Tzi is the Alpha female of the Raven Lord's herd lead by Anzu her mate. She's cold and calculating, but she wasn't born a Raven Lord. She came from the Northspring Harpy herd. Because she lacked claws she was considered a lesser and one day while out hunting she met Anzu who offered her something she couldn't refuse.
But rather then worrying about keeping his love, there isn't much 'love' in this relationship. Its built on respect. Anzu feels that females are worth more to the herd and Tzi was able to provide 3 daughters for Anzu.
Story: He walks the path that starts at to two legger village, through the forest. He knows the land so well he could walk it with his eyes closed. Lutra's a kind sole, that keeps mostly to himself. He guides humans and horses alike. Picking up strays along the way.
Story: He walks the path that starts at to two legger village, through the forest. He knows the land so well he could walk it with his eyes closed. Lutra's a kind sole, that keeps mostly to himself. He guides humans and horses alike. Picking up strays along the way. -=Breeding Record=- Lifemating
Chastity was once very flirtatious, but that got her into a little trouble. She ended up having a one night stand, which resulted in two foals. One foal wandered off she to live her own life but the other stuck near by.
With both of her girls grown Chastity was ready to move forward and she found mister right! Polar was such a great stallion and now they are starting their own family adventure.
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=][ X ][/url] [color=white]---[/color][b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes
[b]RP Approved?:[/b] No
[b]Low Luck?:[/b] No
[spoiler][list=1] [*] list of attempts [/list][/spoiler]
[b]Same Breed Variants:[/b] Sure [color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] -
[color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] -
[b]Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):[/b] n/a
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] Sure [color=white]---[/color][b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] Polar [url=]Glacier - Dad[/url] x [url=]Laikaylah - Mom[/url] Chastity [url=]Amitola[/url] and [url=]Lucianna[/url] Grandparents: [url=]Krysta[/url] & [url=]Viscoso[/url] Great Grandparents: [url=]Starshine[/url] & [url=]Kanati[/url][/quote]
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:49 pm
Name: Sohalia Breed: 2nd Gen Angeni Sex: Female Temper: Mild Familiar: none Roleplay color:Dark Blue Mate: Herd: Parents:Astrophel and Mahdi Siblings:Euthyphro and Skadhi
Sohalia is a sweet girl. She loves both her parents, even if they didn't stay together. Her father thought that he would be with Mahdi forever but, it turns out, his 'love' was missed place. Soha and her siblings have a fairly close relationship. She herself is just starting on her life...
Sohalia lives in the heavens with her farther. She would travel to Earth to see her family, and one day met Akemi. When she was in heaven, she would use her powers to visit Akemi. Soha can dream walk like her mother, but can only do so, at night with Astrophel's Lunar power. And also being a watered down version of the powers, she can only do one dream at a time. So she would spend her time with Akemi.
One day Akemi's dreams were no longer available and a long time went by. Soha thought that they had something special... But it turns out that Akemi took a mate on Earth, after Soha's arrival.
So now that she is no longer bonded to someone she wants to begin her adventures.
Name: Byzantium Nacht Breed: 2nd gen Sex: Male Familiar: Roleplay color: Mate: Herd: Parents: Uncert:
Crusnik was raised by two wonderful parents. But she was just an odd one. Crusnik compartmentalized everything. She deemed feelings and emotions irrelevant and therefore does not express them. This however made life for the mare a bit tough. She had no direction. Until as a foal she met a stallion named Lutra.
The stallion was a Lantern holder in this herd that offered aid to everyone that needed it including two leggers... It seemed like her ability to just keep pushing forward could be put to use in a good way. So once she was old enough she left home to join this herd.
One her way to joining the herd she found a lost stallion named Lazarus. He was an interesting fellow and she told him about the herd and he chose to go with her. The two trained together and became close, well as close as one could with someone that didn't express feelings. Crusnik view the physical aspect of the relationship normal by standard and simply apart of life. Before the results of the evening were known Lazarus had obtained his lantern and then left the herd for personal reasons with the intentions of coming back.
Crusnik found out after that she was pregnant and bore two foals, a boy and girl. She raised them the best she could and they both turned out decently. She never spoke badly of Lazarus and by all accounts, Crusnik thought he would return and he never did. Once her foals got their lanterns her son left to find his father and when he didn't return her daughter RosenFreuz followed to bring him home.
