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In Which Dimensions Clash [fantasy/intermediate] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 [>] [»|]

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Ilik Sarver

PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:37 pm
He sat on his thrown, hand on his head. His headache was making it hard to think clearly; of course he had felt worse since the Clash, even as the days progressed. His heart was heavy with worry. It was apparent that some outside force was ripping Arlonn apart, before the dimensions became one. Now, on top of sending his knights out to find traitors, he had to worry about the failure of the magical kingdom and the onslaught of possible problems the other dimensions could cause.

Many of his knights had taken up disguises to infiltrate the other dimensional towns and lands that had apparently become one. Many had not returned, and one had shown up dead. The death of Sir McKillen had proved the most hazardous to the King’s mental state. His court had been empty except for his two bodyguards that stood directly behind him. All of the sudden, the court doors opened to reveal the early sunlight. The manner in which they did so startled the King. They did not swing open with a boom, but rather opened slowly as if to reveal some demonic presence just out of site. The haunting of the essence just beyond vision chilled the King’s bones. He heard the grinding of armor as his bodyguards shifted uneasily around him, in case of intrusion. The doors finally came to rest, directly open before the three men revealing a blinding light.

After a moments pause, a force pushed through the hall as an object propelled out of the light into the hall. It slammed to the ground in front of the King with the most sickening of thuds. Shattered bone echoed around the vast ledges of the court. There, before the King and his guards was the lifeless body of the King’s most powerful Knight.

Now, before him was the table of the council, a group of four men not including the King. They were to discuss the tactics needed for exploration of the new world. The King was dumbfounded. Such swift death, such unmerciful doing had shrouded his thoughts. Something wasn’t right, then again, nothing ever was. One thought kept going through his head, and he had no idea where it was coming from.

There are never enough stones…
PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:46 pm
Resia sighed, and repeated, "Just be patient...."

Terrianne was tapping her hiking boot impatiently along the hardwood floor of the cafe. She grudgingly glared at the elf as the elf continued taking her time with the meal. "I only took a minute with eating my breakfast," she muttered under her breath. "Everyone else is just sitting there, idly nibbling at their food like little mice! Aggravating..."

Resia sighed again, shaking her head as if she were an elder looking down upon a youngster. And technically, Resia was an elder. Elves, after all, lived for long lengths of time. And, compared to Terrianne, Resia was physically much older. Of course, her appearance was young and stunningly beautiful.

Terrianne paced around the table in which the members of her party were eating, and acted in an exasperated manner. She finally decided her pacing was a waste of energy, and slipped into the empty seat beside Resia.

Resia smiled at Terrianne, and cooed, "I see you have come to your senses." She flipped her pretty blonde hair over her shoulder.

Terrianne scowled and demanded, "Why do you always have to do that? It's not funny, you know. I mean, what's up with that?!"  


Eloquent Explorer

Ilik Sarver

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:01 am
All he could do was move his eyes.

It was an experience he had felt before, of course. Being prone to 10000 volts of electricity coursing through his body, he was bound to shut down periodically. The feeling was that of almost total paralysis; Sergio couldn't feel his body or actively use his senses, except for sight. He tried to identify the world around him, but sat motionless in wonder.

The area was covered in sand dunes, a landing streak behind him. Judging by the way his body was twisted, he had been thrown viciously from somewhere. His memories were still recharging, so he couldn't picture from where he had come. It was apparent to him that he was in a desert of sorts, although he had never seen one before. It had been taught in the schools of Orchem that all deserts had been destroyed during the industrial age, the sand harvested to make Bioglass. Where he was now, he couldn't know.

Near him, ripped and removed laid his mask. His short, black hair was filled with sand. He began to feel the pain of the multiple cuts on his face that had become filled with the small grains. He lied is his tight, electric silk armor. As the sense of feeling crawled over him, a blast of violet light moved over the dunes from the north in a shock wave. All of Sergio's memories came back to him.

The Enigma!

Whenever the Enigma, the great mother ship of Timestock entered a hostile location, it sent out tractor signals. These signals erupted from the ship in violet shock waves of light. They would extend away from the ship for hundreds of miles. These waves were monitored by small radiation trackers on the outside of the ship. They would in turn send signal references to the core of the ship and create a vivid map of the surrounding world on the navigation monitor.

Sergio's memories came flowing back to him quicker than lightning. He had tried to sustain the ship during the crash to reboot it's failed power core. All of the voltage came pouring from his body as his mass was driven into overload. Power surged to every corner of the ship and Sergio couldn't contain it. He shut down, and as the Enigma slammed into the barren desert, he was thrown... thrown incredibly far from the ship.

