"If any other news comes up, we'll make sure to tell you if we can safely," Ukweli promised, his face worried despite his effort to make sure his old friend would not feel like they were exiling him. It was not, however, leaving the cubs under Hifadhi's care that worried him. What concerned him most was that they were dividing their pride once more, taking away a valuable warrior from their midst. Old as Hifadhi was he was still in considerably good shape. Ukweli could only hope that time would not make him regret his decision to send his old friend away. For the cubs' safety, they would have to make this sacrifice. He hoped it would not be Ngao would have to suffer the most from this decision.

"Be safe," he murmured, as he inclined his head to each of them. It felt wrong somehow to say goodbye to either of them, as if he were condemning them. Wishing them safety gave the old lion at least a little hope that somehow their goddess would protect them. He could only hope that they had made the right decision. Carefully, the old lion got to his feet, and turned to head back the way he came. Viza nodded to both the lions and their bird companions, then took flight to follow Ukweli. The decision had been made.