Today i had a dream about i was playing soccer in a whery big ground... The distance to the goal was like 1 mile... And in the midle of the ground there was this mountain that you had to climp lol

I dreamed that i was in the cornor far away from the goal, and i was a bit atacked... And i was soo weak!!! I had no power to run... Soo i hitted the ball to pass someone, and the ball was whery slow! It was going like 1 MPH... But the ball keep going, and no one tock the ball... And the goal keeper was also a bit stunned, soo the ball went into the goal!!!!!!!! And then there was something weird about some rooms... And then i don't remmeber more question

Soo what does Islam have to do with dreams?

islam has to do nothing with your dream like soccer and all!!

well it is said that dreams that elders see mean more!! then the ones that children (-1 cool see!!

and Islam says that dreams are kind of source that angles show us telling us what is going to happen to us in coming days!!

this is what i know!!

and as professor said sweatdrop its the like prophecy ^_^

oh boi i remeber Harry potter and the order of pheonix

the prophecy is broken lol

i wished i had the shiny prophecy it looks really awesome rofl