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Basil Brett

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:29 pm
First Impressions, part I.

Denny strode into the living room, a bottle of water in one hand, and glanced at the back of her short, blonde housemate.

“Artie, man, that bus is a piece of trash. I understand you love it for its ‘vintage hippie feel’, but it’s a hell of an ordeal every time that thing breaks down. I’ve done what I can, but that thing is gonna break down again real soon, I guarantee ya.”

The man didn’t respond, let alone turn around.

“Hey look, man,” she said, raising her voice.
“I’m not a miracle worker! I did what I could to the damn thi….”

Her voice trailed off when she saw his expression, finally turned her way. She raised an eyebrow and pushed an errant dreadlock out of her eyes.

“That’s not a happy face,”
she quipped before her gaze dropped to what Artie had been looking at, a splotch of yellow and green on the hideous antique wallpaper. She chuckled.

“Van run out of canvas again?”
she asked, strolling to the sitting area. She flopped unceremoniously on the couch and stretched her limbs.

Artie gave a nervous chuckle as he ran his fingers through his hair, something he did only when he was unnerved.
“Heh, that’s what I thought too. Before the “painting” moved.”

Denny laughed loudly, appreciating the joke, before she caught Artie’s eyes.
“Wait, what?”

When he didn’t reply, she sat up and stared at the bright splotch on the wall. Sure enough, it moved. She glanced between the wall and Artie several times, like she was watching a tennis match. She gave a nervous giggle.
“You think Jay might have switched the mushrooms on the pizza last night? Again?”

Artie shrugged.
“Maybe. But you didn’t eat any of that pizza. Remember?”

Denny nodded distractedly. She’d been too drunk last night to remember what she had eaten. She stood and walked over to the colorful splotch, which hung suspended in the air a few inches from the wall. She reached a hand out as if to touch it, but then reconsidered.

“You think it’s dangerous?” she asked, her gaze on the splotch. Now that she was closer, she could see it was indeed moving. The colors swirled slowly and continuously around what looked like a set of feathery wings.

She was aware of Artie at her side, his gaze also on the “splotch.”

“I don’t think so,” was his reply.
“I just noticed her a few minutes ago. All she’s done is float around a bit.”

He reached out a finger and slowly moved it toward the splotch, which moved at the last second. He smiled at it.

Denny’s eyebrows raised, she stared at Artie.
“Her? She?”

Artie continued to look at the splotch, which now hovered closer to his hand. It was almost like touching a cloud. He barely felt anything, just a slight warm tingle. He smiled again.
“Yeah, something tells me that it’s a she.”

Denny scoffed.
“A she what? Art, for all we know, this could be some shroom-induced vision.”

When Artie ignored her, she rolled her eyes.
“Whatever. I’m gonna go lie down. Maybe your stupid van’s fumes or something got to me and you're just insane.”

She hurried out of the room. Artie could hear her footsteps up the stairs, but his gaze remained on the small, colorful splotch. He smiled again. This wasn’t a hallucination. This little cloud-like thing was here for a reason. He guessed that he would soon find out.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:11 pm
Entry: A splotch of color
Current mood: Er...
Music: Neil Young's greatest hits

Uh, yeah. So I'm rather new to this whole 'blogging' thing, but Van recommended it, so I guess I can give it a shot. Besides, maybe it's for the best that I write this stuff down somewhere. All else fails, it might make a good book.

Anway, we have a ... "splotch" in our house now, for lack of a better word. This splotch is like a little cloud of swirling colors wrapped around what appears to be a set of wings. It's very trippy, actually, but not a hallucination. Denny had a hard time admitting it, even after putting Jay through a revival of the Spanish Inquisition. Denny figured that Jay had put shrooms on this homemade pizza we had last night. It wouldn't be the first time, I can tell you. We ended up having to repaint the garage after the last time. But I digress.

