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Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:05 pm
Msimulizi x Hihali

This had been a good moon-phase. So many stories gathered, new songs sung, and interesting creatures met. It was those things that kept Muli from tying herself down to any one place. Especially before she crossed the great waters. She intended to travel to her mother's birth-land before she died...to see the green hills her mother taught her about. She sat down next to the small watering hole she'd come across. Now was the time to rest, and cool off. The sun had been particularly hot today.

Hihali was up earlier than usual. Normally it would already be dark when she would get up, but the hot sun made her uncomfortable. She pawed through the grass, uncertain where her brother and she had stayed at the night before. The lands looked different from the ones they had been to before, and she was a little hesitant of wandering too far from where they had stayed for the day.

Light noises in the grass brought the dozing Muli to attention, curiosity taking over. What was coming towards her? A lion, maybe a leopard or cheetah? Were they audience, or like her? She blinked and scooted a little closer to the noise. And spotted...pink not too far away. Moving. Pink? She'd never seen a flower move...and was it possible to have flower colored fur? "Hello?"

Hihali heard a voice in front of her and ceased moving. She crouched low to the ground, and looked ahead, waiting for it to make a move. The wind moved with her so she couldn't tell what it was. Soon after she crouched, she closed her eyes and pounced, letting out a small rawr.

Muli 'eep'ed as the pink-furred little one jumped at her. She scrambled back, staring at the little creature with wide green eyes. She'd never seen something quite like the little one who pounced at her. So pink and...looked a little like a lion. She thought. "Well...good evening."

Hihali opened her eyes to see that the thing she tried to attack was a lioness. A bright smile appeared on her face when she saw this. After, her daddy was a lion. "Good morning." She replied back and started to bounce around. Wasn't she out a little late? She then looked back to the sky to see that she was up too early.

Morning? Muli chuckled. The little one must be a night-goer. "Well~ I'm glad I stay up to greet Mother Night. Else I wouldn't have met you, would I?" Such a hyper little one...reminded her of when she was younger. "Is your family nearby?" The thought of a cub on their own worried Muli, but she would not jump to conclusions.

She smiled at the thought, she was beginning to like this lion. "My brothers over there sleeping." She said as she looked over to a tree, "But don't wake him! He never gets any sleep." She then shrugged. "I don't know where the rest of my family is. I haven't thought about them in a while.

Muli looked surprised. Only her brother? But...the little one must have been without the rest of her family a while, since she didn't seem phased. "Ah...Why doesn't your brother get any sleep?" This little one seemed to have a rather interesting story.

She shrugged lightly, "Don't know exactly. I think he likes to look out for me and because he's afraid something will get me during the day, so he stays awake all day." She said as she finally sat down in the grass.

Poor things. She thought for a moment, unsure what to say. She'd never really encountered many cubs before...lt alone cubs on their own! Well...the strange little white one was almost on his own...but he seemed safe. This girl and her brother were another matter. "For once...I'm at a loss for words, little one."

Hihali laughed at her response. "Ha, you sure are funny. I'm Hihali, and my brothers name is Udo." she said as she bounded around the lioness. Hihali and her brother left their family from the start. Udo had an unknowing hatred for them, and Hihali didn't want to leave her older brother alone. You could say they were watching out for each other.

Muli blinked and chuckled, following the little one's movements. "I live to entertain, Hihali." She made a mock bow, a grin creeping onto her muzzle. "I'm Msimulizi...and I'm traveling in search of new stories and songs." Hihali really was like a younger her. Energetic and rambunctious. "I am curious though...I've never seen a little one who looks like you."

Hihali's eyes grew wide when she heard what Muli was doing. "Do you tell stories?" She asked, her tail wagging from side to side like a puppy's. Her head cocked to one side when she made her later comment." What do you mean?"

Muli nodded. "Yes. I tell and sing lots of stories. Most of the ones I have so far are stories my Mama told me that come from the land she was born in." At Hihali's question she blinked. "Well...just that. You're a unique cub...though your brother probably looks like you as well. You look a bit like a lion cub...but there's something not-lion about you..." Muli grinned sheepishly. "It's rather confusing."

