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PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:47 pm
Smoke and steam

Hot water poured from the shower head and cascaded down Pash's body. The heat from the water and steam surrounding him was relaxing for Pash. He needed it,even with Anao and Owen both in school Pash had little time to himself to just enjoy life.

Most of his time alone during the day was sepnt planning after school activities, keeping the house clean ,exorcising to keep in shape or doing small things in the house to earn money.

Once the kids were home, Pash was busy helping them with any homework they had, keeping an eye on them while they played or making snacks and dinner. After dinner was T.V time which was mostly calm but pash was still mediator as he decided what would be watched and when.

Getting Owen and Anao into bed took about a half hour between teeth brushing, stories and tucking in. The free time Pash had during the evenings was spent reading. Mostly for leisure but the odd parent's magazine has wormed it's way into his literary persuits.

Night time showers however were times for relaxing and letting all the days worries wash away. Placing a small amount of crisp yet chemical smelling blue liquid onto his hand Pash raised it to his hand and began massaging the shampoo into his olive green hair.

His eyes closed for a few minutes, Pash was confused when he opened them as saw a dark smokey reflection in the tiles. Looking over his shoulder he saw a sort of strange dark fog hanging in the white of the steam.. it was a rich brown and the swirling of it's flickering presence reminded him oddly of incense.

Startled Pash backed away and reached for the facets turning them and shutting off the water. slowly opening the shower curtain he watched the steam cleared but the odd mass of something remained. " What are you? " he inquired, aware that he was dripping wet m naked and still had some shampoo in his hair but less concerned about this than this uninvited visitor.

There was no response but the smokey mass seemed to dissipate and Pash was left alone and confused. He blinked a few times, shaking his head and resumed the shower briefly to rinse his hair.

Much to his chagrin Pash found that once he'd stepped out of the shower his strange floating companion had parked itself on the marble counter top.

Having had a child appear from a necklace and dream combination and another from a leaf Pash sighed. He had a feeling that this strange presence haunting him would yield a similar result. It was typical of Gaia after all.

Wrapping a town around his waist and placing another on his hair Pash walked out of the bathroom and into the hall heading towards his bedroom . He was not surprised when in her peripheral vision he spotted the thing following him. "My bosses had better be watching this " Pash murmured as he entered his room and left the door open to accommodate his possible new charge.

Whatever the strange smokey blob was it seemed intent on following him and Pash would do his best to make sure no harm came to it ( assuming that was possible) during it's stay.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:17 am
Taking over

" Dad Rekha won't get off the remote" Anao called out grumpily. She frowned at that rich brown and orange hazy mass that was hovering just barely over the slim black rectangle that was the Television remote. there was not was for Anao to retrieve it and she was not happy. Amber eyes narrowed she glared at Rekha, hoping that despite being eyeless the entity would get the clue and move. Anao had no desire to watch the boring show on the T.V but she also didn't want to touch Rekha either.

Pash walked into the living room, Owen on his hip. " Who's Rekha? I told you, no pets." he hoped the situation was one that could be easily solved since he was busy making lunch

Anao pointed " That's Rekha. He won't get off the remote" she stated reminding her father of the problem at hand.

As if aware if the attention being received and why Rekha lowered himself further over the remote.

Pash's seagreen eyes followed Anao fingers and narrowed when they reached the households newest inhabitant. He didn't recall having named the uncertain visitor so he wasn't certain where the name had come from. " You know this how? How do you even know it's a boy" he asked of his little girl. The red headed Anao had a knack for knowing things Something to do with her being a reincarnated Tison deity he was certain. Still Pash wasn't certain what to make of this situation.

Anao smiled " I saw it," she looked up imploringly at her father " Make him move."

Pash sighed, 'Rekha' had been there not quite two full days but by now he had figured out that once he was situated near something getting him to move was pretty much impossible. Well without touching him which no one but Owen had ventured to do and that had not ended well.

Pash just shook his head " Sorry sweety, wait until he moves or get up and change the channel yourself." Pash was not surprised when Anao gave him a look of shock at his backup suggestion. Manually changing the channel seemed like something out of the dark ages for her.

"Lunch" Owen piped up and tugged on his father's hair insistently " Finish lunch."

With an apologetic look at a now scowling Anao, Pash turned and headed back to the kitchen to finish making lunch. He made a mental note to ask Anao about exactly what she had seen.

Back in the living room Anao sighed and turned her eyes back towards the T.V. Hopefully something good would come on soon and hopefully soon Rekha wouldn't be able to hog the remote.  



PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:37 am
Pash sat on the couch, a small journal he was about to write in laying on the armrest. The past few days had been interesting and he wanted to document it with the memories still fresh in his mind. A quick glance around the living room placed Anao and Owen on the floor peacefully watching some strange children's show with computer generated characters prancing around. Rekha was hovering over the other armrest and had been relatively passive lately. Convinced he could take his attention of his charges for a few moments Pash returned to the journal.

