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Kawaii Shoujo

13,950 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:19 am
At first it had seemed as if he hadn't even felt her bump into his side and but for the way she stumbled backward-Aurora hadn't even realized she had run into him with such force. Before she could react- his hands were holding hers, steadying her. It took a moment for her to react- to gather her thoughts. Suddenly her eyes flickered upward- and she suddenly found herself gazing into the honey gold eyes of Edward Cullen- the boy frome the coffee shop. He was smiling down at her before he suddenly tugged her forward a step assuring that she was steady on her feet.
Aurora was momentarily dazzed as she searched his gaze-although she was having a hard time gazing into his eyes. His Fedora shaded his eyes just so that it made it nearly impossible for her to read his face.

Suddenly his voice broke her concentration- she had been studying his features, following the lines and contours of his face and neck. It was then she recalled his hands holding hers. His voice had startled her into suddenly realizing how icy cold his hands were- his skin was marble against her warm chocolate skin.

Aurora shook her head fervently, working quickly to find her voice. Before she could even respond- he had begun to speak once more- but was cut off suddenly. Aurora's deep brown eyes became confused-concerned. Shock flitted across his face and was quickly gone again, his handsome features smoothing over into recognition.
The sudden voice of the young girl startled her. Aurora half-turned to face her, nodding once more. The worried look in her eyes seemed to fit her young face.
" I'm alright...," Aurora murmured at last. Her voice was calm and gentle like silk- her speech flowing. Suddenly she felt Edward's hands fall away from hers- which reminded her that the entire time he must have kept his hands grasping hers. Her cheeks flushed a delicate shade of red as she suddenly turned at the sound of Edward's velvet voice. He was smirking calmly at the other girl...Belle was apparently her name.

She's fine Belle," Edward's calm voice was lazy with sudden boredom as he planted his fists on his hips, You don't have to overreact to everything sister."
Aurora glanced from one to the other in sudden recognition. They were siblings- and though they looked nothing alike they had their similarities.
Edward had bronze colored hair while Belle had strikingly beautiful silver hair- a color practically impossible for a human to have. But they both had snowy white alabaster skin and soft honey gold eyes.

The girl named Belle smiled then and spoke to her brother- seemingly oblivious to Aurora's presence.
" I'm fourteen what do you expect?... Really mother will have a fit if you're not home, and I think you already know about Alice."
The wind picked up then, blowing Aurora's mud brown hair across her face- and blowing her scent in Edward's direction.

Belle retrieved a ribbon from somewhere and used it to pull back her hair- the ribbon the same color as her dress.

" Sorry that Edward has to leave in such a hurry, but our sister is throwing a surprise party for him...Oops!..., Aurora gazed at Belle as the young girl addressed her- a confused but calm smile on her lips as she shook her head. Belle suddenly covered her mouth as if she had said to much.

" It's perfectly alright-," Aurora murmured, smiling between the pair.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:57 pm
Edward rolled his eyes in Belle's direction, feigning the look of annoyance any older brother would have, should their younger sister consider that she be smarter than him. And it wasn't as if he couldn't read minds or anything. He already knew that theywere going to throw him a party. Bell should have known that - he thought that they'd told her... He sighed heavily, shifting his weight to his other leg, and folding his arms across his chest.

"Yes, well mother and Alice can just wait now, can't they." It was a statement, not a question. "I mean... It's not as if we're doing anything else tonight. And I thought Alice agreed to keeping it to a bare minimum."

Edward was excrutiationly angry, and he didn't notice that the wind hand picked up and basically blown Aurora's hair into his face until he started to breathe again - and he breathed in the strangely overpowering scent of some sort of citrus. He looked up quickly, his eyes darkening a few shades as he barely registered that Aurora was saying that it was fine for Belle to rush him off. Why was he suddenly ravenous? He had hunted only the night before! Why was this dark-skinned girl so... appetizing to him?! What kind of siren son was her blood trying to sing, out here in the open like this?

It was the family's code not to drink human blood, he reminded himself. They were vegetarians. Edward stopped breathing, and he looked at Belle, his face unusually smooth and unreadable, as if trying to hint at what was wrong, before turning back to Aurora and smiling flwlessly again, tipping the brim of his hat.

