Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:21 pm
Indawo Cert | Uncert Vital statisticsFull name: Indawo Nickname(s): Indy Gender: Stallion Breed: Wind/flutter hybrid Physical Characteristics: Small stature, little flutter wings. Romantic Status: Not available for romance or breeding ~~~ FamilyFather: MalikaiMother: RosedustLifemate: None Children: None Full-blood siblings: -Brother Zakaili, sister Aurore. ~~~
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:28 pm
Indawo's Story One of three children from the breeding of Rosedust and Malkai, when he was still in the basket Indawo was sent along with the basket containing his future herdmate, Safi, to live with and be raised by the Kawani gatherer, Cajji with the hope that he, along with Safi, would benefit from the bond shared between the Kawani and their chosen Soquili friends. Furthermore, it was hoped that life beyond the village and his parent's home with Princess Soquili would allow Indawo to grow into a worldly and far more independent and experienced Soquili than those confined to the bustle of the village for their entire life.
However, even the best laid plans can fall into ruin. Half wind, half flutter, Indawo inherited his mother's small, bubbly flutter wings as well as the flutter delicacy; even though he and Safi were the same age, the height and weight difference between the two was staggering. Safi never commented on his friend's small size, and Cajji did her best to treat them equally, loving her small colt as well as the gangly one. This might have been enough for Indawo, if it weren't for the other foals.
Children are often the cruelest creatures one can ever encounter, and Indawo's small size, delicate features, and (most of all) his dainty, gauzy wings attracted the ridicule and derision of every foal around, barring his loyal friend Safi. No other flutters lived in their small outskirt community, and as a consequence Indawo became somewhat of a freak-show to the other foals. Two hands smaller than even the smallest of the other colts, Indawo suffered through a childhood of nicknames such as 'Girly' and "Princess." Colts went out of their way to hassle 'Tiny', and fillies tittered at him when ever they saw him. Indawo did his best to hold his head up, but every new taunt, every new giggle, left an indelible raw mark on his soul.
One particular stallion was especially fond of tormenting Indawo. Ever since they were small colts, Kiwan had gone out of his way to torment Indawo. He loved nothing better than to corner Indawo when the smaller stallion was out and about, taunting him and tormenting him for the amusement of his cohorts. Name-calling, tripping, taunting, leading the other colts in cruel teasing games...nothing was too much. Over time, he'd even started to up the ante, pulling Indawo's hair, tearing at his wings, pushing him about and bashing him into trees.
One of the older Soquilis in the community had witnessed this abuse, and more than once he'd tried to call the younger Soquilis to task for their cruel ways. Having no success in taming the wild spirits of the youngsters, Rannon took things into his own hands instead. The warhorse of a former Kawani brave, he had seen fighting and experienced trials too numerous to count; drawing on this experience, he taught Indawo everything that he knew about fighting and, more importantly, surviving. Indawo came to love Rannon as the father he'd never known, their pre-dawn woodland training sessions the high point of his day. As the years passed, he learned not only how to defend himself, but to use his small size as an offensive weapon against those much larger than him. The forest became his second home, his tawny spotted coat allowing him to blend in and spend hours in quiet, meditative serenity.
Things continued along in this way until Indawo was a young stallion. Though no longer a colt, he was still a bit too young to be classified as a mature stallion, and it was at this impressionable stage that the straws came that finally broke the camel's back. While other young stallions strutted their stuff for the admiration of the local young mares, Indawo continued to spend his time alone whenever he could get away, his only friends in the compound Safi and Cajji. However, time had done nothing to change his position in the hierarchy of the local youth; more than ever before, Indawo was relegated to the position of Village Joke; no other stallion could prove himself worthy of any sort of 'adult' role without first proving that he was 'tough enough' to take a verbal jab at Princess. Though he was more than able to defend himself by now, Indawo took the abuse quietly, not willing to lash out and have Cajji suffer the stigma of having a 'wild' stallion.
It wasn't the best life, but it also wasn't the worst. He could have gone on that way indefinitely, and might even have managed to be happy in his own little community, if Rannon hadn't died.
