Soq's Name: Amaya
Soq's Picture:
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Amaya is not your average or stereotypical kalona. Despite her dominant kalona traits, she prefers to embrace her unicorn heritage, having lived with her unicorn mother all her life, and never having met her kalona father. While she is somewhat soft-spoken, she is by no means meek or timid; rather, she is a very proud individual. Loneliness is something she has come to accept over the course of her life, having been feared for what she is and shunned for what she is not. Given the chance, she would love to have the chance for companionship and love, but in reality, her past experiences with such have made her wary of such attachments.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?: Love is something that Amaya has heard about in fairy tales, told of its splendors... but realistically, she doesn't think it could happen for her. Being what she is, acceptance is something that is hard to come by, and sincerity even harder. While she is not opposed to the idea of finding love, it would take a great deal of patience to break through her wariness and (mostly) well-placed mistrust of others. In all honesty, she only hopes to find someone who can understand her, occasionally offer support (though she rarely needs it), and provide her with intelligent conversation.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
RP or non-RP?: RP only
Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious