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*Vampires Requim* [FILLED] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:22 pm
Her words were like bullets, pelting him from all angles. Though what hurt Lance the most, was the hurt in Raven's eyes. She wouldn't hesitate to kill him, but she hadn't attacked him either. Anyone else would have taken this glorious oppertunity to strike him dead in his state of weakness. Lance had never in his entire miserable life been so defenseless. If she were to srtike him now, while he still hovered above her, there would be no possible way for Lance to defend himself. Her gaze of hate and pain were like stakes through his heart. He broke eye contact out sheer guilt. He turned his gaze to the festival, and recognition of his identity striking her fellow blood all at once. The tention the night increased dramatically. Most were now leaping the river and comming to hault just some yards from him.

Lance hadn't moved, didn't ease his position over her. He was extremely worried now. He'd fallen in love with this maiden who he is to assassinate, a woman he had now idea would turn out to be one of the thirteen major blood leaders. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to reply, and finding something to say was difficult.

"Yes," he said, confirming her suspicion of his identity. "I am Lance. And yes, I came here to kill of everyone of your.. I mean our... kind. Though I have no intention of killing you... but i guess that has no revelance now." He couldn't believe he was saying this. Why couldn't he just kill her? Why wouldn't she just kill him?  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:30 pm
She knew that her brethren were all around her now. They knew he was there, and his identity. They were ready to kill should their leader give the word, but she was soft. Raven did not want to have him killed, but to her it was kill or be killed. She had been hiding for years from this blood betrayer, and now the moment of truth had come. " You don't want to kill me? How can you say that? When you have come to slay my entire brethren. You kill them, you must kill me too." She took her stance, and waited for him to attack. If that was what he was going to do.  

raven deshoulieres


PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:31 am
He couldn't take much more of this torture. He could see in her eyes that she herself counldn't believe what was happening now. She took a stance and prepared herself for retaliation... without giving the order to exicute him? Her behavior and decissions were becomming more and more complex to him. Lance knew she as well as most of her bretheren spent the last two or three years in confindment, becuase of him! Unable to feed accordingly or meet with other factions of they're race. It was becuase of him the meetings with the leaders and even the gatherings of elders was made difficult contimplate and exicute. Lance had always managed to infultrate gatherings, and succeeded at killing as many of the creatures as he possibly could, thirty to about fifty at a time. He had almost never done a infultration alone, with the support of the Catholic Church and several goverment (as well as private agencies) from around the world, he is able to currupt almost any situational gathering.

However, he couldn't blame her for being in a kill or be killed situation, but maybe she hadn't realized that he is now in such a situation as well. he clinched something in his left hand that Raven hadn't realized he took. Lance gave her once last hurtful stare before saying , "this will not be the last we meet." He sounded much more sincere he'd intended. He parted his footing and everyone instinctively stepped back, also bracing. Is this really the kind of reation I induce into others? He didn't plan to fight anyone here, not now, not with human on-lookers gathering around to see the late night commotion. Not with her here.Leaped as hard as he could, shooting straight into the air. His wings unfolded and he glided to the egde of the park. Almost the entire syphony had followed, persuing him him after he had landed.

- Next Day -

It was mid morning now, and Lance had had his fill of blood for the day. He lay in the back seat of a Civic with heavily tented windows, parked in a grage of a shopping mall. The owner of the vehicle, a woman of average social status, lay next to him, her throat gashed completely open. She had been dead for a while. Lance kept his mind occupied with the event from the privious night. He twirled around all the possible outcomes if he had not admitted to his own name. He could simply lied, but her subjects would have recognized him from the start. There was no other possible way for him to get around it. He didn't want to kill her. He... found love.

For a momment, Lanc ecould hear a buzzing sound iminating from the ariconditioning vent, then a black ladybug sporting yellow spots emerged from the blindes. It was Cocoa. He had rewoven himslef into his original feline form, comming to rest on the middle arm rest between the diver's seat and passenger's seat. Cocoa studied Lance for a long hard momment, taking note of how defeated Lance appeared. "Are you okay?"