Even though he knew Rannon was old, Indawo hadn't truly anticipated the fact that he would one day die. When Safi burst into the teepee one morning with the news, Indawo couldn't believe it, WOULDN'T believe it, until he'd run to the teepee his mentor had occupied with his brave and seen for himself. The sight of his noble protector, stretched out on the ground with his eyes closed in death, was all that it took to bring home to Indawo that things would never be the same again. Everything that Rannon had done for him hit him all at once, and before he could stop himself he was in tears, crying all the tears he had never cried before.
It was at this moment, as he stood mourning the loss of a friend, father, and mentor, that Kiwan appeared. He'd always been the big colt, and now that the two were fully grown he towered three hands above Indawo, a large, studly Arabian of stallion to Indawo's short, stocky, bubble-winged cart horse. And, as always, he was ready to take a jab at 'Princess'.
Looking at the smaller stallion's tears, he'd been sneeringly to the point. "Aww, what's the matter, Princess? Did your senile old-stallion friend finally kick it?" Looking over at the dead war-horse and the leather-faced brave at his side, Kiwan for a moment pretended to be sorrowful, then leaned close and whispered, "A pity he didnt' bite it years ago, if you ask me. But then, who really cares about an old coot like that anyway, aside of a senile brave and a bubble-winged Princess? Oh, right; NO ONE."
What happened next was all a blur. One minute, Indawo was standing there, white hot rage-building as he looked up at the sneering stallion's smug expression....the next, he was being forcibly pulled away from a bloodied and broken Kiwan, snarling and snapping like a mad dog as he surged against the Kawanis that were pulling him away from his detested enemy. He heard his name being called, being whispered, and only then did he calm down, realizing that he'd attracted a large audience of the local Kawani and Soquili alike. Glancing down at himself, he realized that he was covered in blood; looking back at Kiwan, he saw that the other stallion was mangled beyond recognition, alive, but undoubtedly scarred for the rest of his life.
But Indawo didn't care, didn't feel so much as a shred of remorse. He didn't belong here, didn't belong in this community with these small-minded haters. He was never meant to stay here, merely there to pass the time. It was time to go.
Feeling the sudden cessation of his struggles to get at Kiwan, the Kawanis that had previously restrained him had since loosened their hold, wanting to keep a hand on him while someone went to fetch Cajji and Kiwan's Kawani companion but not wanting to cling too closely to the suddenly unpredictable Soquili. That brief loosening was all that Indawo needed.
Breaking free from the hands that held him, Indawo was off like a shot. In his first moments of escape, he looked back only once. His eyes darted from Rannon's body to Safi's golden gaze, meeting the eyes of his only true friend and holding them long enough for Safi to give Indawo one slight nod...and then Indawo was gone, dashing for life and freedom in the forest he loved, never to darken any Kawani habitation or freely mingle with other Soquili ever again. Back, back, into the darkest, deepest depths of the forest he went, making his home amidst the trees and scrub of the wilderness.
Out there, he was finally free from the scrutiny, free from the taunts of his youth. However, the scars collected over years of teasing hung with him. Experience and time hardened him beyond his early training; years of life alone in the woods taught him how to avoid detection, to truly be one with the forest. No one that entered his territory went unnoticed, but neither were they sought out. He always kept his distance, watching without interacting, content to see the intruders off. Having faced his own personal hell as a child, he wasn't willing to let any other Soquili hurt him, ever again.
That was the theory; however, one c***k managed to appear in his emotional armor, a c***k called Meeki.
In the earlier days of his woodland seclusion, he'd settled in a more habitable part of the forest, one with grassy clearings and clear ponds that reminded him of the rolling meadows and the lake he'd left behind. It was here that he'd met Meeki, a flutter mare of what he could only view as irrational optimism. Everything about her was positive; she was always happy, she was always trusting, she was always willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Although she was a full grown adult, she was in many ways like a child, maintaining the light-hearted attitude that everything would work itself out and all that anyone had to do to get the most out of life was to be happy and think positive.
She had loved being a flutter, had embraced it and done her best to get him to do the same. Ever since he'd been a foal, he'd hated his flutter blood, resenting his small size and detesting his wings, wings that he'd never once tried to fly with. As he'd aged, they had atrophied to the point that it was doubtful he could fly with them even if he wanted to, even if he knew how; yet to Meeki, they had been beautiful, something to be treasured.