October 6, 2007.

Things have become rather interesting here lately. In addition to Anao and Owen adjusting to school we've all recently adjusted to a new house guest. Rekha, an odd little smoke/ incense like being showed up in my shower a few days ago. It was Anao who named him and determined his gender based on something she claims to have seen. There was neither positive nor negative reaction to this so I assume Rekha as it were doesn't care or doesn't understand.

While he seems most attached to me he's taken a shine to Anao as well and if I'm not available he seems to float nearby her whether or not she likes it. Owen is decidedly a last choice of companions, not that that seems to bother him.

I have no clue what exactly Rekha is, for now nothing aside from his brown and orange hazy self is evident. My superiors have given me no help in this and Anao has clammed up about the whole subject leaving me at a loss. All I know is that for now he is my responsibility and though he seems to require little maintenance I will do the best I can.

What the future for this household no one knows but I am prepared to meet it.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:09 pm
" You and me together will be, forever you'll see, we two can be good company. You and me"

Pash sat on the couch reading a book while Anao sang. He was slightly regretting buying the girl a karaoke set. Well technically he'd bought it for all of them but Anao used it the most. The red headed girl was the loudest of his three charges and so she sang the most. Currently she was singing from the Disney selection. one of the few sets she could sing at and not fail.

Too young to have fully developed voices neither Owen or Anao was very good at this yet. The game required you to keep to a certain speed and sing to the right pitch. Pash knew the failures were upsetting. Which was why he'd said he'd turn the judging off for most sets but only if they dealt with it for the Disney set and a few choice songs he felt they should learn to sing in key

Pash had read up on the game, it allowed his children to have fun singing, and later dancing if he bought a dance pad, as well as teaching them a variety of songs and how to control their voice. It was no proper vocal coach and but it did let them get used to using their voices fully and controlling them.

All in all Pash considered it a decent investment even if it irritated him at times. Raising his eyes from the screen he briefly watched Rekha drift back and froth as Owen took the microphone and began singing a soft song from a movie, Pash had not yet bought the children.

The two males seemed to prefer quiet soft music. For Owen this was understandable he had huge rabbit ears and heightened hearing. Why Rekha responded this way, Pash did not yet know though he wondered what it said about the strange being that was Rekha.  



PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:12 am
October 9, 2007

Shopping with two children is not easy, shopping with two children and and easily distracted haze is even harder. Adding in that I was shopping for Halloween costumes ( I still find the holiday very strange) and things were bound to get out of hand. It is moments sincerely apologize to my parents for any troubles I caused them as a child.

At least it's over with. Anao after trying on every costume in the mall, settled on being a pirate. Apparently she likes the bandanna and fake cutlass and she plans to say " trick or treat arr". I hope the people handing out candy find it as amusing as she does. She'll also be wearing it to school for the class Halloween party, I hope she doesn't get it dirty.

Owen settled for being a magician with a top hat, cape and all. He's going to try and take Rekha to school for the party and pull him out of the hat. I don't know if that will work or not but it would certainly be interesting to see.

Either way on Halloween I'll be taking the three of them out and helping them collect candy. I'm certain it will be an interesting experience this year.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 7:38 pm
Pash sighed and rubbed at his left eye with a free hand. It was irritated and itchy probably from cutting onion for his sandwich. Normally he resorted to cutting them underwater these days but he just didn't have the spare time to fill the sink then cute the onion and clean up afterwards. It was much easier just to peel and slice.

In his peripheral vision he noted briefly that Anao and Owen were sitting at the table eating their own sandwiches while Rekha hovered over their shoulders as if he too was hungry. As far as Pash knew his newest charge couldn't eat or drink so he may have just been curious. Or he was socializing either was entirely likely.

Finishing the sandwich preparation and clean up Pash leaned against his marble counter and bit into his sandwich. He closed his eyes briefly and let his other senses heighten to make up for the lost one. This made his sandwich just a tiny bit more savory which made it taste perfect. he would not forever be able to enjoy this for long

A gasp from Owen has his yes open in seconds. What he saw confused him. It was as if Rekha had become a foggy window , his colour had lightened and through them Pash swore he could see a child. It wasn't quite distant but he could make out reddish hair and green eyes.

Not certain what to do now Pash simply stared in awe at this new development. A swift glance at Anao showed her not even remotely phased by this. he narrowed his eyes making note that he was going to get her to talk about what was going on no matter what.

