"If she didn't tell me, I won't ask it of her. But the next time, Unyevu. The next time you touch my sister, I will be there, and it will hurt if I have to tear your throat out myself." He growled, eyes narrowed as he glared at the seer. Unyevu was certainly not looking to keep on his and Mchawi's good sides. Or perhaps it was simply that he lacked the self control. Still, the handsome lion meant what he said, and he was sure the both of them knew it full well. If it came to that, he wouldn't hesitate to kill the seer.

Msiba snorted. "You be sure to do that," He said, watching silently as Unyevu turned to leave. One day, his patience would run out. And when it did, who knew how far he would go? But for the moment, while they still hadn't yet caught their cub, Unyevu was a necessity to their plans. Unfortunate, and much as Msiba disliked the thought, it was true.

At least, he knew, they had enough to hold over Unyevu's head to ensure that he would continue reporting any visions he had to Msiba and Mchawi. After all, how would either of them know if there was information that the seer was holding back? Although, he supposed, as Mchawi always said, some way or other, they would find out eventually.

For now, he had better things to do. He needed to find Kitisho. And he needed to find Kitisho quickly.
