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Reply [IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]
A nitetime adventure - Ufunuo/Ubele/Peke/Kuruka/Hifadhi -FIN Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:07 pm
(Also sorry for the dissapearance... I had a crazy work shedual yesterday that kept me from being online)

Hifadhi led them through the night, doing his best to ignore the cubs comments, or reply with, "Don't worry, we're almost there." Hopefully, they would be far too tired when they arrived at the spot he was looking for to complain anymore.

Eventually, after traveling for most of the night, he found the spot he was looking for. He had taken Ngao out to this spot many times over the years, as a private training area. Only the two of them knew about it, since Hifadhi's own trainer had died many years ago. It was as it had been left before... A shallow den which was hidden among the underbrush. He had been worried that it might have been covered when the landslide occured, but it remained safe... though the area was still a little different.

"Alright, we're here. At long last." He smiled a little, glad they had arrived. He turned around and looked over the cubs, "Now is everyone... wait... Kuruka...?" He asked, looking around for the young female, "Where did she run off too?"
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:40 pm
It felt like they'd been walking forever, or at least he thought it did. But if he thought about it, maybe it hadn't been quite forever, it was still night after all. Either way, he was certain they had walked a long ways. Surely they had walked much further than they ever had before, he had never seen this place.

He was tired, his paws certainly thought it had been a long walk. Whatever game they had come here to play, he certainly hoped they would be allowed to take a rest first. Or maybe the journey had been the game, Hifadhi had said they were exploring. Then he hoped the could rest before going back home.

With a small yawn, Ufunuo flopped onto his haunches, curious about their surroundings, but too tired to explore. Just a rest, Hifadhi wouldn't mind that right? He would rest his paws, then he would explore, and in the meantime he would satisfy himself by looking around, eyes taking in every detail he could, listening, sniffing unknown scents.

"Where are--huh?"

Ufunuo paused in his words, looking to each form in turn. There was Ubele, Hifadhi, Peke, wait, someone was missing. Kuruka wasn't there, he was sure she had been a moment ago. Wasn't she just behind Peke?

"I thought she was here with us."  

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Tactical Tycoon

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:16 pm
Ubele was regretting her decision to follow Hifadhi. The journey had taken way too long. Her paws were hurting, and the wonder and excitement had worn off long ago. Now she was tired, and sad, and wanted someone to comfort her. She was about to speak up and complain, but realized that the group had stopped. She looked around her in weary confusion, not comprehending that they had finally reached their destination. Ubele had figured that they were going to walk forever.

With a sigh of relief, she flopped onto the ground to give her paws a rest. She looked over and saw that her brother was doing the same thing. Even Peke looked worn out after the walk. And Kuruka . . .

Ubele sat up in confusion. Where was the other female? She was sure that she had been right behind them. Glancing around anxiously, she could not see the other cub anywhere. Her gaze turned to Hifadhi.

"Where is Kuruka? I know she was with us. She isn't normally the type to walk off on her own. What is going on here?" Ube whimpered and walked over toward her brother, seeking some comfort from her family member. It was highly unusual that Kuruka would not stick with the group. There was always the possibility that she had gotten thirsty and had stopped for a drink. Or what if she had tripped and none of them had realized until now? Trying to keep her imagination in check, Ube took a deep breath to calm down. Hifadhi would figure it out and find Kuruka. She'd probably just fallen slightly behind and was catching up.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:54 pm
Hifadhi bit his lip, but his face remained calm, "Yes... Yes I'm sure she's just catching up. Here, I'll show you where you're sleeping..." He mentioned, "I knew you would be tired when we got here, so here's where you can rest." He moved to the brush and pushed it aside, revealing the small den, "Here you go, nice and cozy. Generations of Captains of the Guard have slept and lived here during their training. You'll be sleeping where the most powerful members of our pride have slept." He hoped that would encourage them. They were tired, so it was debatable. It certainly wouldn't have stopped him when he was young... in fact, he distinctly remembered his own mentor telling him that. Exhausted, he had practically run into the den.

It was a nice memory in an unkind time.