"I'm very sorry that my sister is dragging me off. I truly am," He had to keep talking evenly, he couldn't look at her. He bowed his head again, to obscure his own view of her. "Perhaps... We'll meet here tomorrow? For lunch or something? ... I really do have to go. I hope you can understand. Belle... Why are you out on your own? didn't father say you were to have an escort at all times?" heturned to Belle again, the frenzied panic creeping into his eyes, but the rest of his face remaining calm. it was a strange contrast.

He was still holding his breath.

Aurora Rosaria

Anxious Hunter


Kawaii Shoujo

13,950 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Conventioneer 300
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 5:56 am
Aurora followed Edward's gaze- her eyes lingering on the angelic face of his younger sister. So young- yet so beautiful, like the statue of Venus. Sighing lightly, Aurora turned to face Edward, smiling patiently as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other and folding his arms across his chest. She felt as if she should bow out now and take her leave- but somehow she felt the impulse to remain.
" Yes, well mother and Alice can just wait now, can't they." Edward's words seemed more of a statement rather than a question. Aurora gazed up at him in confusing as she attempted to read his face. He seemed- annoyed or perhaps angry.
" I mean... It's not as if we're doing anything else tonight. And I thought Alice agreed to keeping it to a bare minimum."
In silence Aurora stood between the two siblings, feeling rather out of place and slightly intrusive.
When the wind picked up blowing her hair across her face, Aurora lifted a hand- gathering her dark chocolate brown hair in her hand and sweeping back over her shoulders to keep the hair from whipping into her eyes.
It was then she caught a glimpse of Edward's expression as he glanced up at her. Was it her imagination or had his eyes darkened?. Aurora's deep mud brown orbs stared at him in amazement and wonder as she attempted to read his expression- her gaze transfixed on her eyes.
She didn't want to believe that someone's eyes could darken like that- but she had sworn just moments ago Edward's eyes had been a soft, warm honey gold color- now they seemed distorted and dark- a sort of ocher color.

Suddenly his gaze flickered to his younger sibling Belle- his face suddenly smooth and unreadable. Aurora frowned and folded her hands delicately before herself, intertwining her fingers. After a moment- he turned back to her, smiling. His smile took her breath away. Aurora's brown eyes lingered on his brilliant and flawless smile. His gleaming teeth stood out in stark contrast to his alabaster skin. Instantly her cheeks warmed flushing red as Edward tipped the brim of his hat.

" I'm very sorry that my sister is dragging me off. I truly am," Edward apologized in an even tone, not meeting her gaze. He bowed again, blocking his eyes from view.
" Perhaps... We'll meet here tomorrow? For lunch or something? ... I really do have to go. I hope you can understand. Belle... Why are you out on your own? didn't father say you were to have an escort at all times?, " Edward turned to his sister a seemingly calm expression on his face.

Aurora frowned. Somehow she had the feeling that something wasn't quite right- as if there was something going on she didn't yet know about. These two perfect- beautiful strangers had shown up and suddenly Aurora was curious.

Facing Edward she smiled softly and nodded once. " Tomorrow then perhaps?...," she murmured, turning to go a gentle smile still playing across her lips. She lifted a hand in farewell as she turned to go, slipping past Edward to head the opposite direction.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:41 pm
((OOC: Yay! Another character for me to be~))

The overcast day was, as almost everyone in Forks and La Push knew, rather typical for a day in June. It was hot, muggy, tiring, and worst of all, school was pretty much out - he had a few more diplomas to write, but otherwise, he was graduated - he had top marks in his classes (Except for in Arithmatic - Some nerd beat him out on that one), and he had a scholarship to almost any University he could want to go to. And, to top it all off, he was one of the best looking in his graduating class, if not THE best looking in his class - What with his milk chocolate-colored skin, his long black hair, and his abnormal blue/green eyes.

Yes, Malic Rivers practically had it made - Looks, Brains, Athletic.... Every girl practically threw themselves at him, for these traits. It was hard to find a jock with brains, let alone all his teeth still in his mouth.

Unfortunately for all the girls interested in him, the young Half-Native, Half-French man had his eye set on someone already, and it wasn't by choice. Being a werewolf made you imprint on people, and he happened to imprint shortly after the first time he'd turned into a wolf, and that lucky girl was...

... Yes, that's right, Aurora, the young book worm who was the same age as him, who was almost confined to La Push.

