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Virgil Lifeson

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:02 pm
"McZed, is that your name?"

"No. Actually," Virgil said, sliding over a little bit to reveal the entrance way to his new abode, "My name's Virgil, by the way, and welcome to my newly discovered patch of paradise." Something in the distance sounded vaguely like thunder. Not surprising, considering the stormy weather this city frequently got. Not distracted from his new visitor, he motioned her inside, "I have no zebras, but I do have good old fashioned hamburgers and french fries. I do hope they meet to your satisfaction."

Knowing she would be drawn in by the thought of food, he motioned to close the door fully behind her, including the metal grates and all.

[OOC]Short post is short[/OOC]  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:52 pm

Kaslin sighed a bit inside, she was just messing around, she knew his name wasn't McZed. Well, she didn't think it was very likely at least. Oh well. She smiled and made like she was going to follow Virgil in. And then she heard the thunder. Purely by reflex and old habit, she jumped a bit. She always was a bit iffy about storms. She liked them, but she didn't like them. More specifically, she liked the rain, but not the thunder. She didn't even mind the lightening. It was just the awesome power of the loud noise that somewhat intimidated her. She jumped across the threshold and watched as he closed the door. And then grated it. A sense of security washed over her. She knew she really oughten trust anyone but herself, but at this point, she didn't care. There was a storm comming in, and he had both shelter and food. Even if he was a murderer, she probably would have stayed.

"mmm," Kaslin sighed contentedly. "Burgers and chips sounds amazing right now. Really, you could have offered me trout and it would sound amazing." She grinned again, she was allergic to trout. Or at least, something in the trout. She didn't really know. All she knew was that she shouldn't eat trout. Anyway. After a moment of looking around, she realized that she hadn't fully introduced herself. "Oh, yes, well, my name is Kaslin. Pronounced kahz-lin. A lot of people get that wrong. A lot of people used to get that wrong," she corrected automatically, thinking of the dead again. Then her stomach growled. "Right, well I am one never to argue with my stomach, so where's the food?" she asked lightly, in a good mood.


Aekea Athlete


PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:50 pm
"Crap...." He said to himself, Suddenly realized the sound may have alerted other infected. He walked over to the kid. As he came closer, he realized the kid.....wasn't exactly a kid. the kid appeared to be around twelve, considering the kids height, but up close up, Lukas could tell the girl was older then him. "You don't look to good. And more beasts may be coming. Come on, I'll help you find shelter." He told the kid, and hefted he kid onto his shoulder's, using air currents to make the kid lighter.

Soon he came to a small mall, the only placed that didn't look torn down. He cracked his fingers in front of the grated doors, and grabbed the metal of the grates. The grate twisted and snapped, and fell apart at his feet. I'll fix that as soon as I get in. he thought, and pushed open the large doors, the great twisting back to normal shape behind him. "Hullo? Any non-infected home?" He shouted. He shrugged. Guess not. Ah well. Still great shelter.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:14 pm
((You might wanna slow down a bit there. Lukas was at the edge of the district, and by the time he got to the mall, ya can't assume Kaslin and Virgil would actually still be there, given they were on their way for food.))

I don't feel too good either...
Shelter sounded good, something to get out of this hot sun, and to sit down and rest. The teen squeaked and curled up when the boy hefted the sickened body over his shoulder, but not from the motion. Bare arms and legs shivered when a powerful gust literally kicked up out of nowhere. The boy's power and motives were a mystery, all the teen knew was that the wind made it very cold and hard to breath. It did help distract from the motion sickness. Though now it was making a head ache...

Why was there a faint dissonant melody tricking the mind? Wait, no, it was really there, echoing from around the dirty but sturdy structures along the street.
Hesitantly brown eyes opened to the sound of grating metal, and then widened at the sight of it thrown and dropped to the side like it was nothing. They watched, with morbid curiosity when the pair passed through the door, and the metal grating twisted back into it's original shape. Not perfect, but the basic weaving of how it was before.

"Hullo? Any non-infected home?"
The teen winced at the volume of the shout. There was a tiny groan as hands clutched the abused head. Still, the sight of cheap linoleum and metal grates and windows and benches and fake plants and signs stretched out before them was both familiar and awe-inpiring.
A Mall. They were in a mall. And a fairly intact one at that.
At least it had not been cleaned recently. The small of cleaning chemicals might have been too much for the queasy stomach.  



PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:00 pm
((Okay, I'm going to edit that. XD))

He put the recently saved 'friend' down, and knelt down. Semi-Fresh footprints.... Well, new enough to tell that there is two humans here. Hm. He stood back up. "Well.... There's humans here, I can just tell." He said to himself more then the 'friend' he saved. And if there is people... there is food. He stopped, suddenly realizing how much he might of sounded like an infected in that thought. Some people, if they could read his mind but yet not see him, could probably think he was calling the people food. And he didn't doubt that people couldn't read his mind. He had powers, why couldn't anybody else? He shut up in his mind. People with weapons running at him was the last thing he needed. Food. Came. First.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:21 pm
Leading Kaslin to the pitiful food court, she got to view his handiwork, and why he jokingly called it "McZeds." Taking the golden arches and all, and duct taping a piece of cardboard over the "Donald's" and adding the "Zed's" with a heavily cartoon-ified zombie with big clown shoes and a hamburger in his hand. Walking behind the counter, and fetching a paper hat, Virgil began to heat up one of the patties, while putting some fries on the boiler. "Be with ya in a moment, Kahz-lin.