I think it's a girl. The splotch, I mean. Something just reads "she" about it. Whatever it is. So far she seems to like me. She's hovering over my shoulder as I type this. She seems to like music too. I was playing Warren Zevon's CD Preludes earlier and she floated around more than usual. At least the splotch has taste. XD

So I decided to call her Tule. After "Tule's Blues." She's not blue or anything, it's just a good song. I haven't told the housemates yet, though. Especially Denny. She'd probably kill me if she found out I named it.

Oh yeah, she doesn't like smoke. Denny's pissed about that too, cause now she and Jay can't smoke cigarettes in the house. I keep telling her to quit. It's a bad habit and I managed to quit, so she can too. But in the meantime, they can use the porch.

I kinda dig this blogging deal. Maybe I'll post some other stuff too. Like who the hell Denny, Jay and Van are.

Anyways, I gotta run to work.

So, peace out.


Basil Brett

Basil Brett

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:45 pm
Entry: the household
Current Mood: bored
Music: Bruce Springsteen - Magic

Yeah, so since i’ve decided to commit to this whole blogging thing, I might as well make some things a bit clearer about our household. There are four, er, five now living at my house, including myself. The house is old, from the 1800s, we think. It’s been through a lot. It was a hippie commune back in the 60s and 70s and then a gang hangout. they trashed the place, to say the least, so I managed to get my hands on it for very cheap. Bill, a buddy of mine, helped put it back in order. He lived here for a while, but then moved to take on a new construction job. Back to the current housemates.

There’s Denny Reb, who’s been here the longest, just over a year. I won’t post too much about her, in case she reads this, but she’s 25, and a pretty rockin skateboarder. She’s also handy with mechanics. She’s constantly fixing up my ‘71 vw bus. And she built her own ramp off the garage. She works part-time at a car shop in town.

Then we have Jethro “Jay” Davis. He moved in about seven months ago after he got booted out of his band and thrown in jail on drug charges. I won’t elaborate. Jay is 31 and considers himself to be the next Bob Dylan. In all truth, he ain’t bad. If I get the chance, I’ll try and post some of his lyrics up here. He can play guitar, bass, and drums, but he’s not that good at keyboards. He’s learning, though. He and Denny were on and off for a while, but that little Hollywood pairing ended.

We recently met Van. We actually know very little about him. He looks like he might be 14, but we could be way off. He was a runaway, and looked like he was beaten. He wouldn’t let any of us close enough to check. He says very little, but is one of those “artist” types. He shuts himself in his room most the time and paints. Or sculpts. They always turn out really crazy. But we know he can draw well.

And now.... now we have Tule. I mentioned her in my last blog. not much has changed. She still just floats around and stuff. she follows me around a lot. Denny avoids her and Jay ignores her. Van was interested enough to sketch her but that was it.

I dunno what it is. Something says that she’s here for a reason. And that I’m supposed to take care of her. I have no clue why.

Anyway, my fingers are starting to cramp and i need to wake Denny up for her job. See ya later, if I manage to survive.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:53 am
First Impressions Part 2

Jay strode into the living room, dressed in old blue jeans and a white t-shirt. His long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail and as usual, he hadn’t shaved. A beer in one hand, he hopped over the back of the couch to land on the cushions in a reclined position, the old sofa groaning at the sudden weight. He grabbed the remote and switched the TV on, a flat screen he had purchased after a rather successful gig.

The channels sped quickly until it landed on a football game, the commentary and the crowd blaring at a rather absurd volume. jay cracked the beer open and sat back to watch the game, a contended sigh escaping his lips.

All the while, a young teenage boy sat on the floor in front of several large pieces of paper. His hands were smudged severely with charcoal, indicating he had been there for several hours. The papers held various images from human anatomy to graffiti style scribbles.

At the sound of the TV, he raised his head and glared at Jay, his normally pale blue eyes a steely color. Jay pretended to ignore the daggers being sent his way and took a slug of the beer. Several moments passed by, the only sound radiating from the tv.

“I don’t suppose you could watch the game in your room?”
Van finally said, pushing his strawberry-blonde hair out of his face, smudging a line of grey on his cheek in the process.