RosenKruez had to break the new to Crusnik that Lazarus was never coming back. Crusnik simply moved on. She has risen in the ranks of the herd and is used for some of the more serious situations because she doesn't get emotional. She and Lutra have a good working relationship build on trust and respect. Crusnik isn't looking but hopefully will find someone to stay with her long term.
Name: Sir Safir Misae Breed: 4th Gen Sex: Male Familiar: Roleplay color: Mate: Herd: Parents: Uncert:
Jocelyn is a sweet mare. She's lived her whole life in these parts. She was raised by a good family that have all passed on due to natural causes. She's mentally stable, and over all well rounded. She's a bit on the quiet side, and liked to watch others. Overall friendly, but like with anyone really, she can be nasty. Though she tries to be tasteful with everything she does.
Radiance is a very shy mare, unlike her mother. She so she never really had friends growing up. Her sister had chosen to leave but where could Radi go? As an adult she ended up meeting a rather quirky stallion that made her smile and the two quickly became mates.
[b]Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets:[/b] CC --[b] Genders if three are rolled:[/b] CC [b]Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?:[/b] Sure -- [b]If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?:[/b] Sure
[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:[/b] Radiance (LunaRei_SilverBlood) [img][/img] [url=]UNCERT[/url]) [b]Name, image, and owner(s) of father:[/b] Ojichaag Zoosoobanjige (dracoXK) [img][/img] [b]Co Ownership?:[/b] -
[b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes
[b]Low Luck?:[/b] No
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=][ X ][/url]
[b]Teepees:[/b] [url=]Luna’s Teepee[/url] / [url=]Draco’s[/url] [b]Throwbacks?:[/b] No [b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] - [/quote]
Name: Revolution Airay Breed: 2nd Gen Sex: Male Temper: Trickster Familiar: none Roleplay color:Deep Pink Mate: Herd: none Parents: Madoka & Boris Airay
Revo left with his mother when she caught his father cheating. He missed his sisters and over time grew angry. He wanted to avenge his mothers broken heart, despite the fact that she has moved on Revolution hasn't. His father was held to a higher standard, he took a mate and cheated on her. That was not true stallion that was a weakling. Revolution ended up joining a mob and becoming an assassin.
It was like the stallion had 2 personalities. He took pride and joy in his work because he was using the mod to track down his father. He wanted to kill him and now he had the means to do so. But over time he got in deep with the mob and it's possible he's lost himself in this life.
Name: Rock n' Rye Breed: 2nd Gen Sex: Female Temper: Familiar: none Roleplay color: Mate: Herd: none Parents:Midori x Daleson -=Breeding Record=-
Name: Hadriel Breed: 2nd Gen Mutant Sex: Male Temper: Reactant Familiar: none Roleplay color:brown Mate:Scarab Herd: none Parents:Copena Jolon x Hard Tack
Hadriel takes after his father mostly in appearance and unlike most of his siblings he has a steady mind. He often cared for his much younger sister Cenotaph. But once she was granted a true friend by the wishing start Hadriel's purpose faded and so he left home.
One evening a stallion named Scarab stumbled into his home quiet literally, and the two have been together since, The Wishing Star has granted the two stallion, two lovely foals, a boy and girl.
She was a blind Oracle in The Dream Walker Herd, but 'fell into a dream' when she wandered to far and left the herd lands. She was found by one of the Lantern Holders of Eterna Fiamma named Nott and brought back to the herd where she now resides as the Seerer.
Name: Illuminatus Breed: Reg/Angeni Sex: Male Temper: Focused Familiar: none Roleplay color:Bold Light Blue Mate: Herd: Fiamma Eterna Parents:Lutra X Akari
He is currently Lutra's only son. Illuminatus knew what his path would be, he would be a Lantern holder in the herd and help those that needed help. He was so business like, just like her father. He uses his wings to help by patrolling the skies.
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=][ X ][/url] [color=white]---[/color][b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes
[b]RP Approved?:[/b] No
[b]Low Luck?:[/b] No
[spoiler][list=1] [*] list of attempts [/list][/spoiler]
[b]Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only):[/b] Yes [color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] -
[b]Other Variants (Stock Templates Only):[/b] Yes [color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] Please avoid the forever foal main/tail and the short mane/tail styles
[b]Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):[/b] Yes [b]Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):[/b] Yes