Originally, she'd bothered him; waltzing into his territory with her idealistic ways that were BEGGING to get her hurt or crushed emotionally, messing up his routines, wanting him to play and romp and do otherwise ridiculous things. He had rolled his eyes and given in gracelessly at first, hoping that she would go away if he'd indulged her little whims. Or at least, that was how it had been at first.
He couldn't identify exactly when it had happened, when he had first started to enjoy her company. It was a gradual transition, stealthy, but real. One day, he was begrudging her the time she spent with him, the next, he was trying to figure out ways to make it last longer. He laughed with her, explored with her, showed his world to her, and in turn started to see that world through hers, a world that lacked laughter and a world that lacked life.
He didn't know when it started to happen, but Indawo knew the exact moment he realized he loved her. The two of them had spent the day together, swimming and eating apples; they had been preparing to go their separate ways, and Indawo had suddenly wanted, more than anything else in the world, to ask her to stay and spend the night with him. He'd wanted her there, at his side, where he could see her, hear her soft breathing, and know that she was there with him, protected by HIM.
It was realizing that desire that he knew that he loved her. It was in that same moment that he knew he had to leave. Doing his best to smile normally, he saw her off that evening, and that same night he started off on a journey that took him deeper into the forest than he'd ever gone before, miles and miles past the end of the hospitable parts of the woods and into the parts where the canopies were so heavy that no light could reach the ground. Here, amidst the dead leaves and the panthers, he made his new home.
Alone in the darkness, he mulled over his actions, wishing that he could have explained himself to Meeki, feeling he SHOULD have explained himself to Meeki, rather than simply leaving without a word. She deserved at least an explanation, but it was for that exact reason that he knew he could never give her one. He loved her, loved her more than he'd thought it was possible for him or anyone to love another thing. She made him smile, made him laugh, made him feel like there was something positive that was actually out there, something that was actual accessible to him.
But he had no right to aspire to such things, and no right to put her in the awkward position such a revelation would undoubtably bring about. What did he have to offer to a mare like that, beyond possible protection and a life of solitude? He was socially awkward, utterly disreputable from his years alone in the woods, surly, suspicious...the list of negatives went on and on. He couldn't bear to see her in a position of suffering, especially if it was because she didnt' want to hurt him, nor did he think he could handle the sting of her inevitable rejection. He didn't want to see things change between them, and he knew that if he hung around, feeling what he felt, he would wind up driving her away anyway. The best choice was to leave first, sparing her the pain of a falling out and himself the last shreds of his dignity and his conscience.
That was what he told himself, anyway, but that did nothing to diminish his guilt at his departure or his exponentially growing self-hatred. His days once more settled into a blurry routine, patrolling his adopted territory for interlopers that rarely appear and honing his fighting skills.
These days, Indawo is as unseen as a ghost. His years in the forest have made him exceptionally skilled at avoiding detection unless he wants to be detected, and he sees no one from the old days. He has acquired a familiar, a female panther called Woad who is every bit as talented as her master at not being seen and serves as a lieutenant in the Defense of the Forest. Beyond these two and occasional companions of Woad, he doesn't really see anyone, nor is he likely to start venturing out now. It is a quiet life, but it is the life he is accustomed to, the life he is suited to. For some, there is the dream; for Indawo, there is grey reality.
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:43 pm
Indawo's Familiar UncertIndawo's familiar is Woad, a harsh, no-nonsense mountain lion. The two 'met' many years after Indawo had taken up residence in the woods; Woad had been looking for a meal, and singled out the small, seemingly delicate stallion as an easy mark. She had not been expecting him to sense her approach, and had even less been expecting him to be able to fight her. In the end the hunt was a failure, but Woad found herself intrigued by the small, tough stallion. Though both were loners by nature, the two found themselves naturally drawn together; their anti-social natures made them excellent companions, able to spend hours in companionable silence with no complaints. What started out as a camaraderie of curious convenience developed into something deeper, as stallion and lion came to trust as well as respect each other. Eventually, Woad agreed to take on the full-fledged role of familiar, dying her tawny coat with a myriad of spots to match Indawo's. These days, she is his silent shadow, his training partner, and his companion. There is still no displays of affection or friendliness between the two of them, but Woad would cheerfully rip the throat out of anything she perceives as a threat to Indawo and expects him to do the same for her.