“Nope,” Jay replied, a bored look on his face. He took another drink from the quickly depleting can of Bud Light.

Van sighed. He didn’t bother to mention the fact that Jay had a TV in his room that worked just as well as the one in the living room. Jay would just reply that the one in his room wasn’t a flat screen.

“Could you at least turn the volume down? The neighbors are perfectly capable of finding out the score without having to hear it from our house.”
Van sighed, hoping for at least somewhat of a compromise.

Jay grinned.
“And why can’t you go finish those in your room?” He said, gesturing toward the charcoal drawings on the floor.

Van rolled his eyes.
“Because I’m drawing Tule. I can’t very well drag her up to my room.”
The teenager waved a hand at the small colorful could currently floating inches above the coffee table. His latest sketch was indeed of the small splotch, her yellowish cloud transferring to a pale grey on the paper.

Jay sighed, but turned the volume down by one number, a great sacrifice from the dark-haired man. He pulled a pac of Camel Lights out of his pocket as well as a lighter. He lit a cigarette and took a long drag. At the smell of the smoke, the small splotch of color began zipping around the room in small quick movements. Van groaned audibly.

“You know you’re not supposed to smoke in the house! It upsets Tule,”
Van hollered at Jay.

Jay rolled his eyes and shrugged.
“So what? I was here before ‘her’. And I pay rent. So I should be able to smoke whether or not our resident ‘hallucination’ likes it or not.”

Van stood up, a furious look on his usually nonchalant face. He looked as if he was ready to punch his eldest housemate in the face. Fate intervened however, in the form of a short, blonde young man. Artie entered the room, an expression of great annoyance on his face. He crossed the room to the couch, grabbed the cigarette out of the older man’s hand, and snuffed it in an ashtray in his other hand. He then handed the tray to Jay.

“This is the last time I’m telling you Jay. Smoke outside or you’ll be sleeping in the garage.”

With that, he walked over to the very agitated splotch of color. He held out his hand and smiled. Tule stopped her spastic moves to hover an inch above Artie’s hand. He grinned and with another look at the two other men in the room, walked out to the garden, Tule in tow.

Van smirked at Jay and gathering his papers, ran up to his room. Jay sighed, and with another roll of his eyes, stood to get another beer.

Basil Brett

Basil Brett

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:43 pm

The door to the living room opened suddenly, the wood protesting the forceful movement as Artie stepped in. Hazel eyes darkened with worry, he stared at the two other men in the room, demanding an answer with his gaze.

Van looked up from his spot on the floor, his eyes wide. Artie never sounded frantic or upset. The young teenager had never met a more mellow person than the short blond hippie. Even Jay looked surprised as he pushed himself up from his reclining position on the couch.
"Where is who, man? Denny? She's at work," the dark-haired man answered.

"Not Denny!"
Artie cried. "Tule!! I've looked everywhere for her, and I can't find her."

Jay shrugged, his posture returning to its normal nonchalant slouch.
"She's probably around here somewhere. Maybe she went out for a walk."

"She can't walk, you idiot," Van shot the older man an annoyed look as he stood, wiping his charcoal-covered hands on his jeans. He, unlike Jay, seemed to show genuine concern at Tule's absence.

Artie had begun to quickly circle the room, peering in corners and under furniture. He ran his fingers through his curly hair, a sign of agitation.
"It's been a few hours since I last saw her, I think. It's unlike her to wander off."

The freckled teen stood for a moment, unsure of what to do.
"Uhm.... let's see. Have you checked the kitchen, the garden, your room?"

"Yes, yes, YES!"
Artie replied, pulling the threadbare pillows off the couch before immediately shoving them back in place.

Van continued.
"The bathrooms, my room, the attic?"

"Yes, yes, ...." came the reply. Artie stood up straight, eyes wide before he darted out of the room. The sound of his footsteps on the stairs could soon be heard.