"Come on now... I'll wait outside for Kuruka." He promised, "She'll come in and rest with you in a moment." He ushered them towards the cave, wanting them out of the way and quickly, "And no wandering off... it's easy to get lost here, and you'll miss all the fun if you do."



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PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:35 pm
-So tired... her feet, her eyes, all of her really. And as her legs had slowly increased the gap between her and Peke, it'd seemed like only the briefest of moments that her eyes had fluttered shut. And yet when her eyes openned Kuruka no longer saw the familar pelt.

Pausing in her step, any ounce of sleepiness in the cub faded with the adrenline that pumped through her veins to accompany the immediate fear and surprise that'd filled her. Where were they? H... how could they be gone!?

She span in circles frantically, eyes and ears snapping to quickly take in every sound and movement. But all she could here were bugs... and trees rustling. Drawing in a deep breath she paused in frantic thought, far too upset to really think logically. Maybe they hadn't noticed, maybe she was just a few steps behind. Yes that was it! She just needed to catch up.

Immediately her paws pushed her forward, of course not in the correct direction, jogging through the darkness as her tiny voice squeaked out in fear.- "Peke! Hifadhi?"


The beauty of the night was gone, and all that was left was that horrible darkness. And maybe... now that Hafadhi wasn't here to protect her... well maybe it would come this time. Maybe it would just gobble her up. The noise of the bugs was deafening, ever shadow seeming to sway and move threateningly. Her pace slowed to a slow creep, her voice falling only to a frightened whisper as her chest heaved with soft sobs.- "Dumu...."


PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:26 pm
His gaze turned to his sister, brushing his head against his sister's in a reassuring gesture. It was okay, Hifadhi was there, Kuruka had mostly likely only been distracted and fallen behind. She couldn't be far, and if she was more than a few steps behind, it was still okay, because Hifadhi would know what to do, he would find her, and they'd all be together again. Well, except for Dumu anyways.

See, he knew Hifadhi would know what to do, he always knew didn't he? Pushing himself to his paws, Ufunuo followed a few paces behind the old lion, head tilted in childish curiosity as he peered into the den. It did look nice, and he was tired. It meant he'd be closer to Peke than he cared, but that was okay so long as Ubele was there, and Hifadhi would be there too, once he made sure Kuruka was with them.

"Really? Does that mean you slept here too?"

The captains? That was kind of neat, did that mean they were going to train here too? That sounded like fun, he always liked to learn. A few steps closer, Ufunuo poked his nose inside the den, inhaling any scents that may have lingered with in, prodding at the darkness with a curious paw.

"Okay, but you'll find Kuruka right?"

He had stepped inside, turning to look to the others through the den's entrance, a hopeful expression in his eyes, a small encouraging smile to his sister. Of course Hifadhi would find her, Ufunuo knew he would.  

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Dedicated Sweetheart

15,425 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:46 am
-Though she tried her very best to walk straight, to locate any sort of scent or sign, Kuruka did nothing more then walk in large circles as the night drifted onward. Further away her feet carried her, further lost, eaten up in a darkness that seemed never ending and unrelenting.

She was afraid to walk into the dark in fear of running into something.. But she was more afraid that if she stopped and waited then whatever monster was out there would surely catch her. To cry for help or not? To move or wait? Too many choices, all of which terrifying, and so she seemed to do them all, the tears streaming down her cheeks the only constant.

The morning was coming soon, already the stars were beginning to fade from the sky, and Kuruka finally collapsed into the tall grasses at the base of a gnarled tree. The tears had faded from sheer lack of energy, and each labored breath sounded as if it were a sigh.

She was so tired... her muscles hurt from all the activity of the past day and evening. Emotionally she was exhausted, no longer did she bother to try and convince herself that someone was coming for her, nor did she worry about the dark that was slowly fading. Kuruka had simply given up. Though her muscles protested, the young lioness curled up to comfort herself, her eyes fluttering once... twice.. before she drifted off too sleep.-
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:27 pm
Although sleepiness still plagued the cub a part of him was wide awake comfortable walking through the darkness. He kept his pace behind Hifadhi at a moderate pace never seeming to slow sluggishly like the others. For some reason he felt more awake with ever step that he took. His gaze kept drifting from one area to another to the point he didn't notice that his sister was falling further and further behind. In fact it wasn't until they had arrived at the secret area that it was even brought to his attention.