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:44 pm
Indawo Roleplays~~~ RP Availability: Not available for rp ~~~ RP Log1. [PRP] Revelations (Eloran and Indawo) [ link] 2. [PRP] Second Impressions, any better? (Meeki & Indawo) [ link] 3. [PRP]Serentiy (Indawo and Death) [ link] 4. [PRP]A New day for New Feelings (Meeki & Indawo) [ link] 5. [PRP]They say time changes everything (Meeki & Indawo) [ link]
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:45 pm
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:55 pm
Safi's Story The older son from the first breeding of Euphoria and Celendria, Safi was pegged from a young age as something special. He, along with his eventual friend Indawo, was sent as a basket to live with and by raised by the Kawani girl Cajji; as was the case with Indawo, it was hoped that Safi would benefit from the Soquili/Kawani bond and smaller, more removed community Cajji called home.
And in Safi's case, they were at least partly achieved. From the day that he hatched, Safi was blessed with boundless energy and seeming boundless enthusiasm. Life was one new fascination after another, and everyone was his friend. Unlike Indawo, Safi never felt awkward or intimidated by social situations and was always able to be found in the midst of a loud, laughing group. Even more, he honestly loved being around people and found real pleasure in the happiness of others. An incredibly loyal stallion, there was nothing that Safi wasn't willing to do for those he considered friends. He did his best to intervene on Indawo's behalf when the other colt was teased and bullied, doing his best to show the flutter that there was more to life than cruelty. Though Indawo ultimately abandoned the village, his friendship with Safi remained strong; even today, in Indawo's solitude, Safi is one of the very few Soquilis that he will see.
Safi also did his best to keep in touch with his family; though his living arrangements meant he was separated from his parents, he and his brother Kohana often met halfway between the village and the encampment to play. Winged where his brother was not, Safi came to rely heavily on his wings and flight to keep their youthful games interesting; on foot, Safi had always been the slowest and most ponderous of the foals, but in flight no one could touch him. Taking Kohana's foot speed into account, the two of them were pretty evenly matched and had a great time together.
As he aged, Safi came even more into his own. Naturally personable, he seemed to draw Soquili in to him, especially mares. He was the best friend, the buddy, the one who could listen to any and all problems and provide a shoulder to cry on. He adored their company, they adored his, the world was a happy place.
It was during this period that he met Selene, a starry-coated fluttercorn mare with a wicked sense of humor and a zest for love that rivaled his own. The two hit it off pretty early on in the course of their meeting, and before they knew it a fast friendship had formed. The two of them joked together, flew together; Safi was like a surrogate father to Selene's daughter Yue, and even met some of her tepee mates.
It was during one of these meetings a crisis point in Safi's life occurred.
Ever since he was a foal, Safi had loved the companionship of females. Their exuberance, their laughter, their silly, fluffy conversations; unlike the rough and tumble males of their circle, with the girls he was free to frolic and chitchat (depending on his mood) to his heart's content. When comparing the number of male friends to female friends, hands down he had more female friends. Yet not one of those many female friends had ever been more than a friend to him, not one had stirred any wistful feelings and emotions deep in the depths of his soul and his spirit. And until that fateful day with Selene, no one had.
The two of them were scoping out Selene's teepee when they ran into her herdmate, Duo; a winged stallion with a spunky personality and a teasing nature, he was one of Selene's closest friends in the herd and hit it off with Safi pretty early on. Over the course of the meeting, Safi found himself laughing at Duo's jokes a bit louder, blushing a bit more profusely at his teasing, and paying MUCH more attention to Duo's mannerisms and person than was strictly kosher. None of that really registered in any conscious manner with Safi, but an unconscious thought process had started.
Something nagged at Safi from that point on, something that he tried to figure out but couldn't quite wrap his mind around. It was like an itch that he just couldn't scratch, a nagging feeling that something wasn't right and he COULDN'T figure out what. Without knowing why it was happening his perky and positive nature started to crack; one day, it would be a brief hint of a scowl; the next, he'd spend an entire afternoon doing nothing more than lying around. Periods of frenzied activity were punctuated by period of deep depression, but he did his best to soldier on.