Artie strode quickly to the end of the hallway and up a small flight of stairs to the little-used third floor. The attic was more of a small open room at the north end of the house. It had a sloped ceiling and built-in bookcases that had been used for storage in the past. A large decorative circular window sat in the northern wall. Plastic tarp covered half of it, where the glass had cracked, leaving the room open to the elements.

Artie never really used the room, save for storage of some less favored records. The previous tenants had left an old-fashioned bike, a bird cage, some chairs and several dusty old tomes in the bookcases on the walls.

And there, in the middle of the dust that swirled through the air, was Tule, swaying lightly back and forth, as if in some sort of dance. Artie breathed a sigh of relief and walked over, cautious of the floorboards.

"There you are Tule. You had me really worried there. I don't know why you're hanging around up here. Not much, except for some old books."

Tule didn't respond, of course. Artie grinned as he held his hand out to her. The smile faded into amazed wonder as he looked at the yellow splotch of color. There inside, somewhat faded, was the figure of a young girl.

Artie sputtered for a few moments before managing to find his voice.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:49 pm
Entry: Questions!!
Current Mood: Puzzled beyond belief
Music: none

Denny is convinced I'm insane. I really couldn't blame her, as I felt the same way for a while there. But seeing as Jay, Van, and Denny can all see her too, wouldn't that make us all insane?

I should explain. Tule, our little floating 'splotch' of color has... well, changed. She's still just a floating blob, but now we all swear we can see a little girl inside. I know, I know. This is getting really really weird. But if there was a place where weird fit in, it'd be this house. Anywho, the little girl is rather hard to make out, but she's small, like a baby, with pale hair and what looks like angel wings. She seems to be holding something, like a book or photo album, but I'm not sure.

You know.... I can't help but feeling like I'm missing some information. Like pieces to a puzzle. Are there other little splotches of color floating around out there, depicting small children? Who should I talk to? Where should I go? Am I totally wrong in this?

So many questions. For now I guess I'll just ride it out.


Basil Brett

Basil Brett

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:35 pm
It had been one of those mornings when you really, really just needed to get out of the house. Artie didn't particularly want to think about it, but in the span of an hour after he woke up, he had had to deal with several things, none of them pleasant.

1. A fresh stack of bills in the mail.
2. Being informed by Denny that while skateboarding, the window to the back door had 'mysteriously' smashed into several pieces.
3. Realizing that they had no fresh food in the house and none of them were due a paycheck for at least a week.

Now, Artie wasn't one to really lose his temper. Most of the problems were accidents or out of his control. Having to hear all of this first thing in the morning, however, wasn't particularly inductive to a good day. So Artie had decided to go for a walk, a splotch of yellow hovering over his shoulder.

It was a gorgeous morning, though the clear sky and small breeze spoke of a hot, humid afternoon. For now, though, it was great to be outside, and out of all the housemates, the silent yet somehow understanding Tule was the best of company.

Artie sat and sprawled out under one his favorite trees, a gnarled old oak that had been struck by lightning at one point in its long life. Pulling an apple out of his pocket, he sat back and observed the world through lidded eyes.

Tule hovered near the ground next to him, seeming to be quite content as well. Nearby, a cicada droned quietly and a robin down the hill hopped about, looking for a late breakfast.

Inspired by the picturesque moment, Artie began to sing. He was rather poor at playing instruments, but he had a pleasant voice. It was just random lines here and there at first, but glancing over at the now swaying Tule, he began to sing her namesake.

Oh Tule, it's on account of you that I've been weeping
Here behind my hand
It's lonesome in my heart's land, as the sands of the desert

Oh, tell me, why was it always you, who, through the changes
You, who always sang and played while the green vespers rang
In the heart of the hillside

Artie closed his eyes as he sang, enjoying the serenity of the moment. It was the sudden feeling of weight against his right arm that cause him to open his eyes.

His singing faltered. There, sitting next to him was the small girl he had seen floating behind her the past few days. She peered up at him with wide eyes.


A smile graced the infant's face. And after a second, a smile crept up on the lips of the adult as well.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:41 pm
Entry: Life with a little kid, so far...
Current Mood: Tired
Music: Raising Sand - Robert Plant and Allison Krauss (Man, this is a good album!)