Kuruka was missing? At those words the cub's head shot up panic across his features as he looked at the former Captain of the Guard. "What?" He asked disbelief in his voice. He had missed Kuruka disappearing? "You lost my sister?" He questioned anger straining his tone. He didn't get a reply though for the adult had already left to wait for his sibling.

How could he lose her? Wasn't he supposed to be watching them? Fury swelled in the young male's heart towards Hifadhi but...also at himself... How could he not have noticed? Damnit!

"I'm going to look for her." He stated to Ufunuo and Ubele.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:55 pm
Figures, of course Peke would be difficult, why couldn't he just listen for a change? Sigh, he was too tired for this, he didn't want to fight, didn't want to argue. And the night had been so peaceful until now, of course it couldn't last.

"No Peke, Hifadhi said not to wander off."

Ufunuo sprang from the den, at least as well as his tired limbs would let him, placing himself in Peke's path. As much as Peke grated on his nerves, he didn't want the other cub lost or hurt either. None of them knew the land here, they couldn't have found there way home, nor could they have found their way back here if they got lost. Hifadhi knew the way, and he was bigger, he could find her, beside, it was late, the sun would come up soon, and he was tired.

"Hifadhi will find her, and then we'll all be here. You leave and Hifadhi will have to look for you too. Then who will find Kuruka?"

Stupid Peke, never thinking before he acted. Hifadhi knew what he was doing, they did not, and Ufunuo was not going to let another of them become lost. They would wait here, and when they woke up, Kuruka and Hifadhi would be there.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:42 pm
A growl escaped his lips as he moved to pass Ufunuo. "Get out of the way Ufunuo." He hissed his eyes narrowing as he practically shoved his way past the other. "I'm not going to sit here and do nothing while Kuruka is all by herself!" His voice was escalating but quiet enough that Hifadhi couldn't hear. He knew if the other did he wouldn't be able to go regardless of what he did. He was not going to leave his precious little sister out all by herself. "He won't have to look for me." He growled continuing towards the entrance to leave.

"What happens if something happens to her and it's all my fault? I won't let that happen." He stated barely glancing back to look at the other who probably could overpower him. His brother was no where to be found and his sister had gone missing. He would not be spending time with the royal siblings if he didn't have to. He'd rather be lost looking for Kuruka than stuck with them. It'd just remind the fact he didn't know where either of his siblings were.

"You can't stop me."


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:12 pm
Ufunuo was not intimidated, nothing that Peke did or said would dissuade him. Stubborn idiot, he was just going to get them all hurt, and Ufunuo was not going to let him. No, absolutely not, they were staying, and that was final.


Paws moving quickly, he leaped after Peke, his aim to block his path once again, to keep him from leaving the den and getting lost as well. unfortunately he may have fallen short of that goal, instead landing squarely on the other cubs back, sending them both sprawling to the floor. Well okay, not what he had in mind, but that worked too.

"And you know your way around here so well do you? What, you don't? That's what I thought. You're worried about her, I get that, but you can't panic every time she takes a breath. Hifadhi will find her, he knows where we are, you'll just make it harder by getting lost yourself."

Idiot, didn't he realize they were all upset that she was missing? But Ufunuo at least had the sense to let Hifadhi handle, as he would have were Ubele missing (at least he'd like to think so). And he would sit on Peke all night if he had to.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:45 pm
Hifadhi was amazed that her managed to move just out of sight from the cubs before a fight broke out. "Pepo..." He said softly into the darkness, where his bird was hiding in the underbrush, "Start searching for the girl... I have to handle this before I leave. The last thing I need right now is for them to kill each other..." The bird nodded before he flew low into the night, not arguing for once. Hifadhi was thankful for that.