Lance hadn't replied, he rested with his eyes shut. He'll be stock here until night fall since he has yet to master day-walking. Cocoa had ran an arrend for Lance to see Lady Rokyo's mother. She held onto a special book for Lance and it was now needed for the next assignment he would be given. Cocoa open his mouth and hacked up a red velviot leather book. "Lady Rokyo says you'll be needing this," Cococoa informed. "You have a new name to add to this book."

Lance opened his eyes and faced Cocoa. "No," It was all he said before rolling his back to him.

"Lance, you can't just say no, you have been ordered-"

"I said no!"

"Lance try to understand why you have to."

Lance didn't want to add Raven's name to the book. This leather which he held is somewhat a direct link to his own will, and the key to his own freedom. He was bounded to the book by Mai Rokyo, Lady Rokyo's duaghter. She used several methods of ceramonies and rituals, binding his will to the page of an inexepnsive sketch book such as that one. Doing so should have only costs a part of Mai's personality, in stead, the rituals and ceramonies had binded with Lance her eye sight, leaving her blind. The itself act as a biological computer that links directly to Lance's mind. If Lance so ever chose, he could free himself from the captivity of both the book and Lady Rokyo simply by writing so in the book. Though, this would cuase him to loose half of his sanity, since the other portion is bound to the book. Amoung the pages in the book, Lance kept a list of the known leaders of thirteen. The book itself, involuntarily keeps a record of names of all those Lance had slaine, whrether they be human, vampire, lykin, or another creature burdened with life. Lady Rokyo had not known that the woman Lance had confronted would be one of the thirteen leaders. She had sent Cocoa to deliver the book so that Lance may add the name. When a name was added, that person Lance had to kill, regarldess of any relationship, if any, that may exist.

"But i don't think she has anything to do with it," Lance said.

"I heard what she had said to you," Cocoa stated in a dark manner. "She told you clear as day. She fights in this war as well." Lance looked pain as he remembered her hurt and anguish in her eyes. Remember how full of hate they had become. "If she fights, then you know why she's fighting."

Dominance over all races in the world. That is what the Nightwalkers and the Lykins are after. Both parties have been conducting experimentation since since these past couple milliniums, experiments that can produce a result of human slavery. Both parties have created chemicals and ailments that have the potential of inducing humans and ther hosts of victims to critical state of hypnosis, allowing for a controler to command a subjcet ti his or her heart's contempt. And, this chemical can be mass produced and distributed to large populations through a city's water systems. The ailment can be mixed into virtually any liquid beverage including alcohols and other substances of the sort. Lance's mission is to seek out these laboritories and destroy them as well as taking out any and all persons involved in the creation and production of this syrum. Lance knew of only four of the thirteen leaders, three of which are here in the city, several others would be arriving into residency soon. And now, he gained one extra name. There was to be a meeting tonight about the preperations of the product, and three of the leaders will be there. Lance had no idea if Raven would be one of them. He hoped not, he wasn't sure if he would be stable enough to face her.

"Some how, i think thats why she fights," Lance said, his voicing sounding surprisingly weak.

"What? Do you think she has become what she is now just so she can hide in the dark for eternity?" Cocoa was getting pissed. He couldn't believe Lance was still trying to defend that b***h who opted to have him killed. "Why would she want that, Lance? Why!? When she could live in a suite with her own goverment under her feet, wlaking along the backs of those they consider inferior to them!? If they succeed in their plans, all thirteen leaders will own a portion of this country, with all it's citizens worshipping them! Is that what you want?! Answer me DAMMIT!!!"

"WHAT THE HELL WOULD YOU KNOW?" Lance bellowed, directhis fury into Cocoa's eyes. "You've never had someone you adored, someone who love you back? Someone, no matter how hard you tried you just could'nt have! Have you ever experienced that? Have you someone like that?"

