I was picturing this in my head.

Now 15, Renesme was just like her mother. She had lovely blush, is somewhat klutsy, and she liked to read a lot too.

One day, her boyfriend jake took her to ort angeles to wander around town a bit. Renesme spotted an old book store by an italian restaurant, the place she remembered her father told her about.

As she walked in, Jacob said to her: "You wanna get some more books? I heard some new harry potter book came out....not part of the series though...the part about the vampire minister was so not true....."
"Oh, Jake, you don't have to buy me anymore books; I'm happy with you being around!" Nessie kisses him on the cheek, and shows him how happy she is using her power.

"Ok, ok, I'll read the magazines." Jacob walked to the front desk to where they can be found.

She looked around the teen section, and found an interesting book, called Twilight, by Stephenie meyer....With her quick intelligence of a vampire, she read all of the books, twilight, new moon, eclispe, and breaking dawn in half an hour. Shocked at reading them, she marched toward her boyfriend and said to jacob:

"Jake? Please don't tell me you made-out with my mother............"

oh god that was hilarious! xD