... Which made malic pause to wonder why he saw her walk away from those isgusting leeches standing by the jewelery store. Raising one slender eyebrow, he walked over to her, his hands on his hips, a bright smile on his face. He stood in her path, feet set appart, his button-up collared shirt open all the way - he was sweltering, of course, his tie loose around his neck. He smirked at the approaching girl, looking every bit bewitched by the girl, as a hungry man would as he gazed up on a loaf of bread.

Malic waved at he as she drew nearer, unable to resist the allure of his Aurora, he hurried towards her, brushing his hair back behind his shoulder with one hand, his other still placed on his hip. "hey, Aurora! What's up? How would you like to go get something to eat? You know, In honor of a school year finished?"

Aurora Rosaria

Anxious Hunter


Kawaii Shoujo

13,950 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Conventioneer 300
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:01 am
{{ -giggles- YAY! -cheers- whee }}

No sooner had she slipped past Edward Cullen then her path had been blocked. Aurora glanced up from the ground to find her way blocked by none other than Malic Rivers- a boy she knew well enough- as she should, after all she'd grown up with him- but it wasn't as if they were best friends since Aurora had spent most of her life sheltered in the tiny home she shared with her father- one of the council elders. Her mother had died some years ago from a sudden illness- or so her father had told her.
A gentle smile played across her lips as she studied the bright smile on Malic's lips. She didn't know what had brought the boy into town- but she sincerely hoped he hadn't been sent to bring her back to Reservation. She frowned momentarily at the thought, the corners of her lips drawing down. Then she met his gaze. She silently drew in a sharp breath. The sight of Malic's separate colored eyes always took her breath away. Unlike most people the fact that his eyes were two different colors- one green, one blue- didn't bother her at all. In fact she always felt awed- she thought his eyes were beautiful- though she would never admit it to Malic himself. His skin was the same as her own- milk chocolate and he had long black hair.

Aurora sighed softly and threw a quick glance over her shoulder before turning back to Malic. The boy stood with her feet spread apart and his hands planted almost defiantly on his hips. His button up- collared shirt was completely open- revealing the fine contours of his chest muscles and his tie was loose around his neck. A smirk played across his lips as she approached her. Aurora smiled, lifting a hand to wave as she came to a stop. In just a few short strides Malic had closed the distance.

"Hey, Aurora!, what's up? how would you like to go get something to eat? you know... in honor of a school year finished? ."
" Hey Malic...," Aurora murmured. She pursed her lips as she considered his offer a calm, soft smile still playing across her lips. " I'm not really all that hungry-...," she admitted, her gentle smile melting away-replaced by a frown which drew the corners of her lips downward, " I just came from the Coffee shop actually...," Aurora raised her right hand and pointed with her thumb over her shoulder briefly before allowing her arm to hang comfortably at her side.
She paused- unsure of what to say before she smiled nervously. " What are you doing here anyways?...," Aurora murmured, the slightest tint of red coloring her dark-skinned cheeks.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:38 pm
Malic laughed, still watching the girl infront of him. She was, in her own way, beautiful, he supposed. Okay, she WAS beautiful, but that was besides the point. He walked over to her right side, facing the same way she was, and wrapped his arm lazily across her shoulders.

"Oh... I, unlike you, am not confined to the Reserve. I'm allowed to come to Forks, though the city folk don't really like it." he admitted, shrugging with his free arm as he lead Aurora towards an Ice cream shop, walking at a normail-esque pace. "How about ice cream? You can't tell me you're not hungry for icecream - it's sweltering out here... It is, afterall, June. And it is, afterall, cloudy, which trap the heat from Earth, making Forks feel even warmer, like a greenhouse--"

Malic cut himself short, slapping his head with his free hand. He was being brainy again, and not a lot of people liked it. He sighed, looking down at Aurora sincerely and affectionately, closing hiss blue eye and smiling broadly and crookedly. "Oh, sorry... I shouldn't have started ranbling like that. Like I actually have a brain." He looked away, crestfallen. "A lot of people don't like it, but I don't really care." He smiled half-heartedly, looking at the clouds above.

"It's a shame it isn't sunny... We could have gone cliff diving or something - have you ever been? It's loads of fun... Oh... but wait.... You father probably wouldn't like that, would he?" He looked down at her again, stopping his walking own the block from the ice cream store. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her. What a sensation! It was like his heart didn't want to look or didn't want to see anything else for the moment, like it was stuck - on her.