"Yeah," Cocoa said, intentionally looking hurt and confused. "Your mom."

He tried to choke him, but Cocoa was too quick, darting about the car to avoid Lance's death grip. An hour had gone by and Lance, now laying back down in the back seat, was tired, heaving heavily.

"You know," Cocoa began, still trying to get through to him. "You shouldn't fight it."

"Piss off!"

"I'm serieous. You have orders. They weren't spoken, they were written. Its in the book."

Lance didn't wan to gaze upon the pages of the book, he knew he'd have to carry what ever burden written in it. He picked it off the floor and opened too the very first page. In Lady Rokyo's hand writting, he read to himself the words:

[Name Of New Found Leader]

His body reacted on its own from here. He reached into his pocket and pulled out something he had taken from the 'new found leader' and studied it. It was a lock of her hair. He bit into his fingure, mixing the maiden's hair with his blood, and then pressing it to the page. The hair and blood dissolved into a small swirl of dark red colors, then slowly, formed the name of someone he had fallen deeply in love with.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:35 am
Raven had ordered her brethren to follow him to the edge of t he park, but to go no farther. She just wanted them to keep an eye on him for a little while, and then report back to her. Hi words rung out in her mind,

"this will not be the last we meet."

Some how she knew that he would be with her again very soon. Dawn was approaching. She needed to get into her charred sarcophagus in the cemetery on the edge of town. She half hoped he'd be there, but did not let her followers know. The night watch was complete.

The Next Night

Raven awoke suddenly as if out of a nightmare. Something was going to happen tonight. Something bad for all her kind. She shoved the lid out of the way, and got out of her bed. the moon was full, and she could smell the Lykins out in the cemetery. They were looking for her sleeping chambers already this evening. This, she thought, wasn't going to be good. She began to run quietly out of the cemetery. She made it to the gates, and slipped out. They didn't even know she had been there.

She kept running until she came to a local burger franchise, and lifted the lid of a manhole and stepped back to watch an unsuspecting human fall in it. She would never let a human child fall into the hole. She still loved children no matter if she was vampire or not. Something about them attracted her. Their, fragility, she supposed. She waited for 20 minutes until an middle aged man fell, and she went down to save him from the misery of a broken neck.

She walked down in the sewers for a few minutes. After going a couple of blocks, she knocked on a series of pipes all in a melodic D minor scale. The hidden door there was open, and she entered the Brethren Leader meeting. Twelve other leaders were there, but she was the only one that was female. This made things hard for her to get her opinion across, but when she did they usually knew she was right. She couldn't get them off of the latest discussion: bio-chemical warfare. She was against it from the start, but being the only female she was out voted 12 to 1. She join them at the pentagonal table, biting her wrist and adding her blood to the center of the table. The meeting could officially begin.  

raven deshoulieres


PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:03 am
He slammed the beast's head into the tombstone. Any human looking up at him would have only seen a silhouette of him in the moonlight. The creature snarled. Lance, pulling the creasture toward himself, slamming the lykin's head into the stone fixture oune more. "What's the deal with you creatures?"

The creature barked at him and he slapped it into obidience. He out stretched his right wing, possessed by agony, and pulled out a feather, and drove it into the side of the stone. The air around them instantly became slightly dark, unoticable unless focused upon. The darkness that single feather generated conflickted the the rays of the moon and the lykin which he held, lost a portion of its insanity and out rage. It was able to speak now.

"YOU FILTHY CREATURE! TRAITOR TO YOUR OWN BLOOD! I WILL EAT YOU!" The creature's voice was extremely deep and taunting. Lance merely shook him.

"Shut up and answer me," Lance ordered. He had beaten and intarregated all nine of the lykins there in the graveyard. He killed those who gave him no answers to his questions. He hoped this one would cooperate becuase the other eight were dead. "Why are you all hunting in packs all of a sudden? What is it you all are planning? Tell me and i'll spare you, creature."