Taking another bite of his sandwich Pash just mentally sighed and kept watch on his charges. When he was done he would need to contact his bosses as well as talk to Owen about sharing his room

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:40 am
October 12th, 2007

I rearranged Owen's room today. He doesn't seem thrilled that Rekha is moving in but he's not angry either. I left as much the same in the room as I possibly could while adding new furniture. I may need a better job soon so I can afford a bigger place, but it needs to be one where I can still keep watch over my charges during the day.

For now things are ok though, Anao seems a bit listless but is otherwise ok and it 's apparently not affecting her in class. Owen needs a talking to about things going in his mouth again. He's getting more and more curious about things and i don't want to have to put lock s on all the cupboards.

Rekha, well he's doing his follow something aroudn while floating this. I still can't quite see him just flicks of greenish eyes and what appears to be a baby moving around. It will be strange having a baby around again. Anao was fussy and confusing and I was never sure how to handle her. Owen was a toddler when he appeared so I skipped that again. I'm not sure how I'll deal with it a second time but at least I have some experience now
PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:43 pm
Anao and Owen were off at school leaving Pash alone with Rekha. It was a bit concerting for the former battle angel, having children was one thing. Having intelligent smoky masses another and having a child trapped in a screen of haze? Well that was a category all of it's own.

Pash had no clue when Rekha would emerge and what exactly he'd been like when it happened. He could see bits of the baby boy but not enough to really identify him. His superiors were also of no help saying that this life much like Owen's and Anao's was out of their division.

Sweeping the kitchen floor he kept an eye on Rekha who seemed content to float over the nearby table. Pash was just about to look away and grab the dust pan when he noticed that something was different. It wasn't the way light or shadow fell. It wasn't just the smoky mas shifting, it was actually clearing.

Uncertain of what to do Pash watched as Rekha lowered himself to the table and remained otherwise immobile as the rich brown screen protecting him lightened and dissipated entirely. There laying on the tablet , was a small male baby with reddish brown hair, green eyes and.. an egg clutched in his tiny hands.

Leaning the broom against the wall Pash slowly advanced forward. His own green eyes locking with Rekha's as he reached for the baby. His hands were shakey as he tried to clear his mind, to collect his thoughts and figure out where he was going from here. Pash had found himself once again responsible for the an defenseless being and no experience in the world made it any easier.  



PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:43 pm
Welcome to the family

It had been several hours since Rekha had become corporeal and now Pash was sitting holding the baby in his lap while Owen and Anao, home from school.. sat on the floor looking at them and taking turns gently holding the egg that had emerged with their brother.

Rekha seemed content to look around with half closed sleepy eyes. Sleep green eyes that settled most often on the large egg that his siblings held. On occasion the tiny fingers on his small hands would reach out and grab for the blanket that held him or a lock of Pash's green hair.

Pash found this comforting, to know that like his previous children Rekha may be been birthed oddly but he was no different from the average baby in how he acted. It lessened his fears that his strangest arriving child so far would be the most difficult. Although the egg that had come with him concerned Pash there was little he could do about that but keep it warm and safe.

Owen carefully passed the egg to Anao and as he leaned forward he slowly reached a hand out an touched one of Rekha's small fingers. There was something indescribable in his eyes and Pash wondered what his eldest son was thinking.

The rabbit Eden made a soft unintelligible murmur when Rekha clasped a tiny hand around one of Ewen's fingers and shook it gently. The two boys watch each other for a moment and then both boys smiled.

"I like you" Owen said softly and then looked up at Pash " I won't mind sharing with him."

Pash was glad to hear this as he couldn't really afford a bigger house at this time. If the boys could tolerate each other for a while then having them share a room would be no problem.

The afternoon passed slowly and when Pash had to get up and cook dinner Anao and Owen watched Rekha with Anao sitting on the couch holding her brother while Owen cradled the mysterious egg in his lap.

They were an awkward family and they all had quirks but somehow they seemed to be fitting together ok.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:32 am
rags or robes
Summary: Shopping for clothes Pash and Rekha run into an interesting little boy.

link http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=10847195  



PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 11:15 pm
This is Halloween

Pash briskly pushed Rekha's stroller down the sidewalk of the brightly lit streets. He was following closely behind Anao and Owen who were gleefully skipping in front and talking rapidly about their growing hoard of candy. This was Halloween. Pash's first with children about to ferry from house to house. It was interesting as he seemed to have been caught up in a small pack of them and like other parents was delegated the potion of follower and person who clearly isn't walking fast enough.

Still it was interesting to see all the costumes of various children milling about. Even small Rekha had become a last minute Cheshire cat with his egg resembling the mad hatter. The baby boy seemed oblivious to what was going on but burbled happily anyway. Pash collected chips and cheezies for him while Owen and Anao received all sorts of candies appropriate for their ages.