Aurora Rosaria

Anxious Hunter


Kawaii Shoujo

13,950 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Conventioneer 300
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:27 pm
Although Malic's laugh wasn't at all intened to chide her in any way- Aurora felt embarassed. She flushed her cheeks turning a delicate shade of red as Malic comfortably placed himself at her right side and wrapped his arm around her slender, rounded shoulders in a lazy fashion. Aurora smiled up at him- her white teeth standing out in stark contrast to her creamy chocolate skin.
" Oh... I- unlike you; am not confined to the Reserve, I'm allowed to come to Forks, though the city folk don't really like it." Malic admitted in a nonchalant tone, shrugging with his free arm, slowly leading her at a normal-esque pace to a nearby Ice Cream shop. Aurora frowned, her brow drawing down- forming small wrinkles in her once smooth brow. She opened her mouth to speak- but before a word was uttered- Malic's voice cut across, causing her to clamp her jaw shut. A frown still played around the edges of her full and perfectly formed lips.
" How about ice cream?... You can't tell me you're not hungry for ice cream - it's sweltering out here... It is, after all, June, and it is, after all, cloudy, which traps the heat from Earth, making Forks feel even warmer, like a greenhouse-..." suddenly, Malic cut himself off, slapping his forehead with his free hand. Aurora smiled, stifling a giggle as he sighed and glanced at her- affection and sincereity clearly written within his eyes. Then he did the one thing that made her smile at long last- he smiled broadly and crookedly.
" Oh, sorry... I shouldn't have started rambling like that... like I actually have a brain..." he muttered, looking away from her. He suddenly seemed upset with himself- crestfallen. Aurora smiled reassuringly up at him.
" A lot of people don't like it, but I don't really care," he murmured, smiling half-heartedly at the clouds in the sky high above. Aurora silently followed his gaze, her mud brown eyes scanning the heavy clouds. Aurora didn't respond- instead, she wrapped an arm around Malic's middle and gave him a reassuring squeeze in an attempt to hug him. She wasn't usually one for words- in fact she didn't really speak much...unless spoken to- she tended to keep to herself. But when she did speak- what she had to say was usually something that was rather- profound- at least to some degree.

" It's a shame it isn't sunny...We could have gone cliff diving or something- have you ever been cliff diving?.. It's loads of fun...Oh... but wait....your father probably wouldn't like that, would he?...," Malic's voice trailed off as he looked down at her again and stopped in his tracks, causing her to stop in mid-stride. Aurora met his colorful eyes with a teasing smile on her lips.
" I don't think he would- but I'm a big girl-...," Aurora murmured, a soft chiming laugh bubbling up from her throat.
Aurora paused to glance at their surroundings. Why had Malic stopped?- they were at least a block away from the Ice Cream shop...

Aurora brought her gaze back to Malic- her dark brown eyes searching his green and blue eyed gaze. The look she read in his eyes was somehow different this time- distorted. Why was it everytime that she saw him he seemed to gaze at her with such strong affection and adoration in his majestic eyes?. Aurora fumbled through her thoughts quickly trying to come up with something to say to break the uncomfortable silence. Sometimes the way he looked at her frightened her- as if she were a prize to be won. Aurora sighed softly- supressing a shudder. Though the day was hot- she'd worn a light jacket over her creamy white summer dress. She didn't know why she suddenly felt so cold- even with Malic's unusually warm arm around her frail shoulders.

" Umm-..Malic.....," Aurora murmured, glancing up at him from under her thick black lashes," My Father didn't send you here to bring me back already did he?-...," she murmured in a barely audible tone. If that was the case- her Father sure would get an earful when she arrived back home- safe and sound.

It was a rare occassion when he would actually let her leave the Reservation- and todat had been one of those rare days. Her entire life she'd been sheltered and raised on the Reservation- not that La Push wasn't a beautiful place to be- but one might imagine seeing the same sights everyday- coming to know the forests like the back of one's hand- one might grow tired of the same surroundings. Aurora craved something more- she craved life- vitality...she craved the company of other people other than her family and friends from La Push.
Her Father had as of late been acting quite strangely- so Aurora had been rather pleased when he suggested that just for today she go out and enjoy herself for a few hours.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:09 pm
" Umm.. Malic.....," Aurora murmured, glancing up at him from under her thick black lashes, with those eyes that would most definately lead to the demise of the yound werewolf, "My Father didn't send you here to bring me back already did he?-...," Malic felt winded - like she had punched him in the stomach and was now laughing at him. He would never - could never - do that to her.