So, here I am posting again. Sorry it's taken so long for me to put up another entry. Not that anyone really reads this..... But anyway, I realize, looking back, that I never posted her about what happened to Tule.

She became a kid. Like, a real little infant. We were sitting outside, when all of the sudden, POOF! Little kid!!

So, as you can imagine, things have been pretty interesting around the house. We've cleared out the attic to make Tule a room, though at the moment, she's been staying with me in my room, since hers isn't clean yet. I'll post a picture when we've finished it.

I've managed to find furniture and clothing and all the essentials at the local thrift store. Tule seems to like dresses and she loves old things, like antiques and books. She carries this one book around with her all the time.

She's rather cute for a little kid. Very pale blond hair and golden eyes. She has this brown tribal tattoo on her face right by her left eye... Don't worry!! Denny didn't do that, Tule just kind of came with it.

Oh, and she has wings. White fluffy angel wings. She enjoys flapping them and they help her when she's trying to walk. She can't fly, though. Thank god. One less thing to worry about.

Generally she's very quiet, and she seems to pick up on things very quickly. When I talk to her, I feel like she understands everything I say. It's weird.

She still doesn't like cigarette smoke and can't stand chemicals of any kind. She won't come into the kitchen when I'm cleaning the floor.

Oh great. Something just broke. Better go see what it is. Later!


Basil Brett

Basil Brett

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:12 pm
Entry: Damnit Artie, why are you making me do this....
Current Mood: Pissed
Music: none

Hey, it's Denny. Artie's making me do an entry in his stupid blog so I don't have to pay him back the 30 bucks I owe him. I guess it's a pretty fair trade off. I don't know what the hell this is going to accomplish, though.

Anyway, he says he wants me to talk about that little bubble kid thing of his. Tule. What a stupid name. Who the hell names their kid Tule?

I guess she's pretty cute, for a kid. She's got sort of pinkish skin and pale blond hair like mine. Hers is lighter, though. Now that I think about it, she kinda looks like me. She has gold eyes, though and a pretty rockin' tat near her left eye. We can't figure out what that's about.

Oh yeah, she has wings. Like little angel wings. She can't fly but she likes to flap them and run around pretending she can. It is funny as hell to watch her bump into the furniture. She is always carrying this big old book around too. It's one about that old detective dude. It sounds weird, but I think she can read, even at her age. Then again, she appeared out of ******** nowhere, so I guess her having wings and reading at an adult level ain't that strange.

She also has no ******** tolerance for smoke. So now Jay and I have to smoke outside or on the porch. That's gonna be hell in the winter. Van says I should quit, but what does he know? He seems to get along alright with Tule. He likes to draw her all the time. I'll admit, the kid ain't a bad artist.

Artie really seems to love the kid. It's so strange. I know he likes to take care of things but I never really saw him in a father-like role. I guess as long as he's happy. ********, look at me, I sound like Dr. Phil or Oprah.

Jay doesn't seem to care about Tule, but he does like it when she listens to him fart around on that guitar of his. I don't know why he switched to acoustic. He sounded way better with his old band.

Oh, another weird thing about the kid (as if there wasn't enough). She has like, an insane memory. You can tell her something or she'll see it on TV and can remember it word for word. It's freaky as hell, but kinda cool.

Well, that looks like 30 bucks worth of typing to me. Cheers, Artie.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:33 pm
A Quick Run to the Store

In which Artie and Tule meet Bob, and his spunky purple Illusionary, Beth. Bob gives Artie some insight as to this new child he's raising, and Tule gets to watch Beth throw cheese at her guardian. Good times for all! 8D

Basil Brett

Basil Brett

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:35 pm
The Park

In which Van and Tule travel to the park for the afternoon. Van gets distracted with his art and Tule meets her second Illu, a teen with wings by the name of Blackfell. Fell teaches Tule some tricks to mastering her feathered appendages.

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