"%*$&#... %*#^ !&%*-$!"

"The F*ck does that mean?"


Lance punched the beast with such force, driving the lykin's head through the tombstone, shattering its upper half. The carcus slumped over sideways. Lance reached into his pocket and pulled a cellphone, dailed three numbers and spoke: "There are nine dogs here that need to be cleaned." He disconnected from the Vatican office in the east. They would dispatch their own to clean the mess.

Cocoa sondered over in worried excitement. "Lance, the meeting tonight! Did you forget?"

"No. Where is it?"

"I'll take you. By the way, she's already there."

Lance's eyes grew wide. "What?"

"That Raven girl. The meeting is starting."

"How do you know?"

"She popped out of the ground next to me, scarred me shitless too. She didn't notice I was behind her, and didn't know you were already here. So I tialed her into a sewer and She led me directly to the meeting room underground. As for the room itself, its almost inpenatrable. But there are two ways you can get in easily. Play a series of very secific notes, or have security open it."

Lance's heart flurreshed. He had a chance to see her again. But how would she react to him?

"Before you go wandering about what it is wanna confess to her, you'll need the know the bad news." Lance just starred down at him. Cocoa sighed. "All thirteen..."

Lance almost fell over the dead flee bag. "All of them? There!?"

"Yeah, i wouldn't recomend us trying-"

"Let's go!"

Cocoa sighed again. What was he gonna do with this guy? He lay down, slimmed his wait and changed his entire outer appearence. Lance picked up the black collar, lined with small yellow spots, and wore it around his neck. Cocoa began to give the instuctions.

The guard was hunched over the body he had found not too far from the check station. He was trying to drain every once of the dead man's blood before it would no longer be fresh. His shiftee, sat before a television, watching Opra.

"Will you turn zat down?" The first man said in his German accent.

"No." The other denied, his English accent apparent. "She's doing a special on teen pregnancy."


"These girls are so pretty, they all go rushing to have sex and then this happens. I feel bad for them."

"Why would you care?"

"My duaghter's one of them."

"Oh... Hey, waz zat?" The German pointe to a particular screen on the observation wall. On monitor ten, a small black figure could be seen pacing just outside the meeting room door.

"Oh, i don't know. Should we radio in?"

"It looks like a cat."

It was instantanious. The glass window over looking the junction between corridors 4, 5, and 7, shattered. The Englishman hadn't realized till he saw, that the german was nialed to the wall, hanging fron a stake through his face. The skin and flesh around it began to burn a little. Before the engligshman could react to what he had just seen, he was thrown inth the observation wall, a stake placed in both of his legs and one in the upeer regions of his left arm, paralizing and burning all three limbs.

The englishman looked into his eyes. "Oh s**t! ITs the traitor yank!"

"Just shut up, okay? Shut up!" Lance bellowed. He had dropped his collar somewhere and didn't bother to pic it up.

"Please sir, I have a duaghter, she's human. Her mother, my wife, was killed by lykins-"

Lance, still holding the man by his neck, grabbed a walky-talky and shoved it into the man's chest. "Call it!"

The frightened guard took hold of the com. pushed the bottun down to speak, then released it. Lance eyed him. "I don't know what to say. What is it that you want me to do?"

"Tell them exactly what you see."  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:30 pm
It was Raven's turn to speak on the floor. She stood, and with a steady voice she began to talk about the Lykins she had seen on her way there. " There were nine of them. All searching for me. I'm sure they were attempting to find out where this meeting was to be held. Luckily I,..." she was cut of by the click of the radio. The eldest vampire, Bradanio, grabbed for it quickly, and held it up for all to hear. The room was silent. Then suddenly...