And he told her as such.

"Aurora..." He said, sounding wounded, "... How could you think that? Why would I do that to you? I couldn't.... It would hurt you if I did! i would die if I did that." Malic admitted quietly, looking away from her, his usually proud and sturdy shoulders slumped. He did know why she was asking - her father, being the overprotective jerk that he was, had been beside himself with joy when the elders had informed him that Malic, a werewolf and the youngest - possibly one of the strongest - of the pack, had imprinted on Aurora. This had probably lead the grizzled old man to let his daughter leave Forks, knowing Malic would be watching out for her, whether she knew it or not.

Malic made a mental note to talk to the elders. The should not be involving normal people in the affairs of mythological creatures.

Aurora Rosaria

Anxious Hunter


Kawaii Shoujo

13,950 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Conventioneer 300
PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:02 pm
Malic glanced down at her with eyes so pained- as if she had slapped him in the face. His usually proud and sturdy shoulders suddenly slumped. Suddenly, Aurora felt flustered, embarassed. She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Malic spoke, reassuring her- although his words made the pain in his voice tangible. Aurora lowered her gaze, her cheeks turning a gentle shade of red.
" I'm sorry Malic...," Aurora breathed. Lifting her right hand she ran her fingers back through her dark brown silken hair. Her hair lifted clear of her shoulders and face, but immediately fell back into place, cascading downward.
" I know you would never- want to do anything that might hurt me or make me angry...I just-...," Aurora paused, sighing in frustration as she attempted to gather her thoughts and assimilate them into the proper words. She glanced up at Malic from under her thick black lashed, her dark mud brown eyes searching his expression.
" It's just that- you know how overprotective my father is...and I- well I was surprised when he told me I should go out and enjoy myself in town today...," Aurora shrugged lightly, a reassuring smile playing around the edges of her lips.
She fell silent for a moment, studying Malic's gaze.
" I just didn't want- my freedom to end to soon-...," Aurora admitted in a soft, almost inaudible voice.
She paused for another moment, glancing past Malic, a thoughtful expression on her face.
" I'm kind of glad that he allowed me to come out today to-...," she admitted, an excited edge in her voice as she brought her gaze back to Malic.
" There are new people living somewhere in town- they must have just moved in- but there was this strange young man at the Coffee shop-.... and I caught his name- Edward Cullen I think it was...I heard the waitress call him ' Mr. Cullen,'," Aurora stopped, suddenly blushing in embarassment. She'd begun rambling, something she often did when she was kind of excited. She hadn't even noticed the fact that she was smiling and her heart was racing.
Suddenly, she cooled- her smile fading, her heart calming, but the redness in her cheeks remained. Why had she gotten so flustered and excited in the first place?. Aurora suddenly felt bewildered and kind of angry with herself.
She scowled, pursing her lips as she glanced up at Malic in an attempt to read his expression.
" Sorry-," she murmured, " I'll stop now."
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:26 am
Malic's face became hard and unreadable when his Aurora mentioned the abnormally pale and beautiful boy she had been walking away from when Malic had first sighted her. So the leech - his name was Edward... Edward Cullen. He would have to talk to Billy and Quil and Uley about this - they were, afterall, the leaders of the pack - well, technically Billy was the Alpha, and Uley was the Beta, Quil a Delta, much like Malic seemed to be - but none the less - they'd have to discuss about what to do with these bloody mosquitos.

Malic was instantly all smiles again, like a happy puppy dog as he started pulling his Aurora back down the street, towards the ice cream shop again, though not urgently. "Well, it's all right. I understand. And I have a feeling that he may let you out more often." Malic insisted, smiling over at her brightly. "If it helps, you can lie to him and say you're going to hang out with me when you want to leave La Push. Okay - so Ice cream, then cliff diving?' He asked, changing the subject quickly, as he pulled her to stand in the line up for ice cream. It would probably be a ten... fifteen minute wait, given the temperature of the day.