"Hullo? Any non-infected home?"

"Bloody hell, there is! More of us? I thought this place was lonely and deserted!" Virgil called to the new guys. Small mall, and the voice carries a lot. Besides, Virgil was a cadet, and everyone in the military these days knows the diaphragm nets you a lot of vocal power. Putting another patty on the grille, he asked the guy who shouted, "Is it just you out there, b'y, or did you drag more people in?" His mind-probe decided to activate again, and he found only one other consciousness. Putting on another for the little one, he finished, "Nevermind. Come get some food."  

Virgil Lifeson


Aekea Athlete

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:54 pm

Kaslin took in the cardboard sign, and let loose a chuckle. The joke which had flown over her head earlier now made a great deal more sense, even if it was sort of morbid. She grinned and ran her fingers over an old, chipped linoleum table, delightfully solid, bolted to the ground. The booth chairs on either side were also bolted down, or extremely heavy, she assumed, since everything else movable had been removed, and probably piled against doors somewhere. She poked the fake plush and grinned at his over-enunciation of her name. She looked up at Virgil who looked at bit silly with the paper hat crooked on his head. Immediatly, she wanted one, but just as she was about to go looking for one for herself, she heard it. A voice. And not just any voice. A voice that wasn't comming from a living-dead-walking-mummy-thing. She half-heartedly clutched her wooden baseball bat, just in case, but she didn't think she had anything to worry about.

Kaslin was impressed by the way he managed to pitch his voice to be heard. And she thought she was the only one who could do that. Well, she had been at her old school, which had always gotten her in trouble for not using her 'indoor voice.' Which it was, if you think about it, because that's the voice she used indoors. All the while, Virgil and the person/s had been shouting to eachother. Kaslin didn't bother trying to listen, she just went back into the kitchen area where Virgil was and found her own paper hat. She set it at what she thought was a jaunty angle, and then, quite suddenly, an elated bubble of silent laughter floated up and out. She was safe. For the first time in months, she was in good company, about to be fed, and safe.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:16 pm
"Bloody hell, there is!"

JEEZUS- nearly jumped out of my skin!
Yes, indeed, the echoing shout was unexpected and down right startling. That was one loud voice. The smaller hands gripped the splintered wood extra hard for a split second. Hearts weren't supposed to skip beats like that...
At the moment, three things needed to get better: A brain freeze headache, a queasy stomach, and paranoid limbs. At least the cool floor was more stable than a pair of arms.
...Food did not sound so good. Honestly the taste of the monsters did not feel appetizing. Though truthfully, nothing did. But... there were people. Here. How many? There was quiet laughter too. What did that mean? The wooden plank suddenly felt like a lifeline.
What were people? What did they do? What were they like? Just the thought of going to see them was scary.
The teen cast torn eyes to the newest companion. With the terror and rush of the fight gone, it fully settled that this too was a human. Right now this boy felt like the closest thing to an actual civilization- to a world. What do I do? the eyes asked.  



PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:28 pm
"Come on...." He urged his 'friend.' That's what he was going to call her until she revealed her name. Friend. "There humans, and if your thinking the foods dead infected, it's not! I smell McDonalds..... Ech. I wonder if they have A&W....." He trailed off, and shouted back. "Coudja shut again so I can follow your voice!?"It was probably useless, cause he could send airwaves to send the smell towards him, but he didn't really want to use his powers indoors. He might break something. Well, more like shape, control, then break something, but hey, basically the same thing. He sighed, and accidentally made the ground under him shift slightly. He told himself they were to far away to see anything, and even if they were close up, they were probably behind a different wall.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:21 pm
((When may I start posting?))  


Eloquent Explorer

Virgil Lifeson

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:03 pm
[OOC]Otu, find an opening, and splash in![/OOC]

"Coudja shut again so I can follow your voice!?"

"Not that far buddy!" Virgil shouted one last time, "Dinner's Served!" Flipping the burgers off the grill, and onto a few buns, he saw Kaslin wearing another paper hat and decided to enlist her help too. Putting the batch of fries into a few of the cup-holder-things, and salted the hell out of them to suck up the grease, he asked her, "Do you mind getting our friends their dinner? I have to check on a few things." Getting a tray, he put the burgers and fries on it, and turned everything in the kitchen off.

Hurrying out, he checked the state of the doors. Getting new people in the mall meant that they broke in.

That's obviously not good.