Hihali's energy suddenly died. "Oh... you mean that..." she said as she looked down and shuffled some dirt around with her paws. "My mom was a leopard." She said with a little disgust. "She left my father when we were young, he was a lion." She smiled at the mention of her father. She loved him so much, even if she never knew him.

Muli immediately regretted what she said and leaned down to the cub. "You know...there's no shame in being what you are." She hadn't even known lions and leopards could reproduce together. "I think you're quite a striking looking cub." Somehow...cute just didn't seem to be the right word to tell this girl.

She sighed. "Yeah... I guess. I got my color from my mother." she said lightly, "But I think I got the pattern from my daddy!" She said, her tail wagging again.

Muli chuckled. "Well...It looks good on you." She gave Hihali a warm smile. "I have my mother's coloring...but she says my eyes are my father's. I'd like to go across the great waters one day...to see where my mother was born, and to see my father."

Hihali settled down again and smiled at Muli. "I want to go see my dad too. But I don't know where he would be." She said, thinking. "Mom wouldn't know. Maybe Udo and me could go find him!"

"That's certainly a worthy search!" Muli raised a paw to pat Hihali's head. "And you seem the sort to never back down from somthing. You just plow right through anything that challenges you, hm?" The cub seemed to have a drive that Muli herself shared...though for something different. "And like calls to like, so I'm sure your paws would lead you to him."

She nodded, "Yup, that's right. I even boss my brother around sometimes." She said and laughed. She smiled at her comment. "Maybe your right." Her face brightened up, "I'm gonna go try!" She said with determination as she started back towards the tree her brother and her shared. "Bye Muli! And thanks!"

Muli couldn't help but grin again. "Well then...I wish you good fortune, and safe travels until you reach him!" Such a story Hihali would make for herself. The bard turned to the horizon, where the last bits of light were retreating to. "Mother Night, watch over them in darkness, and Father Day, keep them safe while they sleep in your light."
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:06 pm
Are Those Wings? (Juuku x Hihali)

Once again Hihali couldn't sleep. This day just seemed too bright for her to be able to sleep, even with her paws over her eyes (one of the disadvantages of being nocturnal).

She treaded away from where her brother and her were staying for the day, and found herself at a small watering hole. She smiled at the sight of water and bounded over and pounced at the water, diving in paws first. She loved the feel of the water against her fur and she splashed around in the water playfully, splashing herself till she was soaked.

Most would expect one of water to stay within such a confined place; keeping to oneself without a care in the world with the sea a more than a home but a domain. But it seemed as if the young adolescent had found his curiosity hightened which caused his paws to carry him away from the crashing waves, away from the sands and towards the open grasslands. The grass underfoot seemed to p***k at his pawpads even though he had sometimes wandered that strange sensation never seemed to wear off. If anything it felt renewed and slightly uncomfortable! Not to mention wasn't a creature, an immortal, such as himself suppose to hide his appearance from wandering eyes? It seemed as if the blue and white tribal male would actually attract the curious due to the strange, unusual wings that seemed to hoover close towards his body in various places. But perhaps if that wasn't strange enough his tail certainly wasn't like a lions tail!

Yet not one thought concerning the matter seemed to cross his mind- the god was actually taking cautious and careful steps in attempt to avoid stepping on any grass and staying upon the small, well trodden dirth path that woves through the open lands. His brows furrowed as he strained each step, biting his lower lip as he gave a slight jump onto any spot of dirt. Poor Juuku was so far out of his element that certainly he must look so silly! Land was so vastly different than the sea and there was a part of him that could only thank Mkodi that he was a creature who wasn't landlocked from the sea in any way.

As the necklaces around his neck and the bracelets fitted around his paws jostled slightly, the god bit his lower lip. "Duuuude, why does this grass have to be everywhere?" He sighed, flicking his ears as his wings seemed to furl and tuck close to his body. "This is tooooootally weird."

Only lengths away Juuku caught sight of something. Wait- that reflection. That light dancing off of a familiar surface with a shine that was so- so natural! A lopsided grin seemed to stretch across his maw as the god stretched a front paw forwards in a hastey but careful motion. Yes! There was water up ahead! Excitement and relief seemed to surge through his entire being as he began to lope with great strides through the grass, his mind numbing the strange, prickly, sensation as he was nearing the waters domain. But as he neared he head something-


Was the water actually laughing?

