had dashed, trying to gaze through the dust cloud. "Those things are a lot bigger up close!" He spoke, "fast too, much faster than any lion I ever saw." Except one perhaps...but he wouldn't mention Mrost. Not yet atleast.

X Dramatic Ash X: "Oh yes, they'll stand there as long as they get no other notions that there is something out there. They are fast creatures but that is why we have to take them by surprise."

Kimaria33: "Fast but stupid." Hakan laughed, "lions are much smarter than them, that's why they're lunch!" He flopped onto his side and prompytly rolled onto his back, reaching up with his forepaws to paw softly at his mother's maw. "I wish I could aint my black fur red, then I'd be just like you." He purred. "Did...did our father have black fur? Is that who I look like?" He had never really thoguht nor cared about his father until now.

X Dramatic Ash X: "Yes Fast but stupid." She chuckled as Hakan pawed at her. She promptly push him so he fell onto his side again. At the mention of his father though she sobered immediatly. "Your father...he..." She figured one of her cubs would want to know about their father but Kinja truthfully wished to never think of him again. "Yes Hakan. You have your father's pelt colors but you don't particuarly look like him." Oh no, if he did Kinja was unsure whether she'd be able to look at Hakan.

Kimaria33: "Ah, that's good!" He said, seemingly happy to hear that. "I don't really want to look like a lion I hardly know." He wrinkled his nose, "Though I wonder where brother and sister got their brown pelts from. They're so lucky! They'll camoflague so well in all this dry grass." He squirmed on the ground for a moment and reached up to try and tap at her face again.

X Dramatic Ash X: There was another question that Kinja had been waiting for, but this one was much easier to answer. "You brother and sister got their pelt colors from their grandparents." It wasn't a lie. Kinja had gotten her true pelt color from her parents, thus he children got them from their grandparents.
Kinja dodged the flailing paw and growled playfully. "It's not nice ot hit your elders." She teased.

Kimaria33: The black juvenile grinned and withdrew his paws, curling them up against his chest and glancing up at her with a mischievious expression. "Grandparents? Where are they now?" Hakan asked, sneezing as a blade of grass tickled at his nose. Did he have more family than he first believed?

X Dramatic Ash X: "Your grandparents aren't around anymore, Hakan." Kinja left it there. She truly didn't want to get into this conversation now.

Kimaria33: Hakan sensed the change in his mother's mood this time - for though he did not truly understand the ways of death he did notice the tones in which his mother spoke. "Okay then, well I only need you, Kamal and Kimya anyways." He nodded, "our family is pretty much perfect." He smiled.

X Dramatic Ash X: Kinja smiled. "It's nice to hear you say that, Hakan." She licked the side of his face before turning towards the den. "We should head back befor eyour brother and sister begin to wonder where we are.

Kimaria33: He purred and nodded, rolling back to his feet and shaking the dust from his coat. "Yep, dun want them getting into trouble or nothing." He grinned, quickening to a trot and glancing back at his mother over one shoulder. "I'll race yah!"  


Inquisitive Agent


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:48 pm
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