Finding the metal bars in shambles, he assumed that the guy or child inside used their own power to break it. He peered out into the streets for an easier solution. With the sun going down, that meant there was a bit of dwindling time before the infected could come out in force. He saw a small japanese import car that was fairly low to the ground and small height-wise. Getting an idea, he went over and checked for gas. Finding a little bit, he broke in and hotwired the car. In seconds, the car was on. Driving it over to the entrance, it sputtered, and blew fumes everywhere, and died right in front of the doors. Perfect. Virgil thought to himself as he climbed up on top and began to rock the car back and forth until it tipped over to fully cover the doors with it's weight in another ten minutes.

[OOC]The above here gives you an idea of how creative you have to be to survive out here, eh? Quick thinking, a bit of luck, and a bit of know-how, and you got a plan.[/OOC]  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:50 pm

[hehehe, 'Splash in']

Kaslin nodded and grabbed for some fries, munching them as she manouvered the tray around and then rummaged around for some water. She tried the taps, but they didn't work very well, obviously the water treatment plants had been shut down. Then she looked for bottled water, and lucked out, finding an unopened case in a very dusty corner of the resturant. She tore out three, and then balanced the tray and took it to the table she had been at earlier. She had just set everything out and was wondering wether or not to eat without them, when she heard a car. Back when there was no plague, she might not have even noticed the noise, and certainly not over the music, but now, when the sound of cars were extremely rare, her ears picked it right up. She felt odd, and wondered what was going on. Then it stopped.

She shrugged uneasily, maybe it was more people. Infected didn't drive. They didn't really do anything. Except hunt. She heard some footsteps, and then a reverberating crash. She jumped, suddenly anxious. She grabbed her fry pod, no use letting them get cold, and her bat, and followed the noise. She was awed when she saw a car, laying on it's side, blocking the entrance. She pulled a few fries out with her teeth and chewed as she considered it. Then she spotted a flaw in the plan. "Um, Virg, How are we gonna get out of here?"


Aekea Athlete


PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:31 pm
((Wow, that's amazing, Lukas and the kid turned invisible! ... Sorry, had to put that in. Apparently both Virgil and Kaslin aren't very astute, to have missed the pair right by the entrance... and How come I don't get a better idea of what other characters look like? Come on peeps, I gave a pic, that ain't cool. And I'm not talking about Kaslin because... well, a single description would be pretty useless, wouldn't it? xD))

'The food's dead infected'? ...Well preferably food would already be dead, and getting an infection was not something anyone wanted anyway. What did that have to do with anything?
Confusion turned to surprise at the sound of hurrying footsteps. This older boy hurrying out from the end of the hall did not look so bad, though it was nerve wracking anyway. He was a little worried no doubt about something. Although that might have had something to do with the battered iron gate. Was that bad?
It was a gamble, but the teen had to make sure that standing and walking was an option...Well everything seemed okay. Ugh, still felt a little queasy but-

Good Lord!
Twice in the course of ten minutes, the teen nearly jumped a mile high. Well, given the living circumstances not an hour ago, it something one got used to. Still, that did not stop this boy, the new companion, from becoming a shield.
From behind the male's body, the teen peeked around at the sound of a second pair of footsteps. Oh... this... this was a girl. Yes, this was a female of the human species. She was beautiful too, with a nice athletic figure.

...And she carried food. And a bat, but mostly food.
How was this food? Did not know, did not care. Somehow in the wafting scent distant memories were triggered, and this substance was known to be edible. What was this smell, so unlike anything scented before? It even made the mouth water. A raw hunger awakened in the nauseous stomach. Carefully, the teen sidled up from behind the companion, and quietly walked up behind the girl, throwing caution to the wind for sake of curiosity.

"Um, Virg, How are we gonna get out of here?"

The teens hand already inched over the tray and subtly took a few of the long cut treats. Even when they made eye contact (assuming the girl noticed... hopefully) The hand only froze. Then it stuffed them into the mouth hurriedly. Jumping back out of reach of the hand, the wooden plank came up, being brandished in a defensive manner. The monsters always grew ferocious when defending their meal.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:02 pm

[Well, if we're getting techical here, xD
Actually, I was kinda assuming you guys would be walking towards the foodcourt, and not just standing by the doorway, because what Virgil's doing, and consequensly, Kaslin, actually takes place over a couple minutes. I think I mentioned Kas hearing footsteps somewhere. I know he said it's a small mall, but I figured there'd be at least two ways to the foodcourt maybe? Oh well, whatever(:

But for profiles, try the OOC thread.]


Aekea Athlete


PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:14 pm
FOOD! He shouted in his head. One of the burgers on the plate flew into the air, Lukas was controlling it with the air. The burger landed softly on his hand and he bit deep into it. Yum. Even if it was McDonalds food. Anything tasted good when you were starving. Suddenly he realized that using his abilities in front of complete strangers may have been a bad idea. But if they attack him thinking he was some sort of freak, heck, he could defend himself. Eh. No use hiding them now. "Virg.... Short for Virgil?" He muttered, assuming that was the guy with blue hairs name, seeing as the girl had said that herself. "You didn't have to do that. I was just about to fix it." To demonstrate, he signaled with his eyes, pointing them towards the ceiling, and the metal grate-protection...thing was up and ready in about.... ten seconds.  
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