Aidyn's expression sank into a worried and sad face. She glanced at Gareth, who seemed equally as curious. She stood up and said to Gareth, "I'm going to talk to Tramer for a moment...I'll be right back."

She walked toward the entrance of the cave, motioning Tramer to follow. Once he was there, she sighed deeply. She spoke softly, making sure only Tramer could hear. "I've been here before... ... fact... ...I was actually BORN here...I... ... ...I..." She put her right palm against her forehead in frustration. "Ok...don't freak out, here, ok? And DON'T tell Gareth...I haven't told him yet...nor do I plan to for another couple years at least...not till he's old enough to understand." She took a deep breath and exhaled, sighing. "I'm... ... ...actually not a real dragon.. ... ...I'm.. .. ....well....I'm really human. I was kidnapped about 10 - 11 years ago and taken to the dragon world as a dragon. I never came back, even when the chance came, because I had Gareth several months later. I didn't want the human to capture him, so I stayed in the dragon world. I'm not SURE how I got here, but... ... ..." She grimaced. "I just need to find a way back."