Aurora Rosaria

Anxious Hunter


Kawaii Shoujo

13,950 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Conventioneer 300
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:56 pm
Glancing furtively up at his face, Aurora's heart sank. She must have said something wrong. All that talk about Edward Cullen...must have had something to do with. His face was hard and unreadable, and then suddenly, it was as if Aurora hadn't even mentioned Edward Cullen.
Malic was instantly cheerful, a broad smile playing on his lips. It amazed Aurora how quickly the change took place- Malic had gone from hurt, to serious, to bright and peppy, like a puppy dog. Without much of a warning he began leading her down the street, she followed willingly, a confused expression on her face.
Malic's words were reassuring- but Aurora still wanted to know why he'd avoided the whole subject of Edward. Malic plowed on as though Aurora hadn't noticed he was trying to change the subject.
A soft sigh escaped her lips and she frowned briefly before flashing a soft smile up at Malic, allowing the change in subject...for now.

" I hope so...," she murmured, " It's nice to be able to get out for once...," Aurora chimed, smiling up at Malic. Whenever she was near him like this- she had to look up at him, craning her neck to see his face....he was so much taller than she was- and it was as if he got taller everyday- while she remained the same.

" I can't make you cover like for me-...that might get you in trouble...," Aurora scowled lightly, stifling a giggle, " Although Ice cream and cliff diving are very tempting offers...," Aurora smiled, her light, teasing scowl melting away entirely. She followed closely to Malic as they arrived at the Ice cream shop and hopped in line- a line that was at least long enough to ensure a ten to fifteen minute wait.
If it was really going to take that long to be waited upon-...why not make idle conversation?. Aurora pursed her lips, a thoughtful expression flitting across her lovely features as she glanced up at Malic, surveying his expression.
If he thought for one minute she was going to let the subject go- he was dead wrong. She could be stubborn when occassion called for it. Aurora hesitated for a moment, pretending to be trying to see the menu from where she stood so that she could decide on the kind of ice cream that she wanted. For a moment, her expression became vacant as she tried to rearrange her features into the right expression. If she was going to get answers, she would have to play her cards right.
A soft, though curious smile played around the edges of her lips. Her dark brown eyes remained just that, mud brown and dark. That was the advantage to having such dark brown eyes- it was often hard to read their depth because of their color.

" Malic-....," Aurora murmured, glancing askance at him out of the corner of her eye before turning to face him, " Have you already met Edward Cullen and his sister?...," Aurora kept her tone light, and casual.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:44 pm
Belle pouted for a second, but her expression quickly changed as Malic approached. "Hey Aurora! What's up? How would you like to go get something to eat? You know... in honor of a school year finished?"
"Hey Malic,"So the dogs name is Malic, Belle thought to herself, as she watched Aurora and Malic walk away.
"Since when have I needed an escort? I won't attack anyone, I'm technically twenty years older than you. Any who, we better get home, Esme is probably worried sick," Belle said walking towards their home.


Aurora Rosaria

Anxious Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:08 pm
((OOC: Yay!! I get to double post! >w<))

Edward rolled his eyes at Belle. It was true that, in all technicality, that she was older than him. He looked away from her, his once-honey colored eyes how a dull hazelnut, and he was still so uncertain as to why that had happened to him. Maybe Carlisle could explain it to him - Edward was, after all, only in his 30's. He was only 20 years a vampire. He looked back at Belle sourly.

"Since when have I needed an escort? I won't attack anyone, I'm technically twenty years older than you. Any who, we better get home, Esme is probably worried sick." Bell said as they walked together towards the mansion that Carlisle had claimed as their "house". Edward rolled his eyes, still not watching Belle.

"Since you are technically in the body of a fourteen-year-old, and thus should not walk around a strange town." He offered, folding his arms across his marble chest. "And, unlike me, you don't hear the thoughts of the townsfolk as they watch you walk past. It's almost sick, the way some of the men here think. I'd rather be back in Chicago..." Edward took his first breath since the wind had picked up, almost forgetting that he had not been breathing. Funny how once you were dead, you forgot to breathe when you needed to.

"I'm sure you're right about Alice and Esme being worried... but really - we're pretty much indestructable... Unless that mutt decides he wants a piece of us. Even then... There are eight in the Coven. It would be difficult if there were less than seven of them, and frm what I could tell, there are only a handful of them so far." Edward paused, then corrected himself. "Only four that he was thinking about, rather, including himself."
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