He was waiting for his immobilization to clear when he heard it, the terrible clicking of an unspoken tongue. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted it. It appeared to be a tarantula of sorts, some type of desert arachnid that he wasn't familiar with. It came crawling, as if now alert. There it stood, in front of the young man, using its grossly disfigured antennae to smell its new found prey. The size of the beast was fearsome, it was clearly the mass of a large elephant. Above it's jaws, two pincers clicked together, to form some sort of animalic language. Its multiple eyes peered down over the fallen man. Filled with unnecessary fright, Sergio desperately attempted to move his toes, or even his legs. The beast pinched down on his arm, leaving deep wounds. Sergio was able to scream, this startled the creature. After its miniature retreat, it returned, pinching down on the soft meat of Sergio's left thigh. Pain coursed through him like high powered energy. Then he felt it, the small kick that told him he could move. He was so familiar with it, it was hard to miss.

He stared at the creature, which had retreated again in cautiousness. Now, it was returning, some sort of venom dripped of its pincers. Sergio rolled out of the way, dodging an attack on his head by mere inches. He rolled backwards and sprung to his feet, letting the sparks ignite his body as he summoned just enough energy to perform his deed without exhausting himself once more. As he thrust an arm out forward, as if to push away some unseen force, lightning coursed from his finger tips. It hit the spider with the force of a air jet, knocking it clean into the air. When it landed, the smell of it's fully fried meat filled Sergio's nostrils. It lie dead, the deed done.

He turned and grabbed his mask, pulling the yellow and black striped cowl over his face. Now, to find the ship he had been cast from. The young man turned to the north, sprinting into the distance.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:42 pm
High above the sky it was nice and clear with the sun shining brightly, its warmth traveling everywhere. Some birds flew next to each other, singing and tweeting back and forth.

They went by a large cloud then started to freak out and flew away as fast as they could. A large head came out from the cloud and let out a yawn. Opening its large jaws, he yawned. The cloud started to fade away now showing his long snake like body. It uncurled his body from a sleeping position.

It shook off what was left of the cloud on his body, then slowly started to fly down to earth. His body moved as if he was swimming in the water. His large shadow now showing on the ground as he got closer and closer, people and animals began to freak out and run at the sight.  

Snorty McCrack


Eloquent Explorer

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:46 pm
Resia looked up from her slow eating habits as sounds of animals howling and people screaming wafted through the air from the streets outside the cafe. Obviously, there was quite a panic outside. People's arms were flailing, and they were running away from a quickly approaching shadow. Some dogs barked, and birds twittered a bit before fluttering away. The elf lady sighed, and shook her head, saying, "Why can't anyone be a tad bit more calm?"

Terrianne rolled her eyes, and muttered, "Probably 'cause it's something major..." She walked up to the cafe's window, and peeked outside. Something was landing on the street. What...is that? Terri wondered to herself thoughtfully.  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:31 pm
Grubnash grinned, seeing the commotion in the town. Hefting his large club, he walked towards it, hoping to either fight, then eat whatever was scaring them or to just kill and eat the populace. Just as he neared it he spotted the thing in the sky and grinned, saying to himself "Now if 'dat doesn't make you hungry i don't know what will." Then he let out a bellow as he pointed his club at it. "I'm gona' eat ya'."

Phar woke up, sealed under Grubnash by years of sediment. He stood up, spotting the young god in the sky. He let out a challenge, not noticing Grubnash on his back till the ogre almost fell off. He looked back at him and said, "Hey ogre you hungry?" smiling evilly.

Grubnash grinned in return. "Yes, dragon."

"Good. Hold on." Jumping into the air, he flew at Oboro.  

King Phar

Ilik Sarver

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:45 pm
He approached, weary from the onslaught of sunlight beaming down on his sensitive skin. Over his dark, clown-like figure hung to deep hood of his monk robe. The previous owner of the cloth now around the demon lord would be found later that day in the bell tower of the local monetary, hanging from the splintered wooden rafters. Unfortunately, when desperate measures called for it, Nimble would be forced to kill the weak races that inhabited the New World. It truly disgusted him, even though his black heart and terrible actions showed otherwise. No, the truth of it all was that he enjoyed controlling the beasts of the surface world, allowing them to kill each other in the most inhumane forms of murder.

Today, the harlequin god peered from behind the pillar of the town hall at the descending drake in the skies. It was beautiful, snake-like and full of grace. From underneath his hidden hood, the demon smiled, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth. What a dream it would be to claim the soul of such a magnificent being. Of course, he would have to find the dragon alone and most likely through the confrontation of another host. Taking the dragon would be easy... for most of them were keen to shiny objects. All Nimble would have to do is throw down a bit of gold in exchange for, say, a small scale... and the dragon would be his to control.

Perhaps, there were other dragons... maybe stronger ones. The demon lord knew that the strength of a beast, especially one of that power, often had no relay on it's intelligence.