Pop cans were placed in the underside of the stroller so as not to weigh them down and to prevent accidental breaking and spillage. this made the stroller heavier but Pash didn't mind too much. He was fining the whole experience quite pleasant. Cries of " Trick or treat" and " Thank you" rang in his ears and there was for the most part only smiles on the children's faces. There was the odd look of terror or sullen glances from older children being forced to accompany siblings but they were few and far between.

By the end of the night as the group returned home everyone was weary but content. Rekha had fallen asleep in the stroller, Owen was leaning on Anao who was leaning on him and Pash was carrying all of collected candy. It had been a fun night for all involved.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:36 pm

It looks like things are taking a turn for the interesting around the house. In addition to Rekha's arrival in solid form Anao has grown. They were far enough apart for the two not to appear connected but who knows? At least Anao is able to help out more around the house and care for her brother's now.

The growth itself was interesting to see, Owen had been at school but Anao hadn't been feeling well so it was just her me and Rekha in the house. I'd left the two of them alone for a minute to go change over the laundry when I hear Rekha crying and it wasn't his typical , I'm hungry or I need to be changed cry.

When I got back to the living room there was Rekha in his playpen and Anao curled up on the couch a strange vortex flashing in her amber eyes and and golden almost ethereal glow about her. She was talking to herself but I couldn't make out the words.

When the glow them and her eyes she she unfurled from her position and I could see the difference in her. she was longer then before, the chubby toddler cheeks she's once had had were gone and her hair had lengthened as well.

The entire family is currently adjusting to the situation though Anao is having the hardest time getting used to her new body. Still it's reassuring, it has been a long time since she last grew and I was worried I'd not been taking appropriate care of her enough to stimulate growth. Now I can rest a bit easier.




PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:40 am

Things have gotten hectic and stressful lately. Having Anao older has helped in some aspects but she can;t control everything. Like how the radio and t.v is flooded with Christmas songs and special ,which will apparently only get worse in the next few weeks. Stores are filled with decorations for the upcoming holiday with Halloween just a distant memory.

Parades are shown on t.v and all sorts of commercials and advertisements for toys and products that every child must want. As of yet Owen seems mostly uninterested in Christmas but i have told himto make a list of thigns he would like. this had lead to papers being strewn about the living room while he looks for items to put on his list.

Figuring out how to exactly explain and do this holiday has been awkward, to what level should we celebrate it and in what manner. I still haven't gotten everything worked out but I have some ideas.

Anao has a list a mile long of things she wants and a secret list of what she wants to buy others. That is another hassle. holiday shopping , every aspect of it from crowded stores to price changes and hiding gifts and decorations is becoming more trouble that it's worth.

On top of that we're going to get a tree the start of the next month. picking the right one and decorating it is going to be something of a challenge.

Still, things aren't all bad. Anao is adapting to her bigger body and has taken up doing a lot of chores ( though she expects an allowance that equals her efforts as opposed to a flat rate). She's also taken to watching Rekha and playing with him when i'm busy with housework or helping Owen with his school stuff.

I'm working hard to spend time alone with all my children but it's not easily. perhaps the togeatherness the holiday season promotes will make up for that.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:47 pm

Rekha had discovered something very important. Squirming forward with his harms and legs was hard. Mimicking his egg over was not. Laying down and using your bodyweight to get you from one place to another was much much easier. It hurt a bit which was bad but someone usually picked you up if you did it which was good as was them carrying you to wherever you wanted to go to begin with.

How the others used just their legs to stay up was beyond Rekha he didn't have the power to do that. Even with his arms helping him the small boy could not keep up the strength needed to crawl yet. Thus rolling was the best way in his mind to get around.  



PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 3:07 pm

Owen lay in bed and stared at the ceiling, he was trying to sleep but couldn't, not with the sound of his brother constantly fidgeting and fussing over in his crib. Owen liked Rekha most of the time but when he was trying to sleep and the other wasn't it tested the young Eden's patience.

Owen liked his sleep and he demanded a certain amount of it otherwise he got cranky. Not that he fully blamed Rekha, Marcy a girl at school had baby sis ter she shared a room with and she said babies were just like that, that they couldn't help it if they were or weren't tired at the right times. Plus babies needed less sleep or something which made little sense since Rekha often seemed to sleep all the time during the day. Still as Owen turned his head and looked at Rekha he wished that his brother would be different than most babies.

As if aware of the thoughts and attention Rekha rolled over again to stare at Owen. Green eyed locked with brown and for a moment there was silence. It was broken was a happy burble at Rekha smiled through the darkness at Owen before rolling away again.

Owen wasn't one hundred percent sure what had happened but he had felt. something for a moment there. Clearly Rekha had as well as the young baby was now nearly silent as he fitfully tried to sleep.

Not one to question things Owen just smiled at his brothers back before closing his eyes and letting long waited sleep overtake him.  

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