" Elders...It's him...He's here. The Blood traitor!" Raven's eyes grew wide and lit up with a warm glow, and get were filled with hate to hide the feelings she was having. Bradanio spoke back to him. " Let him in. It is time that we spoke face to face with him." He sat back down, and so did Raven. The other elders were in shock. Not only had Bradanio given the word to let in this blood traitor, but he'd basically given him word to kill them all. Raven thought to herself. " Why now? If he's going to kill the leaders, then he's come to kill me too." She stood up again. It was a bold abrupt movement, but she dared to do it. " Elder Bradanio, if you wish it I shall be a distraction. To allow you all to escape unharmed. You must defeat the Lykins!"

Elder Bradanio nodded. He understood why she was doing this, and so he allowed it. " thank you." she said. With out another word said, she made her way out of the room, and through the hidden door.  

raven deshoulieres


PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:28 pm
He was standing before what should be a secret entrance. It wasn't much to him, but LAnce knew the room was just on the other side. He knew becuase he could smell her. Lance was ounce again surround, an a** load of bretherens of both genders had him boxed into the tunnel. They were standing some fifteen to twenty yards from him. Someone pushed his way through the crowd to get to the front. It was the guard from the security station. He had holes in his jeans and his shirt still doused in blood. The englishman eyed the large black headphones around Lance's neck. He wasn't wearing those before.

The man pulled out a small remote and pushed a button. The well disquised door slowly slid ajar. "No you listen here," he began confidently. "You make one sudden move-"

"You'll what?" Lance cut a death glare to the man and everyone in his area stepped back. Before the door was fully open, he had out stretched his hand and summoned his sythe. Guns were trained as everyone, including the leaders all jumped. Lance, not wanting to make a bad impression for his invite, posted the weapon out side the door and walked inside.

Wo, this is nice, he admitted to himself. The meeting hall looked more like the conference room of villiens than some hidden room in a sewer. There were dim light fixtures, dark custome wallpaper, fresh living plants potted for added environment, desk chairs lined the conference table, a projector board on both sides of the room. Lance looked over his shoulder to the guard with the remote. "This is a private matter, please close the doors."

As the door slid shut, Lance began digesting his situation. Here he is, finally in the presence of all the leaders, drapped in a room that is only so big, with the only exit (that could tell) behind him with probably hundreds of blood lusters iching to decapitate him. Wait a minute... Not all the leaders were here! He counted twelve, which ment a certain female was missing. He knew she was in the room at some point, her sent was too strong to have just been lingering, he could even distinguish which chair she sat in. All the leaders present were all on one side of the room, farthest from him. There was no seating at the end where he stood. Not a good way to negociate, he thought. He made his tail coil and using his wings to form a very dark and exotic royalty thrown with skulls lining the sides. You leave me no chair, so i'll intimadate you all. Lance wanted to smile at this thought, but his eyes settle on the empty seat which Raven's cent iminated. He instanly became furious. She must have purposely excused herself so she can avoid him.

He sighed, pulling off his headphones, the words Animefireball vaia shadow789 were displayed in yellow Veranda font around the ear pieces. He then sat up straight, looking professional. "Gentlemen?" He said to indicate he was ready to cooperate.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:54 pm
Raven had taken a right down the hall outside of the door. She knew that Lance would be coming from behind her, so she devised a plan. She hid around the corner, and had placed all her fellowship up in the pipes of the sewers. When he got to the door, they would surround him. Five minutes later, she would run back into the room yelling about the Lykins, and everyone would escape. Little did she know that the Lykins were right above her in the street.

Suddenly, one of her female brethren came to her. "They are here my mistress. The Lyknis are on the attack. They've made it into the sewers, and should be here in..." There were no more words, as the woman vampire was brought down by one of the very own she was trying to warn Raven about. It was time to act. " God who knew?'' she thought to herself. She played the pipes and burst into the room. shutting the door quickly she announced what had happened. She didn't see him sitting there. " The Lykins are attacking right outside this door. We've got to get out of here. Right n-..." She saw him out of the corner of her eye. she kept talking."-now! through the other door! GO!"