If asked, he wouldn't be able to explain what set him over the edge. One day, he was carrying on in his usual indomitable fashion, and something just snapped. Everything previously near, dear, and familiar seemed hateful to him, as though everyone was laughing at him, mocking him. He couldn't take it any more, and in a fit of rage he lashed out at his herdmates and took to the skies. He wasn't sure what he was looking for, but he knew he wouldn't find it at home.
For weeks, Safi rolled about the countryside, a grumbling, moody figure wherever he went. Safi, the stallion renowned for his positive nature and whom everyone loved, managed to alienate and anger more Soquilis in one brief summer than he'd ever thought possible....yet he didn't care. None of it mattered, and all it served to do was make him even grouchier. All things told, a pretty unpleasant summer.
It wasn't until he met the alicorn Artemis Entreri that things finally crystallized. While hardly an encounter to be looked back on with fondness, Entreri's sly and manipulative behavior forced Safi to take a good hard look at himself, his behavior, and his life. It was a turning point, the truest possible epiphany for the stallion that had gone through life as a walking cliche and not known it. But nothing was to be regretted.
From that moment on, Safi was like a youth newly grown to stallionhood. Now, though, he knew where to cast his gaze, and it was without shame that he now looked upon stallions.
Having come to understand and accept himself, Safi gradually shed his sullen nature and was once again the friendly, caring stallion he'd been before. It was during this time he almost literally stumbled on an abandoned basket and ended up adopting the foal inside, a sweet filly he named Saiena. Seeing her grow into a confident and self-assured adult was one of the proudest moments of his life.
In raising Saiena, he was assisted by his dedicated fox familiar, Cerdi. Safi had saved Cerdi from a trap while Cerdi was just a kit. In gratitude, Cerdi dedicated his life to Safi and his service. In spite of Safi's best attempts, he could not sway the determined fox and consequently ended up with an underling. Unswerving in his loyalty to Safi, Cerdi also proved to be intelligent, crafty, swift, and rather stubborn. Though of a very different personality than Safi, the two have become fast friends.
After a time, his path once again crossed that of his old friend Duo. They'd both seen and done a lot in that time, and this new meeting found them looking at each other with new eyes. After a courtship which grew stronger and steadier with each passing day, the the two came to an understanding and committed themselves as lifemates, settling down in a cave in the foothills near the large inland lake. By this time, Saiena had grown to adulthood and was living on her own, but she was happy for her father and new step-father. Safi's breath, which had been held pending the interaction of his two nearest and dearest, was now officially let out.
With fatherhood, Safi had basically given up wandering. He and Duo are happy in their lakeside territory, where they get together with some of their friends and neighbors occassionally but mostly keep to themselves. They welcomed grandchildren when Saiena gave birth to twin boys, and have done their best to stay in touch with their extended family and friends. Though generally fond of children, the two were accepting of the fact they would never have any more of their own. While both Safi and Duo were aware of couples like them fathering children with mares who acted as surrogates, giving birth to the child(ren) who would be raised by the fathers, both Safi and Duo agreed they could not in good conscience 'do the deed' with anyone else, not even for children.
But the world is a magical, mysterious place. On a night with a star of particular brilliance, the two once more discussed their lives and, in almost wistful passing, talked about the possibility of having a child together. The next morning, they awoke to find a basket outside the entrance to their cave. The filly inside, who they named Saffron, was physically a perfect mix of the two of them. Though they could never explain it, they have been dutiful and loving parents to the filly, even through the worst of her (very trying) adolescant years. When Saffron reached adulthood, the two were ready to sink back into relaxed grandfatherhood...only for lightly to strike twice. A second daughter was bestowed on the pair, exactly as Saffron had been before. Their new daughter, maned Sibbi, proved to be a merry and exhuberant child, the polar opposite of her older sister in every way. Safi feels blessed in all his children, and will say with a laugh that at this point, they've given up believing anything is 'natural.'
