"Kwepa..." Ingi breathed, still taken back by the sheer awesome-ness of even having a bird companion like Dumu has, and like the two other lions he had met before him. The fear of the avians that he had previously seemed to have almost completely melted away as he slowly grew used to their presence. Ears flicked curiously as he watched her hop around, crooked grin creeping across his features.

It was enjoyable to talk to one his own age, not to mention one he now envied, despite the fact that he could pick up traces of sadness in his tone, perhaps because of the dark and lifeless creature that they had left behind. More questions seemed unneeded, for the last thing Ingi wished to do was to bring even more sadness upon his new acquaintance by bringing the subject back up again.

With a deep breath, fresh oxygen filled the cub's small lungs as he repositioned himself to lay on his back with his paws dangling in the air, his head still pointed at Dumu. "Well I kinda like being the way I am. That way I get to have as much fun as I want!" Did grown-ups have fun? Either way, Ingi really had never put much thought into wanting to grow up. Then again, to grow big and strong like his Daddy didn't seem too much to complain about. "Nahh, it doesn't sound stupid. But I think--" He paused a minute to paw up at the air for no apparent reason other to amuse himself. "We might as well take the time we have and... Well I don't know."

Flopping back to his side, Ingi really began to feel exhaustion start to kick in after such a long day's journey. Eyelids began to feel a bit heavy and he let out another yawn before curling himself in a more comfortable position. "Why don't we say that we take a nap to pass the time, Dumu?" He would ask, tiredly gazing over at his newest found friend; At least he hoped they could be friends. Maybe if him and Ajili stayed around they could even be best friends! Brain beginning to hurt, too much thinking for one day. Without much of a warning, he had already drifted off into dreamland, grin still across his maw.

((Think that should wrap it up? Or if you want to post again to finish it off?))