The Elders Made their way to the door, but kept their eyes on Lance. Raven went to move towards the door, but stopped suddenly. She felt as if his eyes were on her. She smiled, and began to go to the door once more.  

raven deshoulieres


PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:17 am
He watched her enter the room frantically, raving about Lykins in the hall. He didn't beleive her at first, thought she was merely pulling some sort of stunt. It was until the banging of the door did he realize she wasn't jesting. Lance watched her direct the other leaders out of the room, saw her hestitate, debating whether or not she turn say something. She didn't however, and it made him smile. She could have atleast looked at me, he though, rising from his seat as the hidden passage door shut closed. She could have at least gave me a glance, a hateful look, hell even a "Hey whats up traitor... Something. They were comming through the door now. Lykins were pouring into the room from all angles. Cocoa! The headphones morphed into the cat and the two of them began fighting, killing as many as they could to give the leaders a chance to escape. Mostly, however, to give Raven a chance to escape.

As the two of them slashed and fought their way out of the room and into the sewer passage, Lance began accessing his relationship with Raven. There had to be something between them if she were to put so much effort into not looking at him. Surely she would appreciate him holding these beasts at bay till they all made it out. He took a hard hit to the chest and hearly out of reaction, drove his fingures into the creature's thoat, ripping it out completely. He'd almost forgotten about the sythe, he grabbed and began swinging. This was much more effective.

"Lance," Cocoa was shouting, spitting out a huge chunk of flesh and a couple rib bones. "Go catch up to the leaders. I can take the last fifteen on my own."

"You love hoging all the fun don't you?" Lance knew that cocoa wanted him to see Raven again. Never the less, Lance darted back into the room ran down the hidden passage to catch up with Raven and the leaders.  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:59 am
Raven and the other leaders came out of the sewers by the docks at the harbor. She was at least 20 feet behind them, and much safer in retrospect. One by one they all climbed out of the pipes and looked around. No Lykins.
Bradanio looked back at Raven as she climbed last out of the pipe. " Raven, how did you know the Lykins were coming? You didn't plan to whole attack?"

Raven was taken aback. Why on earth would she have done that? She was no blood traitor. " Elder Bradanio, why would I do something like that? One of the fellowship was warning me when she was struck down and brutally beheaded by one of those filthy mongrels. I had only seconds to react." She heard something far down the pipe. Was he following her now to finish off her and the Elders?

She had wanted to at least look into his eyes one more time, but she fought her instinct. She was in love with a blood traitor, and in being so she was like a blood traitor herself. Lance had not left her mind since that night at the festival. His silhouette in the moonlight. enticing.  

raven deshoulieres


PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:20 pm
HE was right there at the exit, he slowed his pace in an intempt to keep them all from hearing him approach. He had no intention of killing any of them will Raven was there, he just wanted see her, to say something, anything. He can hear them talking, One of the males asking if she planned this, implying her betrayal. If Lance was to k out there now, she'll be labled a blood traitor along with himself. If that happened, she would trully hate him, even more than she already had. He decided that he'd wait and see what it is she'd do. If she left, h'd grab Cocoa and head to some place for rest. If she stayed, alone anyways, he'd definately confront her. He was dieing to speak to her again.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:12 am
Raven looked all the elders in the eyes one by one. She knew they were all beginning to think the same thing of her. Blood Traitor. What the sad thing was was that she wasn't one. It just so happened that she was the only female in the Order. It was going to be hard to prove her innocence. When she looked back to the Elder Bradanio, his gaze was hard against her own. He was trying to figure out what to do. He could pull Raven from the Order, but she would still have her followers, or he could trust her and she would become the one to rule over the Elders when his time came to face the fire. He wanted her to be his successor.