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:03 pm
Safi's FamiliarUncertSafi and Cerdi met in what can truly be described as a fortuitous circumstance...at least as far as Cerdi is concerned. The fox had gotten himself caught in a Kawani snare and practically given himself up for a pelt when Safi came along and freed him. From that moment, Cerdi devoted his life to the stallion who had saved it, becoming Safi's loyal friend, companion, lackey, and whatever else is needed. In his eyes, Safi can do no wrong, and he will do whatever it takes to prove himself suitably dedicated. Over the years, this loyalty has extended to running messages, foraging expeditions, and even babysitting as the situation merited. Through it all, his dedication to 'Boss' has remained unswerving.
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:04 pm
Safi Roleplays~~~ RP Availability: Open for rp ~~~ RP Log01. [PRP] Safi and Flame [link]02. [PRP] The Dawn and the Dusk (Safi and Aruna) [link]03. [PRP]No title yet((Inali and Safi)) [link]04. [PRP] The Water's Fine! (Safi and Shaylee) [link]05. [PRP] For love or humor- Safi and Selene [link]06. [PRP] I don't know what to think anymore... (Safi and Ever) [link]07. [PRP] I'm not in the mood for humor... (Safi and Inali) [link]08. [PRP] You're the last person I wanted to see (Safi and Inali) [link]09. [PRP] The Search for Help (Safi and Amoena) [link]10. [PRP] Brotherly Rivalry (Safi, Kohana, Kwahu) [link]11. [PRP] Snow is Fun! (Safi and Kasi) [link]12. [PRP] Red Sparks are Flying (Safi and Ever) [link] 13. [PRP] Not a Laughing Matter... (Safi and Selene) [link]14. [PRP] Snow on the Mountains (Safi and Khairi) [link] 15. [PRP] Twas a Snowy Day(Safi and Kimi) [link]16. [PRP] Birds (?) of a feather (Safi and Selene) [link] 17. [PRP] Let there be Discord (Safi and Firefly) [link] 18. [PRP] A Yuletide Night (Safi and Amoena) [link] 19. [PRP] Bachelor Party? (Safi, Jean-Claude, Micah) [link]20. [PRP] A Lesson in Weird (Safi and Fortune) [link]21. [PRP] What is it that I feel? (Safi and Selene) [link]22. [PRP] On Wings of Confusion (Safi and Artemis Entreri) [link]23. [PRP] Ground meets Sky (Safi and Xantir) [link]24. [PRP] Winged Menaces (Safi and Duo) [link]25. [PRP] Twas a Sunny Day (Safi and Kimi) [link]26. [PRP] Fortune, Zaphiro, and Basket, OH MY!(Zaphiro, Safi, and Fortune) [link]27. [PRP] A New Arrival (Safi, Fortune, and Kileyo) [link]28. [PRP]Let me tell you about my daughter (Saiena, Safi, and Wambli)[link]29. [PRP]Chaos Theory in Action (Caj, Infi, Kyr)[link]30. [PRP] You Promised to Teach Me (Safi and Kileyo) [link]31. [PRP]By the Way, have you met... (Safi, Saiena, Amoena, Ayden)[link]32. [PRP] Friend or Foe? (Safi and Rarenia) [link]33. [PRP]Birds of a Feather (Safi and Aziraphale) [link]34. [PRP]Frosted Wings (Safi and Shikoba) [link]35. [PRP] It's Been a Bit, Hasn't It? (Safi and Kohana) [link]36. [PRP] A Matter of Perspective (Safi and Wadi) [link]37. [PRP] Midnight by the Lake (Safi, Dodger, and Wadi) [link]38. [PRP] Crossing Paths (Safi and Wadi) [link]39. [PRP] Interlude in the Woods (Safi and Wadi) [link]40. [PRP] Catching up (Safi and Selene) [link]41. [PRP] Exciting news (Safi and Kwahu) [link]42. [PRP] Have you Heard the News? (Safi and Kohana) [link]43. [PRP] Well Hey There Family! (Safi and Roxy) [link]44. [PRP] As I Always Dreamt It (Safi, Duo, Saffron) [link]45. [PRP] A Growing Family (Safi, Duo, Saffron, Sibbi) [link]46. [PRP] Troubled Times (Safi, Saiena, and Vencel) [link]
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:35 pm
Zaphiro Cert | UncertVital statisticsFull name: Zaphiro Nickname(s): Zaph Gender: Stallion Breed: Wind Physical Characteristics: Sapphire-colored wind stallion of average build Romantic Status: Heterosexual, in a relationship. ~~~ FamilyFather: N/A Mother: N/A Full-blood siblings: N/A Lifemate: HiennaChildren: -Deceased (stillborn) daughters Hannah and Zaire -Sons Aedelstan and Raphael-Daughter Gemma~~~
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:37 pm
Zaphiro's Story Zaphiro was one of a pair of twins conceived in absolute love by two devoted parents. His parents were passionately in love, and were thrilled when, after years of trying, they found out they were expecting children. However, the joy of Zaphiro's birth was tempered with sorrow; his twin brother was stillborn, the result of a difficult labor. Consequently, Zaphiro went from being an older sibling to an only child in a matter of seconds. The experience was devastating for his parents, but rather than allow themselves to be carried off by grief they threw themselves into raising Zaphiro; he was still their miracle, the physical manifestation of their deep and abiding love. Every moment with him was a joy, and his memories from his earliest childhood were filled with happiness.