He abruptly turned around and walked back, in his full-out-Captain-of-the-Guard mode. He stepped between the cubs, growling, and deliberatly moved them away from them, "Both of you be SILENT, and respectful." He said, his voice angry and he glared at them, "Fighting solves nothing, ESPECIALLY not with each other, your fellow pride members. It is nonsense. Ufunuo, stay aside, and Peke..." He looked at the cub, "You listen to me, and listen well. When I tell you to do something, you will do it. I do not ask for much, and what I ask is only for your saftey. Now, I will find your sister, and you will remain here. You do not know this area, and I know it well. You have never been here before, and there are plenty of animals out there that will not cast a friendly eye on you if you stray. And they will cast an unfriendly eye on your sister unless I can find her... and if I'm out there worrying over you, then that will take more time."

He looked between the cubs, "If you two keep fighting like this, you'll only bring shame to yourselves, the pride you represent, and your parents. Do you both understand? Fighting should only occure when you have something you need to protect. Going against each other will only lead to more violence, and I will have none of that while you or here with me." He stepped towards the edge of the den, "I am leaving now... and I will find your sister, Peke, no matter what. And you will all stay here, and you will protect each other. You are the pride. You are the pride's future, and you will act as such. Now go to sleep. I'll be back."



Tactical Tycoon

PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:08 pm
Ubele rolled her eyes sleepily at her brother and Peke. She was exhausted from the walk. She wondered how either of them had the energy to talk, let alone argue like they were. She didn't understand why the two were constantly at each other's throats. Granted, she could understand Peke's point of view. He was worried about his sister. But still, Hifadhi had told them to stay here, and she was going to do exactly as he said.

She watched as the fighting got worse and was about to step in when the adult came back. She blinked in surprise, wondering why Hifadhi had come back, but then it was obvious that he had heard the fight and wanted to stop it. Ubele listened quietly, admiring how eloquent Hifadhi managed to sound.

When the adult had finished his speech and left, Ubele managed to pull herself to her paws and stalked over to where Ufunuo sat. Flopping down next to him, she tactfully placed herself between her brother and Peke, hopefully to ward off any other comments that might spur the argument back into life.

"Ufu, Peke, let's just try and get some sleep. I'm sure that when we wake up, Kuruka and Hifadhi will be back."
PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:50 am
"But he--"

He had started to say 'he started it', but no, that wasn't right. Peke was worried about his sister, Ufunuo could understand that, he would have felt the same were it Ubele out there instead of Kuruka. Not that that made Peke any less of an idiot, or a jerk.


Eyes looked down, ears back, his tail flicking at his paws. Hifadhi was right, they shouldn't act like that, -he- shouldn't act like that. He didn't look up, instead looking at the earth beneath his paws, the old lion's words rung in his ears, stirring guilt and shame. He didn't like arguing, didn't like fighting, it just always seemed to happen with Peke. No, that wasn't an excuse, he had to try harder.

Ears twitched as the old lion left them, eyes turned to his sister as the sound of paw steps faded. It was but a glance, he said nothing, he refused to ever snap at her again, though he wished she would stop butting in, he was perfectly capable of handling himself.

His answer was only a snort, followed by a sigh as he turned, settling to lay near the den's entrance. Deep breath, relax, he was tired; sleep, that sounded like a good idea. But he would keep an eye on Peke, in case he tried to leave again, maybe, if he could keep his eyes open.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:58 am
When Hifadhi stormed into the cave, obviously upset by their fighting, Peke's gaze casted straight to the ground. He didn't even care that Ufunuo was upon his back, he hadn't gotten much of a chance to react anyway. Everything just happened so very fast. Heaving a sight he pushed down on his paws moving to sit up and to toss Ufunuo off balance if he could. This act was made much easier when the other cub got off. "Yes Hifadhi." He replied never glancing up.

When the older male was gone he glanced over at the other cubs. Of course Ufunuo thought he knew what was best, that he was oh-so-smart but if he had been in his shoes...He heaved a sigh shaking his head. "Sleep Ubele...I'm going to wait." He stated moving closer to the mouth of the cave before lying down. He wasn't going anywhere but he wanted to be the first person to see Kuruka when they got back.
[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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