Raven watched his facial expressions. He was having a hard time choosing. This meant that none of her words had been in vain. This she was happy about, but she still couldn't get Lance off her mind. She had a feeling he was the noise she heard in the pipe not long ago. The other elders began to walk away and Elder Bradanio made it perfectly clear by looking in her eyes that she was safe in the Order. She stayed put making sure that the Lykins had not followed, and began to slowly walk away.  

raven deshoulieres


PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:06 am
He had been waiting for a while now, waiting for even just the smallest oppertunity to talk to her. He peered aound the pipe, looking at her as the other leaders turned they backs to her. She didn't look all that disapointed, so it probable that she's still in clear standing amongst the order. Lace remastened his watch, a dark black with yellow dials. There were no more lykins about, Lance, no longer hearing the faint death wailes of the fiends.

He watched Raven intently as she stood, watching the head honcho leave her. She too, began to walk off. TYhere was no one else around. No one to suspect her of anything if he were to confront her. She probably still hated him, hell it had only be like a day or so since they've met. He knew it was probably way to early to try and contact her, but he didn't give damn. He wanted to speak to her, wanted a reaction, needed to touch.

He leaped down from his peerch in the pipe opening and stealthfully stalked after her. When he was directly behind her, he reached out, gently taking hold of her arm but just as swiftly let her be when she turned and half jump from his reach.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:45 pm
She felt a hand grab her gently from behind and it startled her. Normally she would have heard someone coming from behind, but she was too far deep in thought. She jumped and turned around ready to attack, but it was the very person she had been thinking about. Lance. Her breath grew heavier, and her stomach did one of those things were one gets nervous and ties into knots.
" What? Have you come here to kill me now? Is that it? Is that why you showed up at the meeting tonight?" Being angry was the only way she knew how to avoid showing her emotions towards him, but she knew that they were showing anyway. Her stance slackened. Her face grew soft. "What am I doing?" She thought to herself. " It's like I WANT him to see that I care for him. I think I'm in love with Lance."
She took a step towards him, and reached out to touch his arm gently praying that he wouldn't pull back. She placed her hand on his arm, and ever so slowly, ran her hand along his arm to his hand and placed her hand on the top of his. This wasn't the normal Raven. The Raven that the rest of the Coven knew was now officially lost somewhere. She was in love.  

raven deshoulieres


PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 2:42 pm
It really was happening. She had placed her hand into his, stepping closer to him, closing the gap of reason cricumstance between them. She had done so of her own free will. His heart was fluttering, fluxating just beneath his own emotions. He stared into hers eyes and smile at her acusation.

"No," he spoke in a soothing tone, drawing her closer. " I went to the meeting becuase i wanted to see you. I didn't plan on killing anyone, not even Lykins." He wasn't sure if she was listening, it really didn't matter now. Lance had Raven now, putting his arms around her, leaving his hands to rest at the small of her back. He was leaning to her, pulling her in, the truth of what emotions existed between them would finally come to light.

He felt it before he realize what it was the second time the sinsation hit him. A tremor, extremely short and very breif, growing much more large and violent was it grew near. His lips brushed across hers as he turned his head to see this distraction. Who he saw standing there, alone, 6'7 of pure muscle, dark skinned like himself, short brown ponytail and near transparrent eyes. One of the nine lykin leaders stood only yards from them.


Lance turned to Raven, regret hitting the pit of his stomach from all angles. He released her as she stared at Bowman, who only watched them, waiting. Lance took off his watch and fastened it to Raven's right arm. "I have to take care of this, i'm sorry. Lance knew the pain of his feelings displayed as clearly as if he'd be set fire.

"Cocoa, take care of her, now GO!" He yeld at Raven and dashed toward Lyken, who had not transformed into the beast that he was. Lance was extremely worried, but about Raven. He knew that fastining Cocoa around her whisk would garrentee her safety for a while. His worry, was directed to Bowman. It wasn't the fact of Bowman being nearly four times large than your average person, it wasn't the fact that Bowman was built like a battleship. Lance worry became frantic becuase Bowman was as equally powerfull as he.  
03 One-on-One RPs

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