However, that idyll was shattered when Zaphiro was still a foal, when his father was struck down by colic. Overnight, he went from a stable, happy childhood to one rocked by loss. The loss of his father nearly destroyed his mother, who had loved his father with every fiber of her being. If it wasn't for Zaphiro, she most likely would have died herself. However, her son, her miracle, became her rock. Zaphiro was still the physical manifestation of her love for her lifemate, and he became her everything. Zaphiro's mother never even entertained the idea of another mate, and she never let an opportunity pass to talk to Zaphiro about his father and their great love.
As he grew, Zaphiro soaked up his mother's stories like a sponge, cherishing his own memories of his parents' relationship and dreaming wistfully of the day he would find his Own True Love. However, he ran into a bit of a road black in the form of his own looks.
Like his parents, Zaphiro was blessed with extraordinary good looks. His sparkling coat inspired them to name him 'Zaphiro' in the first place, after the sapphire gemstone. His looks paired with early physical maturation meant he was the ultimate eye candy at an early age...and mares were taking notice. Perhaps it was a bit backwards, but for a stallion weaned on the idea of love, the unabashed physical attraction he inspired was bewildering, and later terrifying. Nowhere in the 'True Love' story did it say anything about lust!
Consequently, Zaphiro became wary of all females, his hopes remaining high but his expectations staying low. He was as kind and well-mannered as ever, but his guard was permanently up.
When Zaphiro was still a young stallion, tragedy struck yet again when his mother was killed in a landslide. He tried to remain positive, but the latest loss was the worst blow yet. Memories became painful, and the home of his childhood became haunted by the ghosts of his parents and his youthful happiness. One day, he couldn't take it anymore and just left.
It was a refreshing change of pace when he wandered into the Kawani lands and befriended a fellow wind stallion named Safi. At the time, Safi was a member of a small herd of Soquili centered around a loner Kawani, and after a little bit of encouragement Zaphiro joined up with the herd. The loose nature of the herd appealed to him; he had a 'base' and a casual affiliation with other Soquili, but there was no pressure to hang around more than he was comfortable. It was comfortable, pleasant, and just what he needed.
More importantly, he found something in that herd that he'd never had before: a Best Friend. She was kind, elegant, gentle natured, sweet, and polite; her name was Elizabeth. Although from very different backgrounds, they had very similar natures and became close friends in a very short time. Zaphiro found her to be great company and loved spending time with her; for a time, he cherished a hope it would grow into something more.
However, that was all knocked six ways to hell when he met Hienna, a unicorn mare with a deep purple coat, a contemplative nature, and (as he discovered later), a mother complex that didn't quit. After less than 24 hours, Zaphiro knew she was the One; love at first sight had claimed him as her victim.
Their relationship was not without its struggles. Although Hienna's emotionally abusive mother was deceased, Hienna couldn't shake the years of her mother's influence. Ghosts of past experiences and stories followed Hienna's footsteps, and she wasn't sure if she was even able to commit to the Love Story Zaphiro so desperately wanted. But after an long, emotional period of back-and-forth, they finally realized they were meant for each other and settled down.