Of course, the new visits to the world needed to play key moments in Nimble's plan for domination. Apparently, the appearance of the dragon had caused a great disturbance. Taking this as a chance, he ducked into a nearby cafe. There, he confronted a local waiter who was apparently distracted by the commotion. Quickly, sir, I require a biscuit. The waiter, carrying a tray of fresh cooked biscuits, payed no attention to the figure as he excepted a quick coin from the stranger. Nimble smiled wickedly at the waiter who aimlessly pocketed the coin, waving a hand in front of the ignorant man's face. I'll see you around. The demon lord stepped hastily out of the cafe, retreating into shadows that seemed to appear out of nowhere.  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:06 pm
Oboro looked down at the ground, his snake like tongue started hissing every other 5 minutes. He made deep purring like sounds as he got closer to the earth. The wind carried smells so it was easier for him to see what was under him. The sun shined on his big red body which wasn't that hard to miss in the large blue sky.

A gust of wind came by carrying a sent coming to him. He quickly jerked his head to where the wind came from; he stopped in midair and started to make vibrating sounds, again like a purr. He saw an outline of something coming, he wasn't good with shapes in the air. "Who's there..." He asked with a deep rumbling voice that frighten the cows and horses on the ground. His mane flickered around in the winds that past by him as he stayed in place.  

Snorty McCrack

King Phar

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:48 pm
Phar licked his lips "It's me King Phar!" ramming into Oboro the dragon began to tear at Oboro with his large claws as Grubnash jumped to Odoro's back going striate to the head.
"I Grubnash! I eat godling!" Grubnash shouted as he bashed the joint of Oboro's wing as he past it.
Phar grinned contorting his neck over the ogre he let a burst of fire to burn though a wing.  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:38 pm
((Oboro doesn't have wings and he's enormous))
Oboro rose his head and snarled, his long tail swung around hitting the ogre Grubnash to get him away. He then turned to shake, the mane that ran down his back to his tail turned to pikes making it hard to get to his head. Just one step on one spike can pierce through their feet.
Letting out a roar that shattered the windows and glasses at the village below he then flu at the ground at a high speed while twisting his body trying to shake them off. "Not this godling!" He growled then turned his head to Phar and opened up his mouth; a light formed in his mouth forming a fireball then shot it at him.  

Snorty McCrack


Eloquent Explorer

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:11 am
Terrianne leaped back as the windows' glasses shattered. She ran back to the table where her party was, and said, "Oh my God! There's a giant...snake-thing outside! And...I think there's an ogre too!" She had never seen a "god-like creature" like Oboro before, but she had seen an ogre once or twice in the distance.

Resia was still taking her time eating, and then took a sip of tea. "Relax," she said to Terrianne. "If any one of them tries to hurt or eat us, well, we can fight them off easily." Resia seemed very confident about that.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:32 am
Phar laughed at this "Incatatum Asurius." he said and the fireball turned to smoke in mid air "I am much older then you child you still need to know your Draconean." He said speaking again "Makram Ripar." with this a cone of freezing air shot from his mouth slowly growing bigger on Grubnach's tail. Grubnash grinned "Might as well do 'dis then." Rolling sideways he got to the side of Oboro and grabbed on, forcing his hands under the scales to get a grip then hanging from them "Maybe i shoulda' thought about 'dis first." he said dangling under Oboro. Phar laughed again at this saying "Sometimes I just love the lesser races. Ogreus Makram." and as he said the last sentence Grubnash grew large easily 2/3rds the size of a giant. Now Grubnash simply wrapped his arms and legs around Oboro's snakelike form as he started to move up closer to the head.  

King Phar

Snorty McCrack

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:01 am
"Incatatum Asurius?!" Oboro hissed then roared again, he could feel them moving to his underside, if they got to his neck he had a large battle scar and if they got there he'd be in lots of trouble. He sped to earth even faster now super close to the ground. "Try this on for size!"
He turned his head to them, snapped his jaws out of socket, his fangs got longer and dripped with venom, showing he wasn't pure dragon god. Again a light beam in the back of his mouth then a beam of green fire burst out, his own fire can't harm him as it also hit his body and heated up his scales to a point they where too hot to hold onto.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:02 pm
Grubnash grimaced letting go he started falling but not before he kicked Oboro out of spite. Seeing this Phar muttered "Silintra Ogreus," under his breath making Grubnash fall slower so it wouldn't hurt him when he hit the ground Phar turned his attention back to Oboro. "God vs dragon, just like old times." With that he jumped off Oboro and flying over him. "But i'm much older now." "Makram Asurius!" He bellowed and a stream of fire shot from his jaws at the already heated area of Oboro's scales.  

King Phar

Snorty McCrack

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:27 pm
"Age doesn't matter now. Plus, I'm a hybrid god!"Oboro snarled then hit the ground, not stopped so his whole body went underground making the earth shake wildly as he moved around under ground. A large crater with caved in rocks and even trees were left where he hit.
'now just need to go near the village and hide tell, ow! what the?' He saw saying in his head as he slithered around underground, his side had got burned and it hurt alot. "Crap, I got hit...." He hissed out now under the village heading to the far side where no one was so he could come back up.  
--○Lake of Dormancy○--

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