For being a god, Juuku was actually sometimes a bit dense and 'not all there'. Oh sure he could be rather insightful and intelligent at times but other times one could have sworn that his mane was actually bleach blonde rather than its white-silver appearance.

Slinking to his belly, Juuku crept slowly as his maw seemed to gape open and eyes fixed upon the waters edge. "This is tooooootally sweet!" He chuckled, trying to sneak a peek at the watering hole.

"Duuuude, Duuuude?" Wait- what if it wasn't a dude... "Uh...duddette? Can you tell me where I am oh laughing waters that so totally rock? I'm kinda lost." He couldn't help but chuckle softly, trying not to offend the laughing waters as he reached a paw downwards and swirled the water around a bit as small waves conjued with an easy motion.

"Dude...uh dudette? You there?"

Hihali was under the water playing with the pieces of grass that were submerge. She heard a voice up at the surface and thinking it was her brother swam up to the surface. "Aw Udo, why do you always have to spoil my fun."

It wasn't her brother though. It was a strange blue lion with....wings?

She tilted her head to the side and looked at him strangely. "Who are you?" Though her question was more like 'what'. She had never seen anything like him before.

A slight frown curled upon his maw as it seemed that the waters fell silent once again. Juuku knitted his brows as his strange otter-like tail thumped upon the ground with an unsettled curiosity, eyes fixed upon the water as if pleading for some sort of sign- anything! Orbs of purest cerulean seemed to settle upon his reflection as something within the water seemed to stir-suddenly breaking through the surface and calling him by name. The gods maw dropped as a small gasp emitted from out of his maw. A water lion? Just like him? It didn't make sense! His maw continued to hang suspended as he stared, stared and stared a bit harder at the strange creature within the water.

"Udo? Uh- naw. Ya got it tooooootally wrong dudette!" He chuckled, grinning as the wings upon his head seemed to wriggle with glee. "Names Juuku, little grommet! Or- uh, you're definitely not laughin' waters, 'cha? Though-" lowering his head towards her, the god blinked several times.

"Woah- dudette, what are yoooou?" He mused, not quite familiar with what she was by any means.

There was a part of him that found the familiarity of a lion while the other part of him was set in saying she was a leopard but- dude, it toooootally didn't make any sense! Pshaw, its not like there were some crazy mixes runnin' around, cha? Though that would so totally rock it seemed like it wouldn't be. These lands seemed a bit too bent on rules to really have that sort of stuff flyin' around, 'cha? As a small grin curled upon his maw, the god gave another chuckle as his small fangs accompanied with a smile of pearly whites became exposed.

"'m the god of the surf- I control the waves and the pull of the tides of the big blue. Seriously, dudette its like 'coo-coo-chachoo' and then its all rippin' and rollin, 'cha?" He gave a casual nod of his head. "You know the ocean? Its all like 'woah' and then it will be all 'WOAH!' and then its all like "WOOOOOOOAH!'." The wings of the strange god seemed to emphasize his point as the furled, extended outwards with a snap and created an undulating like motion as they gave a great thrust of their membrane and tucked at his sides while his facial expression was clearly defined with each explaination and that mischievious, thrill seeking gleam within his eyes. Though it seemed where he currently stumbled upon that it was a possibility that none of its inhabitants had ever walked along the shores of the beach before Juuku knew had to combat such a thing if it was in fact the case. But for now, the god was curious and rather stoked to be meeting someone new!

"Soooooooo," he continued, arching a brow upwards. "What's your name, dudette?"

She laughed at his question, and bounded around his massive paws. "Well, I don't know what I'm called, but my mother was a leopard and my father was a lion." She said as she reached his tail. She batted at it a few times and then sat down on her haunches. "I'm Hihali. But Udo normally calls me Hali." She laughed lightly. "What's a....god?" She asked. She had never heard the term before. "Is it a kind of bird?" His wings threw her off. She couldn't tell what a god was.

