Aqua Anjel
Priestess of the Sky
.Lady Rosewater.
They could of done better casting.. ;;>>

Yeah the people they pickedSUCK! Stephanie shouldve been alowd to pick the actors. The movie is going to be screwed up! I watched like a million scenes on youtube and stuff and its totally wrong! I'm so sad, people who have watched the movie and havent read the book will say they're in love with it when they dont even know the real story.

Hey if you absolutely hate me for saying this, PM and we'll debate it. The book is the real evidence why everything is so wrong. The director should've taken scene ideas from the book not himself.

How many time does this need to be said!
It's impossible, changes have to be made for it to work.

Why do you hate the cast!? They're all pretty perfect. Plus, Stephenie did have a small say in the casting. She picked Kellan. Plus, I know she loves Kristen as Bella and Robert as Edward.

And you don't know that the movies going to be all screwed up. So you've seen the three posted scenes on YouTube, I guess that means that you've seen the whole movie then. The scenes are like no more than two minutes long and I've learned that the ones they show are generally different than what's actually in the movie.

And who cares if people who haven't read the book see the movie? I don't see why everyone has a problem with it. It does not nor will ever effect you in a negative way. It's out of your control so don't stress about it!

Lastly, the director, Catherine, LOVES Twilight. She didn't just make up scenes. I've heard that the movie follows as close as it can with the book.

The stuff you posted is what you're accusing the director of doing, you just made up a bunch of crap. You haven't seen the movie, you don't know that it's bad. You are not a presence in the directors mind, you don't know that she made up a bunch of stuff and decided that it would be fun to screw around with us. PLUS she didn't even make the scenes! That's what a writer is for. Further proof you have no idea what you're talking about.


For a Bucket of joy you sure have a
to add to your point the movie hasn't come together as a finished product.
...a lot of the scenes we've seen have been re-shot. I just don't get how people don't understand the fact that we all have different interpretations of the Twilight. It just so happens that the director and producers of the movie can put their interpretations on screen. Stephenie approves, yet there are people who say it's going to suck. It only sucks because it's not how they pictured it. DUH it's not, but it's so similar to the books it's amazing. I couldn't ask for much more than that.

I guess to each their own, but to just flat out say it sucks because the cast isn't exactly what Steph wrote is stupid to me...

Haha, yeah, sometimes things really fire me up. Especially people who hate the movie that hasn't come out yet.