There were many changes in the next few years. No longer was Zaphiro a nomad; they found a lovely, isolated clearing in the woods that they adopted as home. They even started a family, though the strain of tragedy that ran through Zaphiro's life once again claimed victims: their first children, twin daughters, were stillborn. Zaphiro was devastated; unlike his parents, he and Hienna had been left with no one; for a brief, terrifying time he feared he would even lose Hienna. However, she rallied and the two of them were eventually blessed with three healthy, vivacious children: sons Aedelstan and Raphael, and daughter Gemma. Zaphiro was also gifted with the prescence of a familiar, Zaris, who was an extra set of eyes on the children and company on long flights.
These days, life continues in the same placid pattern for Zaphiro. Although his children are long grown, he and Hienna have not yet been graced with any grandchildren. That said, they have not given up hope on having more children themselves! Zaphiro only rarely sees his friend Elizabeth now; not terribly long after the birth of his children (at which Elizabeth assisted), Elizabeth found a lifemate of her own and moved up into the mountains. Hienna is still the joy and light of Zaphiro's life, and he is enjoying growing older at her side.
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:38 pm
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:39 pm
Zaphiro Roleplays~~~ RP Availability: Open for rp ~~~ RP Log01. [PRP]You're shiny! ((Inali and Zaph)) [link]02. [PRP] Anubis [x] Safi [x] Zaph [link]03. [PRP] Meeting ((Zaphiro and Tehya) [link]04. [PRP] A long way from home (Zaphiro and Achera) [link]05. [PRP] So Sorry to Bother... (Zaphiro and Cynara) [link]06. [PRP] Seeking and Finding, Darkness and Light(Zaphiro and T'Cora) [link]07. [PRP]A new adventure to be found (Zaphiro and Cassie) [link] 08. [PRP]Hey, this is familiar! (Kildegard, Zaphiro, and Spice)[link]09. [PRP] Go Figure (Zaphiro and Yue) [link]10. [PRP] Black and Blue and Gold all over (Zaphiro and Shihab) [link]11. [PRP] ...What the Hell? (Zaphiro and Obsequium) [link]12. [PRP] Swept Away(Zaphiro and Makya) [link]13. [PRP] That he hath turned Heaven into Hell(Zaphiro, Ares and Cynara) [link]14. [PRP] Fortune, Zaphiro, and Basket, OH MY!(Zaphiro, Safi, and Fortune) [link]15. [PRP] A Bold Splash of color (Zaphiro and Hienna) [link]16. [PRP] A Pleasant Morning (Zaphiro and Hienna) [link]17. [PRP] Surf? Wait, what's that even MEAN?(Zaphiro and Hienna) [link]18. [PRP] Oh, it's you... (Zaphiro and Hienna) [link]19. [PRP] This is too much(Zaphiro and Hienna) [link] 20. [PRP]Don't even go there (Zaphiro, Hienna, and Guilian)[link]21. [PRP] The Perfect Home (Zaphiro and Hienna) [link]22. [PRP] A New Family Begins (Zaphiro and Hienna) [link] 23. [PRP]Finally There(Zaphiro, Elizabeth, Hienna)[link] 24. [PRP]A Blessing gone Wrong (Zaphiro, Hienna, and Elizabeth)[link]25. [PRP] Run, run, as fast as you can (Zaphiro and Hienna) [link]26. [PRP] Here we go again (Zaphiro and Hienna) [link]27. [PRP] A real family (Zaphiro and Hienna) [link] 28. [PRP] Our little miracles (Zaphiro, Hienna, and foals) [link]29. [PRP] It's been a long time (Zaphiro and Cynara) [link]30. [PRP] Time Passes so Swiftly (Zaphiro and Hienna) [link]31. [PRP] The Greatest Challenge (Zaphiro, Hienna, Gemma, Leon) [link]32. [PRP] Remind me why I agreed to this? (Zaphiro, Hienna, Raphael) [link]33. [PRP] Unexpectedly Appropriate timing (Zaphiro and Leon) [link]34. [PRP] Please Come Home...(Zaphiro and Hienna) [link]35. [PRP] The Gentleman and the Lady (Zaphiro and Amu) [link]