His eyes widened slightly while his mouth created a slight 'O' shape, his head wings fluttering as he stared down towards the cub. A mommy leopard and a daddy lion made a Hali? Juuku chuckled softly, canting his head as his tail thumped upon the sands. "Dudette that's toooooootally sweet!" He exclaimed, a grin plastering upon his maw. "I never thought that a lion and a leopard could unite like that! Man, I'm definitely behind on the times, 'cha?" Indeed! It was a bit strange but something totally bodacious at the same time! Though the God hadn't quite hung around the mortals mainland and often stuck to his sea haven, it was certainly interesting to learn that it seemed that some things certainly were taking a new turn of directions.

Just like the sea itself or any water which carried a current- that body of water never carried the same current twice. There were always other outside forces and the unseen that could cause the tides to sway and the motion to change but with this news the God could certainly see that the small ripples were bring about such a radical effect! Little leopons! Or Liopard? Well- he wasn't quite sure of the name but he'd figure it out sooner or later.

As the small cub spoke once again, Juuku's attention perked upward. "Hiha-hi- uh... Hihali!" The words slipped a bit on his tongue but as he finally managed to conquere the pronounciation he grinned. "Aw, totally a pleasure ta' meet 'cha Hali, dudette!"

Ooooh- well wasn't that a good question!

Juuku grinned.

"A God is someone who rules over a certain aspect of life that all mortals need, 'cha? Like I control the surf. Some gods toooootally control the rain, water, emotions like happiness, sadness, anger and all of that jazz. Then there are other complicated and common domains that ya'd never think about. We watch out for ya mortals," he winked. His muzzle twitched slightly, small fangs biting down on his lower lip. "A bird? Aw- naw dudette! Well- we can fly like birds but most of us look like lions! We just like to hide is all," Juuku chuckled, slinking down onto his stomach.

Even for him the concept of Gods were a bit unknown. There were so many little grommet Gods being born and those being re-born that it was tooootally hard to keep track of! Most Gods weren't quite familiar with one another and there were few that Juuku knew of which only added to his quest of trying to find more like himself about these lands and the sea, if there were anymore that is!

Flicking his tail, Juuku smiled. "Have you ever met a God before, Hali?"

Hihali listened to his explanation with full focus. A few of his words confused her, and she didn't quite understand everything, but she decided to just listen. She sat down on her haunches and tilted her head from side to side, her ears perking every now and then. Udo had told her to always listen. She knew that every bit of information was valuable, even if she didn't understand what it meant.

She shook her head at his final question. "Your the first one I've ever seen Mr. Juuku." She said as she jumped up to try and paw at his maw.

Even for him the explaination of what a God or Goddess was. It was something that was complex and woven with small details and aspects that made each domain unique while also working together with others though even if the Gods or Goddesses didn't want any assistance from one another. Sometimes immortals seemed to be a bit stubborn in that asking or wanting help department and all. But still, Juuku kept a broad grin across his maw as his eyes watched the small cub nearly bounce around and paw at his muzzle. The massive God chuckled, that plastered grin stretching nearly from ear to ear as he lowered his maw down towards her.

"Aw- really? Well its toooooootally an honor to be the first God you've met, Hawaiiaaaaaaan Hali. So what brings you out here dudette? You strayin' away from the family unit in search of some adventure or just roamin' about?"

His brows furrowed slightly while his tail thumped upon the ground once, then twice. Being one whose domain often kept him confined within the waters Juuku hadn't quite been exposed to the mainland and all of this new information, scents and sights were making his brain boggle with questions and with all sorts of curiosity! More than ever the God felt that he had much to learn, even more than before!

Batting at her playfully and with a gentle swat, the God looked around once again before turning his attention back towards her.

"Sooooooo Hawaiiaaaaaan Hali.... maybe its best if I tooootally tell you a story first," Juuku began. Tilting his head to the side for just a moment, Juuku picks up the small cub by the scruff and rises to his paws before prancing off.

"You're gonna love it!"

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:18 pm
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:20 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:21 pm
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:30 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:34 pm
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:38 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:40 pm
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:54 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:01 pm
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:07 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:08 pm
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:09 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:13 pm
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